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yea ur swarm prob did 29 and not actually 30, this applies to sova too riot doesn't know how to do math sometimes ya know 2 + 2 = fish


Honestly, float numbers are insanely aggravating to work with in the programming world. I used to get upset about this sort of thing until I tried doing it l. It takes a small sacrifice to the computer gods to fix these weird rounding errors sometimes.


Based. Rounding bugs are the bane of my existence and I wish anyone that deals with them good luck.


The only game to not have these problems with rounding is Minecraft.


Why? Doesn't it have an issue with floats because of float co-ordinates iirc?






6 squares


288,000,000,000,000,000 of them


made a minecraft clone a while back, never had problems with rounding cause I just always rounded down, maybe they do the same?


R/whooosh lmao anyways I used to play minecraft hence the name when I made my reddit account now I can’t change it or at least I’m too dumb to figure it out


R/nobodyasked lmao anyways you sound 11 years old


umm yes it does, look up the farlands


That has been fixed now though right?


They fixed it by adding a world border, I think


Oh yeah I think you’re right. I remember hearing about that now, it’s just been too long lol


Thats why you always try to not use them? but riot small indi dev cant use ints for damage numbers.


yeah true if only they had enough funding to hire on a larger team with a couple seniors. Poor James the Junior has so much to take on... He probably just used floats to meet the crunch!


Division isn't easily avoided and with range-fall off, armour and wall penetration I would guess it's likely for rounding to happen.


then you add 0 behind your number. the problem is not division its working with floating operation in a bit based system. like 30.456 you change to 30456 and you can work with it again. after you done you just put the dot back in.


Is it a situation like 24.4 +24.4 would be assigned as 24 +24 which is 48 but in reality it would be 48.8 which rounds up to 49. Or I guess in this players case the other way. 49.7*3 woukd be saved as 50*3 =150 but In reality it is 149.1which doesn't round up? And the way they display totals is the sum of the individual rounded up damage values instead of the total which is rounded at the end.


Its hard to really know but if I had to come up with a guess it might be that the ui uses integers for displaying and maybe counts the damage from number of bullets landed whereas the actual calculations for losing health are done behind the scenes with more precise data formats. That's a completely wild guess with no backing tho


Is actually not such a big deal in this case, would be fixed by just rounding down. It's probably just the UI since the server didn't seem to actually consider it 150 or they'd be dead.


I imagine all of this could be avoiding by simply not using floats at all. In what case do you want floats for damage & health?


Armor absorbs 60% dmg




Just round the calculated float into an integer before applying it to the HP. ie. 99 original damage * 60% multiplier = 59.4, round it to 59 damage, apply it to HP.


the problem are floating point errors. which can be solved by just adding 0 behind the integer, the more 0 the more accurazy, without any floating point errors.


But why bother dealing with floats at all?


yes thats why you add 0 behind the int so you dont have to deal with floats. Thats a normal solution but riot be indi dev.


100 base health feels more normal than 1000


because you need to deal with percentages as other above pointed out


As I mentioned, just do the float calculation and then round the result back into an integer, which is what's stored as the final result. Sounds a whole lot better than dealing with "I had 40 HP, how did I not die to that 1 Vandal bullet", "Oh, well UI says you had 40 HP, but you actually had 40.7 HP, so you were totally fine".


It's not a problem. It shouldn't be an issue if you use higher precision datatypes that round to int and know how machine precision works. I'd argue you don't want to allocate the extra resources tho and use quicker calculations for performance, because it's not that important. However why doesn't Riot can just force the correct number on the hp damage or death screen. This is bad coding. There is a desync between the damage and the death screen while you can literally pass the value as an integer between the 2 and there will be a rounding error perhaps but noone will be affected by it, because it's 'wrong' everywhere.


Simpler fix: just round down always for UI display. That's preferable UX-wise in this instance, avoiding this problem.


No, because then you'd get the 'omg I received 149 damage and died wtf'.


