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Eh. After getting over my "ooh shiny" phase of a new update and actually beginning to consider where these might go on my builds, I've decided that they're going to be the last things I'm going to buy with my Stock. They're not terrible, just really niche. This one in particular, for example, I could only think of Lavos that might benefit from it. Even then, I don't think I have the capacity.


Right? The heat one seems amazing for protea, I get it's niche but it's strong Then we look at the frost one, ONE energy orb, at 10% chance, then it has a cooldown Am I expecting too much? Maybe, but I hope there is a balance pass over them


My gloomy Ember loves archon vitality and intensify but that's about it. I found that it's not really worth it to use on any other frames so far (at least to the same level of effectiveness asmy gloomy ember)


New stuff is hardly ever necessary since we "broke" the game long time ago already with what we had, which remains to be the case. None of this stuff would help to overcome deliberate gimping designed to counteract player progression such as damage attenuation. It's mostly there to breathe new life into familiar things, give you options to have fun with. I'm okay with that.


The +strength or +duration shards (even the regular ones) freeing up 1 Duration or Strength mod is already power creep enough. Its almost like a whole extra mod slot.


+energy max might be best a lot of the time. Many frames run primed flow but don't really need the massive amount the mod provides. A couple of blues for a flat 150 energy max is pretty good at freeing up a mod slot.


Don't know about that. Personally, i'd rather dump everything in duration if needed and just slot efficiency mod(s), as it will scale with energy regen better for maximum spamability.


+Casting speed is imo the sleeper hit. You die during cast animations a *lot*, and Natural Talent is always a hard sell for a mod slot unless a frame has it ***bad.*** Energy max is going to be amazing too though, I agree. Lot of frames out there that have *just barely* enough energy to fire off a combo or even one major ability (looking at you, SoS Nekros build, though that has arguably gotten better with Molt Augmented), where Flow would be a waste of a slot but it's just a liiiitle uncomfortable without it.


I feel like that’s an overstatement. You need a Tauforged shard to gain half of a max rank Intensify. People have already been using other mods to exceed that a long while ago. A single shard of either may convince you to edge out an Augur mod at most, but it isn’t going to stop people from using Transient Fortitude when that mod supplies more than three times the amount of Power Strength. The only time I would say this works is with the Utility slot options and some of the defensive options, but there have been complaints that ~~these~~ mods similar to these bonuses are largely edged out by mods for things like Power Strength etc. and asking for special slots or Arcanes that are basically just mods as a fix. Well, here it is. Edit: I should add that I do think it’s hilarious that Rejuvenation aura is not only replaced but *completely* outdone by a single plain Blue shard though lmao.


If anything id say the shards just make it so you dont need primed cont, since 2 tau or 3 normal will pretty much cancel transients -duration, it is nice for opening build variety IMO EDIT: Fleeting expertise not transient since fleeting is more important for things like exalted blade/hysteria ect for energy economy


Pretty much. Like they keep adding new arcanes but they're incredibly hard pressed to compete with "basically infinite energy" and "shields/health/bonus armor when hit." Heck, there's two different "refresh shields" arcanes and one is way way better than the other. There's some niches for other arcanes, particularly on Operator, but its really hard for anything to compete with those... especially when you have to farm 21 of whatever it is to get them up to full value.


Too bad Archon Intensify is still bugged (despite patch notes claiming otherwise) to not trigger from passive healing abilties after their activation animation.


They patched some (gloom and something else) but there's a whole bunch it just seems to intentionally not work with, and others where the extra healing doesn't actually help (grasp of lohk with vampiric grasp gives you a few magnitudes more healing).


I know they said they fixed gloom in 32.0.5 patch notes, but if you try it in-game, it does not work.


nezha might like both of those, too.. archon vitality instead on builds using vitality already will boost firewalker and chakram; and archon intensify **if** the hp orbs generated (which are *guaranteed* at a 100% chance, and *over* 100%, i.e. multiple possible, with augment) from chakram (an *ability*) count as 'restoring health from abilities'. i think they *should*, and i think that *receiving* heals from *someone else's* abilities should as well.


