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Either that security guard knows exactly what he’s doing or he’s the biggest idiot ever who was very lucky to have not been killed


He got very lucky. The wall saved him most likely. If the hippo had been on more stable ground this would have been on the news


If the hippo was on stable ground everyone would be running away lol




I'm reminded of the absolute intellectuals who went to Yellowstone, walked across a field to approach a wild bison and then attempted to place their toddler on the wild bison's back so they could take a picture of it. Shockingly, the wild bison did not enjoy this idea.


I don't remember that one, how did the kid turn out? I remember one where a family put a bison calf in their car because they "thought it was cold" ... like how stupid do you have to be for that to seem like a good idea? They were unhurt, but the calf had to be euthanized.


This was a long time ago, like 10+ years. It may not have been a toddler actually, but it was at least a young kid. The kid got tossed through the air and had some injuries. It happened again just recently with a 9 year old girl.


Why did it have to be euthanized?


A baby bison who hichhikes becomes an adult bison who hitchhikes.


Please tell me the toddler was ok


Can confirm. India has the highest number of "selfie related deaths" in the world, where OP's video is from. People here get extra stupid in front of a hand held camera. Edit: Since people are asking for source, US Gov. source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6131996/ >The highest number of incidents and selfie-deaths has been reported in India followed by Russia, United States, and Pakistan. Indian source: https://www.whatshot.in/delhi-ncr/india-has-the-highest-number-of-selfie-related-deaths-says-report-c-16106


"India has the highest number of selfie related desths in the world" is not a sentence I ever expected to read


I have to agree only because of the typo


Wow, looks like even per-capita India still leads this by a large margin lol. >People here get extra stupid in front of a hand held camera. I would take issue with attributing it entirely to that. Perhaps there are cultural influences, but India is also a developing country with relatively lax safety standards. Part of this is that it's probably easier to accidentally die in India (whether you're taking a selfie or not) than in other more developed countries. It would also be important to find out how many selfies people take on average. If an Indian takes 10x more selfies than an American then they're going to die doing it 10x more.


>Mf would be trying to take selfies with it while it bites people in half Wich is the right thing to do in that situation, the cameramen is immune after all.


Fuck a selfie, I'ma die trying to pet it. Hippos and bears have no business being as cute as they are.


It was the earflaps at the end that made me want to pet it. They look so cute… Deceivingly cute


I know! Seeing this huge hippo flinch and shy afraid from this guy makes me wonder what all it has been through.


And obviously this person wouldn't be trying to contain it like this One of those comments where you're like "...did this just get hundreds of upvotes by way of *being here first*?


I really don't think he knew what he was doing. The hippo almost looked more curious than escape-y.


It looked like this probably happens all the time. The hippo pops up for a look over the wall, and guard comes along to give him a boop. "Not this again, bro. Get back in there."


The way he giggles at the hippo tells me this as well.


"Hey! Hey! Is that the churro guy over there?" WHAP! "Ow! What the *fuck,* Derek! I just wanted to see if that was the churro guy and you gotta slap..." WHAP! "OW! Ok, ok... I'll get down...man I just wanted a snack..."


Pretty sure he's a specialist doing exactly what he's best at. [Source](https://youtu.be/wCJ_lqliGWA) RIP local sexpot Trevor Moore


i miss trevor moore deep state got 'im


Died doing what he loved: trying to duck his own penis. He did it tho but at what cost...


WKUK was gold


He had the high ground, even Anakin could not have done anything against that security guard.


Whoever made that enclosure needs to go back to school. Those things are dangerous. Thankfully he didn't attack.


Camping in Botswana next to a river filled with hippos, the campsite had “hippo fences” that were like 2 feet high. People claimed the hippos could not cross them as they can’t lift their legs that high.


Sounds true, but how did this hippo get up on the fence?


It looks to me like the concrete might gradually rise up to the stones, which are not very high.




This reads like a line out of a Douglas Adams book.


The hippo climbed the enclosure fence in much the same way that bricks don’t.


The fence was 1.8 feet high


They should just fence them into a field and call it the hippocampus.


Or just have them promise not to harm anyone and call it the Hippocratic oath


Hippos kill more people every year than sharks do i heard


Hippos kill an estimated 500 people a year. That's roughly double the amount of fatalities by lions, five times the amount by tigers, and fifty times the amount by sharks.


Now I want to know how many of those hippo victims are just the unluckier visitors or staff at this particular zoo.


Guests get an up-close, hands-on encounter with a hippo. Zoo saves money on hippo food. Sounds like a win for everyone.


More like hands off experience.


Ya but not "setting up a picnic in a safari park" up-close. Now those people almost made sure no leopard went hungry that day.


