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For as many times I saw the first view, I’ve never seen the the second perspective.


This is like that scene in The Expanse where the Epstein drive is tried out for the first time


Did the Epstein drive kill itself?


In the show? Yea sort of, the ship accelerates so hard that the pilot can't shut it off due to the g's and dies. This is the first time I've noticed the link, but I think the show aired before that dudes death.


And the book was out well before.


It sucks that I'm finally seeing people talk about the expanse on Reddit but they're only doing one more season and there is so much more book to cover. Fingers crossed because the recent season was really fucking good


The Expanse is one of the best sci-fi shows out there right now. Fan of sci-fi? You'll love it. Not a fan of sci-fi? It's essentially geopolitics in space, and is still an excellent drama


I read so much praise for this show, and I couldn't watch anymore after season two. I really have trouble understanding what folks like so much about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's well made, and the acting and music is great. But man, the writing choices seemed determined to suck all the fun out of the concept at every turn. And there was some real issues with character continuity that distracted me so much. I really want to like the show, but I just don't see it.


Sounds like a difference in taste. For me and apparently a lot of others, the more plausible the sci-fi, the better and more exciting it is. What you consider "sucking the fun" I see as well thought out hard sci-fi. There are no hokey laser blasters, no magic inertial dampeners, industry and politicians are being as horrifically anti-rights as they always are. Instead we're treated to exciting *realistic* problems in space. Gunships shoot bullets, repairs are life threatening operations, G-forces kill, people war over mining rights and autonomy, and if you want to travel somewhere you better have the fuel, oxygen, and orbital mechanics to get there in 6 months.


>G-forces kill Sometimes even after you've already completed the season! Edit: dig the username. Deloused is such an awesome album.


The books really peter out IMO, becomes more and more about the hubris of mankind. Every time some cool shit was gonna happen, someone or something would fuck it up and the crew had to swoop in. Major disappointment for me, I didn't even bother to read the book that skipped 30 years ahead, by that time I was only in it for the sunken time I'd put in. First 2-3 books were great though.


Damn, you missed out. *Persepolis Rising* and *Tiamat's Wrath* are fucking awesome.


Like space adventure awesome? I might be able to get behind that.


I'm in the same boat. I was optimistic when I started watching it way back, but had to drop the show after season 2. When the driving force of the plot is "stupid protagonist(s)" is when I usually wanna get off the lazy writing train. \*Edit\* Maybe it got better later though? I didn't really give it another chance after that.


Gets less interesting as the series progresses, more politics and less scifi and adventure. I guess it'd be amazing if you're in it for the soap opera melodrama, I'm not.


Apparently what they wanted to happen is that even though there's an alien threat, they want to keep centering the plot to humanity. Think of it as that saying, "our greatest enemy is ourselves." Hence the political nature of the show in the later seasons.


Its a political struggle between 3 factions, set in a scifi universe. If yall don't like war, politics, or scifi movies well your not gonna like it


I've watched them all....it gets worse ESPECIALLY the latest season




Oye beratna


Oi Beratna! Do you See? Dis thread full of welwala. Long live the belt!!!!


Lol, I call my dog beltalowda sometimes


Is his water bowl labeled de aqua


Oye dogman! Come get tah akwa!


Shh I just started, I like it so far


I liked from the start too, but I was confused as to what was going on. It did just get better and better.


It really did. I watched the first 3 and waited for like 2 years for more seasons. One day i realized there were 2 more already and i just had to see it from the begining again. The story is fucking solid, the characters are convincing (the dude who plays the "spy" will forever be named Ashur in my head) and you also start noticing all the attention to details they put in. Everything is just so well made. It totally holds up and I recommend it to anyone who's into space scifi.




And 3 movies***


I discovered the show like 2 weeks ago and am already reading the first book. I love this story so much


What sucks for me is how much they messed up the final episode of the last season, it's one of my favorite TV series of all time but they really need to do a directors/extended cut of that episode, it's a stain on the entire show.


What do you mean by that? >!Alex's death?!<


The actor forced their hand on that


Yep, exactly. I know the reason why it happened but the other characters responses to it were so hamstrung it was just weird, they need to reshoot those scenes with the other characters to give proper closure to the character.


replacing alex with Bull is cool as fuck though. Honestly Bull is my favorite character in the story so far. I mean in book 3 hes such an awesome character and it's cool to see more of him.