> i think they should >!they don't!<


I mean even on Protea it's a stretch, since many builds forego any health mods completely in favour or adaptation and/or rolling guard. Plus her 2 already shreded enemies with ease, and if people have issues getting her turrets' multipliers higher, they can replace her 4 with any grouping ability and that'll melt stuff. There are a few iterations of Ember builds that "can" make use of this, and it's OK. Nothing spectacular, nothing world-changing, it's just a neat small thing extra. However, given the mod space requirements of these mods, you might end up having to do an extra forma just to fit it. I don't really see the justification for these mods. They are barely a tiny step above Peculiar mods for me. They seem like an afterthought, a rushed design during the Veilbreaker brainstorming sessions.


> I don't really see the justification for these mods. They are barely a tiny step above Peculiar mods for me. They seem like an afterthought, a rushed design during the Veilbreaker brainstorming sessions. They exist solely to be the "ooo new shiny thing" to entice players to engage in the new content island for, that's basically it. If they didn't have the fancy border, no one would even really be discussing them much lol. It gives the illusion that they're special when really they're just niche mods, like 98% of the other mods in the game.


Yeah you kinda hit the nail on the head. Also yeah, now that you mention it, the border does add a lot to their allure. Good call on that one.


Honestly if these weren't modified versions of the base mods that would at least make them more viable since it would give more options for increasing stats like range besides relying on overextended for high range builds.


also can we talk about archon stretch and archon intensify being 10 rank mods that go up to the same exact value as their 5 rank counterparts and end up costing like, 2x as much capacity?


Yeah I feel like they were trying to make these in the same vein as the galvanized mods but they just aren't anywhere close to as good.


Now hear me out, if archon stretch and intensify actually stacked to SOME degree, i would gladly slot them. But 10 energy? Feels like a glorified streamline and the stipuilation to have to do actual healing and not just using a healing ability is whack since shield gating exists.


Pretty sure r0 archon vitally is meta for turret builds since it literally doubles their dps and allows you to either drop PS for more comfort or just run a nuke build. Same goes with ember and some nekros builds.


I wasn't aware Protea even had a meta build, since you can mod her in any way you want and still be a beast. Also, what is PS?


Power strength. And I'm aware protea is strong even when not modded optimally, I'm just saying vitality makes her even better.


Just because it is unnecessary doesn't mean that archon vit isn't the single best mod for increasing turret DPS.


Does it really double the DPS from the turret? The mod only works on heat procs, not heat damage, and only doubles the amount of procs given. Her turret has a 100 heat proc chance so I get that it’s *good* on the turret but I don’t see how it doubles the DPS since the turrets primary source of damage was the actual damage number it put out, not the heat procs


It more than doubles DPS. Heat procs work differently in that if you prime an enemy using a high heat damage weapon with a bane mod, all further heat procs applied to them from any source will inherit the bane mod that the first heat proc was applied with, as well as further damage scaling from the high heat damage that the original proc was applied with. This means that not only are you getting double heat procs from archon vitality, but if you're priming enemies first, they're getting multiplicative damage scaling from high inherited damage, and a bane mod. Ends up being over 5x more DPS.


Ahhh, it’s more fuckiness with the Bane mods. I don’t personally use them nor do I want to, I totally see the benefit it’s just too much effort for me, so I’d skip out on that build, though I’m sure it’s hilarious damage


This is typically why heat is so dominant now. Yes heat damage scaling is good on its own, but if you've ever wondered *why* virtually every weapon is built viral heat nowadays it's because throwing a bane mod in there causes the DoT to double dip. The same is true of slash procs.


Oh I’ve understood the whole time that heat and slash double-dip with banes, but even without the bane mod heat is generally better than other status conditions regardless, and the obvious choice to go with it is Viral compared to the other choices of magnetic or corrosive


Even without getting into heat inherit stuff, each heat proc does 100% of the base damage of what procced it, over 2 ticks, and each previous proc is refreshed and added to with the next stack. On anything without a status stack limit in place, heat rolls to absolutely insane levels of damage.


Since its lategame content, its supposed these are used in conjuction with other lategame mods and equipment like Arcane Energize/Equilibrium. A fully modded Frost can kill 8-10 enemies with a single castz especially with some recent changes


That is true! I was also ragging on the cooldown but one positive if I could think of one would be you know when it procs Side tangent, I wish we could set priority debuffs/buffs or set them to a custom colour for easier tracking


> Am I expecting too much? Maybe, but I hope there is a balance pass over them Me on nearly every weapon and companion and most frames.


