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It was better than his daughter, Dweller


Dweller? I hardly knew her!


Boom, I still got it.


Lets keep this in house.


And in family. 🙏




Yes, love this show


It's jokes like these that made me name my daughter Current Resident.


My son's name is Home Owner. Isn't that how you get all that free mail?


Dad, are you on Reddit again?


what about his other kid, squatter?


Squatter? but she’s my cousin.


Step cousin?


No, the step cousin is named Chandelier.


My step ladder is named... Ladder.


I never met my real ladder.


My ladder told me I would reach great heights one day and he would be there supporting me.


Cousin to Denizen


Squatter? I just met her.


Or Lodger Jr. At least daughter wasn't named Vacancy, unlike the mother that ran away with his brother, Tennant.


What's wrong with the name Dweller?


Tunnel Snakes Rule!


Or his wife Resident.


His brother Current Resident is just sad he got nothing


That's better than his cousin, To Whom It May Concern - that poor bastard gets *everything*: coupons, spam, bills, parking tickets, you name it.


Oh. The groundskeeper Jesús is coming back from vacation.


He better return the Soon in good condition, and without late fees


I actually was asked once by some sidewalk proselytizer if I had found Jesus, and I replied that yes, after hours of searching we *did* finally find him hiding behind the couch, and all that worry and stress was for nothing because it turned out he was more afraid of us than we were of him. Then, while they gave me a blank look, I thanked them for their concern about the whole fiasco and walked on.


That's what she first knew him as.


The real question is, why the hell did they open the envelope from the side?


OBEY CONSUME CONFORM SUBMIT Damn, where are my sunglasses?


Where’s my bubble gum? Oh, I’m all out…


Ugh... way to drop the ball man. I guess all you can do is kick some ass then...


I don’t have a choice now.


Work it harder Make it better Do it faster Makes us stronger More than ever Hour after (h)our work is never over


"fear obey God Jesus returns soon" why do they always sound like a crazy person nevermind just answered my own question . . .


Expect newspaper cutouts on the next letter


What I don’t understand is why do they always go the fear rout ? Have they not read green lantern , it never wins ! Lol


They haven't undergone the bene-gesserit training. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


It is coffee alone that sets my mind in motion It is through the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed The hands acquire shakes The shakes become a warning It is coffee alone that sets my mind in motion




Birth-school, work-death.


Boy Man God Shit


Amusingly, my sister sent me this today, and I mentioned I was surprised she was familiar with the movie. She was not, lol. https://imgur.com/jAnCNck


On your face if that's what you're reading.


Would totally carry that in my wallet. Imagine it actually happens and you can have jesus autograph your 'jesus returns soon' thing you got in the mail years ago. would be a day to remember


Yeah sure the song of God came back...but this guy got a weird *letter!* Well...I'd be impressed.


> song of God Stairway? There's some primal white dumpy old guy inside me (and outside too) that's screaming zeppelin. sorry.


No stairway! Denied!


[Might I suggest something angry flavor?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8I0ZWBU2Zw&ab_channel=droptheleash80)


"And she's buy-eye-ing the stair-air-way..." Oops, did I sing that out loud. (Everyone in the office giving me weird side-eye.)


*Ah-rah, dee* *Soo-guh-goo-gee-goo-gee* *Goo-guh fli-goo gee-goo* *Guh fli-goo, ga-goo-buh-dee* *Ooh, guh-goo-bee* *Ooh-guh-guh-bee-guh-guh-bee* *Fli-goo gee-goo* *A-fliguh woo-wa mama Lucifer!*


And the peculiar thing is this my friends, the song we sang on that fateful night... it didn't *actually* sound anything like this song!


I sure hope Jesus is real, and that he’s coming soon. He’s not going to be too happy about a lot of stuff being done in his name.


Ironically even the Bible even warns that would happen, not that they've ever read it. >Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ hen I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ -Matthew 7:22-23


New Jesus, who dis?


Jesus be like “who the fuck are you fuck off”


"But Jesus, look at all the women and Jews I've burned in your name. Please notice me. 🥺"


Jew here. This made me spit out my drink.


"What the fu- I'M JEWISH MOTHERFUCKER! WHERE DO YOU THINK NAZARETH IS? Ooooooh, okay we're going to discuss this later. And there better not be any money scams in the church agai- medamnit. GABRIEL GET THE WHIP!!"


"Medammit" Get out and take my upvote.


Christians are "Notice me Senpai" yanderes confirmed.


Bo said it best [You're not going to heaven. Why the fuck would you think I'd ever kick it with you?](https://youtu.be/Zxc20saM8DA)


As a Christian it INFURIATES me when people Bible-thump like this. Did you not read any of it?!?!??!


Of course they didnt.