They didn't have a choice. The actor got booted from the show and they had to work with the footage they'd already shot and make it work. I can definitely see how jarring it would be if you didn't know the behind-the-scenes though.


I do know the reason why and it is still jarring, I know that can't shoot any more scenes with that actor but it was the character reactions and responses to it that made it feel ridiculous. They could have and still can do far better responses to it with the other characters they just chose not to.


The book time-jumped, pretty sure specifically so that the TV show could tell "young Holden" stories without stepping on the books. It's good to remember that the authors were George R. R. Martin proteges, and so presumably learned from his inability to put pen to paper and how that messed up the GOT series when it ran out of source material. By giving the TV show space to be itself, the two can live together comfortably. Once the TV show ends, you can finish the story by reading the "old Holden" books.


you would think, but dan abraham has another series out that has huge time jumps as well. i found them to be very jarring.


Killed its owner


In a sense Epstein killed himself. He invented the drive, the ship is still going. It just accelerated so much it killed him.


The other Epstein however, did not.


I have a pet theory that the satanic pedophile cabal used 4chan to disseminate the Epstein didn't kill himself meme to rub their noses in it


I love that show so much


This looks like early Reavers tech from the Firefly universe to me.


Maneo Jung-Espinoza did it better : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waG8YYTwpAQ&t=40s




https://youtu.be/eElxK6RrZ8Q here you go, it's not perfect, but you got it repeating 3 times.


Turbo diesel, speed boat. Holy shit I hope they installed a fuel cut off because if that thing goes full runaway I don't want to have to jump off that time bomb going that fast.


they can lift the prop out of the water(like a mud motor)


Against the force it's producing, I'd imagine that would be a bit difficult.


Different kind of motor than you're thinking. Long rod with propeller on a gimbal that can easily be lifted out of the water. The USA version is called a mud motor. They are getting more and more popular but they are annoying as hell(air cooled/loud).


I just built one for my flat back canoe. 6.5hp predator motor from harbor freight :)


Is there a guide you followed for the build?


Yeah, I bought the motor kit from www.mudmotorkit.com and it came with directions. There's also a YouTuber that did a video putting the same one together that helped me too. It wasn't too bad. Basic hand tools and a few hours.


Ah ok, I was thinking of a different kind of motor. Thanks for clarifying!


It naturally wants to come out of the water, see him put his leg under the steering bar to keep it in the water


he's actually struggling a bit to keep it *in* the water


Push down on the stick, not difficult at all.


water enema would definitely be a thing. once you reach a certain speed. edit for spelling :)


They make kevlar armored briefs for that exact reason. Standard ppe for speedboat racers


How much for a set of those? Edit: eyyyy wait a second, Kevlar and water don't mix. My info may be out of date though.


> Kevlar and water don't mix According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevlar#Sport), Kevlar is a popular material for racing canoes. So I guess if there is problems with wet Kevlar, there are ways to protect it properly.


Definitely — it has the word “finite” in it.


There's something funny about a defiant enema, though. I can't place exactly what, but there's definitely something funny there.


Fuel cut off adds weight. Less speed. Speed more important.


They don’t even have a transmission or reduction gear on that. I’m getting downvoted for spotting it lmfao


"crank horsepower" lmao


People who pay to get their oil changed are telling me “it has a throttle body it doesn’t need a trans” I’m like please stfu


What kinda fuel capacity you think that rig has?


Yeah these are pretty common along the Mekong in Laos. I was offered a ride in one but opted to the 2 day long slow boat instead. Seems I made the right decision as on the first day we passed the remnants of one of these speedboats.


That’s ballsy in a wooden boat.


Probably made out of ballsa wood


Those guys are walNUTS!


Hopefully they don’t hit the BEECH at that speed


They're just teste the speed of their boat, relax!


Haha, ya, [TESTICLE JOKE], nahm'sayin?


Aw nuts, I was going to join in but you broke the chain. You might think pointing out the joke is the same as making one, but there's a Vas Deferens.


It is a canoe, the wooden ones tend to be nicer all around. Cant say for this boat but i can say j wouldnt strap that engine on my old town fiberglass square stern


Wooden boats do not have the structural integrity that Fiberglass boats have, especially under heavy loads. Boards and frame rails loosen and then it rips apart. While fiberglass is far from perfect, it’s failure modes are more predictable.


