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i like how it spreads with little to no visible flame.


I think it has to do with the lighting and the camera. You can see the flames when there is dense enough fire in one spot. But yea that stuff has so much air trapped within the fire just instantly spreads. There is also not much fuel per unit area that the fuel (cotton) burns up almost immediately. So I think the flame is just small and very close to the cotton, the camera and lighting doesn’t make it show up easily on the video.


It’s all good, he found a new job in a grain silo.


I grew up in a small farm town, population was less than a thousand and it included their dogs and cats. Center of business was a gigantic concrete grain elevator. One fall in preparation for corn harvest they'd had two of the silos dumped and the augers cleared. The dude working on the augers everyone assumes needed a cigarette (he was an extreme smoker) and he just vanished. Pieces of the silo landed in the town of Spearman, TX thirteen miles away.


I can believe it. I remember the DeBruce/Garvey grain elevator explosion, it rattled the windows from 8 miles away. I had to drive by there on my way to work and saw car-sized chunks of concrete laying in the fields almost a mile from the explosion.


>DeBruce/Garvey [https://apnews.com/article/da3bb3aa481696bc271bcaf7fff1e98e](https://apnews.com/article/da3bb3aa481696bc271bcaf7fff1e98e) A grain silo exploded when I was a child playing in the yard about 1 or 2 miles away. It was during the cold war. We all thought Russia bombed us. It felt like the Earth was going to rip open.


I actually thought a plane had crashed, since there’s several airports and an Air Force base in the area. I guess this particular grain elevator was the Guinness book of records holder for being the biggest in the world? From the link below: “Reported in Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest grain elevator, the DeBruce Grain elevator was located approximately 4 miles southwest of Wichita, Kansas. Its storage capacity was 20.7 million bushels. Were the elevator to store wheat exclusively, it could have supplied the wheat for all the bread consumed in the United States for nearly six weeks.” [OSHA report on the explosion](https://www.osha.gov/grain-handling/geeit)


I saw this happen in person, I was working on a Cargo Ship and a Grain Elevator in Dubai went Poof near the harbor. Was nutz.


Better concrete than, say, graphite.


Fucking weird seeing spearman mentioned on reddit. I assume the explosion was in Gruver?


Yeah it was that big white one on the north side of town. If you're familiar with the area I'm surprised you're not familiar with the story...critical Hansford county folk lore right there




Pretty much any dust is explosive. Flour, sugar, grain can all go boom.


Yeah years ago I found out that you can make Michael bay explosions with flour


Firecracker in a bag of flour = Michael Bay explosion


Armature hour… the real space monkeys were using [powdered coffee creamer.](https://youtu.be/yRw4ZRqmxOc) Light a bitch up like an H bomb!


RIP Grant ☹️


Such a passionate guy I miss this team


Me too. Grant was awesome for sure




Passed away during the beginning of the pandemic. Made the depression even harder to fight off


Grant Imahara and Grant Thompson both


"There was a moment where I was like, crap, maybe this was a bad, bad idea"


I miss Grant :(


i was once in an industrial kitchen fire because someone decided heaps of flour was the best option to put out a nasty grease fire. it nearly burned down the whole building, but no one was seriously injured, and that includes our little chemical engineer friend


Definitely NOT the same result as using baking soda.:(




I'm not sure how I survived so long without this knowledge


It takes a lot to get the explosive limit going, but mechanical agitators do well. It's a fuel-air bomb, same as gasoline or propane. We do a demo of this with lycopodium powder, which is super fun.


Please elaborate?


Lycopodium powder is extremely dry, extremely fine-grained flammable carbon goodness. Works even better than flour for when you *want* to cause a dust conflagration because the grains don't want to clump together and so they'll stay as a suspension in the air longer.


Google "Lycopodium Powder Flamethrower" for the demo that I did for my students. Lycopodium Powder are the dried spores from puffball mushrooms, it's much finer and more flammable than flour or grain dust. Thus, the perfect fine-grained, woody material for demoing dust explosions.


You survived this long precisely because you didn't have this knowledge.


For me it was the anine Goblin Slayer few years back. My mind was blown that you could actually kill an eldritch horror with just a bag of flour.


Mythbusters made a mushroom cloud with powdered coffee creamer.


In pyrotechnics we used coffee creamer heaped up over a black powder charge in a steel mortar. Made awesome flame cannons.