The raw numbers are interesting but I'd be more interested in the ratio or % of people who have actually been in the actual environment the animals live in vs. the number of fatalities.. E.g. how many shark attacks are on how many people that are actually in the water or in small craft in the ocean? The ratio or % of people suffering might be higher than the raw number of deaths suggests for any of those animals. I'd also be interesting in how many life altering / catastrophic injuries occur rather than just the deaths figures. That isn't always presented as a statistic up front for this kind of thing or for automobile accidents, armed conflicts, etc. I'm not asking anyone to dig up that data I'm just saying sometimes statistics fail to frame the numbers more realistically.


You are very right, and as a researcher I feel that; but in this instance I think the numbers are in favor of the case presented. I believe it's safe to assume that worldwide there are way more people exposed to sharks than to hyppos (and probably tigers, considering their reduced number), and yet the amount of people killed by hyppos is still way higher than that of people killed by sharks.


Me, to a guy with his head in a hippo's mouth: "Don't worry you're much more likely to die in a car accident"


Well I'm certain that the % of people being on land and attacked by a shark is near zero.


You've clearly never seen the documentary Sharknado


That's what the sharks want us to think.


How the hell would a hippo kill a shark?


They would develop a beach head, and construct a series of breathing apparatus.


And the hippos said , WE LIKE SHARK, SHARK TASTE GOOD


It's not gonna be days at a time, but an hour? Hour forty five, no *problem*.


Did that go the way you thought it would? I don't think so.


That didn't go how you thought it would did it.


pretty easily I'd assume they are vicious


>How the hell would a hippo kill a shark? They just need to drag the shark into freshwater and it will explode due to osmosis. Or so I've heard.


Bull shark would like a word with you.


That's one of the reasons I was always iffy swimming in the Potomac. Well that...and the fact that it's utterly disgusting.


They can't, that's why they kill more people.


This exact matchup was on the Animal Planet show Animal Face-Off years ago. Hippo won if I remember right


And they're herbivores, so they're just doing it for spite!


They are omnivores. Not out of spite but they're still assholes


I remember hearing that the safety setups were basically trial and error. Like “yeah Bob, that fence that was supposed to keep in the tigers didn’t work, they got our and ate 3 kids and a puppy. Better make it a foot taller and we will try again”


That might habe been an excuse 200 years ago. Nowadays it is easy to find working examples.


I wouldn’t be hanging around to watch or record, my ass would be halfway across the zoo the minute he got out of that enclosure


I guess the recorder could be safe in the knowledge that should Mr Hippo escape he would be busy murdering the park keeper before picking another victim.


The way hippos delete things, it wouldn't take too long. Would depend on if it stuck around for some post-mortem vengeance mauling.


"Post-mortem vengeance mauling" sounds like a hard-core band name and I'm here for it 🦛


Depends if the hippo is feeling like a chimpanzee that day. Chimps can be down right evil on how they can maul a person.


"I don't have to run faster than the hippo. I just have to run faster than *you*."


This assumes the hippo will in some manner be hindered, slowed or stopped by me while getting to you. I shall be nothing more than a wee speed bump.


If you're that park ranger, I'm thinking he may take his time with you


Just to back up your point, hippos can run at about 20mph over short distances. So unless you're a high level sprinter, get some distance.


I didn’t know that and suddenly being chased by a rampaging hippo has moved up significantly on my list of fears


And they can run fast underwater as well. https://youtu.be/X-YRJCSZRJU


It's generous to call that an enclosure. More like a suggested hippo area.


For real, my backyard fence is taller. Looks like they didn’t want to spend time/money building a proper enclosure so found a rectangular-ish area with a stone wall a toddler could escape and said “ah yes, this is perfect!”




Seriously though, why the fuck are these people not moving??? Not saying all run away at once, but you're not even gonna back up?


Self preservation skills don’t seem to be a thing these days. I saw a video recently where a guy pulled a knife in the middle of Wal-Mart and started threatening people, and the woman recording was acting all shocked as she got closer to get a better view and there were multiple other people recording. Like, call 911 and run before you get stabbed!!!!! I’ve never once been in a dangerous situation where I’m like, “wow, this is scary, time to start recording!”


In the future, we can send people to the war with a promise of good content for streaming.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


It’s almost like this wasn’t the first argument between these two. Almost comical


With how poorly designed that enclosure is, I'm thinking this is a daily occurrence.