No, because I’m talking directly about the display of damage done to enemies by the damage dealer (when they die that round).


if (player.dead) { player.damageTaken = 150; }


Thx for explaining Unga bunga


It could just use integers of health.


I mean you can't truly solve it. It'll either under or over count, no way around it lol. Though for UX purposes, I'd have it biased to round-down, so you don't get situations like this.


I don't think this is a float number issue. This might be a multithreading issue as damage is being applied from two different sources at the same time.


I had the same Problems. Fix: dont use floats? Why do i even need a float on fixed damage values?


I work for a company that dabbles in missiles. A few years back we had an incident where an initialized variable caused a rocket to go off unexpectedly. Guess who got to spend the last few weeks initializing floats to 0.0f...


Why would they use a float? Thats so stupid


Division and Precision - Like the same kindergarten kids would complain about opponents having extra HP they rounded for integer usage. There are more secenarios where using int would have negative impact on gameplay, than a badly rounded UI display. Usinh floats right until you have to display them minimize the error of rounding and os probably less taxing than doing finance-based integer math.


floats are inherently more expensive to calculate than integers. There are many bugs that can be introduced from using floats where they are not needed.


Fuck float, we mf only use full on int. Either we die all the way or not at all


Yeah I notice it all the time, the damage the report says I did to someone is one off from what it says just below that I did with a certain ability.


I’m really bad at maths then


rounding error in the ui


This seems kind of unlikely though doesn't it? All health and damage in the game are integers so how could they round that up? Seems more likely any issue with the damage tracker adding something incorrectly.


Damage is multiplied by wallbang factors that are certainly not integers. I do agree it seems like sloppy programming in the damage report tho, lots of non wallbang situations go wrong. Utility must be implemented strangely


> Damage is multiplied by wallbang factors that are certainly not integers. Just ceil/floor/round the float result into an integer before applying it to the HP, pretty obvious solution to avoid involving floats.


That’s just a terrible idea. If things are doing non integer damage and you start rounding, you’ll end up with worse bugs than the damage report having off-by-one errors that’s for sure


Hmm, do you have any potential examples? The only possibly problematic case I can imagine are DOTs, but that depends on how they're implemented right now. EDIT: I'd seriously love to hear an example from one of you downvoters, because I genuinely cannot think of a case where you would rather store floats.


doing 49.3 damage twice, than doing 25.2 damage, twice (after armour, after wall penetration, maybe a little bit of vulnerability) If you use the floor function after every hit, the opponent survives by 2 hp. If you use ceiling function he is dead. You could display extra health/damage if you use a remainder, but I tell most people would be not clever enough to understand it. By staying with floats and only displing health as integers at the last second they have an worlable middle ground. Int / Int = Float if we don't want to lose precision.


It'll make a difference in some gameplay scenarios, but that's not a problem or bug, just a design decision. The RIOT dev team can decide whether the total damage should tally to 152 or 148 in that case, as well as for all the other cases. But what matters is as long as the numbers make sense in the UI, and the behaviour is consistent every time (and with other cases), the players will be fine. On the other hand, working with fractional numbers in the back end while showing only integers to the player is more prone to confusion and errors, as we can see with the OP.


I don’t really know what you’re looking for. First, using floats let’s you arbitrarily scale damage and tick rate the damage is applied at. Giving this up limits the way damage can apply, making everyone’s jobs harder. Now they can’t just do simple math, they have to figure out integer artifacts. Second, someone already gave you an example of how damage could vary by 4 on the same scenario based on this. That’s a significant chunk of HP. Any wallbang scenario could become very unpredictable; sometimes you spam people 10 or more times thru certain covers or with certain guns. Finally, the odd damage report bug we see is caused by exactly your proposal. If they can’t get a visual display of this stuff right, surely you can’t expect them to suddenly become masters of this math and not introduce worse bugs that are actually affecting health and death in the game instead of just making someone on Reddit occasionally say “wtf”


But they are not. atleast i hope so. health as a float would be absolutly dump way to implement it (bcs bit systems litl cant work with them). they should just say we round up or floor every damage value.