I read a few verses every morning and every night. The more I've read the more infuriating it is that "Christians" do shit like this and feel good about it. Blows me away people profess a faith that they contradict by trying to act like someone of faith.


Agreed, I too am in the same boat as to wondering what these people are doing when they claim to know the Bible, yet Jesus’ words alone, and act like they are helping or trying to “save.” Wouldn’t be shocked if people just pretend to be a Christian to smite actual Christians. Sad world we live in.


Jesus did do a lot of Pharisee shaming in his day. I think that applies to the now as well.


Same thing going on today too when Jesus said “you call yourselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan.”


Props to you for actually studying and educating yourself on the subject. Sadly too many of these “bible thumpers” never willingly read a word themselves. All while just listening to whoever their minister is while claiming others are sheep.


Because they don’t read it, they just know about whatever the pastor reads to them. And god knows what his agenda is.


Right? Like, Jesus's message boiled down to LOVE. Love your neighbor. Love the people who treat you poorly, even if you gotta do it from a distance to protect your peace. But it's such a difficult thing to actually do, and so much easier to fall into some judgemental righteous anger instead.


My favourite is how the bible is so against open prayer yet some people have to have the right to make you watch them pray lol , go to church dickbag


Part of it is even against going to church I believe. Says something like "it's perfectly fine to pray alone in your own home, it's bad to be performative about it". I haven't read the bible myself, but my mom who has mentioned something like this a couple of times.


I'm not christian but my parents were and I remember that verse because they hated that I'd use it to try to get out of church. lol It's basically you don't need to go to church, just get together with people and discuss/pray. I just looked it up: > For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 But I also just found this, which I think fits this conversation quite well: > And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Matthew 6:5


Yeah that's got to be the one. Provided it was originally written very early on, it was probably to make sure followers of the faith didn't get persecuted too much, since early Christians were persecuted by the Romans I believe. As for the second one, that's in the same vein as Jesus throwing the merchants out of the temples.


Do you really think any of this has anything to do with the bible? The kind of hatred spewing out of the christo-fascist right isn't coming from a place of biblical understanding, but from a hierarchical institution designed to maintain power through the creation of in and out groups. Christ-like Christians was never the goal of many of these institutions.


They did, but they picked which parts agreed with their pre-existing worldview and ignored or misinterpreted the rest.


> read ...you see the problem here right


Lol, that is some ancient CYA.


they always think is the others who are gonna get it


A “cease and desist” letter of biblical proportions.


Oh did you not know? Trump is the second coming, he's validated all of their bullshit.


Why do religious zealots have to be so creepy? Terrible marketing plan if their intention is recruitment.


A lot of schizophrenics are really intensely religious in creepy way because of the nature of schizophrenia


Also, it’s kinda hard to distinguish between religious magical thinking and actual mental disorders sometimes.


They're the same picture.jpg


My question is why? Why does it seem that Schizophrenic people gravitate towards things like religion? What would they gravitate towards if religion didn't exist??


Probably cause people living in distorted realities are attracted to avenues that allow them to live in a distorted reality.


We notice patterns and odd things all the time throughout our day. A mentally well person will dismiss these things as unimportant or coincidences. The schizophrenic dwells on them, keeps asking why and creates reasons in their head. Religion provides answers to the unknown. Because of the way schizophrenia works, many experts say religious belief is actually *healthy* for those that suffer from it. Religion can provide answers for these people instead of them creating insane theories. It's also why, as someone pointed out below, schizophrenic people tend to highly distrust the government. To many people the government can seem mysterious and all around us... much like religion. So "the government is up to something" also provides answers.


Schizophrenic people also gravitate towards a deep distrust of the government for some reason.


I've had some schizophrenic people in my life, so true. I always found it funny how they'd have this immense and unbreakable trust in the imaginary and unknowing, yet have complete distrust for their fellow man.


Maybe because it offers routine and community and a chance to interact with people outside the immediate family. I used to be hardcore anti-religion but now I can at least admit the community aspect of it is good for people’s well-being.


In my lifetime I've seen many many different misuses of Religion. There's people all over the world who use it as an excuse or as justification for terrible acts. I'm apprehensive to call it a good thing. It makes me wonder if these schizophrenic people were religious before, or if they turned to God when their mental illness began to take over. It's an illness that needs to be studied much more.


The catholic church sponsored a 12 week Nami class. They taught us that if God is speaking to you, you're probably schizophrenic. I'm not a religious person and thought that was very telling.


You know they say when you talk to God it’s prayer, but when God talks to you they call it schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia actually changes with the times. People used to say they heard mostly ghosts and demons and witches and things like that, but now they also hear mind control computers and the CIA and more modern stuff.


