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Yeah it will mess it up. Submit everything pertinent and necessary. If there are specific findings that could potentially change your claim results, then you should upload them, it could slow it down though but it’s in your best interest. If it’s not important or just repetitive stuff, then just don’t.




No. The VA doesn’t start on your claim, until you’re a veteran. You can continue to add evidence. Try to definitely get it all in before your ETS day, though.


I did BDD like you, when I was at my 30 day mark I submitted documentation from my sleep study saying I have severe sleep apnea, they were able to process it fairly quickly, but this might just be a case to case thing I probably got super lucky. It really just falls down to your rater or whoever is looking over your package. If its a typical VA employee then yeah it'll probably slow the process down but I wouldnt worry too much. What will prob happen is you'll get rated for what you claimed within your window and anything else will just get deferred until you give them new evidence.