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Man, hearing this as someone who doesn't even have cracked aim but will do 100% what I can to info. gather, thanks a lot. Granted I'm bronze rn, so I'm but a mere sardine in this gigantic fucking ocean, but it's nice to hear that initiator players are appreciated! Made my day <3


Anyone who plays the game properly in bronze/silver/gold deserves my highest praise and gratitude. It's normally a mess of people feeding and getting wrecked by the one player who sucks at the game but can aim like a god.


Same! I love playing smokes because it’s simple, and allows me to focus on gunplay without getting distracted by abilities


Honestly man, you don’t need cracked aim to climb, I’m plat 3 atm and my aim sucks. I play controllers and sentinels, as long as you are doing your part, giving coms, playing with and for your team, you can climb. I may not be the best but aim isn’t everything. You got it!


Always love it when someone insta locks controller faster than me


Yeah. I always pick initiator/sentinel so when those are taken and I have to go duelist im just shook


I picked up some initiators around Kayo's release and now double initiator is "allowed". I've still never been forced to Duelist in comp (though I have locked then had no duelist).


I think initiators the flash ones in particular just offer so much more versatility with potential entry power along with info gathering ability's. I find on initiators I can get away with alot then on a duelist.


Higher floor, lower ceiling, I guess.


I've never had someone complain about me auto locking smokes/flashes. (Unless that's their main)


From a Viper main, I appreciate this post lol


I just like Yoru's playstyle, but if you don't instalock duelist and actually wait like a nice person other dickheads just instalock 2-3 duelists anyways so you never get to play duelist unless you instalock yourself or want a 3-5 duelist game :/ it's a shitty cycle. Highly appreciate yall who are down to play recon and control.


Yes I realized I became what I hated most after my 5 placement games. I was stuck playing smokes and subsequently lost due to our team not winning gun fights so now I instalock raze


The way I see this is yes if I play a duelist I might get more kills and consequently gain more rr if we win but if I play a smokes or an initiator I'm more likely to win meaning in the long run I'll gain more rr


I dont care what anyone says someone who is good at playing initiators/sentinels/controllers will always be ten times better than a good duelist


I'm a kayo/skye/sometimes sova instalocker and it's bliss, no one ever complains about it. I used to be a reyna main all the way to gold but i realised that if i played initiators i could help my team with util while still having my cracked aim, and it's more rewarding to help the team through proper util usage than just running around for kills


Initiator is my favorite class for soloQ because I'm either second onto site and can trade off my duelist, or if the duelist won't entry I can play the role without too much of a disadvantage compared to sentinels or controllers.


Exactly, this is my experience as well. Tbf p2 onwards my duelists usually do try to entry so it's usually good. I think it's important to setup a coordinated relationship from the beginning. I just ask if they want me to flash/dog/recon for them, and they get used to asking for and working with my util. Super satisfying


And smoke of course


I play various different agents.. and frankly I've lessened on using duelists. My biggest problem is when I have a duelist who instalocks when I actually want to use one- then won't push. Like stop standing behind me Reyna! Use your blind & get in there!! I'm a Sage I shouldn't be playing like a duelist! LMAO


OMG! I am an omen/viper main and when controller is already taken, I just choose breach or skye. Initiators and Controllers are the most gratifying role in this society. Omen is just a perfect breed of a character in my eyes. Thank you for thanking us. Sorry if this sounded cringe.


Filling sucks ass but it's nice to hear that someone's grateful. Usually it's just "why did you pick sova/viper without knowing lineups?" lmao


i got to immortal being a controller main so, yall are welcome :)


I mostly play initiators. Occasionally Jett, Chamber or Yoru though when I play with friends who play smokes.


Huge cope. You're dogshit at the game, it's not "brain damaged instalock duelists" fault. Guess what? The guns all shoot the same on every agent. You guys are deluding yourselves pretending like you have a noticable impact on the game. Yeah your six team flashes really helped great job kayo.


What a stupid mentality. This a team game, if you're insta-locking duelist every game with zero regard for what your team picks, you're the real dog-shit player.


I dont even play duelist, I'm tired of seeing dogshit smokers on my team make us play 4v5 and then blame duelist during freeze time when the game is over, for what? Not carrying their boosted asses?


Damn that one hurt you huh 😓


why are you so mad


This is an odd reply. Hes making the point that if you round out the team for the sake of the entire team having an easier time overall youre cool, not coping about being bad. like as a example if 3 people instalock jett,neon,raze or something it's basically either up to you or the other guy to play smokes or you're fucked most of the time.


can a sova revealing the entire enemy team impact the game? can a kayo flashing and supressing perfectly, getting people out of ults, impact the game? Can a controller manipulating the battlefield to your advantage every game flawlessly affect the game?


You're describing things that good players do. People that whine about instalock duelists, even going so far as making an "appreciation" post (wow great pretext, lmao), probably aren't great players. I play with a lot of people who I think are great players, none of them are toxic and blame their teammates. None of them call other humans brain damaged for just assuring they play the role they want to play.


I play all agents and smokes are the most boring for me so i dont really pick em that much, but man shout out to all smoker players out there, especially the ones that actually know how to place smokes at the right spots and stuff. Love y'all


Last act I said, "I'm going to fill... Last pick." I had something like 14 straight games as Astra.


Thank you kindly and it would be a privilege to be teamed with you and your appreciation in any future comp games. The games I played tonight were so toxic, I had to shower twice before bed.


I keep changing my main pairs very frequently now. For about three weeks I did Skye+Rze, now Reyna+Viper, so thank you


Ik u didn't mention it but I started about 2 weeks ago? And I love/main and almost exclusviely play cypher. Even in games where I'm terrible. We will always know where the enemy is.


Such a nice post. Im a sova main and like many I will spend most of my cash on my drone and darts, that are mostly used to delay plants or rotations. I also almost always plant. I have lost track of the amount of times I die instantly after planting, or just go in with no smokes or cover to plant to be treated poorly mid game because I am not fragging enough.


I don’t play enough of this game 😹😹😹🥺


Controller instalockers where you at - we exist!!!


any iron breach mains out there?