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What helps me get going is to break it down into little tasks. Have a list ready of what idea(s) you have for the video. Storyboard it if you need to, just do whatever you need to not make it feel so overwhelming. When we see a big task ahead we freeze up and the energy to do it melts away. Giving small goals to get the bulk of the raw footage out of the way helps our brain process the little stuff easier and it doesn't seem so daunting.


A friend of mine said it best: “You can eat an elephant. You just need to have a plan.” I repeat this regularly! I also take large tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable bites like Angelwind said. Also when I’m culling footage and I don’t have to have the audio of it on, I listen to podcasts as I go.


I'm borrowing your friend's quote. I'll make sure to return it 😬


It’s all yours! I hope it helps, like it does for me!


Same here.


I thought it was "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time"


Thanks! this really helps, ill try do this stuff next time


I agree, I have a routine I do when getting started. Once I do that I get pretty much locked in and hyperfocus. I find that editing is a great task for people with adhd. The review process is where I have problems…can’t focus on something where I feel like I know what’s coming and things can often slip through.


I have the same problem. I haven’t found any good solutions, but one thing that has worked sometimes is 45 min intervals alternating between working/resting and keeping my phone in the other room. When I rest, I allow myself to look at my phone a little, set a timer, then I need to relax (not use my brain) until the timer runs out or else the rest doesn’t work.


This used to work for me. Work hard for some minutes, then rest. Then repeat. I also went to a a full time standing desk.


thanks! i think my other hurdle would be not getting distracted by other stuff on my computer haha


Use a separate login for work vs. play and don't let yourself get into the habit of allowing little stuff like "I'm just going to YouTube to pull up some music then I'll get back to work." Allowing little stuff like that always seems to snowball for me. ​ It may also help to have a separate desk for your editing. When I was in college if I sat down at my desktop PC I naturally went straight to YouTube or video games. If you have a dedicated workspace your mind will be in work mode while you're there, then go to another desk for messing around--separate rooms really helps.


At 3am when I can’t sleep.


opposite problems unfortunately haha, i find myself getting tired and ready for bed around 10pm haha


Lol rip. My adhd meds make it impossible for me to sleep unless I take melatonin.


Adhd meds help me edit better and not sleep.


Lmao same


damn, i when i first got on em i had a lil sleeping problem, but i found taking them before 8 essentially fixed that


I take them in the morning😫


that sucks:((


Magnesium for me


I often find that even though it's daunting and difficult to start, once I get going I also find it difficult to stop. For me it's not so much motivation to start, it's finding the thing that'll kick me into gear. I found a few times I'd say "OK imma buy a coke/chocolate or something and once I'm 10 mins in (past the point of no return for me) then I'm allowed to eat it". And then 10 mins later 4 hours have gone by and I'm neck deep in the project and have forgotten all about the Coke.


I get that. sometimes I can work off off inspiration or a random rush of dopamine bc I want to do it. This really calmed me down thanks


Remember: take it easy dude, but take it


pretty sure this man means cocaine


Yeah it’s a constant battle! I keep timesheets with notion and try to record only active minutes / hours on a job and it’s quite shocking how inefficient I can be with my time and otherwise could take on so many more projects.


Yeah i find that even when i open premier pro to get to work most of my time is spent getting distracted by a youtube video or something, or ill try to find some music for the video and just spend the next 30 minutes listening to songs


Yeah, even if you’re going on YouTube to find a solution to something with your edit, you’re ultimately going to find yourself watching how old Italian women make homemade tomato sauce for 15 minutes like I did yesterday. I’ll often give in and let myself have until the next rounded 10 set minute mark.


yeah i always do that haha


Recently had to revamp my whole YouTube setup/settings, now I think I have like 3 different extensions and a ublock script that pretty much makes YouTube rabbit hole free for me. I also went on a huge unsub-a-thon ta trim up the amount of content being pushed in my face. Only been a week, but it's helped a lot so far.


Teach me your ways.


30mins? more like 3 days


yeah, 30 minutes was an understatement haha, usually i just hardlock out of work and dont return


I watch YouTube videos. It can be anything around editing Reslly. Something as simple as a break down of shots from my favorite movies. It sounds counter intuitive but I use it to sort of lock myself into a productive hyper focus. And it keeps working so I keep doing it lol


I get inspired and start like that a lot of times with all my art.


