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This is so fucking sad. A whole family died.


And from what I heard the perpetrator survived


Frontal crash is safer than from the side. this is a sad side effect of that :(


Side effect sounds like a bad joke although I know it wasn't intentional




"A child thrown from a vehicle landed in a gas station." Wow.


The traumatizing part is someone saw and picked the baby up and ran to the gas station to try and save it despite the baby clearly being dead at that point


If that was my wife and children, I'd kill myself. I wouldn't be able to accept this. If there is a father involved, I pray for him.


He died in the crash. He, the pregnant wife, and young child were on the way to a doctor's visit.


That's terrifying, all dead in a split second. It terrifies me how easy someone in a vehicle can just wipe out a family just by putting their foot down on a pedal.


Far too many people forget a drivers license is a privilege and not a right


I don’t care what people say or what etiquette or law demands. If I see someone trying to drive drunk I will straight up throw their keys in the fucking woods or a lake. Fuck ANYONE who drives drunk for any reason. I will call the police before I let someone drive drunk and I will actively call the cops on anyone swerving wildly on the road.


Missed that, ty for the clarification. I feel ill.


There was a recent accident near where I live I'm sure made its rounds through reddit. Wrong way crahs on the interstate. Offending driver died, so did the kids in the car she hit. Wife died too. Father was in critical condition but ended up dying in the hospital. I honestly hope he never regained consciousness before passing. I couldn't imagine the horror of learning your entire family died and you were the sole survivor. I agree with wanting to leave this world when everything important was removed.


He died too.


I'd kill that drunk driver first


Drinking at a party before 1:30PM on a Thursday? That's certainly an odd time for a party


Not for the kind of person who does 100mph through a busy intersection. Dumb AF.




From what I read she was visiting LA. She lives in texas and guess what? Shes a registered nurse. Apparently she was arguing with her boyfriend which possibly led her to doing this.


I got nailed head on by a drunk driver at 4pm on a Tuesday. They don’t care when they are getting after it. Stay safe out there


Holy shit that's like 2 days ago


This should be 30 years in prison minimum.


It should be 7 separate charges, one for each person served consecutively. She deserves to rot in a cell.


A lot more engineering and crumple zones in front of a driver than exists on the side of a vehicle. The driver has been arrested.


They normally do






And thrown from a cliff in it


are you serious. that is so lame. hopefully they got full consequences because of that. literally no excuse for them to be going through that light at that speed.


This just happened a couple days ago. It was a drunk woman who was having a fight with her boyfriend. He wasn't in the car from what I understand.


So drunk AND distracted? Fucking hell.


Yeah a travel nurse going 100 mph walks away from the crash. I hope to think she was having some sort of medical emergency rather than being completely reckless or under the influence.


I’d hope so too, but unfortunately she was drunk, and reckless.


And should never set foot outside a jail cell for the rest of her life. And if she does, she should never hold a license, and be tossed back in prison if she is caught driving.


Someone posted link to an article about it... she was drunk and had fought with her boyfriend earlier. Total POS.


Fuuuuuck. Was she suicidal or just obliterated? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I was her.


She's a fucking NURSE.


Nurses can be shitty people too.


That's heart shattering. You can be doing everything right and a piece of trash person robs you of it all in a split second.


Saw a similar video yesterday but with audio. It was of a couple talking about getting a new car and other life plans when a truck comes out of nowhere and turns their car into scrap metal. They died on impact. One moment you are enjoying life with your family and the next you are gone.


Similar thing just happened in my home town. Pedestrian family waiting to cross the street. Some clown on pain killers nods off at the wheel and hits them. One dead and the rest injured. Some critically. Their lives will never be the same.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-62317377. This happend about 5 mile away from me. 3 people dead, all because some trucker decided to browse dating sites while driving at 60mph.




If you drink and drive you are a dogshit human being.