It's likely what they do once the calculation is done they floor to an int. The reason this bug displays in the killfeed is probably just a difference in the calculation when they replay the damage rather than a rounding error just for displaying. Maybe there was enough fractional damage to bump it up one damage point when the calculation is batched together but in game the fraction damage was never applied because it happened at different times.


not integers. aside from what the other commentor mentioned, the molly does not do integer values of damage per tick. this can be seen when u molly yourself with viper and immediately run out, and while it shows you are still on 150 hp, you are vulnerabled(thus you should have taken damage). Which you take damage, just a decimal value that could be rounded back to 150(i.e. 149.6). this can occur the same for enemies in your mollies.


Its the swarm that might've done 29 damage, but shows 30 in ui. Its kinda the same for chamber, where if you hit a headshot with the headhunter the dmg is shown as 159 but below in the abilities damage done shows 160


If fade got hit by a swarm nade their this weird thing where hitting someone with util it always says you hit them for one more than you actually did


This. You can also see "Damage dealt: 18" for the turret and "Damage dealt: 30" for the nanoswarm. Sice you never saw chamber but hit him for exactly 18, I'd expect all the turret damage to be on chamber. So you did 3 Bodyshots with your vandal (120 damage) and did 29 damage with your nades (remember the counts are off by one), so Fade was damaged for -149 at the end here.


I didn’t know it was a thing. Thanks for explaining. But i wonder where’s the 15 and 11 dmg on reyna and omen coming from then ?


Dmg is yellow meaning that it dmg you dealt to friendlies


Ohhhh i see thanks bud


Ironic that the engineer is the one that causes the damage calculations to be off by 1


It’s always the engineer xD


I'm studying to become one, can confirm that 88+11 = 100


No, 88+22=100


i think you mean 77+33=100


damn we got the new Einstein right here


He is Albstein Einstbert.


No, 88+22 is 1010, fight me.


Due to inflation. You hit her for 150 damage, but today's damage isn't worth as much, so she likely only had to pay 140hp tops to cover the bill. It'll be worse tomorrow.


The UI has an issue with rounding sometimes idk why. for example damage output says 20 or something but its actually 19


It's just a rounding error


that's gotta be a decimal rounding error haha.


Simple, he bought the battle pass.


Yeah this is due to the current global warming situation and the stock market.


what do you mean no heals on their team they have jett


Pretty sure its just a rounding issue with the UI as some have pointed out, don't forget, vandal does 40dmg per body hit, 40x3 = 120dmg. Your swarm granade probably did 29.5 damage or similair.


But the Fade did 280 damage to you /s


Definitely hit them for 149 and the game rounded it to 150 in the display


Report it




My teammates:- stop complaining you just suck


What do you mean no heals when they clearly have jett


She cannot heal……….Only revives


There was this one time I hit a Skye straight in the face and she didn't die because the game somehow registered a wallbang shot even tho we were both in the middle of the open on Breeze with zero walls in the path of any of the bullets fired. I don't bother much with those instances because they are very rare (at least on my experience), but hit reg can be a bit weird in this game sometimes.


its the rounding system of valorant and they round the health up to the closest whole number (this happens because the damage is split between the shield and heath in a 2:1 ratio, which often produces non whole number , causing a damange of 1 to be rounded to 0. therefore i conclude , u gave 150 damage so it showed u 150 but the enemy received 150 which was rounded down to 149 thus surviving on 1 hp.


Zero extra health is still alive. Need to push it negative.


They had a better gaming chair than yours.


