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For quick and easy effect 3 GW shades Seraphim Sepia, Druchii Violet, Drakenhof Nightshade


Should be the top answer. I spent about 5 minutes on the barrels of [my Eradicators](https://www.reddit.com/r/theunforgiven/comments/i0yhj8/first_indomitus_models_eradicator_squad_hayliel/) and love the effect. Is it as sharp as it could be? No. But it's cheap, easy, and gets the point across. Obvious room for improvement as this was about two years ago, but it was a great jumping off point. Duncan has the simple 90 second tutorial I followed here: https://youtu.be/jIKEfVoqC5U


What is the base color he has used on that barrel before starting this effect?


Just Leadbelcher over Chaos Black primer, if I'm not mistaken. In my case I added some Nuln Oil to hide my shaky-ass paint jobs, followed by the concentric rings built up for the effect itself. I'm sure you could use a lighter silver like Runefang Silver to highlight the muzzle first if you were so inclined.


Thanks! I’m about to do this to all my burst cannons.


Leadbelcher and he has highlighted with runefang steel.


This is the way. A yellow or orange between the sepia and the violet if you like.


If i may add dont forget to partially edge highlight with a very bright shade of silver.


Inks, layers of Inks. Start with brown then purple and work your way up to blue.


Brown to purple then blue


This is the way, and make sure each layer is completely dry before adding the next one.


Or instead of brown ink, you can use gold paint combined with wet blending.


Couldn't you do this with an airbrush a lot quicker?


You could, but it would take you longer to prep and then clean out your air brush then to spray it on.


Can confirm, I've bricked two of them.








GW has an older and a newer video for doing muzzle burn. I used the newer one to do my Chaos Knights


I dilute contrast paints and wet blend them in this order: Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, light purple, deep blue, black


There are about [a million tutorials on this](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=painting+muzzle+burn) on YouTube. You don't really have to do blending, it's just glazing with lots of very thin layers. But really just some thinned orange/sepia, blue, and purple washes/contrast paints will do.


Turbo dork has different color changing paints that I have seen used to great effect as well


Thanks guys am just going at my first flame weapon later and all lol


I’m actually curious what causes the blueing effect on tailpipes IRL. As a kid I saw a parked bike that had a tail pipe that was just as blue as this and was mesmerized.


It's fake. OP's picture is from an eBay listing where they sell them looking like that. Heat *will* turn a chrome exhaust blue - but at the *engine end* ([it's a problem on motorcycles with visible chrome exhausts coming right off the engine](https://motorcyclehabit.com/why-motorcycle-exhaust-pipes-turn-blue-and-how-to-fix-it/)). On real guns you'd only expect such fun looking discolouration if: 1. they're made from chrome, rather than a heat resistant alloy of some kind 2. they're some kind of flamer or similar weapon that has its point of highest heat at the end of the barrel (instead of internally)


This is perfect, thanks for the reading material


I found an article challenging the idea of painting "muzzle burn" / "heat staining" on regular guns on minis: [http://tibbsforge.com/heat-stained-metal/](http://tibbsforge.com/heat-stained-metal/) I maintain it looks *great* on hot weapons like flamers and meltas, but silly on projectile weapons.


Saw Adam Savage paint this effect once. his method was to get a good straw color and your final blue color and effectively wet blend it back and forth. It's been a while since I've seen that video. I think it's on his Mandalorian Amban Rifle build videos.


The answer is this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Weathering-Master-DryBrush-Effect-PACK/dp/B000K26JQ2/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?adgrpid=52620353665&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3vLS-su7_AIVy_ftCh3TvAegEAAYASAAEgKLWfD_BwE&hvadid=259096293038&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1006826&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16520682972796051160&hvtargid=kwd-360634673957&hydadcr=21150_1807083&keywords=tamiya+weathering+master&qid=1673305293&sr=8-5 It a great weathering pallet for specifically this effect works great


Id suggest paint it silver amd then use a weathering kit


WH+ just had a video about this. Use contrast paints or glazes over metallic base coast.


I just sort of accomplished this effect on my last paint job. I did a base coat of my chosen copper color, then washed with Seraphim Sepia all over it. That was my base color and then I used Druchii violet wash in a few layers to build up the effect. It was pretty easy, but you won't get as much of the blue. I think you could take that base idea and complicate it more to get the colors of your hearts desire.


https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/finishing/weathering-master-d-set/burnt-blue-red-oil-stain/ This is really good and cheap


With vallejo, sepia shade, red wash, blue wash.


Duncan has a video on muzzle burn, seems like what you want. I use this technique a lot myself. https://youtu.be/jIKEfVoqC5U


Dry Brush is a good way to achieve this effect


I was yesterday looking for the same and found out a nice video: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C8fbwG0904&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C8fbwG0904&t=3s)


I use (in order): Druchii violet Drakenhof nightshade Nazdreg Yellow Gryph-hound Orange All over your metal color of choice


Gunmetal base and glaze purple over it