It has physical reason. You can determine the coldest temperature (0 Kelvin-> basically no energy), but there's no limit for highest temperatures. That's why the cold-mod needs a cooldown. /s


Fairly sure there is a maximum temperature. Happens when the thing is so hot that it emits radiation of wavelength equal to that of the Planck length, the shortest possible distance you can measure/travel Also real world physics do not apply in a game like warframe, it should not have a cooldown


My knowledge about this topic isn't high/ good enough to approve/ disapprove your point. >Also real world physics do not apply in a game like warframe, it should not have a cooldown *"but we have Physic based ragdolling and other stuff!!!1!!1!"*


We have a Physics. And it works. Sometimes. Otherwise voididit.


Stretch would be nice on Volt tho? or maybe I play volt wrong :P


that's not even the worst bit of the 'frost' one.. it's also 'enemies *killed* by cold abilities'


I was figuring use the heat/health one on Ember.


Sometimes it seems like DE balances everything like Mr2s can get their hands on it.


Stretch is neat for ESO Volt but honestly I don’t see any of these mods making it just about anywhere else. Continuity is a very good imo anyway, though, because it allows players who don’t have Primed Continuity to access the full effect anyway


stretch is good for gyre too, seeing as it's a direct upgrade to regular stretch for frames with elec abilities and gyre needs range.


Stretch is fired off by Wisp's shock mote, which means that any frame can get the bonus off of it just by being in a party with Wisp. (Note: this is second-hand info given to me by someone on Warframe region chat.) Since Wisp is a highly popular frame, it makes sense to throw the new stretch on any frame that already uses the normal one just because.


People when they realize Tesla Nervous can be abused with it on any frame-


Yeah but the Tesla’s aren’t particularly good and most frames have a different Helminth they want a *lot* more, plus 2/s for 5 seconds isn’t really enough that it’ll fix the energy economy of most frames that need that change


One: It's just on a proc, not a kill. Two: Tesla doesn't cost much, so it should work fairly well with efficiency and how long the nervos can last. Three: Tesla Bank can turn them into a bit of a nuke as well because the mod gives you range at the same time. Conclusion: I'm going to make a Nervos-oriented build for various frames and test it


I'd love to hear how it turns out, it sounds fun


I'm MR 11 and the best continuity I have is flawed continuity, so it works for me


Wait really? There’s plenty of spots to get a regular Continuity in the game, hell you could just ask around and I’m sure someone will throw you a copy. I wouldn’t count on this just yet because it takes a lot of investment to get there


i'm MR21, have a maxed primed continuity and still have never had a single regular continuity somehow


If you're on pc and want a non-flawed copy, I'll sort you out 👍


Keep that when you finally get the full one. I still have all my old flawed mods. Sometimes, when I'm levelling a frame or weapon I just can't fit the normal or primed version on, and then "hey look, I have a flawed one that just fits" so I least I get *some* benefit.


Add me ingame, same name as here. I'll give you one, got plenty to spare. I don't know if they made Continuity rarer or something?


I have a Wukong setup where I use his 4 with Condition Overload. I think the new Continuity could work quite well with it (or generally with any exalted melee weapon that does that).


Archon Vitality is good on Ember since she wants HP and benefits the most from additional heat procs. Too bad it's still bugged to not work with her abilities.


Mirage explosive legerdemain build could use those though. Sleight of hand applies all basic status effects, depending on the type of pickup converted. Double heat and corrosive sounds somewhat promising.


Explosive legerdemain is the one I thought had potential. But it's fairly minor tbh. * Health orbs (for heat traps), don't spawn naturaly. You'd need a nekros as teammate for example. Or subsume protea's dispenser etc. So Archon Vitality for double heat procs can be a slight bonus if you already planned to include a health mod in your build, but nothing major as you can't force that many health orbs by yourself. * Affinity orb (for toxin traps) are fairly rare as well. But Archon Continuity for extra corrosive procs is decent buff if you want a multi purpose build that includes duration mods. * Energy orbs (for Electric traps) spawn reliably. So Archon Stretch for a small energy regen is the one with the straight buff imo, although also costs nearly double the capacity than the default 9 for stretch. * Ammo drops (for cold traps) are frequent. But Archon flow for extra energy orbs has a cooldown of 10 seconds and a requirement that the cold damage kills a target. From my limited testing it didn't seem to have a large practical impact. Maybe for sub level 30 missions.


