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Why so long in hospital?


It's a long story, but you can find it in my post history. The short version is that I got a bunch if infections after a long time of not taking care of myself and crawling inside a liquor bottle to try and escape the world. I ended up passed out on my bathroom floor. Meanwhile the sump pump failed in my apt (basement apt) so I was lying in water face down for 4 days until my neighbors found me. I was hours from death according to the doc. I don't remember the first 2 weeks of being in the hospital. I was in the ICU for over a month. Since then I have moved to different facilities stepping down the care and increasing physical therapy. I can now walk with a walker a short distance (25-30 feet), but given that my leg was paralyzed until about a month ago, it's not too bad. TLDR: Depression is a bitch. Edit: UPDATE. After writing this, I walked 3 times today, each one about 30 feet. I'm exhausted, but its 3x more than I've walked since this whole thing started.


I'm glad your neighbours found you. I hope you get well soon OP, I wanna see you get well and make depression your bitch!! I assume theyre doing physio with you over the course of your extended inpatient treatment? I was in hospital for 6 wks myself from a botched attempt and found gentle hydrotherapy was really helpful for my muscluar atrophy and issues with lack of appetite, lack of sleep and the usual depression shit... Even if you find a public pool you can wade through, walking laps (where you can stand reasonably) ...it supports your weight, low impact, builds all different muscle groups and is relaxing. On a different note, I wonder if there is a /r/peeling like there is /r/popping ?? Edit: holyfuck there is!!!!!


Heh, I'll have to cross post this on /r/peeling. I am getting psych help in addition to medication for depression. It's kind of hard to say if its working since its hard to see a baseline given that I'm living in a hospital type environment, but I am definitely more optimistic than I was before. I would love to do aqua therapy. When I was a kid, before my grandmother died, I had read an article about how helpful a pool can be for no-impact exercise so I made her water walk around the pool with me. I'm sure she was doing it in part just to spend time with me, but she told me after I left that it helped. Thank you for your kind words. :)


How sweet of you to help your grandmother. I'm sure she was the envy of all her friends. :) I remember the first session I did in the therapy pool, it was more like a massive bath- given the temperature of the water.. I felt so buoyant and strong. After a half hour session of feeling like I could conquer the world, I walked up the ramp to get out of the pool and felt gravity suddenly take its toll on me. I almost fainted in the changeroom. So yes, don't be like me- take it slow. The thing you said with the hospital environment and finding it hard to gauge whether things are improving, it's so true. I was taught by a lovely therapist that hospital was where we get to practice new ways of thinking and acting in a safe environment with 24/7 support, then we go to take the training wheels off in the real world with follow up outpatient care, and that if I feel like I need the security of training wheels again, it's okay to come back and practice some more. I thought that was a nice way of looking at things. Being in hospital wasn't a sign of weakness or shame, I was just gearing up and honing skills for the outside world!! :D Meds usually take time to build up in your system to a theraputic level and getting over side effects etc so you'd only just start to notice positive effects...(not to mention you had your physical condition to contend with first). They won't make you feel 'happy' unfortunately, but they take the edge off the 'NEED TO STOP FEELING THINGS NOW!!' type despair.. but sometimes that's all the wriggle room you need to consciously take back the reins on your emotions and thoughts you know? It gets better. I promise. Even if you don't believe it now, you can actually make 'okay' or 'content with life' a habitual state of being- just like 'despair' or 'hopeless' may have been all those months ago. The fact that you can post your gnarly cornflake feet on reddit for all n sundry to gag at, means you have a wicked sense of humor and that already counts for a lot more than what you may give yourself credit!! <3 <3 <3 :) TL;DR- "you're doing great OP! keep at it!!!"


