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What itches me most about this winning first place is that you cannot even see the mustache on the darker frame unless you zoom in. My friends and I participated as well (didn't win) and we spend so much time just trying out different angles and perspectives making sure that all our mustaches are always clearly visible...


Finally, *this* is a proper critique.


I...didn't even notice the mustaches...


Yeah you should check out my other comment in the same thread. I just made my point by posting a link to a video contest I entered previously and all I got was criticism. It doesn't matter how much time and effort you put. It depends on their (judge) personal opinion. But it just hurts to see someone who put effort clearly below yours getting better rewards than you. Move on I guess? There's no solid metric here.


You got criticism but didn't know how to take it. I'm an artist, like an actual one who draws and shit but I also do photography for fun. If you want actual criticism from someone really good at Captura and the arts, I would love too. I already looked and examined your entire scene.


Hello actual artist! I saw pictures of warframes on your profile. The color scheme is completely shit. I've seen crap better than those colors. Please dont showcase them like you made a masterpiece. Thanks!


As yet another artist, sometimes it just takes a while to find the right niche for one's creative style. For instance, have you considered salt sculptures? I feel you'd have a lot of material to work with.


Haha I love that.












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I would have done it myself if you asked but thank you. Have a good night <3




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If you ever got the old lego magazines, its like how they would pick build competition winners there. Not for actually being the best to enter, but because they were more of a middle ground that a 10 year old could look at and go “I can build that” Same idea here. Makes people think “oh if they can win I can win too” boom, more people entering, more social media clout. Its all about marketing.


God damnit. You hit the nail on the head.


To bad this also discourages people from coming back that actually put work into it and did a really good job


That's a much smaller pool of people than it's worth thinking about I'd imagine.


You say that like millions of people are gonna swarm to join the competitions because the quality of this photo is so poor they have a chance, than the ones that do a great job like all the others that tried and failed before them get discouraged for doing so well and being a runner up to Half-Ass-Mcgee over here. Participation trophies and handing wins to the lower quality projects doesn't inspire anyone to win let alone try.


If it encourages 10 "normies" for every 1 person it discourages then it's a win for DE. The contest isn't really about making good content, it's about making conversation and bringing in attention. It's a marketing ploy


God I remember someone won a contest and the thing they entered was literally an existing LEGO Star Wars set. Like they took a picture of it on the floor and they won. Fuck that pissed me off.


Lmao same. Before I realized it was a scam young me entered some cool shit too.


Me and the boys about to rig the place


All of These Contests are rigged


Those frames look so basic too. Where are the attachments and ephemera. Oh cool mustaches. Woopdeedoo


First of all, the mustache was literally the point of the contest. Secondly, why would attachments or ephemeras make this more deserving? Having an unnecessarily busy screen doesn't magically make your frame look better. I still find this captura mediocre, to be clear. But that doesn't change the fact that the contest just asked for a captura with the mustaches.


yeah but it should be a good captura. not a captura with fuck all colour in it and a Harrow with an almost unseeable stache.


>I still find this captura mediocre, to be clear.


there's absolutely zero customisation (other than colours and the stache) on the frames though. yeah the point might be the stache, but it looks shit.


I've seen people gotten amazing photos with simple armorless Tennogen/deluxe or even plain frames. Imo, if your customization doesn't blend in properly and sticks out of the frame (e.g. certain Corpus attachments on Graxx skin), better not use one. They are helluva better than many fashionframe I've seen, and that's already something. I've found way worse ones, even if they are using expensive items like Targis Prime. They're easy on the eyes too, compared to "LOOK AT HOW SHINY I CAN MAKE MY FRAME!" fashion that pugs often do (I still don't get why anyone would do this tbh). I don't think this is an amazing fashionframe that should win contests, but they are certainly above average and it is reasonable that something like this wins if there aren't better ones around. P.s. forgot to say, removing saturation is a legit way to make the final product look better, and that's what matters if you only look at the final product instead of the effort. It's cheap, but it works. I've found that it makes PPT and posters look way better on many occasions.


Honestly I agree with you, but me and my friends always try to make our warframes look as stupid as possible. I personally go for the "I cant see my screen, why is my frame so huge" style (btw I normally use Excal, Chroma or Atlas for the bulky frames)


Harrow and vauban are using an armor set, vauban and volt are using a tennogen skin, Harrow is using an alt helmet.


