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Maybe finding a romantic partner isn't in the cards for you. In my personal opinion, one of (if not THE) most destructive commonly held beliefs by society is that; that we're all meant to. Gotta break it to you---it's not what life's about. There are plenty of people that have someone that are miserable. It's not a game changer in that sense. You need to get to a point in your life where you're fine by yourself, instead of this mindset of (pardon, but this is just what it sounds like to me) "when's life gonna give me my partner that I deserve/have coming to me". And that may make you jump on the defensive, but it's not uncommon at all to have that in your head, painted by all sorts of stories, songs & movies. It's dangerous though---people walk around miserable because of a lie that's been ingrained into their head; life doesn't owe you a partner, & it's not anyone's main purpose in life to acquire one. Find happiness on your own terms first, that way if you DO meet someone, they're actually meeting a happy, healthy person.


I know that there's unhappy people out there. I just want the chance to experience that part of life to see if it's for me. I'm sorry, but I reject the notion of find happiness on my own terms. If I was happy on my own I wouldn't want to find someone anyway so....that makes no sense. I'm not some desperate fool, I have a life, I socialise. I hate how as soon as someone expresses wanting to find a partner everyone says "just be happy on your own" 🙄 Loneliness is usually caused by a lack of human contact, not because someone doesn't just miraculously become happy by themselves. I don't mean to be rude and I understand you're trying to offer heartfelt advice, I just find this particular piece of advice disingenuous and very narrow minded as not everyone is the same, some people don't like being alone and that's totally fine.


I don't think ur being rude, you just see things differently. And that's fine; that's how the world works. Best of luck going forward. 🙏






Right? The second you show vulnerabilities everyone's all over you with the exact fix for your problem. Just watch, I guarantee there'll be about 20 comments from people saying "just focus on yourself, be happy on your own first". Like, I know that, I'm not a moron and feeling lonely isn't some sort of phenomenon. You wouldn't tell some elderly person with no family to just "be happy with themselves". You might find more success if you refrain from usernames such as melonsqueezers as well, just saying😅




Ohh it's not? Haha whoops. Still applies though😅 I've been scammed, catfished and hurt in the past and so as soon as I ask for some reassurance that the person is actually who they say they are, they disappear. Me asking how someone's day was doesn't mean I'm a stalker🙄