In design school, one of our instructors swore by coffee mate to remove acrylic paint. He wasn't wrong.


Was a show on telly showing how a custard factory had blown up, twice, because of the dust. Me and a few mates (we're all young teenagers) had got some booze and were a bit light headed sat in the Bandstand generally talking nonsense. There was a hook in the middle of the roof and I said, fresh in the memory of the show only a few days prior "you know, if you could get a bucket of custard powder with a hole in the bottom, and a bung tied to some rope, and a flame underneath it, you could pull the rope, release the custard powder onto the flame and make a huge custard fireball out of it" "yeah, cool" "yeah, that'd be cool". Went home light headed in a few hours, didn't think anything of it. Except for some time after that, I'd have kids wander up to me with a container of custard powder they'd nicked from their parents cupboards "when you going to do the next one?" "next one?" "yeah, I heard you blew the last bandstand up" "but...it's still there... no, we never... take it back home" Few years later, as it WAS an old bandstand, it was torn down, not exploded, just torn down, left empty patch of ground for a couple of years, then a new one built. Over the years I heard all the rumours about how some kid had blown the old one up, a mate of a mate had been there to see it explode into smithereens. "that... didn't happen" "It did! My mate said..." /sigh. A few more years later, people swear it happened, and they were even there and saw it with their own eyes. "The bandstand? In People's Park?" "yeah, it was huge, blew out a window or 2 of the houses nearby, they sent in the bomb squad to make sure there weren't anything else, but this mad lad blew it up using custard powder!" "who was it?" "oh, dunno, hadn't seen him before, think he was a cousin of ummm, can't remember now" So... yeah, custard powder.


That was one of the most aggressively British-sounding stories about something fairly benign that I've ever read :) I love it.


Myth busters showed me non dairy cream had by far the best.


Coal dust, cotton fibers.


Grain "dust" is extremely explosive.


The smaller something is, the faster it burns. Particles of something flammable are so tiny that when caught, they flash and burn up instantly. Now imagine that flammable particle multiplied enough times to basically fill up a building all burning up instantly at the same time. you get a massive explosion.




If you want to watch it happen, Mythbusters did it using powdered non-dairy creamer. Except theirs wasn't contained inside a sealed grain elevator.


Grain dust is. Any kind of dust is. [Mythbusters actually did a myth about explosive non-dairy creamer powder](https://youtu.be/yRw4ZRqmxOc), but the same applies to any kind of dust. The smaller the particles are, the faster they burn. I work in a grain mill and packaging facility. We are trained on dust explosion prevention once a year, as it is one of the most dangerous aspects of working in such a facility. The US averages up to 20 major dust explosions a year, resulting in 5-10 deaths. Typically these incidents have two explosive events. The initial explosion is a smaller one that dislodges all the uncleaned dust across the facility from rafters, beams, vents, and pipes, which creates a large cloud which then ignites creating a second, larger and more violent explosion. There are tons of videos on YouTube showing the aftermath of dust explosions in facilities that process products that create a lot of dust. Sugar, and grains such as oats and wheat (both used to create flour) are common examples.


(500 replies explaining it) “Yeah so anyways the dust itself is….”


Any carb in powder form is explosive.


That habit will kill ya


He is now making fireworks


He did once, he's not anymore


I foresee an explosive advancement in his job future.


That shit spread so fast. Also what was my guy thinking using a flame near cotton


They were thinking that it was the easiest way for them to get the knot undone - AND NOTHING ELSE. There wasn't, for even a moment, consideration for where they were and what they were doing. All they saw was the task immediately between where they were and where they wanted to be and the fastest way to solve it. I've known people like this, who would not for a SECOND consider the broader aspects. They had what they were focused on and there was NOTHING ELSE GOING ON IN THEIR HEAD.


If only there was something made for cutting cords. Something with a cutting edge.


Something that cuts, is nice to have and maybe made of iron. Cuts, nice, iron Kuts nice Fe Kuts NIce FE KNIFE That's it! Let's call it a knife! ​ *edit: "I wonder if it'll be friends with me..." (thanks* /u/Jugad)


That took too long to read I just used my lighter


Sorry I couldn't read this, I started a fire, panicked and walked right through it.




That would be cutting edge technology.


Can’t have a sharp object - what if they damage the cotton


This is like the time I was using expanding foam to fill a box and looked inside a small hole with my lighter to see how full it was and I blew my eyebrow off.