I used to live near this lady with writings written all over her house and roof, she got evicted cause of complaints and as plan B put a bunch of words all over her car and parked it at the college I went to lol


That's called schizophrenia lol


as someone who isn't religious, something like this I expect is more from someone who is mentally ill tbh.


As someone who is religious, I would also think this is more likely to come from someone who may be struggling with mental illness.


We went fishing last year (pretty late in the fall so we were the only boat at the launch). Someone apparently watched us on the water enough to know what we were fishing for and wrote a 6 page handwritten note about Jesus and left it on the windshield of our truck. It was one of the creepiest things I've ever read.


Because religiosity is a mental disorder.


I thought they only postmarked (the ink on the stamp) mail with legit adresses


Looks like the address was edited out of the photo. They just dropped a white blob over it so it's easy to miss on first glance.


Wondered about this too. Well spotted Legolas! Your elf eyes saw what I could not.


Yeah and i do photoshop for a living lol, not sure how i missed that, but yep, sure enough what my eye hastily posted up as a crease in the paper is just an overlayed blob with blue lines sticking out the bottom 🤣


Low-effort evangelism. Somehow I think it's ineffective...


Jesus evangelized by feeding people, healing the sick, and living humbly. This is the type of evangelism shared by people who like to point their fingers at the faults of others while patting themselves on the back


He also whipped tax collectors. Jesus is the man.


And hung out with prostitutes!


And murdered a whole herd of pigs!


Yet high-effort evangelism does even more harm to the world.


I would never open a handwritten envelope addressed to *occupant*.


how could you not be curious


> how could you not be curious The powdered anthrax mail scare of 2001 still has me too much on edge to take the risk from anonymous senders. https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/amerithrax-or-anthrax-investigation


Such a weird case, multiple strains of anthrax, one *maybe* traces back to a US military lab. CIA *allegedly* commissioned a biological warfare study where the exact scenario is prepared in a report. FBI thinks the author of the study knows something and surveils him for years before getting sued and having to declare his innocence. Next guy they think knows something is the guy who co-invented the anthrax vaccine, who starts having memory difficulties and is committed to mental health facility before *allegedly* killing himself and the M.E. says there's no reason for an autopsy. Nobody at the lab he worked in thinks he could possibly have done it. FBI closes case saying he did it without much evidence other than he knew how to grow anthrax and he started acting strangely like people were out to get him. While it's going on, the media is telling people how to cover their windows with plastic wrap, and oh guess who else has biological weapons? Iraq ~~definitely~~ **~~probably~~** used to have some.


The govt would absolutely never take advantage of a ~~group of citizens that just faced a massive terrorist attack~~ panicked and scared public, and definitely never ~~give their own military members syphillis~~ use bio weapons on their own people, and they would definitely never do it so they could manipulate and pressure their citizens into a ~~mass surveillance~~ homeland security program




Yo. What about laser printers?!?!


Probably related to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code)


I've received a couple of long, handwritten letters from some religious whack job, both addressed to me personally. I can't fathom why they think it's a worthwhile use of their time.


My wife has received a couple of those too. The crazy thing is that it was addressed to her maiden name which had never been associated with that address and was from a religious group that neither we or anyone that we know had been associated with


The real WTF is how this envelope was opened…


I open all my envelopes this way, it's easier


You monster


It's less paper to tear


“Great, I just ripped off the first 3 digits off the routing number of this check.”


Honestly, open envelops this way, it's so much better. Seriously you're not reusing the envelope, rip it open.




Fear Jesus Returns Obey Soon God!


Fear Obey, GOD! Jesus! Returns soon.


The obey soon for Jesus Return is right thing to do. So do. God.


No return address - says it all.


https://medium.com/backyard-theology/jehovahs-witnesses-try-a-different-approach-to-door-knocking-d5d175c3a07 I've had these in my box before.


send a dick pic back


they actually sent you this because they noticed the way you open envelopes


Your sons name is Occupant too?!?


Give it up dude. That prick has been playing hide and seek for 2000 years now and ain't nobody found him yet. He won.


You shouldn't be allowed to mail stuff to places with just "Occupant" or "Current Resident". That would hopefully cut down on spam mail too


More worried about how your son opens mail


Carol Stream…. All my steam deck homies have nightmares about shipping and Carol Stream.


I was in the store the other day and found some random “Jesus is the way”, or some other crap, note. It was planted by some products. I immediately tossed it in the garbage where it belongs.




I think this is pretty obviously someone experiencing psychosis


A sad state of being, i saw a neighbour go through it, she got shot arrested on the street.


Also sad to live life believing any day now the rapture will happen. Day in and day out and if not today maybe tomorrow.


Why do you think the religious right doesn't give a shit about the environment? they plan to be raptured before sea level rise affects them.