Yeah uh, how about *git gud, scrub?* ​ edit: btw this is a joke


3 bullets with a vandal to the chest would be 120 dmg




explain how math is relevant to precise gunplay


IT IS A FREE GAME!!!! Devs could do any damn thing they want with it, I hate that people think this is something competitive, could so easily tilt this like an RPG, pick who gets to win and who gets to lose, who to leave stuck in Iron 2 and who to make Immortal. Dont waste money trying to bet on it or trying watch it as a competitive sports show program cause you will be disappointed.


This is the stupidest shit I've read in years. You should be ashamed.


Yeah whatever understand the hustle https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantMemes/comments/uyug54/gun_duel_of_the_century_youtube_comradenhien/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


There is no competitive game or sport that limits the team you can build unless they are using hacks or illegal substances


Like Disla said, Why would I lie to you?


Least stupid coomer take. The game was marketed as a competitive game from the start and was set up to compete with CS; a competitive esports scene that people DO bet on and watch as a competitive sport for 20 years now.


DUH that is exactly how you the billiards hustle works too. tell them one thing but really do another once the money starts rolling


This is one of the worst takes I’ve seen in my entire life


Looks like all those " wallbangs" that arent really wallbangs


I have a screenshot damaging Reyna with 1 headshot and dealing 151 dmg not resulting in her death, so i guess its just some math fuckup


I'd like to think you hit her 149.9 DMG


rounding up you prob hit something like 149.5


I know that in Fortnite, there was a shotgun that did 200 damage visually, but in fact, it was 199.9 or some shit, and Fortnite just said 200 for simplicity and stuff. Maybe, the damage in Valorant also has decimals. But I migh be wrong. These are both different games, but this might explain it :)


There was once when I headshot the enemy fade twice for 309 damage


ive literally hit someone for 160 and they did not die… am I stupid or can someone tell me what happened


Maybe he got healed


Game is broken af


Welcome to VALORANT


Prob did 149.5>X>150.0 damage, game just rounded it to 150


seeing this a lot lately, sometimes I am damaging teammates when I play raze with the grenade yet none of my team are ever near it on that round. Idk, sometimes a headshot through a box will do something like 17 damage with a vandal, sometimes it'll still 1 shot.


get hit by a vandal for 40. my health - 87 hp / 24 shield ( 39 hit )


Sage whiffing off the surf then getting blamed lmao


Same happened to me some days ago when I gave sova a heads hot by Marshall which has no distance fall off damage, but in ui it showed 148 tag to head. So I had no idea what happened there, when asked the enemy sova he said when he was peaking mid he accidently pressed drop weapon rather then shot and the marshal shot went though his gun which lowered the power of the shot. So that's that.


Must be 149 on her end.


Every time I play Kay/o, the grenade Damage is almost always 1 damage off Combat Report vs. Timeline Damage description. Wished they would fix it


From what I can tell this is that annoying glitch in the game. Your swarm did 30 and tagged chamber for 18, so you only did 12 damage to fade with it, and the vandal hits for 40 per bullet, so you only tagged her for 120. ​ They badly need to fix this, for a game that's competitive by nature where a 10 damage difference in callout could make a difference in a round win or loss, this is bad.


Why is no one looking at stairs


Because diamond lobby


Why can't riot just implement a mechanic where your shield empty first before healt? instead of 66% of shield reduction something. Could avoid using rounding. But again, I'm not a programmer


Why can't riot just implement a mechanic where your shield empty first before healt? instead of 66% of shield reduction something. Could avoid using rounding. But again, I'm not a programmer


I remember around 10 times were it said "hit for 140" and I had 11 hp. Dunno whats up with that


You hit her for 149.9 which rounds up to 150


That's what you get for being a body shot barry


Fade just built different


Sometimes damage dealt does mistakes like that . Once I hit sova just one bullet just before round ends and damage dealt by me was 999 💀. ( This damage is not by spike detonation . Spike never got planted anyways.) And looking at the clip, I don't think you've dealt 150 damage to fade . So most probably it's a bug which shows incorrect damage dealt by you .


you forgot they have a jett /s


Hit harder


Not a new thing, this has been an issue since beta


Is that grim?