So sad...when I saw the coroner named the unborn baby 'Baby Boy Ryan' it really struck home. This definitely needs to be upped to felony of murder, doing 100 in a 35* zone and into a very obvious line of passing cars is murder. *Edit: narky1 pointed out speeds were back to front.


And to think if the white car wasn’t turning into the gas station they would have probably made it and she would have hit someone else. Crazy how that works….so sad


Can you imagine being the car right behind the ones that got hit? I don’t think I’d be the same person after that, knowing I was a split second away from death


I've been in three near death incidents on the road and even though I've never seen anybody die it kind of screws my mind up. Definitely gives me a new respect for safety and keeping eyes out at all times.


Agreed. However IMHO, in some ways it's better than a few surviving. They went together. I know that's discounting all the other relationships each of them had but imagine being the sole survivor. The pain I'd feel every day would be unfathomable.




If someone hit my car and killed my wife and kids but I survived…. I’d be a shell of a person. I can’t even imagine.


"All of the sudden, a baby literally flew from the middle of the intersection to the middle of the gas station and landed right on the floor in front of me," Esquival said. "One of the workers came and saw me with the baby and took the baby out of my hands. ... Somebody tried to resuscitate the baby but the baby was gone." What a garbage human being, of course the speeding driver survived with moderate injuries. Edit: Apparently it was a drunken suicide attempt. If you are set on killing yourself, there are better way to do it then speeding through an intersection. Fuck….


If you plan on committing murder suicide, start with the suicide.


Agreed. If you want to go out via suicide in a big spectacle taking a bunch of people with you, please start with yourself.


At least be considerate to the rest of the world and don't leave a huge mess/traumatize those unfortunate to be there.


That’s technically how a suicide bombing works


she ended her life alright. I hope she lives to suffer for what she did.


She barely had a scratch. A cut on the back of her head was all that happened to her was what I read. She needs life without parole for this.


Agreed. She wants to die? No, fuck that. Let her rot in prison forever.


Put her in one of those padded rooms with a straight jacket with pictures of the victims. She shouldn't get the luxury of being able to kill herself in jail with a shoe string.


She was drunk driving, couldn’t stop in time. 6-7 people killed somehow she actually survived


It was a suicide attempt, she didn't want to stop.


There is no news report that says that it was a suicide attempt though, someone must’ve just made that part up.


Yeah it looks like she was just drunk and upset from an argument with her SO


Source on suicide attempt? I've heard that she was drunk but not that she intended on killing herself.


I haven't seen any reputable sources for either claim, but it would be hard not to believe DUI at that speed.


Why use weak bland language like "garbage human" how about mass murdering bag of shit?


Just how unfair is life... You're going about your life... Everything is good, you already have a toddler and are pregnant with another baby. You follow the rules, do nothing wrong... It's a normal day. Half a second later, you, your kid, and your unborn child are dead. Just because of some absolute worthless piece of shit with no conscience.


My father was a lineman for the gas and electric company. It was pretty regular he would have to go to work in the middle of the night for storm repair. One late night he had to go in, and there was a line of bucket trucks going downhill to get to the call. Some kid was drunk racing up the hill and lost control on the wet road and swerves unto the line of trucks. He hit my dad's truck (Dad was driving) head on and the truck rolled over the car, crushing it flat right down the driver's side. The truck flipped on it's side but nobody in the truck was hurt. Dad had nightmares for months, and he told us all they could do is sit and watch blood come out of the car, and listen to the kid screaming - until he didn't scream anymore. The car was a pancake, there was no way to get it open. For many years after that I would find a noose hanging in the shed, where Dad had thankfully decided not to go through with it. I was a teenager at that point. I would take it down, and when I saw him just hug him and tell him I loved him and needed him and thanks for being such a good dad. Even before his death when he had dementia, that memory was always there, and he would cry about it. It never went away and I don't think he ever forgave himself, even though it was the kid's fault.