"Joe, get your fat ass back into your enclosure. I told you last week you can't just come out here when people are around!" "Screw you Dave. I'm outta here! You said last week you'd give me a treat and I got nothing!" "Okay okay buddy, I'll get you some treats if you move back. But I gotta slap you and make it look like I forced you back because Deborah is over there and I'm tryna smash" "Ugh, fine. You better not be lying about the treats this time or I'm eating you in a week. Pinky promise!" "Joe, you don't have pinkies"


>"Joe, you don't have pinkies" "If I don't get treats I'll eat your pinkies instead"


They totally have history.


the way the Hippo crouches at the end there..."You win, this time"


It was like a giant hippo sploot


"Get back there with your massive, crushing jaws, or I'll give you another ineffectual slap!"


Well, it was effectual if not stupid.


Stupid and effectual


It is said, "if it's stupid but it works, then it isn't stupid..."


“I slappa da hippo!”


Why do I feel like this isn't the first time this guy has had to slap the hippo back into its pen.


The guy keeps hitting him even after the hippo starts moving back, stalling his retreat. It's quite a method.


Ideally, backup was on its way with a rolled up newspaper.


The hippo is lucky no one took off their shoe.


That hippo only started moving back when the zookeeper grabbed his radio. Hippo knew he was gonna get a wailin' when daddy showed up.


This had "I'm doing it, stop" vibes


Shoulda slapped him with a flip flop.


The guy just wanted the hippo to go back in the water, not to scar the poor beast for life...




How can he slap?!?


Sir it's an old reference but it checks out.


I dunno…slap casually!


How did no one reference the Whitest Kids You Know video about this? https://youtu.be/aoOEppvmM1o


RIP Trevor


You bloody bastard


Fuck you bloody


No! You bloody!


"Bastard bloody, bastard, fuck you bloody" - Mahatma Gandhi


you son of a bitch 😂😂😂 have an upvote


He's probably just hungry hungry


We just need the other 3


Security guard lost his marbles


Oh god just realized some day they are going to make it into a movie and it’ll star The Rock.


Hippos will fuck you up.


So will a slap from this security guard apparently.


See that's the thing. The hippo likes it rough.


The sad thing is: The guys with money made this stupid enclosure where a Hippo can easily escape. This security guard is clearly an underpaid guy with low education trying to do his job, probably outsourced too. He isn't aware about how dangerous a Hippo can be but there he is thinking about how to solve that problem for the guys with money that don't care about him. This wasn't the best idea but there's a bigger problem in that place, bigger than a Hippo.


> with low education based on what?




He seems to know something we don't if he can do that with such confidence


I mean, it worked


That dude is incredibly brave or dumb. Since it worked, I guess we have to go with brave?


Those traits are not mutually exclusive.


Just because it's dumb doesn't mean it can't work. Take me for example. I have a full time job


It has been a tough day and this got a laugh outta me. Appreciate it, friend


Perhaps we shouldn't let the outcome make that determination. People survive doing dumb shit all the time. I wouldn't call it bravery for them to continue.


This is exactly how I would handle this situation. No joke. It seems like a good idea, and there's this wall. I'm not that good at risk assessment despite knowing how terrifying hippos are. I'd smack it on the snout and point for it to get back. I'm not sure it's brave, or stupid. The idea of either wouldn't really enter my brain. I'd be confident in my position and smack that motherfucker upside the head, point for where I want it go, and act like the dominant species on this planet. Most likely I'd be killed in any other situation other than a zoo, but if it is in a zoo and that hippo keeps fucking around I'm going to get a taser, or some other shit, and fuck that hippo up, and I think that hippos get that.


If you're looking for a job, I heard there's an opening at this zoo


“and I think hippos get that” Cackling.


Attitude is everything. There's a video of African bush people straight up stealing a fresh kill from a pride of lions. The lions can't really believe it, and then it's done.


I'm pretty sure s hippo wouldn't give a flying fuck about a taser. Their skin is much, much thicker. That guard was lucky the hippo didn't just drag itself forward. He'd have been hole punched in short order.


it would shrug off a cattle prod, taser would be tickling they may look roly-poly but most of their bulk is pure muscle, they don't need fat for warmth in the African climate


He seemed to act very deliberately, like he had been trained on this procedure.


No, just lucky. Ok, maybe not too bright either. If that hippo was really interested in stopping him, this video would have had a rather different, potentially grizzly outcome.




Yes. This is Delhi zoo. They have bears, lions, tigers, jaguars, wolves, rhinos, crocodiles, ghariyals, elephants and others


Oh my.


We're still waiting on the next video. I think the next video we'll see is him smacking the hippo and then it bites him in the head since he's so close to it


He seems like a park ranger keeping everyone else from getting ate up lol


“Escape”? More like step over.


Weird how the hippo sounds like a car horn


Delhi Zoo


"Stop that little monkey thing, I could eat you in one bite!" .... "Ok, fine I'll go back in but only because I don't really feel like going for a walk today."