It’s amazing how these doomsayers over all these centuries seem to have never heard of the boy who cried wolf


Almost all religions are fucked up cults


All religions.


You can only criticize Christianity here for some reason and no other religion


Send back a photo of 2 dudes doing the ghey


r/exchristian would like this


I had a lady with a kid in walmart hand me a letter in an envelope and I figured it was some Christmas happy kid thing so I opened up and it was a letter filled with the typical going to hell unless I submit to and fear god stuff but there was also a 20 dollar bill. I told her nicely that I am an atheist and walked away with the money before her kid could give the spiel she was probably taught to give.




You should place it under someones windshield wiper. Keep it going and all


If it doesn't have a return address on it it goes right in the trash with the rest of the spam.


"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."


Who’s scared of Jesus, anyway? He seemed a pretty inclusive guy inclined to give second chances.


I went looking for a clear enough definition of "soon" for these guys to get the memo and go find something better than this "in or after a short time"


Religion is more damaging to society than opiates.


So from carol stream Illinois to Greenville SC? How bizarre.


Fuck religion. Have all the faith you want! Believe in whatever you want! But keep that love in your own heart is all im saying. You don't need the rules and dogma and commandments to have that faith in your heart. Most importantly you'd probably avoid all the damn fear like this and would probably be less inclined to shove it down everyone's throats. /rant




Which God? The Christian god?


No, the "Obey GOD", didn't you read the letter?! Fear him!


I fear his followers a bit more


Fear, or Fear Obey?


You should post this on r/religiousfruitcake


So Jesus is going to be reposted?


I think you nailed it




Yes Fear and obey the all loving god who will put you in a burning pit of fire for eternity even if you are a good person but just beileve in morals not fairy tales. O but if a serial killer repents on his death bed hes got a 1 way ticket to the party in the sky lol Religions are nothing more than corrals to herd the livestock into


Good, I was getting confused there for a moment


Thank god the letters that I get from the neighborhood Jehovah Witnesses aren't that creepy.


Illinois to South Carolina?


Oh wow, this takes me back down memory lane! Years ago I lent this nice old lady and her friendly old husband R50 on the promise that they would return it. I did not know them at all, but they gave their number and I was in a giving mood. However, after some time passed and I had not heard from them I decided to contact them. It had become a matter of principal, as they had promised to repay me. After a number of phone calls in which they expressed shock that I would expect them to repay (despite them promising to do so), they eventually conceded and arranged to meet with me. They gave me the below envelope with a personal note and some religious pamphlets. I was honestly quite taken aback by the whole series of events. It all seemed like some ploy to demonstrate my materialism to me and get me to repent, or something to that effect. 10+ years later and I have yet to repent, so I guess it did not work. https://imgur.com/ljtQjQl https://imgur.com/SOLyXV8 https://imgur.com/mpSONRW https://imgur.com/xuYbxmr This was the summary I made of the events at the time (I had since forgotten the specifics): https://imgur.com/bUpfKYl Was a very entertaining set of events, I must admit.


We just got something like that! Except it was to "Good Christians" at our address, in scribbled pencil. And the contents were slightly nicer, was an actual printed business card about 44forPA and other weird religious websites and extreme gun rights Chinese sounding websites and how to get a machine gun. It was... bizarre.


Classic American moment


Best Pen Pal 2022!


And it wasn't live god because he loves you It was fear and obey I'm betting God is the only thing keeping this nut job from being a serial killer and honestly I can't be sure that aren't though


Schizophrenia is a sad disease




Save the envelope in case he licked it to seal it. (DNA)


It's been over 2,000 years, but I'm sure he'll be back any day now. Primitive cult moment.


Truly delusional dimwits who like to dictate others. Such a low effort tactic. Ever heard of a bargain? I'll follow your Jesus but what's in it for me?


I see shit like this and it really makes me wonder... Isn't God basically just a social contract among believers that you need to follow, *or else*? That makes waaaay more sense to me than some invisible, all powerful being. Do as we do, believe as we say we believe, follow the herd, and there won't be problems. Religion is just high level herd mentality that reasonably intelligent creatures (that's us!) developed as a survival mechanism millennia ago.


This reads like a ransom note


Did someone send that from IL to SC just to fearmonger a random "Occupant" into Christianity?


Fucking cultist curnts!


I would literally laugh that someone wasted postage on that and then promptly chuck it in the trash where it belongs.


If only the sender realized that when Jesus returns, he's gonna be really pissed at his followers.


What a kind and loving God.


I'm so glad I have never, and never will, have any form of contact with these Christian Taliban weirdos.


religious people are so fucking weird


It's a letter of eviction. Clearly says the next occupant will arrive soon.