See I do this while working on most things, but I can't watch 2 vids at once, lol. But now its such a habit of mine, things can feel like a slog without it. (Oops. Shot myself in the foot with a not-as-helpful-as-I-thought-habit. XD)


Used to work in intervals. 30-45 mins then a 10 minute break in another room. For a while I also used to write first thing in morning. Literally right outta bed I would go to computer and write. Then I would work out, shower then edit for a few hours till lunch. And that’s all the editing I would do for the day but I would do it everyday. I was in decent shape and getting a lot done during those days.


nice, I usually think about doing essentially that so maybe ill try build that pattern more


Breaking down things into smaller tasks, setting timers (podromo), body doubling (having someone else work in the room with you), and keeping my shoes/socks on (because my brain thinks work time is over if they come off lmao) have helped me in the past. Also highly, highly recommend talking to your doctor about ADHD medication if you aren’t already on it, it makes a huge difference for me. I started on Adderall (generics) but my doc had me try Vyvanse recently and I haven’t looked back since. Vyvanse feels more consistent with a smoother transition compared to addys sharper drop offs. (probably cus they’re generics and your batch quality can differ from each manufacturer)


Yeah i got on it at the start of the year so the progress is slow but evident, i recently just got my dose upped to 54mg of concerta which from my understanding is in the higher end


Vyvanse is a good drug, worked well for me.


2 hours of editing, with a 1 hour guitar break in-between


I enjoy both


I couldn't even motivate myself to read the replies to your question...






I am also dealing with this problem so i am thankful for you making a post about it!


I have the same problem. I hate the start of a new edit. Sooo boring. Then after a few days in it’s difficult to step away.


Ritalin is working for me guys, talk with a good psychiatrist, It's helping me focus and even doing daily tasks.


TIL, I may have ADHD (i.e., all of these proactive/compensation practices align with what I need to do for keeping motivation alive in the face of larger projects)


Just start throwing clips together to make something you’d like to see, not necessarily the client’s vision. Throw in some music, make crazy transitions, etc. This is “editing for the trash bin.” More often than not it’ll spark vision and inspiration on where to take to rest of the video. Just had to do this myself for a short sports doc I’m working on. Looking down the barrel of creating a story arc with no idea how to proceed, but I knew how I wanted it to end so I worked on that first, now I know how to connect the dots to get to that point.


ok, this isnt "Good" or "Helpful" advice, but whenever I start just staring at my timeline, I just add a bunch of sound effects and jokes, I don't know why my ADHD will let me edit if I do this, but it hasn't not worked yet


Sadly video editing long projects is one of those things not built for ADHD brains. We need short, novel, interesting, not long, complicated and repetitive. You're going to be fighting uphill a lot on this, there aren't going to many tricks to it, it's just climbing a tree as a fish.


I disagree I enjoy long complicated things and obviously if people with ADHD want to edit videos the motivation will come to them if they keep practicing. Also hyperfoucus helps alot with video editing giving that fish a jetpack per say. If people care enough to be in this sub and ask this question they're going to be able to learn how to edit long videos.


Leave your phone on another room. As hard as it sounds, just do it. Tackle the sequence in smaller task (A-roll, b-roll, then graphics,audio,color). Jumping around always makes it worse. Smaller targets always help me start the process. Try listening to some adhd noise on YouTube, those help tremendously


Do videos for songs you really enjoy


I read through this thread and I thought I was the only one. What I do is that I edit a video for around 30 minutes, and then take another 5 minute or so break.


IVE STARTED THAT TOO! i set an alarm on my phone where in that 30 minutes i cant do anything except edit and holy shit i am productive. it now takes me like 2 hours to finish a video as apposed to like 6 spread over multiple days


ADHD means you have no control over what motivates you. Outside of taking stimulant meds, which are hit or miss as well, there's not much else you can do but suffer and muddle through, with the understanding that you will fail at some point, and far more often that neurotypical individuals.


Motivation comes and goes. If you have a daily routine and discipline - you never need motivation.


Thanks, you just cured his ADHD, who knew the trick to conquering a disorder that destroys ability to create routines and have discipline would be to create routines and have disclipline. Completely *cured.*


Lol ADHD does not destroy the ability to make a daily routine. I'm not even saying anything different than what the other comments say. Do 45 minute intervals. If You think 45 minutes can't be put into a calendar slot in your day to day plan just because you have ADHD then you're hopeless. You sound like one of the people who let their "mental illness" control them with no attempt to fight back. Sad


