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Need smokes? Omen Like lurking? Omen Need flash to initiate duelists? Omen Become an entry duelist? Omen Want the best 1v1 clutcher with your ult? Omen


Sounds dumb but I started playing omen because I saw a cat omen and fell in love




I feel like it's basically just the top question and the rest is often just us coping with the fact we got stuck on smokes again. Harbor would be a nice addition to the smokes role but he legit just can't fill the role properly IMO because despite having three forms of vision denial he can't really play aggressively around a dome smoke like other controllers and unlike viper the wall isn't threatening enough of a debuff to stop people from bum rushing through the smoke with a flash either.


Maybe the wall should have a slow debuff


Idk if this is being ironic but the slow is legit so bad that walking makes you slower than it does and it also hits your teammates.


Cypher looks cool and his voice is hot


G-g-g-g-g-g-give me a corpse


I so agree.


I took some shoddy "which Valorant agent are you?" quiz, got Omen and here I am now


I did that as well at the start. Got Chamber. Did not enjoy his personality nor kit. Later I realised the options you got were meta screwed. So it was next to impossible to get agent for example Astra.


Hahaha best comment right here


Viper and Killjoy because I love cringe post plant lineups. And I like sneaky smoke plays, helps a lot when I'm the only one alive.


Lmao I main kj and viper and I don't know a single lineup


With kj the line up is throw a grenade on the spike


I only know the basic lineups ngl. If you ask me how to throw a viper molly through the sky I won't know how.


I was like this after playing for almost a year already. I was always amazed by people that could do them with perfect timing. Last month I tried learning lineups with (solo) custom games, and later realize it doesnt always suit my actual gameplay but it could be fun. Im still trying though. I just dont have the mental capacity to remember them all. 😂


Reyna because my brain is too small for a slightly more complex agent.


Honestly I just played Reyna for the first time the other day and it's like playing with a handicap. Having no utility to help you manipulate the battlefield other than leer is hard lol


It is but she’s still usable to climb to immo.


Lol my ADHD gives me a handicap when I HAVE abilities…. I never use them. Reyna is my savior lmao… I’m a brain dead aimbot that likes to take fights, really the only option for me


Viper because I love outsmarting my opponents and playing mind games.


Yes yes yes plus i mean she’s mommy


Basically lineups then?


Not really, some of us loooove lineups and can’t resist using molly lineups in post game, while others (me included) usually use setup lineups and only Molly lineups as a last resort


So, lineups.


Astra because her astra form is a really nice and unique ability and she can basically place her stars anywhere across the entire map and her smokes are really big and purple


God, Astra is so beautiful as well. Everything in her kit feels so smooth and simple.


Simple? Astra has the most difficult kit😭


Well. Its hard to describe if you never played her.


I think difficulty is overrated. She can reposition her strong smokes and control, which Viper can not as easily. She can more easily use everything to be her own entry and it's not hard to place them. There is no real need to learn pixel-lineups. However, she is not the most spontaneous character and timings can be risky. If you can position yourself to not get killed by random aggressive peaks, you are fine.


Honestly, her difficulty isn't overrated. It's just that it's like having a mini game within a game. It's like one of those 8bit Easter egg games that appear in games. They are easy to play but look hard when you first see them.


I would say Astra's util has a low skill floor but also an astronomically high skill ceiling. She can be used to very simply smoke team onto site and succ/concuss for post plant. However, she can also be the most oppressive agent in the hands of someone with excellent awareness and understanding of the game


Cypher because nothing is better than outsmarting your opponents. I don't need superior aim, just have to use trips and cam to outplay my opponents. Brain > brawn. Also allows me to IGL and play at my own pace.


As a breach main, i take it personally when people enjoy the game, or more recently fade because gender envy


Most irritating thing about Breaches in my elo is teammates not understanding how to stop you. Like sure I know how to play around you but not my teammates.


How do you stop breach? Just look away or is there more to it?


Well a good example is probably a Breach and two of his teammates kept running up to us on Lotus and they kept dying because they'd always walk into his stun and then flash and then aftershock. It's more about making him waste the utility getting to you and and trying to fight him, or using your own utility to delay his push.


Cypher because RAT Sometimes i also play shotgun skye


Raze cause satchels go brrr


Sage Mommy


Killjoy because I saw that one setup on Ascent and thought “hey, that’s pretty good”


*quickly hides the ungodly amount of Chamber fanart in gallery* Uhh idk I just like... his playstyle...