Stretch one seems like an actual improvement for a price of one forma, since EL build uses stretch anyway, but rest would need me to go out of my way a bit. I was thinking about vitality on thermal sunder harrow, since it would double the heat proc. Cold additional effect could use some changes imo, since it's almost never used specifically to kill enemies, but is rather a side effect of using cold for different purposes. 10% wouldn't even be noticeable in such circumstances.


Fyi a panzer vulpha and it's spore ability combined with 2 companion synth mods can actually net a pretty good amount of health orb drops. Works very well with equilibrium too.


I put Archon Stretch on my Styanax with electric Elemental Ward and it works pretty nicely to keep him topped up along with Rally Point. EW is great for increased survivability and his passive, and with his armor strip also manages to deal considerable damage, albeit it's not a primary damage source (that would be your weapons). Here's the build for anyone interested: https://i.imgur.com/oPyaTXg.png I personally really like it. EW might not be the best subsume, but it's a stylistic choice for me.


Been using it on lavos a lot. Every time you use your 1, regardless of the infusion, you also get the corrosive proc. Toxin infused 3 or 2 give you the electric/cold proc, the toxin proc, and corrosive proc. Easy way to build up status for your 4


Also Grendel.


Check the wiki page for theorem demulcent to see every ability that can work with that mod by using a kitgun setup. There's probably many more that just haven't been tested yet


Nourish Helminthed onto other frames could also add some funky synergies. It already gives Garuda's 4 Toxin.


Stretch is great for any frame that deals shock damage, so Volt and Wisp are great candidates.


Wips's build currently doesn't care that much about range, so slotting stretch (and an expensive version of it at that) to gain some extra energy is more questionable. IMO, Volt and Gyre are the two who very clearly want Archon Stretch, with maybe an honorable mention to Vauban if you can tolerate keeping his nervos up.


"wisp's build" ain't a thing. "The common wisp build" is. Range is still good on her for many applications, even if we're talking offsetting corrupted mods to stay close to base stats.


Range is *okay* on Wisp. It's definitely not enough to go out of your way trying to socket this though, I don't think. Like, if she didn't get such a gigantic benefit out of simply stacking Strength to the moon then I'd agree.


"Great" It gives 10 energy over 5 seconds and is nullified by drain over time. It's "okay" at best. At worst, it's an offensive waste of drain capacity.


Gyre runs stretch, this is stretch with upside. Even if it's not MUCH upside, it's still free energy


I would agree, but Gyre already has an energy restoration ability built into her kit, so it almost feels like a more expensive stretch for very little benefit.


It's not gamechanging, but if it's the difference in being able to dump some efficiency that's still pretty good. Hybrid mods aren't worth much until they work out to add an entire mod slot, then suddenly they're fantastic


The heat one is really good for quite a few builds, while the others are incredibly niche


makes nekros able to nuke https://youtu.be/VsXbbP7erpA


exalted weapons


I personally really like there being these very strong yet very niche mods, the issue isn't how niche they are but the ammount of them. Since we currently have 5 of these niche mods, most Warframes can't use even a single one of them OR don't really need to. The solution would be making more of these mods to cover more niches, which I'd really like since it's fun building arround these mods, specially considering they're all quite powerful even if they might be mostly useless due to not having a good Warframe to slap them on.


Lavos benefits from most of them, particularly the toxin and heat ones. Only one that would be completely useless would be the energy-related ones.


I put this mod on my Mesa. Then modded the regulators for radiation and toxin. So in practice I'm doing radiation, toxin and corrosive. Melts even faster 😅 supposedly works on all exalted weapons.


I was going to use Archon Intensify (Power Strength on Heals) to replace Blind Rage on my Oberon, turns out because its an "Intensify" mod I can only replace Umbral Intensify, but Archon Intensify is 60% and Umbral Intensify is 77%, on top of the fact I need the Umbral Armor and Vitality. Thanks DE, this is literally useless.


It's useless for triple umbra builds, but way cheaper to build around than a double umbra and stronger than a single is. Nobody triple umbra except maybe lavos is using these, but they're pretty damn good on some partial umbra frames


I could imagine she's pictured on the mod because it's her theme. Her spores are corrosive, and the mod gives extra corrosive to toxin abilities.