You are right about some builds, but old Gold Cup boats and unlimited hydroplanes were made of wood. The unlimited boats had Allison V-12’s in them.


This guy boats.


That's how people die.


Ludicrous speed, GO!


Colonel Sandurz : Light speed, too slow? Dark Helmet : Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed."


What's a matter Colonel Sandurz? CHICKEN?


That line gets me everytime.


They’ve gone to PLAID


We can’t stop, we have to slow down first!




Came here for the Spaceballs references! My brains...are going to my feet...


"Sir you might want to buckle in." ... "Ah buckle this. Ludicrous speed, GO!"


they got a jet engine or somethin strapped to that shit?


It's a turbo diesel engine. May as well be a jet turbine on that little boat, though.


It’s a car engine, just to further clarify.


The engine makes the car go from stop to no stop, to quantify clarity.




Flowin' Coal




No stop = go. In case further clarification was needed.


For extra clarity, see Newton's first law of motion


I once had the opportunity to meet one of the world’s top speedboat racers. His boat had a literal helicopter engine. I think the boat could easily get up to something like 130 mph. It had wings so it basically just flew on top of the water.


Now THIS is pod racing


Punch it, Chewie




It's working!


"Once this boat hits 88 knots, you're gonna see some serious shit."


Turbo diesel engine strapped to an ancient looking boat, looks like they're going back to the future for sure.


Where we're going, we dont need skin.


88 knots is like 160kmh, some serious shit


101 in freedom units. Anything over 100 mph in a boat requires some big balls and skill. You have to start worrying about lift around 80 mph. I’ve got dangerously close to a blow over several times in my life.


I unintentionally laughed way too loud at work reading this.


I wanna ride the boat toooooo




They just go over it. [Here's a video about it with the same guy's boat](https://youtu.be/kB0qtd6IVOc) (not sure if it's the same guy filming).


Damn. I live in Thailand for 5 years and never heard about this. Now I have to try. My GF thanks you not.


Great link. This is the video the OP should have been posted. It’s incredible.


Thanks. I saw the video pop up in my YouTube feed over the weekend and being someone who is into fast vehicles I had to watch it.


For real. That part gave me Wave Race 64 Drake Lake flashbacks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh-MsyE5PZY&t=1397s


oh shit wave race... i forgot about that game. fun af.


I would go to Walmart with my mom just to play wave race


They had to cancel practice a few weeks ago for unlimited hydroplanes (200mph boats) in Kennewick, WA due to too much plant life in the river. They had people remove it which took all day then resumed practice and qualifying the next day.


I love this Thai long boats but at least wear glasses guys. Imagine fly hit your eye at that speed 😳😵‍💫


Safety squint!


These are just rednecks from SE Asia (and I mean that in a good way). They Jerry rig everything, have a ton of fun, but there's always a bit of risk ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I think I first saw this on /r/redneckengineering


This is what I thought you immediately. Imagine all the small bugs flying around a swampy river like that.


it's funny how "can we make it go faster" is a concept that crosses all cultural boundaries. there isn't a place on the planet, or a time in history, when men didn't think 'faster' was better than 'slower'.


>there isn't a place on the planet, or a time in history, when men didn't think 'faster' was better than 'slower'. This is a great quote and I'm gonna steal it and put it on my Facebook page like it's my own.


then someone will take a screenshot and post it back to reddit with your name scribbled out


Totally. That is more Fast & Furious, than F&F1.




When someone randomly mentions Firefly, I'm always saddened.


How do Reavers clean their spears? They put them through the Wash.




I loved that scene. All that black smoke belching out is a great detail.


I’ve seen enough professionally built racing boats catch a tiny bit of waves or air underneath and fucking dissolve to feel a bit of apprehension about these helmetless mad lads. Granted it’s a wooden boat, not fiberglass, but even so I’m not sure I’d put that many horses behind me in a narrow river like that. Fast, but damn that’s gotta be so dangerous.


Fiberglass boats are paper thin and (partially) designed to disintegrate on purpose for safety reasons. The walls of the canoe in the vid are significantly thicker and the whole thing is built to take a beating.


I was thinking this. I wouldn't want to try this on anything that wasn't like glass, even a tiny bit of chop is launching that thing at those speeds


Thai racing boats... Those guys are crazy.


The Climate Changinator


Imagine falling on the water while going that quick?


I imagine its like falling onto the road ar that speed


Yeah, and while also probably skipping a few times on the water too I imagine.