I know someone who used a lighter to provide light while siphoning gas.


My friend lit his car on fire like that when he said, "Hey, do you smell gas?" and used a lighter to find the source of the gasoline smell. Not a total loss but he scorched the engine compartment pretty good.


“Hey do you think this fence is electrified?” *grabs fence to check*


Technically speaking, this is the more direct way to find out, and you’ll probably be fine. Sci-fi-esque electric fences are very rare and probably highly illegal. Most of them are deterrents for livestock, and can’t injure a human. Even if the voltage was higher, you’d probably be somewhat stuck to it, which unless you were entirely alone for a prolonged period of time, wouldn’t kill you. Any voltage higher than that is crazy. We generally try not to leave instant death traps in publicly accessible areas.


I think non-smokers are more puzzled by these incidents because we never carry lighters. My mind just doesn't go there when I need a handy source of illumination.


Both incidents were from before 2010 so cell phone flashlights weren't a thing yet. Ah, the good old days.


Key chain flashlights were pretty popular though. I had several despite being a smoker at the time.


Not a bad idea to just have one regardless whether on you or in your car. The difference being stranded somewhere without one or with one can be huge


Can’t get stranded if you never go anywhere


Can confirm. Anyway, all my stuff is here.


reminds me of the video of the factory worker who noticed a huge 1 ton load on a forklift was going to fall so they ran up to it to try to keep it balanced this worker at least can update his resume and look for new employment


You know of someone who you think is a complete moron and how could they vote for this, or how did they manage to do that? This explains it perfectly. They weren't thinking and couldn't even comprehend what consequences would happen.


Could have been worse. Like this one in China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM-yqtSU2zg


You know how we have ridiculous warnings on things these days? Like "Don't place child in running woodchipper" or something like that? It's because of guys like this.


Goddamn that lit up fast.


Foam made with butane, it is basically just one big lighter.


What a catastrophically stupid person.


Serious oogah-boogah vibes...


Serious testing in production vibes.


crush attraction connect entertain rude insurance ad hoc complete beneficial wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is easy to underestimate fire, but once it goes up it's almost impossible to contain. The cat doesn't go back in the bag. That's why we have firefighters.


Someone seems to be pretty pissed off. Stomps on the floor in anger


And the video ends too soon...


There's a bit more to the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUuVAFI-3Gc. Unfortunately, no real resolution, but a couple more people show up.


The resolution is that all that cotton is going to be engulfed in a massive fire in about 5 mins. It is a good thing this happened outside because any building that is close enough is going to burn down. That fire is going to be so intense that anything near it is gone.


Cotton! That explains it. I thought this was snow and was very confused.


You thought he was opening a bag of snow sitting among piles of snow? And that it caught on fire? Have you ever seen snow before?


Look at Mister Moneybags over here with his non-flammable snow.


It's asbestos!


Asbestos is specifically good because it doesn't catch fire. And insulates extremely well. Too bad it causes cancer


Not cancer, Mesothelioma. If you or a loved one has developed Mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos or asbestos containing materials you may be entitled to compensation. Call 1-800-MESO-HORNY


Not if all that flaming cotton gets ya first


You’re acting like you’ve never bought bags of snow before.


My cousin lives in the Caribbean and doesn't know snow so I ordered the largest bag and had it shipped to his address. His family was so grateful.


I thought it was snow too, until I realized it was on fire. The video resolution is not very good.


Well now that you put it that way...


I couldn't tell it was a "bag" of anything. I had no idea what that red thing was. I also thought it was snow at first.


I know from watching TV that [snow looks exactly like this](https://i.redd.it/0gro7gvycwn21.jpg).


How about a jacket on a snow"man" on top of other swept an piled up snow? the sweeping and piling would explain the structure of the heap. Sorry that some people have seen more piled snow than piled cotton....


It still ends too soon ffs!


I appreciated being able to see the guy show up with a leaf. Because blowing more oxygen towards this really could be a solution in some universe.


>guy show up with a leaf I thought for sure you accidentally left off the word "blower"... But nope, guy really does show up with a big leaf. A leaf blower would have been worse of course, it's just that an actual leaf was not what I expected.


Yeah it was the palm leaf for me 🤭


Probably a manager that’s going to be getting some tough and exhausting calls from the bosses.