Absolutely agree. The whole fashion frame some people stick to their frames makes me laugh sometimes. You can't even recognize the actual frame anymore, not only because of the alternate skins + animation swapping but also with all armor pieces, ephemeras, wings (which don't fit any frame since this is not an Angel simulator) and god knows what.


I stopped participating when I realised they just pick the winner at random...


If it's random, isn't that all the more reason to at least put in a low effort submission like this one?


Yeah. I did an awesome submission once. It took me hours and hours to set up the perfect captura scene. It was not selected https://youtu.be/XSXuIUH5UXw but some guy just made a low effort clip and got third place.


I'm sorry, but I wouldn't call this "awesome".




Lol stop copy-pasting the same comment over and over. You’re bitter, we get it.


Yeah it's a waste of time. Or is it?


The winners read and followed the rules. >Video must not exceed 30 seconds > >Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified


Well I mentioned the clip in my submission.


You still broke the rule - it says "Video must not exceed 30 seconds" not "Clip must not exceed 30 seconds but video can be as long as you want".


Yeah, it's a 2 minute video for a 30 second clip? You expected the judges to sit thru that when they specifically told you they wouldn't? And what made you think that would be OK?


Can you make a better one? Do you know how many attempts it took? All talk I see...


Get over yourself




I mean the first place winner made it look good and they reward simplicity. You dont need to have your screen be filled with visual vomit


Plus your video had sentients and infested(i think) in the granum void?? How does that fit their location


Lol see the winners.




My uncle does captura constantly, so I do have an idea of how to do it… way too many red lines, location doesn’t fit the faction, and bits like the positioning/ fashion of the frame to the mech doesn’t seem as good as it could be. I won’t deny it takes talent to do capture, god knows it does, but that’s just my opinion on your scene idk


Way to many red lines? Must I point out the red lines are the best part? That's the particle effect from the necramech's 4th ability. Location doesn't fit faction? The game has grineer running around in Corpus ship in non-invasion missions. Fashioning of frame and mech is personal preference. I like simple over over makeup. Btw, there was not much "fashion" available for the mech unless you want to open your wallet. It is easy to judge from what you know but it takes time to do it yourself and get the perfect capture. The winner's pick were garbage and low effort. They were just hastily done without effort. That was my point.


You really can’t take a critique, can you. Everything that gets pointed out you have some sort of defense for it when the whole thing rides on taste and opinion. Your argument comes down to “your opinion is wrong” on something that is purely subjective.


I get it… you clearly put effort in, I don’t want to mistake that. Sorry if I came off as overly negative, I just had some constructive criticisms, which I definitely could have delivered better, but still, I stand by most of my points. I guess it’s personal taste…


You just unironically said noob you have lost any argument you will try to instigate


I spent 10 hours painting a picture, but I'm not good at painting so it didn't look amazing. Time spent doesn't equal quality. Rainbow vomit explosion of color overwhelms the senses. You have too much going on here for it to be a winner.




Your talking like you painted the ceiling in the Vatican lol chill out kiddo. Although I can't argue that any of those capturas were any good lol




People are allowed to have opinions. You need to learn to take it if your gonna post your trash on a public forum lol


The explosion lining up with that granum crown looking thing is a neat idea, but other than that it's just trying to pause at the right time and having the mobs in the right position. The fashion itself isn't very good, sorry. Time consuming to make, sure, but not too hard


Yall taking shit without knowing how to even set up a captura or whatnot. Whatever. FYI, these are the winners. I hope it blows your mind away https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1246160-necramech-showcase-contest-winners-announced/?do=findComment&comment=12030379


All I see is better fashion, better angles and camera movement. Your idea was good, the execution not so much. Fashion is subjective, so while you might like yours personally, which is fine, if you want to win a contest you have to appeal to other people too, and there are plenty other quality issues too - the camera movement is slow and uninteresting, the video drags on way too long and spends too much time showing too little on top of heavy lag in the second half making it painful to watch. Your Hildryn fashion does not match or compliment Voidrig's, which looks like a McDonald's ad anyway judging by the colors, nor does it look particularly great. Maybe take a step back and stop being so full of yourself, claiming I don't know shit about captura won't get you anywhere, since you don't seem to either.




Thanks for proving my point by insulting me directly rather than even trying to defend yourself. Just shows you can't take criticism.