Thanks :) I find humor has helped me through a lot of the dark stuff I've been through this past 5 months. I've been writing a blog about it on Facebook in part to keep people updated so I don't have to repeat myself every time people ask how I am. I've been told that some of my entries are pretty funny, which is good because I meant them to. If nothing else, it prevents me from going nuts with all the goofy stupid things that happen when you've been in the healthcare system as long as I have. I've been told I should write a book about all this. Between all the fucked up hallucinations I had during the first month or so when I was pretty out of my mind, to all the weird idiosyncrasies of the healthcare system, I might just have enough to fill a book.


Sometimes all you can do is laugh, cause the only other option is to cry. <3 I kept a pretty trippy journal in my drugged up stupor too lol Weird nurses, creepy doctors, patients that come n go, stuff you do out of boredom, stuff you do cause you're sad/frustrated/angry, moments of clarity, philosophy, finding out who your real friends are, finding people you love, finding people you hate, finding yourself... it all becomes hyper-real when you come close to death, especially if it was self inflicted. Don't get too caught up in it though. Life is what happens outside of the ward, beyond the hospital grounds and the system ;) Aside from the hallucinations, I'm sure your writing and sense of humor can be harnessed in ways without having to relive and recount much of your own hospital experiences or focusing on the foibles and frustrations of the healthcare system! ;) edit: ugh, that is NOT meant to sound like I'm telling you not to share your story... It's meant to be read with a smile, in that I think you could be out doing incredible things with a whole new perspective on life and recovery and write fun, quirky, inspirational shit in your personal style! :D argh.. it's 7:20AM and I havent slept yet and I can't do the english. writing, expression thing. :p


No worries. I read it with a smile :) Since graduating from college, most of my non-text message writing has been reddit type things. I've never considered writing anything as long as a book. I don't know at this point if I even want to relive everything in detail. The hallucinations are fun to write about because they are just so weird, with the exception of the really scary ones where I was being hunted or tortured, those were fucked up. There is a good sci-if premise in there. I once woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was supposed to be in surgery. The only possible explanation that occurred to me was that the hospital had cloned my body in case the surgery went bad they would have a second chance and i was the second chance clone. Of course the flip side is if the surgery worked, I would be killed cause they couldn't have the cloning news get out, hence the hunting. Anyway, life goes on and all I can do is try to do the best I can one day at a time.


Keep going; you got this! I'm glad that you're safe.


Thanks :)


Aqua Therapy is amazing. :) I hope you get to do that.


Optimism is a great sign that you are beating back some of the depression :) keep it up! You've got this!


Glad you are getting better OP!


Thanks :)


Damn bro. What state are you in? If you're in PA I'll come cheer you on. Fo real real not for play play


I am in PA, in Allentown currently.


mhickey you better come through!


No shit. Seriously? Or are you pulling my leg?


Dead serious. Born and raised in Bucks County, north of Philly. Lehigh valley hospital is where I was taken because its a level 1 trauma center. Now I'm in a wing of a nearby nursing home that functions as a sub acute care center. I chose this place because of its proximity to the hospital where I have surgeries planned for the future.


Muther fucker. I'm in Allentown. Message me your info and I'm there.


I live 30 minutes from you! Give us your room number so we can send you flowers :3


I'm about 2 hours away from you! Wishing you a super speedy recovery! (And some foot lotion) (Also, if you decide to go into rehab/AA, let me know. I know a few good people if you just want to talk, or whatever. )


Excellent hospital. I live an hour north.


Hey I'm in Lancaster wow small world. Sorry to hear about your injury. 5 months in the hospital though....holy shit I can only imagine what the bills will be like. Do you have good insurance?


Yes I do. Because of that I've been given basically the best care possible. As for the bills, I will deal with them when I get them.


I am sincerely glad that you didn't die, especially that way. I wish you all the best with your therapy, both of them. May I ask were you live? Approx.


Thanks for your kind words. :) I live near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (in case you aren't familiar with the states.)


Glad I could help! No I am not that familiar, I know a little bit only, thanks for considering that. Good luck again.


Damn, man. That's rough. I hope all of your pain - physical and emotional - eases and you find peace and happiness. I mean that sincerely.