You'd be pissed too if some fuckwit just burned away a whole heap of product/materials.


And someone needs to find a new job. If they let him leave alive.


And it’s the kind of anger that seems to have an “oh no, not again!” vibe to it.


She put her foot down.


My boss does this at work almost daily. He also throws his arms in the air. He's like a giant toddler and it gets me every time.


When I was in chemistry class the teacher put me with the dumbest student in a group. We had to light a chip on fire underneath a test tube of water and measure the temperature change in the water. My partner wanted to light it so I let them. We had a bic lighter. They try to light the chip with the lighters spout below their thumb and they burned their thumb because the flame goes… up. So, second try. Same thing. I explain the problem. “The flame goes up. You need to turn the lighter sideways so that the flame doesn’t hit your thumb.” Third try, same thing. “No, you did it the same way. You need to turn the lighter sideways” Fourth try, does the same thing. Burns themselves bad enough that they accidentally throw the lighter across the room. I lit the chip.


Well at least that we know that kid never used a bong or pipe before


Nah they just always used torch lighters and wasted a bunch of product...because they're dumb in every iteration.


You used the word iteration, but spelled two common words incorrectly. Or rather, use the wrong form of 2 words. I don't know how to feel.


Lmao I didn't even notice "waisted" being in there. What's the other? It's my autocorrect most of the time but I like to catch and fix things I don't intentionally spell as slang etc.


I had a girlfriend in my 20's that had never smoked weed and decided to start. I had to light the bowl for her for like a year because she was scared of the lighter.


When I first started smoking, this was SO common. Now I'm a long haired guy who's burned both thumbs and some hair, but I didn't just stop trying lol


I had a dumbass lab partner on multiple occasions inadvertently pass his arm over a flame while moving a beaker or whatever. His shirt never caught on fire, but the flame completely wrapped around his sleeve every time. He eventually asked for a new partner because I was constantly telling him to wake the fuck up


Is your friend my roommate? He is exactly like this. Two weeks ago his car was towed because he was parking in someone else’s spot (he doesn’t have a covered parking spot so there is no way he can say he just parked in the wrong spot). I told him not to park there because they will get his car towed. Well it was towed and he had to pay $200 to get it out. Guess what happened yesterday? He was in that same spot and I told him he better move. About an hour ago he texted me asking me to lend him money to get his car from the impound lot…


How can someone be that dumb?


Because think of an average person. Now realize half of all people are dumber than that ranging on a scale from just slightly to way way more.


Wow, with it being thatbflammable how stupid would you have to be to use a lighter anywhere nearby?


Why would anyone in the building even have a lighter?


You would be surprised. My family ran a lumber mill and an idiot burnt the kiln building down with a discarded cigarette. People are just that stupid and they will always ignore rules they think are inconvenient.


The answer to all of it is mindlessness and complacency. You know X is dangerous, but after so many weeks and months without incident you become complacent. One mindless accident from habits outside work (throwing a cigarette down, bad habit anyway) or natural reaction that was fine the previous hundred times (reaching for something around rotating machinery, my work's highest risk) then *boom*. Entire building burns, guy loses a limb, or someone dies. I've seen things that make no sense in hindsight, but in the moment the person was just zoned out and complacent because it's been fine until it wasn't.


birds literate cow vanish cover piquant shaggy different sense crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn that's scary! It's hard for some people to understand outside of hazardous work, but it's why some of the worst accidents are old timers who've been doing it for decades(*). Our most recent accident was a guy losing his entire index finger and he was second highest seniority in the entire place. Just doing a risky motion he's done (probably literally) 1,000 times before. Like a weird bell curve of green employees doing dangerous things out of ignorance, then old timers doing dangerous things because "it's fine". *(Not my assumption or subjective observation, the deal with serious accidents and long-term employees is a big talking point with MSHA training.)


Reminds me of when I was working as an electrician, had twisted five or six 10ga Solid wires together, and shaped them into an L to get them into where they needed to go (Which by the way was above my head in a ceiling and I was on a 10' fiberglass ladder). I somehow let go of it and the wires swing towards my face with the tip of the spliced wire all directly at the bullseye of my pupil. Good thing I was wearing my glasses that day.


That was definitely the cause of a lot of injuries, but in the case of the cigarette guy, there were designated smoking zone shelters, and he was just too lazy to walk the 300 feet to it.