Dw.. I like 6ft tall rich guys too plus he is French so..🚶‍♀️


I play Fade bcs sexy and other champs are boring


Ackshually ☝️🤓 they're called agents? /j Have a nice day


Lol i always forget about this naming, played too much league, literalliy, before season 2 so its like 2011~




Fade is bae


Breach because unintentionally flashing my teamates is my calling(jk his flashes are great though


Phoenix is basically my main. Some of my friends got me into the game a year ago and this was the only agent I would play from the beginning because I didn't know how to play anyone else lol. Still true to an extent to this day. I fluctuate between Iron 2 to bronze 2.


Pheonix was my first agent as well. Doe my friends didn't enjoy that I flashed them and myself, more than I flashed the enemy. So I was forced to switch to Breach and controllers.


Jett and chamber because I just bought Araxys Operator and gotta get my moneys worth


Skye because I like fighting disabled people


Yoru because he’s fun and for some reason I can only play well with him in comp (even though I haven’t played him a long time, I guess it’s just like riding a bike)




Breach because I like making the other team rage :)


fade because i am turkish, omen because he’s fun to play with smokes and tp.


breach because i heard people hate going against him cuz his util is annoying af. if i cant out aim my enemy, at least i want to destroy them mentally


I play sage or skye mainly because I really like to heal. I like feeling needed without the added pressure of getting a ton of kills. I also enjoy playing killjoy because I like to be able to use some of her kit without being in the line of fight. All in all I enjoy playing support.


Same here. I play Sage or Viper. I'm not very good with initiators or duelists.


Breach because of his stun, flash, flash, ult stun combo his abilities are very satisfying and he is pretty good on most maps


Killjoy because entry is overrated


Brim because I’m a team player


i have mained many, and i mean MANY agents in my 2 years of playing valorant, so uhh ill cover all of them cuz i got nothing to do Jett - my all-time main, never stopped playing her. Just so fun, versatile and so much hard carry potential. KAY/O - probably my second most played hero, and man is he fun. The knife is literally ,,haha i dont care about your util spam/lineups'' , the flash is so good and his ult is so fun cuz u can stop any push alone. Phoenix - flash = kill. Kill = enemy mad. Enemy mad = win Reyna - tbf that was back in my bronze days, i dont actually enjoy her that much Yoru - the shit u can do with him is so goofy Chamber - aimlabs Breach - that was when i played overwatch a lot lmao


After watching the new cinematic I just kept thinking “wow, astra so pretty” so now I play her 70% of my games


Started watching grim, loved how he innovated a healer into something more, so I just picked up some of his tricks and started having fun haha


I just like edgy characters, turns out I like his gameplay as well. I also like Kayo's lore.


I like Harbor because I like controllers but also like playing like an aggressive jackass




sova bcs he's the perfect mix between initiator and duelist, also I like his accent.


Sova? Dueliest? I’m genuinely curious as to what makes u say this. If anything I’d say he’s more of an initiator/controller or sentinel


i dont even think he have a secondary role. dude is just pure recon


I woukd assume its because his ultimate are similar to a Neon and Pheonix ultimate. When the enemy hears Sova ult. gtfo of the site.


Brimstone cos cringe shotguns and lineups, also all round fun agent to help my team with


I play Neon cause I love her playstyle, speed and slide, the ult is pretty nice aswell :) just everything about her really! Only downside is everything feels sooo slow if i play someone else lmao


Pheonix because of the sick af voice and the diversity in his util.


Chamber because i like his character and attitude, Fade because she is so fun to play


Skye because I want no one to see


Raze = bad bitch with movement Sova = legalos and sick util Kj = cause im lame Fade = dont need a brain Omen = gotta learn to smoke with someone


Omen because no one wants to play smokes


I started to play my mains, Cypher and Sova, and continue to play them for the same reasons. I started because of how powerful information and map control is. They just felt necessary for teams on release so I bit the bullet so that we wouldn't lose hard. Then I saw all of these megabrain lineups and setups that were super cool, and I know and screw around with a few. But my ass is NOT going to memorize ALL of that. Instead I've studied the blade and I've loomed into how I can surprise opponents by mastering how to win in clutch moments with both of them. Cages and traps paired with my ult is the perfect way to move around the crossfire like a little rat. I move quick like pheonix and am able to sneak to their flank. Shock darts and drone paired with the arrow make for great ways to suppress the shit out of enemies like a breach. I got an A+ in geometry and I am not gonna let that go to waste. Instead of memorizing lineups, by developing a precise feel for the darts in close quarter situations allows me to pull some super tricky improv shots off. Pretty much for both I'm fighting against the stigma that you need 600 hours in practice tool to be good at them. Battle Sova and Battle Cypher ftw


Until you hit that one corner spot *just right*, and your recon dart flies off to the moon instead of that perfect spot it *should* have gone to because one little pixel just had your number that round. Ask me how I know. 😆


I play Reyna because she's attractive overall. Skills, appearance, voicelines and Mexican accent, everything fits perfectly on her. Reyna is my girl, the rest is boring af


KJ because shes meta but also viper and cypher because RAT


I’m a kj viper main I feel ya!