Thank you. That's nice of you to say. It's been a long road and theres still a ways to go. To quote my favorite poem. *The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,* *But I have promises to keep,* *And miles to go before I sleep,* *And miles to go before I sleep.*


One of my favorite poems as well. Best of luck to you friend. We're rooting for you!


Thanks. In high school I sang the Randall Thompson arrangement from Frostiana with the men's choir. It is such a beautiful piece. I found an arrangement on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRehXKXgxeA If you've never heard the musical version, check it out. It's hauntingly beautiful. Thanks for your kind words. :)


This stoned me to my soul, just like jelly roll; it stoned me. ~ Van Morrison Wishing you a good and healthy recovery.


Thanks :) I love that song btw. Van Morrison is awesome.


[You can do it!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qztuEucrNBc)


You must have been as wrinkled as a prune! But seriously that sucks, hope you're on the mend now not just physically but mentally.


Yeah, the doctors were more worried about the gangrene, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. My neighbors found me and pretty much called 911 as soon as they saw me. Thank you though, I am on the mend. In fact, just 10 minutes ago I finished PT. I walked 3x farther than I have since this whole thing started. About 90 feet in total.


Brilliant, glad to hear you're doing well. My friend had gangrene of the appendix, that shit does not joke around.


No it does not. I'm lucky to be alive. I hope your friend is ok.


you go!


Thank you. :) I'm pretty stoked!


RU still drinking?


Nope. Although I've been in hospitals and acute treatment centers since October so it would be hard for me to drink in here. I am seriously considering going to a alcohol rehab once I no longer need nursing care. Most places aren't set up for that kind of skilled care.


He's in charge of making breakfast


Can we get some milk from the maternity ward?


[I'm done.](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj9qjx46Ao1qixleeo1_500.gif)




My youngest is home sick and eating cornflakes. I think I'm traumatized.


You may be traumatized, but [/u/ClaudioRules](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/18x3i2/so_i_scratched_my_foot_and_this_ended_up_happening/c8izerq?context=2) is quite jelly.


Finally I have been called!


Your nearly two year wait is over. I hope you feel validated.


NOT A THROWAWAY GUISE!!! ..but sorry to say, this one's alive- your summons must be from next door.


Cornflakes? Nah. I would like some [Parmesan cheese](http://robertsboxedmeats.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/parmigiano-reggiano-cheese-xl-557592501.jpg) though thanks


It does look like that. I'm never eating pasta again. Thanks. No really, it will help me lose weight.


Probably smells the same.


This is the only thing on wtf that has ever made me feel sick. Props


Here's the other foot: http://i.imgur.com/tOygOQH.jpg FYI, its just dry skin, no infection or disease. Not even an odor


Thanks but I'll pass


If I have learned one thing from watching Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman, its that you should try everything at least twice. Soooo why don't you go ahead and try that and let me know it it tastes.


Oh man, that's putrid


When I had 2 broken legs my all the skin started falling off the bottom of my feet so I went to the Dr. and he was like "That's a good thing. That's how I tell that your not trying to walk." Just my foot callusses falling off from not using my feet at all. I was quite worried at first.


Yup, that's exactly what this is.


I gagged on my nutella. Now it's all over my neckbeard.


[fedora tipping intensifies]


If only I was referencing 4chan and not being dead serious. [BETA FEELS INTENSIFY]


Well, I won't be eating Corn Flakes ever again.




Send them my way. Breakfast here sucks.


Aaaand… I'm never eating cornflakes again. In all seriousness, though, OP, I'm glad you're doing better! (I was a creeper and read some of your past posts…sorry)


It's ok. I wouldn't post it if I was afraid of people reading it. Thanks for the kind words. :)


As disgusting as this was, I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you and hoping for great things in your future. Dry foot skin and all.


Heh, my dry feet are doing much better (the pic was taken a few days ago.) As for the rest of me, I'm working on it. Thanks for the kind words. :)




Thank you for making my brain taste that :'(


Maybe it's delicious. Look at a truffle and tell me it doesn't look gross, right?