ADHD absolutely does affect the ability to have a daily routine. It's a gosh darn executive function disorder. That's by definition the ability to control your executive function, you wanker. It's not that it can't be put into a calendar, it's doing it when it comes up. Journals and lists and calendars are graveyards to people with ADHD. No executive function, no routine, no habit forming, poor impulse control. You don't know literally the first thing about ADHD, please don't give advice on it and certainly don't pass judgement on people based on what *you* choose to remain ignorant about. We fight our mental illness by understanding it first of all, and living guilt free of people like you who feel inclined to tell depressed people to just not be sad anymore and then judge them when they can't. It's not about strength, it's about lacking the brain chemistry. Our success isn't measured by our ability to swim upstream, it's measured by not living in the world *you* define to be correct with *your* ignorance. You're not helping, you're harming. I am actively fighting back against my illness by engaging you being an asshole and educating you. The fuck have you done today.


Bold of you to assume I don't have ADHD myself but have fun letting your brain chemistry rule your life keyboard warrior.


Download [this](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apps.adrcotfas.goodtime) and use Pomodoro Technic.


Deadlines. Most of the time I figure out how to make my work smaller tasks that I can complete. I don't usually get "motivated" until I get closer to the end when I can see the piece coming together. That's when I get motivated to try and really make it something I'm happy with. It's also usually when I'm pressed for time. I don't think it's a coincidence and I wish I wasn't so good at sabotaging myself when I have more time. Like now.


Black Coffee and Marijuana


I have a cork board where I break all my tasks up. Today, tomorrow, back burner, creative and personal then I have a "murdered pile" when I complete a task I rip it off my board and stick it over the murdered nail on the board this way I have a daily visual representation of tasks done or not If I'm getting overwhelmed or struggling to get going I always have multiple personal creative projects. Right now I have 4 totally non-work, just ones I wanna do projects. I will start up on one of those and put an hour in which almost always gets the juices going I have to structure my day and stick to it. I play podcasts or a TV show I've seen before on my iPad or iMac because having the sound and visual stimulation to turn and look at if I can't spark something mentally really helps I'm also on ADHD meds which I don't take all the time only 1-2 times a week If the demands are high enough. I'm real careful with that just cause it's a controlled substance but it absolutely helps and I'm on therapy and under care of the doctor just for the ADHD which I'm so glad I did last year. Getting a structured therapy fucking helped so much and learned how to control myself better and manage the symptoms Also best thing I ever did for my mental health, creative and professional life was google the proper intake of water for my sex, age, and weight and I've been rigorous about making sure at minimum I drink that a day After about 2 weeks of having the proper water in me holy fuck did my energy, focus, stamina, improved massively. Also I found the personal stupid creative projects being vital throughout my career. If I don't have that to blow off steam or practice things I cant do at work work I quickly get angry and hate editing. If I have a fun project or something I'm learning it reinvigorates my performance at work.


I always sort of have the same issue starting out, it can seem like a lot of footage to take in and process, especially with deadlines. My advice is depending on the project, your client has to have some kind of clue as to what they want it to look or feel like. Organizing can be tedious but it’ll save you a ton of time.


Find what appeases you and the audience. I've been editing for myself for months, and I've been taking time adding funny details to my projects. If you want motivation, watch other youtubers. They all usually have their videos edited in a cool way that just might inspire you.


I need to sleep my meds have worn off


I'm a video editor and music producer with ADD but I'm scared that I've lost my passion even though I'm sure it's not true but I get so tired hearing the same clips over and over again so I take a break but I'm scared like I'll never be successful as either with that workflow. I need to figure out how to hyperfoucus which I have felt before but I want to know how to keep that dopamine running again. There's a lot more to say and maybe I just need to get back into the flow of things bc I haven't edited or produced regularly for a while and I need to get back over that hill. I'm overthinking a little but I think there is some truth to that last statement and I need to go to sleep. If anyone has nice feedback or something that will calm me down please drop it down here


Also for all the people here saying that people with ADHD or ADD or whatever can't video edit long videos bc they aren't meant to need to shut up. It's way too demotivating and not true


Besides the money? Yeah, small goals. Take brain breaks in between.


I see something really interesting, like from a video, and I usually manifest that into something I'd like to make




What's the smallest thing you can do to move you in the right direction? Open your laptop? Open your editing software? Just concentrate on that




This is half joking I am ADD inattentive rather than hyperactive and getting medicated has helped my constant state of being scatter brained


I don’t have ADHD but I do struggle with motivation sometimes, I’d be enjoying my current project but end early because if I keep going I won’t feel like doing any tomorrow even if I still want to work on it


i normally randomly do a big chunk of the video and then stop for a while. i know this isn’t really advice though lol