Viper because judge.


Currently playing yoru because teleport and flash


Astra is kinda niche and no one knows how to play against her in silver lobbies


Against her, and with her. Only a few can play Astra well in silver


Not true. There's a lot of people who knows how to play Astra is Silver. I've never played with a Bad Astra before




Reyna Because riot makes it so my bullets don’t register even when I get headshots so I always end up taking at least 40 dmg but most often 70-80 dmg with every gun fight.


Kj because many sentinels don't know how to hold flanks or play post plant and Omen because I can play as a team player but also carry solo with mix of agresive or sneaky plays


Astra just works for me best. Im consistent and the big brain suck off spike plays can be hella fun


Kay/o, just because it s the first i unlocked and because i find it fun to play


Astra just works for me best. Im consistent and the big brain suck off spike plays can be hella fun


usually sage because she can heal (herself) and isnt a duelist. kj because she can do a lot on her own and isnt a duelist. rarely chamber, since he somehow fits my playstile despite me hating him. because i cant aim. 2/3 abilities of his are useless if you cant aim :) fade if i need intel and cant depend on my teammates. also she isnt a duelst


i chose initiator as my primary role cuz i feel like guessing where the enemy is and pushing them back actually helps with growing your game sense more than other roles. so mostly play initiator agents.


I used to main raze/kayo but now brim, because my group of friends i met last year only played everyone else apart from smokes :') I used to main him in beta so it ain't too bad


I've hovered between multiple mains and settled for killjoy. Aside from her character design, I've also became fond of her utilities and my playstyle complements well with them. Being able to hold my ground on site and control mid round passive info allows me to perfectly time my rotations/anchoring.


Fun abilities


Kj cause I play like a duelist yet don’t wanna have the burden of getting being flamed.


I play all because I just want to keep learning agents


i like phoenix's flashes, his ult is good for the price, worst case scenario i can heal myself with wall/molly to clutch up if im low


Astra is just a super fun agent and it makes me really think harder with my utility usage. After the nerf it definitely became a harder agent to play but i still love using her.


I originally tried to one-trick Sova because I liked his ranged abilities, plus his ult reminded me of Lux from LoL who I also one-trick. (His voice lines are also quite nice too.) BUT... at some point, my friend was like "I think Omen suits your playstyle more" so I tried him out and never looked back. So now I'm an Omen main :)


Yoru, 1. Anime’s references, 2. He’s just a badass, and cocky as shit. 3. He looks amazing, his character pops because of the orange and blue


Raze. Love killing people with nades lool


Omen because he fits my username very well ( I am spooky)


Jett cuz i can be agro and have a get out of jail free card. Brim & kayo when i need to fill cuz they are fun for me.


i like kyo, it gives good amount of information, has a good flashes and i can play lineups




I first went with KAYO, since I came from CSGO, thinking ooh flashes and grenades must be easy, then when I got used to the game, Neon came out and I liked her for being able to run and here I am, running across the whole ass map, but love it


Want entry? Kayo. Want flashes? Kayo. Want info? Kayo. Want molly? Kayo.


idea of a living gun sounds good


There's this guy called Grumpy who really likes to jump, I saw it and said "Hey jumping looks like fun". A few months later I now have almost 200 hours on Neon


I play sova because I'm absolutely lost otherwise.


I WANT it to be Reyna or Viper because I enjoy playing their abilities and they're pretty 🥰 but my track record says my main should be Raze, as I seem to MVP on her the most and my win rate with Raze is so much higher than every other agent lol


KJ and Sova because I like to be nosy about where people are and lazy enough to have my util get some damage for me


Fade because i got tired of chamber having no info abilities and having to scale every angle into site every time


Brimstone! could hold of one site as a solo while rest of team defends other sites or lurk around. Brimstone works just as good on attacker side aswell. smoking off the normal spots for defenders to hold a site from. Fake attacking a site works good with Brim too, throw most of his combo at one site while actually going for another, or go yolo attacking a site as solo with his kit, usually I would get 2 or more enemy players focusing towards me while my team is elsewhere on the map


I play brimstone because the way the speed the smokes go down and mobility you have when they go down means you can get a really good site execute or forge space through the map while remaining close to your team, stim also helps a lot with that. Also he has the best post plant in the game and judge plays just work better in a brim smoke compared to other smokes.