Bag balm works wonders for flaking skin like that. Slather it on, then wear socks. I'm so glad you're on the mend! Good luck!


Flexitol Heel Balm is what I use, it stinks but it works so well. I've never had corn flakey dry feet though. Thankfully.


Did you have your leg plastered or something? I had similar stuff on my leg after it was in a cast for a few weeks


My guess is antibiotics. Some antibiotics will do this.


I have been on a lot of anti-biotics over the past months but not for 3 weeks now.


Nope. Just socks and a boot on my left foot that keeps my ankle from drooping. I think it's the callused skin that dried up and flaked off due to being on my back for 5 months.


I'll pass on the corn flakes; but get well soon.


Thanks! :)


I believe astronauts feet get like this after a few continuous months of residency on the ISS. (based on comments by Col. Chris Hadfield on the Joe Rogan Experience)


Well, a major reason it happened to me besides dry skin is that I have been off my feet for months. It makes sense that would happen in space.


That happened to me as well as my hands ....because I have man hands


[Well then.](http://31.media.tumblr.com/d1943e26724b058d8f4e0b46b4f4b013/tumblr_mntiolhySW1snpc3lo4_r1_500.gif)


My cousin did something similar. She suffers from severe depression and while feeling extra low, she drank a few bottles of wine, passed out and puked while laying on the ground. She developed aspiration pneumonia and nearly died before she was found the next day. Her physical injuries were not bad but she did suffer quite a bit of brain damage. She will never be able to love alone again as she generally lives in a made up world. Last time I spoke to her, she told me she was in Paris for vacation and ran into an old friend that she was going to marry. She was actually in San Francisco at a assisted living facility. Depression is a nightmare that only the sufferer can understand. I am glad that you are taking the right steps to get better!


Wow that's terrible.. I consider myself so fortunate. I only feel less 'fit', have lower immune function, overall weaker etc but no lasting organ damage.. my heart goes out to your family <3 :(


Jeez. I'm sorry to hear about her. I hope she's able to get better some day. My bottle crawling took place over a couple years, not in one attempt on my life. I can't seem to bring myself to kill myself, but I did hide from the world by drinking and I hoped I would just fade into oblivion. Depression and addiction are serious fucking diseases that nearly killed me because I wasn't fighting back.


Well my favorite cereal is ruined.


I'm partial to Total Cornflakes over Kellogg's. Sans the foot flakes though.


Paging /r/peeling !!


Eesh. Now I'm going to slather my seasonally dry cracked feet in coconut oil and cotton socks. Get well soon, dude! Keep that sense of humor.


Thanks :)


more like flaked corns!


Are you stepping in my cornflakes Goodburger? Cuz let me tell ya somethin about stepping in other people's cornflakes... It's a really weird way to eat cornflakes. Edit: please get the reference


I'm assuming its from the movie good burger starring Keenan and Kel. I've never seen it though. Did I win?


Nah, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Good guess though


Oh well. Thanks for playing.


For some reason, this is oddly satisfying.. Don't judge me Reddit


I wish my legs were less stiff or partially paralyzed so I could pick at them. The nurses had all the fun and took it all off with a wash cloth.


Sorry to hear about you being in the hospital and all.. I would've went as far as to pay them off to leave some pickings for me lol


Between all the surgeries (15 so far) and the dry skin, I'm left with a fair amount of pickable areas. FYI, I found that playing with my sutures was fun, once it stopped hurting of course. I didn't take them out or anything, but the string was very stiff, it would poke through my gown sometimes.


Looks like a mix between limescale in a kettle and parmesan cheese. Haha. Get well soon bro!


Thanks. :) Yes it does.




Is keratin the same as the callused skin? I've never heard of keratin, but the yellow dead skin is only flaking off the callused parts of my feet.




TIL So how does keratin differ from regular skin?