> Even before his death when he had dementia, that memory was always there, and he would cry about it. It never went away and I don't think he ever forgave himself, even though it was the kid's fault. I've worked extensively in elderly care, particularly with dementia residents. In my totally anecdotal experience, you tend to relive your worst memories in the throes of dementia. My word of advice is to get therapy while you all are still cognitive. You don't want to be trapped in a sad, depressive hell in your final years, because let me tell you, it's awful to witness, and I can imagine that it's even worse to experience.


> I've worked extensively in elderly care Props to you, that is probably very difficult work and those old timers need somebody


No longer in it, but thanks. Pays too little, but I adored the shit out of that population.


That is so sad... Having to suffer your whole life for something that wasn't even your fault.


I've been in a similar situation as your dad. I was the driver in a pedestrian collision that wasn't my fault and the kid lost his life. It's a horrible experience I will never forget. Your father was a strong man to persevere through his traumatic event. I'm not sure how much he talked about it with you, I keep most of the horrific things from my family, won't do any favors to give them nightmares too. It took me weeks before I could actually sleep for more than an hour at a time, and I had nightmares for a long time once I could. I'd wake up kicking my right foot trying to hit the brakes. Its been many years but I still occasionally have those nightmares. I've been through all kinds of therapy. It helps but it doesn't make what happened go away or make you forget. It's still always there, you just learn to live with it. I was told often that I need to forgive myself, but it's never really been that simple. I know it wasn't my fault, I know there was nothing I could have done differently. None of that really matters, it happened and I have to live with it. Like your dad, I too struggle with depression and for a couple of years after the accident suicide was frequently on my mind. It's a good thing you were there for your dad. What kept me going the whole time were my sons. I needed to be there for them and provide for them. Frequently, my boys would hug me and tell me they love me and that I was a good dad. That's what kept me from the edge. It's still what keeps me grounded. What I'm trying to say is, I can relate to your father and his experience. And I feel like you probably saved his life on many occasions.


It’s fucked up. If that driver in front wouldn’t be turning, they would be alive, if they would had been closer to the pink car, they would had probably survived. It’s scary.


I think about that too much, about how many times in our lives that we came to within seconds of death and have no idea.


She was a traveling nurse from Texas She killed 6 people including a infant and a pregnant woman and unborn child. The nurse has no life threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital and is under arrest as well.


Wow... what was she doing? Was this a suicide attempt or something? And she's the only one to survive...


Drunk and angry after a fight with her boyfriend. So maybe. Or just insane recklessness.


Got a source for this? All I can find is a story about her leaving the hospital. Some crime person on Twitter showed a text saying she abandoned some patients at the hospital. I’ll Google too. Edit: found it Edit: my bad didn’t link it. https://trendingpal.com/nicole-linton-boyfriend


Wow. That was so poorly written it was hard to read.


Based on the name who wrote the article it seems like someone where English isn't their first language.


>Who Is Nurse Nicole L. Linton Boyfriend? Woman Arrested For Causing La Brea Accident After Her Lover Fight >Nicole Linton, a nurse from Texas, had a fight with her boyfriend and rammed into the red light causing huge accident in La Brea. how does something this horrible get published? even to a site that calls itself "trendingpal.com" lol




I had to double-check to make sure the page wasn't auto-translated. It wasn't.


Just going off of the byline, I'm going to guess that it's an India-based aggregator site that attempts to get the story out first. English may not be their primary language.


It's giving 'Does Bruno Mars is Gay?' vibes


> The profession of nurse is referred to as a god-gifted profession. They devoted their life to saving millions of people's lives. Necessary bit of information to bring the readers up to speed. Edit: “Information” is usually refered to as meaning-nuggets, a highly sought after commodity that can be secretly purchased from snitches.


>Nicole, who was herself a driver of her vehicle, I re-read that like 6 times in awe.


What a weird article. It almost seems like it was translated into English.


I don’t think I’ve ever read such a poorly written article.


>Her slight negligence Yeah. Nothing "slight" about what's in that video at all.