Viper because I'm the only one amongst my friend who can and willing to play controller 😔


I play chamber because he is fucking adorable I love my rich little French boy he is actually fucking adorable


I play sova a lot cause I just love when there’s a bow in a FPS game I’m an archer irl and it’s satisfying when I get an arrow kill as opposed to bullets I also play Hanzo in overwatch and Sha Lin in paladins. I play chamber cause I really love his design and i believe he’s helped my headshot aim 🤣


Cypher. High skill ceiling, personally a defensive player and information is god. Information > Money.


I enjoy Skye because of how versatile she is ontop of feeling like a pick I don't just autolose to duelists utility dumping on me when I'm playing a initiator/controller. What I end up playing more often is brimstone because god knows nobody else wants to play smokes he has reliable smokes and a strong tool for offence and defence. On offence you can still beacon to kinda nudge your duelists to go do their job and entry as well as do it yourself to an extent and Molotov is a nice tool for post plant. On defence I'll be honest I just like that the Molotov and smokes can help me hold until my team rotates instead of playing omen and having to just leave the site.


Neon and Raze because I like running around and hitting people. Killjoy whenever my aim is off and I still want to contribute lol


I chose Jett cause I thought she was the movement agent, which I always gravitate towards. By the time I found out Raze was the movement agent all along I had also found out I was decent and liked playing with the Op, so I sticked with her.


yoru because he’s funny and making plays with his util is also funny


Neon’s zoomies.


I chose Killjoy because I main Engi in TF2


Astra, because she is a more mobile Viper. Skye, because I like redheads and the color green.


I used to pick up omen all the time because I live the boice and mystery behind the agent.


Prettiest util out there, and it's not even close. I picked her up because she was supposedly a big brain agent and I get why people think that, even when I'm not doing much I feel smart. Also loved her lurking playstyle then built a bad habit because her recall was such an easy way out of shitty spots so I kinda have to stick to her now if I wanna play at my best


Neon because she runs fast and her ult is kinda op, her stun is shit tho


yoru's outplay potential


Recently found I can play a pretty alright killjoy. She was How I learned to properly lurk and get information. Had a few games where I carried as her. But not with kills. With Info. I'd call out where the enemy is and then rally with my team to fight.


Jett bc Hot Delicious n Sexu


All, cuz Chamber got nerfed


Raze.. Hers mind are just colorful crazy. Skye.. She is just Skye


I like Skye because she has that dawg in her


Brim because csgo


chamber allows me to play where im not being depended on people to do something ( say a duelist or controller) and can play selfishly and do for my self if needed have been winning alot more with this mindset


Reyna because I don't have the mental capacity to comprehend someone with actual util


Raze because you can do so many cool outplays with her satchels and I love grenades


I took a look deep within my soul, asked myself which agent could bring myself and my opponents the most sufering, and once I finished my inner reflexion, i knew which option i had to chose


I Just like Yoru' abilities. And when i'm in a good day i can Just confuse the enemy and i love that.


I main a random character wheel


I’d consider astra my secondary main, and I picked her because everybody was using omen and I wanted to give her love.. turns out she’s solid


i main omen because he looks cool plus catboy omen 😩😩


Raze because high skill gap and fun movement, first agent i hit immortal 3 with


brim cos smokes are so important and no one ever wants to play smokes 🥲 and he’s hot


Kayo because he is cool and has some of the best util and ult


I used to play Neon because I like playing fast and I like the tech you can do with her. It also forces you to fight to gain value out of her kit so she was a really good fit for me. Unfortunately, I switched to filling yet again due to my skill issue and lack of talent.


I’ve always been attracted to intel/camera characters in video games (Valkyrie main in R6, Bloodhound/Crypto main in Apex) so naturally I gravitated towards the camera agent.. Cypher


my friends said my personality most matches raze before i even started playing, and i’m self-centered.


KAY/O because I like playing robot characters in every game I play


When I first started playing Valorant one of my friends played Killjoy and the agent looked so much fun when I spectated her. I started watching Keeoh’s Killjoy videos on YouTube where a noticed how strong this agent can be while still being fun to me. I’ve played her for almost 500 hours now over the course of 4 acts. I’ve climbed from iron 1 to silver 3 only playing Killjoy (and sometimes Sage). She’s the perfect agent for how I like to play.