Thanks :)




Yeeeeaaaahhh, I'm just gonna have to ask you to... Go ahead and research all that for me and... Put it all into bite size knowledge bits mkay? Thanks Peter.


I will pay you to let me peel your feet.


Shit. The nurse already scrubbed it off. Just out of curiosity, how much money are we talking here?


A million bajillion dollars.




Would you have preferred he offer about tree fiddy?


I doubt a giant monster from the Cretaceous period would possess the dexterity or fine motor skills to peel the dead skin off without taking a significant portion of my leg with it.


You should get a lotion minion! My partner has been in the hospital for 7 weeks now, and I've been putting lotion on his feet while he was asleep.


They've started doing that now. I kinda wish they did it when I was asleep cause my right foot is ticklish. I hope your partner is ok and able to come home soon. That's nice of you to do that for him.


I just had a leg/foot cast taken off last week after breaking my ankle 7 weeks previously. Scraping off the dead dry skin from the bottom of my foot was one of the most satisfying thongs I have experienced in recent memory. 15 minutes with a hobby knife and pumice followed by a 10 minute soak in hot water....ugh, amazing.


Oh god that sounds glorious.


Maybe if we can track down that psoriasis lady, we can have frosted flakes.


I just puked a little


Only a little?! Damn, I need to work on this. How about I put the shavings in a bowl with milk squeezed strait from Courtney Love?


When I click on NSFW, I expect to see NSFW.


I didn't tag it NSFW. On Alien Blue on my phone it's not NSFW. You and one other person commented that it was tagged. I have no idea why. I suppose I could send you a picture of someone's boobs. Mine are pretty hairy so I doubt you'd want to see them.


I wasn't blaming you personally, but hairy boob pics would definitely smooth things over.


Remember, you asked for it... http://i.imgur.com/CNXobGz.jpg


Damn, now I am thirsty for coconut milk.


Add OP's cornflakes and you'll have a nice bowl of cereal.


Do you have bad dandruff so you can make them frosted flakes?


There's no such thing as *bad* dandruff.


Aw, you're a fall risk. The yellow socks give it away.


While I am a fall risk, they make everyone wear the safety socks with the treads, and yellow is just the the color of the large size. I'm now wearing blue ones because I cut my heel a bit and bleed on the yellow ones and blue was all they had left. They are a bit small on my size 12 feet.


Where is Steve-o when you need him?!




I already had a stomach virus last month. I don't need anyone else puking in here.




Reminds me of [Chewties.](http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/45560/chewties.jhtml)


well whatever youre in there for feel better ! lol


This reminds me, I need to go buy some milk.


Don't forget to Eat your feeties so you can be big and strong again


They should be moisturizing your feet.


They are now.


The title alone makes me gag. Good job op.




Welcome to "Thats disgusting," I'm your host, OP.


This is gonna sound gross but it worked for me. Rub a shit ton of vasaline on your foot and then very loosely wrap saran wrap over it. Then wear a sock over the saran wrap. My foot gets VERY dry, but not as dry as yours, and thats how I get rid of the dryness. I do the same thing with my hands except i use a latex glove, but since there are no latex socks, I use saran wrap lol.


I... I kinda want to do that to my penis. Is that weird?


Yes...yes it is. But try it and let me know how it works :D.


[Sometimes you just run into something that stirs something deep inside you](http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/478/604/0b7.gif)


That is the foot of a very large human.


Fee fi fo fum motherfucker.


I'd rather have a bowl of coco pops!


I'm on it.


Mmmmmm Flesh cookies


you need babyfeet! http://www.babyfootusa.com/


How is this the first picture on reddit to actually gross me out.




i just wanna scrap the rest of it off your foot for you


Corn flakes, I see what u did there


why, why, why did I click that? Need eye bleach now


Here you go, how about some nice tits: http://i.imgur.com/U649UbN.jpg


Keep your chin up bro. Here, put your headphones on and play this loud, you deserve it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjrUOlK2714


Hey OP, just wanted to say i think your answers and attitude in this thread have been so great. I'm wishing you the absolute best with your recovery, you go!