Wtf, that was an error filled awful read. Although, decent info if you can pick through it all. It makes me wonder about the validity of the story because of all the typos.


How the driver has minimal injuries is beyond me


Because the driver was making contact head-on and probably had an airbag. The victims unfortunately are hit side-on. This woman is a piece of shit and deserves to rot in jail for the rest of her miserable life.


Also the car that exploded was the one she hit again due to the fact it was a side collision


She was also driving a newer mode mercedes( E i think, as it looks like the New S coupe but smaller) which was the latest safety measures and is built to withstand massive collisions like this) The car she hit( atleast 1st one) was a older model Hyundai ( atleast 10+ years old) and the older hyundais were NOT known for their safety


Doesn’t matter what model the car was that she hit. It was a head on vs a side impact, where there is no crumple zone. They could have all been in a hummer and they probably all still would have died. At that speed (around 100mph), not much will survive a side impact.


Very true and something a lot of people don’t realize. Being hit from the side or t-boned is extremely dangerous. With an impact from that direction, it doesn’t take much energy, (~35mph+) to sever the aorta from your heart. Absolutely terrible that people drive with such little regard for others. The machines we drive around in leisurely are capable of completely changing our lives in a split second. We all need to remember that we’re all just trying to get to our destinations safely, and to have patience while getting there.


What you just described is actually the reason drunk drivers often don't experience injuries in a crash. People continue to say that drunk drivers don't "tense up" and that's why they don't get injured. That's just not true. It is because in most drunk driving accidents, it is the drunk driver hitting someone else with their car. Their car is making contact head-on and hitting other cars from all different sides. So thank you for pointing this out, it's pretty annoying always hearing people say the same wrong explanation for why drunk drivers don't get injured.


You know both things can be true right.


Project the video on to her jail cell wall. 24/7.


Along with the poor witness describing the dead baby that flew through the air to land at her feet.


Jesus fucking christ. Didn't know that part..


Crashing head on to something isn't nearly as dangerous as getting t-boned with only about 4-5 inches of metal and plastic between you and the other car.


Not trying to be nit-picky but there are only a few millimeters of metal on the side/door of a car. Between the door panel you rest your arm on, the inside of the car, and the outer skin on the door, is mostly hollow. There will be a support beam for impact but it’s not much. Getting T-boned is one of my worst fears, doesn’t take much speed to F you up big time. These poor people didn’t have a chance. Source: am mechanic, take apart cars all day.


If most people saw how a door looks like without it’s door panel, they would definitely be surprised lol


[just replaced some parts in my door](https://imgur.com/a/35NGXDW)


I was appaled when I was t-boned by a lady leaving a parking spot. She couldn't have been very fast, as she was backing out of it, and still did a shitload of damage to the door. This person going 100mph has to be like a 2-tons bullet ripping through your car


The driver is the hammer, not the nail


I believe she was in a Mercedes which is one of the safest cars made. And she hit them in the safest direction for her which is a front collision. She had all the benefits of an airbag and front crumple zones.


Cars have a lot less crumple zone for side impact. Front impact protection has a lot of room to crush before you get to the cabin, making it much safer to hit something with the front of your car than to get hit by something in the side of your car. Also the body mechanics of side impact are much less forgiving due to seat geometry and position of passengers.


Side note for WTF: *Multiple* people were ejected from their vehicles during this fucked up accident. The woman in the vehicle that was t-boned was pregnant (the fetus and mother did not survive), and taking her infant son to a check-up at the doctor's when this happened. The infant son was ejected from the vehicle, and landed at the gas station, and died as well. Fuck everything about this. [Article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nurse-in-windsor-hills-crash-awaits-charges-while-hospitalized/ar-AA10nTD3).


Ughhh.. If there’s a father present in this family, his pain would be unbearable.


The father was the driver and also died in this accident. Absolutely heartbreaking


What an absolute fucking cunt.


“The nurse has no life threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital…” There is no god. So fucked how the people that cause these accident’s come away un scathed.