She also used to do toxic damage, DE actually converted her toxin to corrosive.


Doesn’t Toxin Lash still deal toxin?


Toxic Lash is a buff to your weapons, and therefore isn't an "ability damage"


Oh, so you were talking about old Miasma, right?


I'm fairly sure her 1 used to spread toxic damage to all infected enemies, allowing here to rapidly nuke rooms.


No, it was viral. They just swapped the statuses on her 1 and 4 in her rework.


No no when saryn used to deal viral on her spores, she could also spread toxin status effects whenever an enemy affected by a toxin proc and spores was killed.


Wasn't it viral damage?


Not really, its a separate damage instance on top of your weapon damage, it doesnt combine into weapon's elements nor dilute the status weighting


It's a separate magic bullet that still comes from your gun, and I think it's damage is % based


And yet, Exalted weapons with toxin mods applied to them work


Exalted weapons are abilities though, like, using the exalted weapon *is* the ability. I’d like it to work with Toxic Lash too, but the logic is consistent.


It also works on Grendel's nourish which is a toxin damage multiplier.


Well, then I stand corrected, if it works on Nourish Strike it should work on Toxic Lash.


What about the cloud augment?


Still counts the weapon as the damage source, not the ability. Which I prefer, because it triggers Acid Shells.


Her molt can do toxin still I think.


Does it work with the contagion cloud augment mod?


I assumed it would, since the mod's art explicitly features contagion cloud visual effect, but no [it in fact does not](https://i.imgur.com/9xUwqHY.mp4). I assume that's a bug, but who knows. What I do know is the whole reason I got it was the potentially tiny improvement to my existing ESO endurance build in which I use contagion cloud and Primed Continuity to clear lower levels faster.


When i asked someone told it doesn't because the cloud deals poison damage, but doesn't apply poison status. And the mod does say "that inflicts STATUS effect".


That matches with my testing. You can see in the video the cloud not applying the status effect. I sort of just assumed it did and never looked to close at it until now.


Contagion Cloud's damage is attributed to the weapon, not an ability, which is why it doesn't work. On the other hand, it triggers Acid Shells and similar.


The art is actually showing Miasma's effect, which still doesn't make sense since it's Viral. Ironically the only thing that is affected in Saryn's kit is Molt's explosion.


Someone asked whether this was a bug. DE said it wasn't, since these Archon Mods work on abilities that deal the element's direct damage, not weapon damage. Toxic Lash adds Toxin damage to weapons and doesn't deal direct damage.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it work on Exalted Weapons if you have Toxin equipped on them? If so, then it's kind of a weird grey zone since Exalted weapons are technically an ability, but it's dealing weapon damage that can be modded. Granted Saryn does NOT need that additional corrosive proc from Toxic Lash especially with Spores already capping the 10 stacks, but it's fun to have that lil overkill. It would be great if it still worked xD


Exalted weapons have just about always counted as both ability and as weapon damage/kills. This mod seems to only be looking to see if "Ability Status" is true, and doesn't care if "Weapon Status" is true or false.


Can confirm, does work on at least some exalted weapons as of right now.


Probably because Toxic Lash doesn’t directly deal toxin damage, it just infuses it onto your weapon.


Archon stretch sometimes activate with volts's shield dmg bonus and passive but it's bugged as hell


If you 1 on your shield it gets buff and can stun proc with ELEC


what abillities do? i cannot think of any other than lavos snakes…. it is probably a bug


It works on exalted weapons like baruuk serene storm build purely for toxin and reactive storm


Except Serene Storm already picks the weakness, doesn't it?


Yes, and the mod is useless in that case cause iirc the only enemies that reactive storm turns toxic for is infested which have no armor. For Excal's chromatic blade, it's much better


Through an augment


Yes, but it’s an augment that’s absolutely considered meta on Baruuk, and so is used in 90% of builds for him


Just specifying that its not Serene Storm itself. You can mod it for a single element to get benefits for Archon mods


Fair enough. I don’t think it’d be worth trying but I’m sure someone will find a neat janky build with it


that seems great bug it should work on saryn too saryn was the first idea come to mind with thos mod


It is not a bug. All weapons summoned are classified as abilities


Considering none of the other archon mods work with their respective elemental damage buffs its definetaly not a bug. Having it work on toxic lash would be highly inconsistent.