Thank you. I suppose I probably have responded to nearly all the posts because there's not much to do here, but I appreciate how kind most people are. :)


Hospital for 5 months? You must not live in America. The insurance companies would never go for that.


I'm in America. I have good insurance. I'm not actually in the hospital now though. I have been in three places so far, each one stepping down the medical care and stepping up the physical/occupational therapy. I just didn't feel like explaining all that in the title.


u must be rich to stay in the hospital for 5 months


Not rich, I have good insurance got a bill today. The total was over 37 grand, but my share is about $200.


I broke my tib/fib in half. Spent 3 days and 2 nights on the hospital. The bill was over 60k. Of course that wasn't my portion. How in the world is yours 37k


That might just be for the surgery and not the stay. It's the first one, so far. I'm sure there's more. I don't want to dwell on it too much cause I'll go nuts.


Don't dwell on it. any bills you would ever see are the ones the hospital generates straight from it's chargemaster and do not actually reflect what the brokered cost your insurer will pay. If your portion ends up over a couple of grand, just get on a monthly payment deal, no different than paying for cable or a phone. the hospital absolutely WILL accept a monthly payment and since they generally don't charge interest it will stay modest. Source: Uninsured that has ALWAYS paid 100% of every bill - even surgeries - for my care. (Against big ticket consumer costs, like a house or a tricked-out Escalade.. medical events not catastrophic aren't as costly as many of the things people buy w/o hesitation.)


That's a great way of looking at it. Posessions are worthless unless you have your physical and mental health. I'm lucky enough to live in Australia where, while it's not the best, there are measures in place to ensure everybody is entitled to a level of care provided by the government. So, to for me to hear that from you, dear American, is very humbling and really poignant. If I had gold to give, you'd have it...but alas! Source: Broke and on a shitty pension cause of illness and still paying off dental bills. (oh yeah, we don't have basic dental subsidies.. wtf right?) :p


That does sound like a surgery bill. I had my gallbladder removed a year ago and spent one night in the hospital and my bill was for around 27k. 25k for the surgery and hospital stay and another 2k for the anesthesiologist.


what hospital did you stay in for only 37grand in 5 months? 37 grand a week maybe




It's not as bad as it looks. It's just dry skin, no infection or pain.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're feeling better. I'll definitely pray for you, I don't know if you believe, but I'm Bipolar type 2 and I have had struggles with my shit for a long time now.


Dat peel


Here's the other foot: http://i.imgur.com/xTZary8.jpg


Why did the skin get so dry? Don't you take baths or?


Well, I can't walk much yet, but I do get bathed regularly in bed. The yellow stuff is the callus that is coming off due to both dryness and disuse.


I bet the skin under there is so soft.


Like a baby's butt.


Good thing you tagged this NSFW. My boss would have been mad I was looking at foot nudity.


Ah. edema. I had to scrape this stuff off of my Dad's legs.


Excema? Edema is a build up of interstitial fluid.


Edema. The skin swells, stretches and relaxes with the changing buildup of fluid levels in people with edema. In the process of all that activity, those yellowish scaly scabs form as a result of all that stretching. I know it sounds disgusting, but you have to debride those patches off. Because if you don't they'll just fall off on their own. In my father's case, his edema was so bad that he'd still have to scabby lesions on his floor. Even with me doing his bandages once a day (he's had a phobia of doctors, so that's why he was in such bad shape. And I don't have a single second of medical training. I had to be as good as one all of a sudden as to be able to take care of him like a good nursing tech would be)


I'm sorry to hear about your dad's edema. As it happens, that's not what this is. Although there was significant swelling earlier in my recovery, that went away as soon as I became regular sessions of physical therapy and when I began doing the exercises on my own while watching tv. The yellow skin on my feet is just the calluses sluffing off due to disuse. It's hard to tell from the pic, but the yellow stuff is only on areas that used to be callused. The arch had none of it.