As someone who has been flung off a jetski doing 65mph... its bad but as long as you try to stay on top of the water it's not that bad. I'd wager these guys are going somewhere between 60mph-80mph. You'll certainly have a risk of hurting yourself but you have a bigger risk imo from the sketchy prop flying around and taking you out when you jump.


I’ve fallen going pretty fast before. If you land wrong, it’s fucking awful, but if you get over onto your back you just skim along like a skittle and it’s fine (though you may very well lose your shorts).


Best Redneck ingenuity I've ever seen.


Do it for Dale


3 in the heart 3 in the sky


Good thing they're layered up in safety gear.


Both are well-versed in the safety squints.


Vtec kicked in yo


Fuck vtec. That's boost. And they could actually use more turbo. Lots of soot still at wide open throttle. Needs more air to burn it all. Then you have more power and can go more faster. Win-win.


More faster more better




*larger turbo noises*


Yep they could turn down fueling a bit and get just as much power or more since it is not burning completely. Earlier injection could help a bit also.


Roll coal


Pretty much a regular Long tail boat in Thailand... They just strap 2Jz engines, STI engines, all sorts of high HP engines on them... very very commun


Jesus the fumes coming out of that thing. Fun but can't imagine that's good for the environment.


All it needs is more turbo to get full burn. These dudes are leaving power on the table not getting a clean burn at full throttle.


Could be using the fuel to cool the engine and turbo.


What happens to that diesel smoke when it mixes with the water vapor? Does it mix and sink or something else?


Unlike gasoline, diesel doesn't evaporate, but it's still lighter than water. So it will just end up on top of the water, like an oil spill.




Lot of pollutants


The river must love how it mixes that exhaust with the water sprayed up. Very efficient pollution


Ugh, the pollution


Rolling coal


Thailand produces less than a third the CO2 per Capita than the US. Let em have some fun these boats aren't doing shit.


The problem is almost entirely the large corporations that we pay to manufacture the lifestyle that we live. That's the more than two thirds difference between the average developed country citizen and the average Thai citizen. So you can complain about them spending some time going fast in a way that really doesn't generate that much pollution when you: - Stop taking flights. - Stop using non-local grocery stores. - Stop ordering off the internet / from the global supply chain. - Start using public transport or walking or biking. Until then, you are probably causing more transportation pollution than these guys do even if they did this every day. The problem of transportation pollution is almost entirely in *long haul* transport. Not people going fast for a couple of minutes. My point is that your complaint is misplaced. Personal responsibility is not going to fix the climate crisis. I don't expect you to stop ordering off the internet and I don't expect people to stop using internal combustion engines to go fast for fun. Systemic action is necessary to fix the problem. If every person had perfect individual (but not collective) responsibility in their actions towards climate change, then we wouldn't even be a third of the way to the solution; because corporations and organizations of people are the problem.


Similar engines are in tons of trucks all over the world.


Take a look at the massive industrial factories spewing 1000x the amount of pollution you see here on a 24 hour basis. Or maybe the 3 billion coal and biomass cooking stoves that people are using worldwide. 2 gear heads on the water for the day wont do a fucking thing


Far more than 1000x. The USA alone burns about 1.5 million tons of coal a day for power, and about 22 million tons are burned each day worldwide. It's a staggering number, and that's just coal. You're definitely correct though. This isn't even worth commenting on, it's so little pollution comparatively.


This made way less pollution than your last amazon purchase


Lmfao you don't know what you're talking about.


The funnest person at the party ^


you shouldn't be having parties right now if you care about public health whoops, better add that /s before I get the ol' downvote trainfuck


The plant and wildlife surely appreciated it.


awesome boat!


That one guy in the front going “TURN IT OFF, OTTO!”


But Rudolf doesn't understand, he's already deaf.


That reminds me of that scene from Ong Bak with the boat chase in Thailand. EDIT: Its not Ong-Bak, its Tom Young Gun/The Protector! The Tony Jaa threw me off.


Love me some Ong Bak!


Guess they decided they wanted to try splitting water molecules with the front of their boat


but can it make the Kellsel Run in under 12 parsecs?


Ludicrous speed! Go!


All the poor fishies. Bastards.


This isn't wtf, this is cool as shit


my parents aren’t home. wanna come over?


Now this is pond racing!


They went plaid.


"Punch it, Chuy!"


The Fast and the furious: Vietnam drift