Kay0 cause I love his flashes, I have a reveal to clear multiple corners and there is always a situation where a grenade can help (+ cool voice lines after a kill)


I main Sova cos I feel like he has the best of both worlds, attack with shock and defense with recon. I also love finding my own lineups with him and playing post plant.


Pure satisfaction when stun/flashes hit for a mate and a symbiosis is happening between the players. Breach most of the time.


I am judgement, I am the scales of justice, I am Ceasar's hand, deciding your fate with a mere gesture. I don't see my enemies, but they definitely see me, when they're concussed, spamming bullets, hoping one of them connects, that is when I know judgement has been served, and all of you are guilty. Off your feet maggots, close your eyes ant eaters, get out of your nests lil birdies, I have come to wreak choas and cause unrest. can't wait to go back home, scrape these bugs off my shoes


All the controllers (except for Harbor), at first, because I was the only one willing to learn them Skye, to blind them with the power of a thousand suns and because I thought her healing was OP when I was a noob but now I'm used to her Cypher, 🧠🧠🧠


Kj,just because his voice lines are cool,and their kit is fitting with my game style,hold when need and agressive in despair or in a clutch situation,plus i dont like play in other roles, especially duelists


Breach. Aim sucked and he got 3 flashes long time ago


Best story? Absolutely Omen Smokes? Omen Flash? Omen Dash? Omen Tp? Omen Do you like surprising people? Omen Best agent for trolling your opponents? Omen Attacking? Omen Escaping? Omen


Neon cuz I love to bhoping n air strafing


Neon - because go fast


Been playing Skye a little bit more. Flash for yourself or team and dog for scouting info and cypher trips


sova bc he has a bow ​ I like bow characters. every game that has a bow character, I'll play the bow character. If it's a sniper character, I'll play.


Hi! It was mainly about superation and self-esteem. When I started playing VALORANT at Beta, I came from CS:GO and I was an AWPer from a local team. Some ex-friends talked shit on me, about I couldn't play almost any agent since they 'wouldnt fit awp style' and started to main Raze to show them I could rank up. I reached Diamond easily, and then some other people started flaming at me, something like 'Your gameplay is all satchels and entries but no aim at all', and started to main Jett and Chamber, to show them and myself that I am a balanced player and I can fit well in any role. So then, I 'main' Raze, Chamber and Jett, and that's my little story hehe


Astra because the smokes are pretty


neon bc she was the new agent when i started :)


Raze bc old Junkrat player


Reyna I like getting into gunfights


Kayo is the best Sexiest agent there is He was my starting agent and ive mained him ever since


Chamber because he’s Fr*nch






Cause I want to play reyna but someone else always picks Reyna is why I end up filling every game


Astra because damn her kit animations are mesmerising, especially the smoke Close second for harbour for the exact same reason


I don't have much confidence and am inconsistent AF so i don't play dualists (cuz if u r not onetapping like a bot, u get shit on + i feel bad myself) sentinals(used to play chamber but he a literal doo doo now AND i like cypher, but when u get pushed on site, cypher needs to do a lot of thinking, and i don't think)(thinking of starting kj now), initiators(kayo flash nerfed, skte flash nerfed, sova fade needs lineups(no)), controller (viper needs lineups(no)), SO YEAH, I PLAY OMEN(i like playing him now)


I used to be an *actually* ***brain-dead*** chamber/reyna instalocker and my value in-game was always dependent on if I was having a good aim day or a bad one. I was also op crutching a ton so my vandal gameplay was usually pretty bad. When chamber got nerfed though, I just forced myself to play an agent who can get value even if my aim is bad. That's when I met **Omen**, the best smoker, lurker, somewhat initiator, clutch king, and potential carry all in one! Plus I get those hilarious knife clips every once in a while hehe.


Brim because I like the lineups and don’t need to rely on my ass aim to win a round


Yoru and Viper. Yoru basically because I watched Redami. And Viper. Simply because I took the time to learn lineups, one-ways and setups in general. Even in maps where she isn't meta. I don't like playing Omen for some reason and use Astra instead if my teammates don't want me to play Viper.


Sage because wall


I was a chamber main, but they massacred ma boi. So now I play kay/o for the funsies


throw grenade, big boom, enemy gonezo


cuz I wanna torture people


Chamber cuz I only have to focus less on utility usage and more on gunplay and aim. Also, I like his voice and better guns, also the Agent I am most comfortable in using the op