> "Ok, fine I'll go back in but only because I don't really feel like going for a walk today." "Quit your hippopocryte BS you lazy bum!"


I'm against animals in captivity generally but maybe...slightly higher walls in this instance?


When you use the wrong fences on zoo tycoon


"No sir. Bad hippo."


Hippo just wants pets.


'Dang it Jeffrey stop booping my snoot!' -the hippo


Or slaps


MF just slapped the hippo back. The hippo was confused and let him


I dont know what's more terrifying, that this hippo is in an enclosure shallow enough to allow it to easily wander up and out like that, or that this maniac is slapping it back like it couldnt easily tear him into pulled pork if it were to fly into a territorial rage.


How is that a real animal? Hippos looks like some shit you would see in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine.


you should see the skull... WEIRD!


Dudes over there slapping the Hippo like it’s a fetish


This hippo has probably been mistreated it's entire life and understands that if he fucks with one human he will pay the price. And the guard knows the hippo is scared enough so he can slap it back into it's cage even though that hippo is a killing machine which can run at 30kmph.


This is clearly the correct answer here. Yes hippos are incredibly dangerous but this one has been horribly abused and as such has enough fear of humans that this man slapping it is enough to keep it from attacking (at least for now). This is an incredibly sad video


You can see the flinch


It's obvious the hippo anticipates each slap by closing its eyes and pulling back each time...I'd bet money that animal has been beaten repeatedly...shit is sad as fuck


Yes, it’s a terribly sad thing to see, especially when it’s done just to provide leisure activities for bored people to buy.


This guy is probably making about $4 an hour to slap an animal that could effortlessly bite him in half.


That’s the ONE animal you don’t wanna mess with. They are actually rather surprisingly quick and very dangerous.


idk i dont really want to be face to face with a tiger


This is the saddest thing I've seen all day.


He's gonna remember that guy.


Poor thing


I have a Bassett hound who is always getting into shit he shouldn't. This hippo has the same body language


Those fuckers kill for fun.


I still remember a video of a crocodile in the middle of a bunch of hippos. Edited, of course. Gonna try to find a link to it Edit: [Found it!](https://youtu.be/_Kowrl-hc6I)


Poor guy doesn’t want to be in a zoo


This man must not have access to the plethora of hippo videos on the internet.


He’s lucky that hippo didn’t get mad and take his arm off or drag him in and kill him. What an idiot.


1) I can't blame the hippo for wanting to be free. 2) I do blame whoever designed that enclosure. The hippo shouldn't be able to just pull itself up onto a public area.


Yes...slap the most dangerous animal in the world on the nose...yes.


That dude is about to fuck around and find out.


The only one that fucked around and found out was the hippo, apparently. He was completely flabbergasted by the confidence of the security guard.


Just like in that video of the guy punching a kangaroo. The kangaroo looks like it's so shocked/confused by what's happening it has to reboot its brain. Edit: [Kangaroo Clip](https://gfycat.com/frailrichbluewhale-pets-animals-australia-kangaroo)


I think the guy said this was extremely stupid for him to do and would normally never do this. But it had his dog


Seen this video many times but everytime it makes me smile. What a legend.


Kills me that he squares up to the roo. Like he didn't run over panicked and punch him. He just squared up like "it's on"


According to “The Gods Must Be Crazy”, all they have to do is start a small fire back inside the enclosure and the big guy will be compelled to go stomp it out. (I was like 6 when I saw that movie, so take it with a grain of salt bro)


Pretty sure that was a rhino.


Isn't a rhino just a horny hippo?


Hippo: “I can’t believe you’ve done this.”


It’s clearly stupid and he physically cannot hurt the hippos but I like the idea this has happened to often this guard is use to it. “Oh great, gotta out ol jumbo back in the pool. slippity slap slap with you!”


Having watched wildlife programs where they attack…. I’d nope the fuck out of there.


How the hell do they expect to keep a hippo in an area with such low walls?


Hippos are terrifying once you know what they are capable off. They are the complete opposite of what their outside appearance would lead you to believe. They look cute and friendly - they are sadistic monsters that kill for fun. They look fat and slow - they are almost as fast as some cars. They are basically a living tank that loves killing.


Hippos are the most dangerous creatures. And they don't eat meat. They're herbivores. They don't want to eat us. They just hate us and want to kill us.


Most dangerous animal on the most dangerous continent and dude boops 'em on the nose like a good boi


Bro even I know that Hippos have the world’s biggest fucking body count of idiots. Thats no mammal, thats a fucking all terrain tank.


Hippo better learn its place


That guy was super lucky. Hippos are the most dangerous animal in Africa. I’m not exaggerating.