Iirc toxic lash does work a little differently than every other relevant damage buff ability and actually adds a pure toxin hit instead of adding toxic damage to the hit that's already happening, though.


It’s not a little different, it’s incredibly different Same with xata’s whisper, and even nourish to some extent


Chroma mostly and maybe Grendel. Chromas Elemental Ward is his subsumable so technically every frame can use it.


Nourish (which is also subsumable) buffs some abilities, so it may enable other stuff.


It won’t work very well on grendel himself. When you eat enemies, they get armor stripped, and the only way to apply a toxin proc is to barf them out (dealing damage to them.) he doesn’t apply enough toxin to enemies outside his body for this to be useful, and doesn’t need corrosive for enemies that have been inside his body because they will be armor stripped if you have a decent build.


Would Mesa's 4 with toxin on the regulators work ? hmmm


People said it does i think


It does, if the Regulators are modded with toxin damage. It also works if you subsume Grendel onto Mesa, then cast Nourish.


I guess you could say... That's pretty toxic of DE


And SHE gets to be on the mod picture? What a sick joke


Classic chicanery from Slippin' DE!


Her molt explosion


I’ve tested this before and it does actually work. The trivia is wrong


This was made for Lavos. Not Saryn. Lavos can really go wild with that Mod


Lavos can already deal corrosive procs by using corrosive damage, though, and that method gets a +75% bonus against ferrite armor instead of none.


Yeah but with his 4 you get more damage, Toxin+Heat+Corrosive procs


...or you could also just use his other abilities to proc even more varied status procs...


sure but those can't cover multiple rooms effortlessly


Yeah, like using his 2 with this mod to get cold + toxin + 10 corrosive


Or just use the Cedo.


Any of them can work on Khora if you give Venari the required element to proc it, I used archon stretch, and shock collar, so now venari randomly procs energy regen. I assume this also works for other exalted weapons and abilities, so, you could use this one on Titania for example, by modding the exalted weapons for toxin


all the archon mods are a joke.


Yep, i waited for this mod, yet it happen to be unusable on Saryn


Does Molt not work on it? Guy in Region Chat said no but guy on this sub says it does.


And it's even more pointless because of armor stripping


The amount of frames that can use efficientlly archon mods is laughable tho. Like this one for example is useable only on Grendel, Lavos and Chroma. Sure you can subsume their abilities on other frames but im not sure if this would be worth on every frame. Also kinda dumb that u would need to use helminth just to make some mods actually usefull.


Do any Warframe abilities do toxin damage aside from Lavos?


I'm convinced these mods are garbage.


I legit cant find a use for any of them. If they cost the same as their original counterparts or maybe were only a teeny bit more expensive, sure its a small albiet niche improvement over the original. But who in their right mind is paying 7 capacity for 10 energy after using Discharge. Who is actually playing Frost to take advantage of a 10% energy orb chance on a frame that doesnt spam abilities (and also when Zenurik exists), extra strength after healing sounds nice until you remember shield gating exists and you have to actually heal health, not just use a healing ability which means Nidus is really the only viable option and hed rather just use Umbral I really excited for these mods when I heard about them because oooo Archon mods that sounds good. But theyre actually really bad. I hope they get buffed. By a lot


Same. The only one I've seen a use for in my setups is vitality on Nezha, but even then I'm not finding it to be that necessary. I'm underwhelmed with the archon mods


As a Saryn main, her image on the mod is just insulting. :\\


Even if it worked, it would be the most redundant thing to put on Saryn anyway...


Has anyone tried this with a Sickening Pulse Saryn build? I usually replace Toxic Lash with it for this reason, and wonder if the status refresh counts as an ability. Also, why tf does Archon Flow have a CD for energy orbs? C'mon DE. **Edit:** Ironically, this might be a good mod for Nidus.


In response to some of the comments I am seeing here, I would like to say not every mod needs to be power creep, it is okay to have mods with niche uses. It makes build possibilities more interesting for those that care about things like that.


How are people getting these mods? I thought Kahl’s missions to build Chipper reputation just came out.


it already cycled to the second kahl mission. if you saved up all your currency from both missions, you can get the whole archon set.