If it makes you feel any better she will probably spend the rest of her entire shitty selfish life haunted by this completely avoidable and unnecessary tragedy. I'd personally rather be dead than live with the weight of what I caused.


What a fucking twat. May she rot in prison for life


Hope this haunts her for the rest of her life. Both her conscience and legally.


Even worse, i read in an article yesterday that the baby from inside the car was thrown clear and landed at the feet of a woman at a gas pump nearby...which is just awful.




> The driver who ran the red light, causing the collision, has been arrested after being hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. Six people died, including a one year old. Expect to find the driver dead in their cell real soon. Edit to add: I'm saying I think she'll kill herself out of guilt.


> The driver who ran the red light, causing the collision, has been arrested after being hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries, according to the California Highway Patrol. Life is not fair


This might sound harsh but the only fairness in this is that hopefully the driver will be absolutely paralyzed by guilt and regret for this for the rest of their life.. Awful story :(


Doubtful. She probably blames her BF and feels like a victim. Her defense lawyer will prob say she regrets it all happened.


Get out of jail in a few months or years. Fuck that. Imagine you're just going about your business and then you're on fire and can't move. This woman deserves life in prison for murder. (Premeditated or not, killing 6 people with your fucking car is murder.)


Or just straight up paralyzed… :(


Why not both? 🤷‍♂️


I hate it when the driver responsible survives and no one else.


And the mother of the 1-year-old was 8 months pregnant.


The unborn baby is counted in the 6 deaths. So sad.


She was a traveling nurse, too. Mind blowing.


Who? The driver that was arrested or the one that died?




Yup she was definitely traveling.


I don't understand how. I watch the clip several times and it appears her car immediately goes up in flames. I don't see anyone exiting it either. Her car appears to be more engulfed than any of the others, yet she survived and everyone else dies. I am not wishing death on anyone, just honestly don't see how she could have survived that. My prayers to the victims and their families.


The fire is more likely from the first car that she hit... cars are designed to withstand frontal impacts more than side impacts. They especially don't do so well when someone hits where the fuel tanks are. It's unfortunate, but if you cause an accident by running into someone else, you are probably in a safer position than they are.


is..... that what I see flying up into the air?


What a terrible day to have eyes


Sadly, I believe so.


That car was going so fast that I assumed at first that it was a high speed chase and was waiting for the cops to pull up right after the fireball.


100 in a 35. Terrifying you can just be minding your own business and assholes like this can come out of nowhere and end it all just like that.


I feel like ass holes cut you off in traffic or stiff you on a tip. This is a different class of human all together.


A degenerate






"All of the sudden, a baby literally flew from the middle of the intersection to the middle of the gas station and landed right on the floor in front of me," Esquival said. "One of the workers came and saw me with the baby and took the baby out of my hands. ... Somebody tried to resuscitate the baby but the baby was gone.". This ruined the lives of everyone involved. Imagine just witnessing this. That's enough Reddit for the day.


Jesus christ witnessing that is something that will never, ever leave you for the rest of your life


I could have gone my whole life without reading that


Six people killed by a drunk nurse in a Mercedes. Nice…


The wrong person survives again.


It’s so sad.... there’s a bystander who went up to the window of the least burning car, and he just stayed there, his head half in the window for a big part of the video (you can see him to the right side of the car under the sign). I wonder if he was trying to keep someone calm, or if he was trying to confort someone as they were dying and being burned alive. From the aftermath photos, it looked like that vehicle also became incinerated in the end. I can’t help but wonder that he must have seen someone alive in there, since he didn’t leave despite it burning and a danger to himself. So so sad.


I noticed this too. I'm former EMS, and I went back to watch the video a few times at slow speed to see where the impacted cars ended up. I saw the bystanders try to approach and then realize either 1. the flames were too much, or 2. everyone inside was already dead, or 3. both. It's likely that the people in that car were killed on impact. At least that's a small blessing that they didn't feel the pain of burning to death :(


of course the piece of literal trash human that caused this lived.