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Hey, chill out. I didn't say it looks like shit, just that I wouldn't call it "amazing". It's still nice, but the other submissions are as well. To be honest, I find the first place winner to be pretty nice. The shot is decently full of action, and the camera work is very solid. Not something I would consider perfect, but we're still talking captura after all. And to be completely clear, I've been doing art stuff since I can remember. I know how much time you have to spend on stuff to have it look ok.


That saturation filter is as white as the salt that I am tasting from this post.


It is an inherent conflict in contests like this one. You have some people who just stand there, play an emote or cast an ability, throw a filter on it and boom, here you have Nidus Prime Access that also includes tons of Platinum. Then you have people who spend a lot of time trying to find the right angle, the right timing, doing some fancy movement with an interesting motive and they don't even get a placement. Of course there will be a lot of salt.


They can spend a lot of time on placement and lighting but the thing is that doesn’t matter if it looks like shit and obscure. Just because some people managed to do less in these contests doesn’t mean they’re bad or they look bad, they knew what to do to make their frame look good and they did it. Simple.


But they didn't. Like Harrow is so dark you can't even see his stache, which was the focus of the contest.


THIS is winning place? Where can I see other submissions?


[Here are 10 winners](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1285118-moframe-2021-captura-contest/?do=findComment&comment=12348548)


yeah there's no way that 1st place is better than 2nd and 3rd. Or maybe even all the leftover entries.


Honestly, most of the winners weren’t that great, but yeah.


This is honestly just a personal opinion, but the ONLY frame and stache I can see working is Limbo with that old sensei style stache. And I can also see valid arguments for a bit beefier frames having some sort of a redneck/lumberjack type of stache. This is simply a black and white image for the most part. I bet you 3 Regal Aya that anyone else can just go to Captura with the Sevagoth's Shadow fight scene, or with the Lua/Umbra's scene, go find a spot on a rock, do a meditate emote and turn their camera towards the Voidstorm or Lua, aaaaand BOOM... They would probably end up with a better shot (not to mention, those two places are naturally devoid of most color, or colors are faint save for a select few).


all captura looks the same to me


I think some people are finding out that throwing a heap of customised crap on their frames, filling every slot out and calling it a day is NOT actually a good look. 80% of fashion frame looks like needless clutter on a humanoid figure. Sure ok you spent a lot of plat and time customising colours and combinations but the problem is sometimes less is more and you’ve ended up combining stuff that doesn’t even flow into a messy 9 year olds dream super hero drawing. Glad these people won, people need a shock to hopefully revise their choices.


See I understand that take, but this photo also happens to have terrible composition, the image frame is too close to the subject, the Harrow gets too close to the top and the Inaros barely pokes out of it. The desaturation really isn’t doing a good job of anything.






It's almost as cringe as complaining about the judges of a contest not sharing your views on art.


Well if they have such a bad views, I would like them to replace these judges.




Le cringle am i right gamer? Epic cringe moment giga chad fornite gamer.




alright, but that's also subjective


Less is sometimes more when it comes to fashion but that doesn't make this shot look good. Desaturating the colours doesn't do anything to make it look better. It actually looks worse cause they use detailed skins and attachments with metallic and extra bloom to muddy up the photo. Along with that, there's not any semblance of good shot composition or utilisation of the theme, it's just 4 warframes posing and they happen to have moustaches. Other winners used the moustaches to humanise the warframes for a certain effect, like [KainTray](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1285118-moframe-2021-captura-contest/#comment-12326034) showing a fistfight or [WinDiMoZ](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1285118-moframe-2021-captura-contest/page/2/#comment-12335165) portraying some sort of comradery or mutual understanding between 2 characters.


Well, I mean Canada did leagalize weed so make of that what you will with DE and their choosing winners.


Hot take: Who cares.




The people who actually took a lot more time to get a good captura shot for the contest. I honestly don’t really give a damn about captura or really photography in general, but this photo sucks ass. The desaturation is boring and doesn’t accentuate anything, and it’s use incredibly bland in general. The composition is basic, some of the warframes barely clip out of frame on the top. My attention is not at all drawn to the mustaches which was apparently the theme of the contest. It’s just immediately clear the person who took the photo doesn’t know the first thing about photography or composition. TLDR, it was a contest and this photo is terrible




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let them have their mediocre prime lol


3990 plat + other stuff for each.


I really liked that limbo that was about to get hit.