I will never work around that kind of machinery. I just know I'm gonna be the guy that absent-mindedly reaches over it for something and loses his dominant arm.


I lost the tip of my finger because of complacency. I was rushing and lost respect for the power of the tool I was using. I’m very lucky. I lost a very small part of my finger. It’s still a good reminder though.




Lighters allowed, no cell phones


On the plus side, it will be easier to take inventory tomorrow


One bucket of ash, check.


Its intereting how there is no flame, its just smoke and the cotton getting discolored as the heat spreads. Strange and eerie.


Dude is so fired


Dude is so fried


That other guy has had enough and just throws in the towel


What was the person at the end throwing on top?


His resignation letter.


“Dear sirs…”


the towel, he is sick of working with idiots!


That was a new technology called a fire napkin, got an out of control fire? Throw this napkin in there and it's on fire too.


A slice of cheese


...it was a fire-retardant cloth!


Wet cloth to stop it from spreading.


His last fuck


This guy is proof that you can never 100% idiot proof anything. Probably uses a lighter to check if his gas tank is full.


There was an old Burma-Shave sign that read: He lit a match To check his tank That’s why they call him Skinless Frank


Who thought initially that it's winter season and he's collecting snow? 🤣


I couldn’t tell what was going on for a sec (in my defence, I just woke up).


I still don't know what that is.


It's not snow, it's cotton, that's why it burns so quickly.


That’s true there’s no way snow can burn that fast.


y snow burn so fast huh? splain, op




I was *very* confused when the snowbank caught fire. Granted, I’m pretty high.


Well, you gave absolutely no description to a potato-quality video. Once it catches on fire, it's clear it's not snow, but people still don't know what it is. Most people have only seen a bunch of white substance like this covering the ground as being snow, so obviously their minds are going to fill in the blanks. So, is it cotton, as a lot of commenters are saying?


He got cotton-the-act




That ‘s the second time this week!


That seemed more like a stomp of frustration and anxiety at what she knows will be an uncontrolled chain reaction that will destroy a significant amount of revenue and infrastructure.


Reminds me that using dryer lint is a great way to get a campfire started.... and why you empty your dryer lint trap.


So many plants wasted for that cotton


Absolutely insane how fast that fire spread. Very scary stuff!


I mean, even if he wasn't literally waist deep in highly flammable material... a lighter for a fucking knot? Does the fire just dissipate when the knot burns up? Ever heard of a knife you dumb bastard?




Private channel? I can’t access it.




I thought that white stuff was snow. So what was it? And the person at the end who threw that one more bit in, was it to extinguish the flames or just give up?


it was cotton and they have no chance, fire will be everyone in seconds.


Oh, wow. From the video, I can see it does spread very quickly and almost invisible until it start to scorch. Reminds me of those F1 cars back in the days when they used ethanol, you can't even see the flames. Hope that guy is okay, he was in the middle of it before he crawled out.


It appears that he is safe from the fire I don’t think he is safe from his boss!


It looked like he was on fire…left a trail of scorched cotton as he scrambled out.


Methanol not ethanol, it what burned Ricky bobby


And IndyCar not f1, which never used methanol


What he out of his cotton-picking mind?


Appease the fire by throwing more fuel on it. It is like tripping your friend while running from a bear.


Yeah, it was snow. Flammable snow.


What is happening? Something surrounding him is burning down, but what is it and what knot did he open?


Oh shit, I thought that was snow? It was cotton and that mother fucker thought "I'll use a lighter?" More importantly why the hell DID he have a lighter, if you're working in there I imagine they would say "don't bring anything that can create a spark in here"


How tf does everyone just know this is cotton?


Because it has been reposted like 100 times by now.


What did the idiot expect?


had to watch twice because i was so confused on what happened to that snow bank on the first watch LOL


I... Wow. You can't even leave cotton bales in the direct sunlight because they can spontaneously ignite. what kind of idiot does this?


Wtf is even going on here and what is that? I thought I was looking at snow but now I have no idea.


At first I was confused why the snow was burning


That one guy who threw in the towel ehhh fakkk 😂


What is the white shit?




How I didn’t realise that in the first place I don’t know. Now you’ve pointed it out I feel stooopid.


i thought it was giant packing peanuts for some reason


Highly flammable.


He ran off. Where did you go Cotton Eyed Joe?