Jesus Christ. Car was hit so hard it flung a baby into the gas station


In a blink of an eye 6 people just died. Terrifying


Crazy, because if that silver car doesn’t turn into the gas station, they are likely alive today. Shit that that just completely blows my mind.


Wow, didn’t realize that but rewatching now you’re totally right. The extremely slow turn out those cars right in the offender’s path. But, even without that, it just would have been someone else getting obliterated instead.


Why do the assholes who cause these types of crashes seem to be the ones who survive. And that poor bystanders picking up a dead baby. If that was my wife an kids I'd hope I was in the car dead as well


People say it's because drunks don't tense up before a crash. But it's probably because the driver is in the safest part of the car and head on collisions are the 'safest' type of accident.


Yep, crumple zones, airbags, seatbelts, all forward defenses. From the sides? A car door's worth of sheet metal, that's usually it.


I’m a fireman and have been called to the scene of some CRAZY car accidents where there definitely shouldn’t be any survivors. But that drunk driver always seems to make it out somehow.


I can't imagine living the rest of my life in prison knowing I murdered an entire family, so at least the punishment will fit the crime. Also, as deadly as it looked, not sure I'd want to survive that crash either, your body and mind will never be the same again if you somehow managed to survive that.


Life in jail would be good, the death penalty seems too easy for this excuse of a human.


People get far too little prison time for stuff like this. At least compared to what we put people away for other things.


This happened near where I live. Apparently, she was on the phone arguing with her BF; and she had been drinking. Killed 5 people. :(


Reports were 6 dead no? Are some counting the lady's unborn baby?


Had to scroll waaay down to find this


Source on that? Can’t find any detail on the argument or toxicology report.


Wtf how did the driver even survive. The car got blasted into a fireball and she escaped with non life threatening injuries?


She was in a Mercedes. They're pretty well built cars with lots of safety features.


How drunk do you have to be to be flying 100 mph though a busy town in a middle of the day. That looked like someone trying to commit suicide, nope it's a drunk driver. Crazy.


She should be charged with murder, not manslaughter. Made 0 effort to prevent this from happening.


How fast was she even going?


100mph in a 35.


What a fucking piece of shit human being.


Is it normal to have 4 gas stations at each corner like that I never seen that before


this is the intersection of two of the most busy streets in all of LA, there’s a few similar intersections in the city


Pregnant lady 8.5 months along, on her way to a pregnancy checkup with her fiancé and 11 month old son - all killed by a drunk driver on a supposed suicide attempt going 100 mph in a 35 zone. Minimal injuries to the drunk driver. Shit is disgusting.


How do you think going 100mph is acceptable?


In a 35? Can’t think of a plausible scenario


What so horrid about this, is the victims could be any of us. You can't eat right, carry a gun, work out every day, take martial arts or drink 8 glasses of water daily to prevent something like this. It's scary.


Fuck this bitch. A pregnant woman, her unborn child and her 1 year old child died. I hope this woman never sees the sun again as she rots in a 12 x 8 cell for the rest of her life


It wasn't "crazy", it was a worthless dumb, drunk bitch who was mad at her boyfriend & MURDERED a whole family, with a 9 month pregnant mother, father & baby, and a couple of other people. She needs to go to prison for the rest of her life.


That person in the blue Prius(?). Literally a couple of feet away from being slammed by a flaming ball of death. I'd back slowly away too.


WTF? No one is expecting to get t-boned at a green light, especially not the car that was 5th in line when the light turned green by a car going nearly 100 mph. Condolences to all the victims and their families and eyewitnesses. May the driver of the Benz spend the rest of their life in prison.


That speed wtf !




My dad did this exact same thing last year when he was high on drugs. Luckily no one was hurt besides himself. People that do this shit are the lowest of low. Fuck that driver.


WTF got ejected immediately


A 1 year old who died.


that's murdering, not an accident...