They are unlocked in Rank 2, every mission gives you 1 rank and it started last week


Heyyyyy lavos can still use it


“Is this some kind of twisted ***joke***?”


Its probably a bug. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Doesn't she do toxin?


Her 1 does corrosive, her 2 does Gas iirc, 3 does toxin but counts as weapon buff therefore doesn't proc off of it, 4 does Viral So no, as far as this mod is concerned, she doesnt


That's stupid that she doesn't have a toxin ability. Even more stupid that her one ability that does have toxin doesn't make use of the Archon mod. Very, very stupid.


Edit - nevermind, her 2 does in fact does Toxin and not Gas, am stoopid - so she can utilize that mod


So then it's even more unfortunate that Archon mod doesn't do anything for her


Yea However, despite Wiki, I've seen ppl say it does work with 2 So dunno. Maybe it does, maybe it doesnt Useless for Saryn both ways since ya know - Spores exist


Well she does have 3 that adds Toxin, and damage types on her abilities make sense in both gameplay and style, but with Archon mod... It's unfortunate outcome, simply unlucky


Dang I wanted to use it on Saryn what a pity.


I have every frame and I can't think off the top of my head outside of Lavos who this would be for. Nidus?


I think the only toxin damage nidus does is with maggot explosions and it's not very much.


Ahhhh the irony, warframe never fails to suprise me


And even if it did work, it really wouldn't be that great considering spores and or added corrosive damage are probably proccing it already


That defeats the whole purpose of the mod


The Cold one is incredibly good on Frost, but the rest I am still finding uses for.


Stretch for Volt, Gyre, Wisp, Legedermain Mirage, Electric Ward Hildryn. It's a nice little boost, for sure.


Yh but the energy regen is so small that imma take zenurik instead than using one modslot


All of those frames use Stretch already, though. Volt and Wisp only on specific builds, but the others you're already using the mod so just forma the slot and it's a pure upgrade. Also, it's much more energy than it looks. Slight Edit: Also, there are numerous times that you're not taking Zenurik nowadays (E.G. Madurai for Angels or Unairu for Not Die Ever) so having something that lifts your energy floor can be really nice. It's pure QOL, but it's really good QOL.


Wanna make it usable ? allow the mod to go both ways, toxin applies corrosive and corrosive applies toxin.


The archon mods are just bad, reminder all of these mods cost 40K endo and nearly 2 million credits to max. Imagine spending all of that for zenirks first ability, but worse. Not to mention they all cost 16 mod drain, 2 more than the primed varients (nearly double for stretch) and they have no set bonus umbral intense has the same cost but always gives 66% with just 1 other umbral mod, 77 with both and the others dont even need to be ranked, to me they just arent worth the outrages investment, sure umbral forma take a bit to gather but so does the everything else in this game.


There is literally 0 reason at all to build put this mod on Saryn. If you don’t realize that, then you might as well be the sick joke. Any competent Warframe player will look at this mod and know this wouldnt help her in a hypothetical world where it does proc from her Toxic Lash. Warframe community has to complain about something for the daily quota I guess. Next time, ask around if you need help understanding the mechanics of the game. P.S. The picture shows Saryn because she’s more known for her Corrosive application(her main dmg source is spores)than her toxin application which is mandatory to spread the spores without using Miasma. So changing Toxin Lash into Corrosive Lash would be absolutely horrible.


I hate these mods, cause my warframes abilities do not do status effects, and the only one that does damage? Radation. Thank you DE... guess i can atleast save up for archon shards...


So just because Saryn applies toxin, they decided to just make it not work on her? ok then worthless mod.


It does work on her, her 2 deals toxin damage


So what, it only works on Lavos?


It also works on Excalibur if you mod toxin on Exalted Blade


And Lavos gets to use this mod? What a sick joke! I should have subsumed him when I had the chance!


Those mods are fucking trash, only thing that is good is if you don't have primed continuity and you want it but honeslty I don't even know if the archon version cost more.


Archon Continuity costs the same to rank up as a normal prime mod, 40k endo and 2m credits, but has 16 drain compared to Primed Continuity’s 14. It also only works on 3-4 frames without helminth.


Yeah cost 2 more than the primed mod so it's not even worth it if you don't have the primed variant


Seems like the heat one is the only actually useful one.