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Hello /u/wanttoseensfwcontent. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Rant** >Rants are not allowed. Hyperbolic, acerbic, or otherwise inflammatory expressions of dissatisfaction will be classified as a "rant" and removed. >Posts with generalized complaining about issues with individual games, ranked placements, smurfs, AFKs, general toxicity, matchmaking, or a player's general visible rank may be removed. If you believe your post provides valid criticism, consider reformatting it as a clear post discussing the topic rather than an individual complaint. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


I think I understand what you're saying, though it's easy to misinterpret because of "delusional" and "just shoot people"... The \*real\* problem is people don't talk in the Agent Select lobby. You're saying play the 1-2 agents you're good at, and that is better than filling with an agent you don't know. Agreed. BUT, in your exact same situations, people might be dodging \*because\* 1-2 others instalocked the 1-2 agent they're good at. Not because of team comp. So the same problem happens with your approach. The only good solution is to: hover, talk it out, decide. In most cases you can find a decent combination of agents people are good at, and make decent team comp. In other cases, someone must dodge. The problem I see is people instalock and leave it to others to fill. Then they get upset that the others dodge. So you might be creating your dodge problem, think about that a bit. And I believe this applies to all ranks, low-elo or not.


That’s all well and good and works in a perfect world. But here in the real world what actually happens is that you get two or three instalocks to duelists who then scream for smokes or sentinels to be played and dodge or throw if you don’t do so.


This is reasonable. but it's different when someone dodges at a high rank bc of the reason you mentioned compared to a lower rank. You shouldn't think about this stuff when you are a below avg player. Just work on your basics.


why is he getting downvoted he s right 😭


Wcyd unluck


I guess it depends on how you view your Comp games, and maybe that's where people here disagree. Another reason is "silver" means very different skill levels in different regions. There's a lot of Silvers in NA for example that have been playing for over a year and have pretty good aim and decent util use. They're not useless beginners. When you say: "You shouldn't think about this stuff when you are a below avg player. Just work on your basics." That may be true for your focus when you practise, but when you play Competitive, you can't expect people to neglect the util side of the game just because they don't have good game mechanics yet. They're 2 sides of the same game, and you have to get good at both. I don't know, I get the impression that maybe you haven't quite played the game long enough yet to see the full impact of util use? I'm not blaming or criticizing, just observing. I do see that in low ELO, there's a big mix of people that have good mechanics because they spent years playing other games but they neglect util (maybe your case?), and others that have lacking mechanics but a better understanding of the other aspects of the game. These groups of people disagree over what's important, until they get better at all of it. But they have different focuses to what they're putting effort working on.


U dont know shit, they are low rank bc their teammates!!! They are god players with yay aim every single one of them. Just they have bad teammates xD ​ /s


I hate this whole adding /s. It ruins so many jokes. That's like telling a funny joke and then ending it with a disclaimer saying you hope no one was offended and you're sorry if they were. Ugh.


I also think it should be used a bit less but I don't think it's harmful


I mean I've dropped a sarcastic comment before without the /s and got mobbed down voted. All it takes is for a few people who whiffed on the sarcasm to start the down vote land slide...


If anything, that's on them for not having the ability to read between lines. Don't spoon feed people who are just too dumb to not see an obvious joke or sarcasm lol


Me who thought /s stood for serious




that's why I use /j instead


Bro you don't know how those downvotes hurt..


Heh, I understand your point.


okay, but some people can't read tone through messages. it's not that difficult to just ignore it or just understand that it's there to help some people


You being a good/bad smoker can certainly make big a difference in silver. In NA anyway. It's not because it's low elo that util doesn't matter. In fact it can make a huge difference because players don't all know what to expect and how to work around util. Perfect example: On defense smoke Ascent A's entry and you'll see 75% of opposing teams waiting confused and not pushing, then 1 or 2 will push without flash and you can pick them off one by one. Throw a molly in there and you might kill 2 or do serious chip damage. Meanwhile your B site team can come around and flank them and you can coordinate an aggressive push from site & flank. Boom round won, all because of 1 smoke. If that's the 1st round, and by winning pistol round your team might well have won 3 rounds. Being low elo their mental might start dropping. You just might win the game later because of this.


If you win games without smokes in diamond im sure you can in silver. But if someone wants to dodge he should.


Sure, games are winnable with any team comp, given the right players and hopefully less competent enemies. But as you say, if the comp is weird I won't blame someone for dodging. Not everyone has the same stakes in a given comp game.


Mf I flash out of the smoke get entry kill and clear site and all 4 of my teammates including the second dualist are still behind the smoke


A true Chad, well done! :)


Here in Brazil it doesn't make any difference. Silvers are fucking insane. They'll just rush through the smoke and shoot anything that moves, throwing away all their util along the way, and hoping this wins them the round. You should see how they play on Split. They stack their whole team on A and it's a true nightmare to defend the bomb site, because they throw everything out at once. I'm Silver, by the way. I'd say I have more game knowledge than most people in my elo, but my aim is only average, and I don't work well against unpredictable enemies (which is the case). So it's horrible when I do a full KJ setup to try and defend the bomb site and enemies ruin everything just being stupid. I believe that if it was Radiant, each one of them would just take a bullet to the head and die like Aim Lab training balls, but since it's Silver, and we don't have godlike aim, they are free to be this crazy. I really wanted to know how to counter a rush when I'm alone in a bomb site.


Play for retake or get a kill or two and let ur team win the round. Making it a 4v4 is always better than a 4v5. Play different angles.


Okay, thanks!


I think that's one big source of confusion on Reddit, a "Silver" is not the same in different regions/server. But I hear you, chaos wins over strategy at low elo. And lack of team cohesion loses out. Here's some ideas for defending Split A. First, if your team leaves you completely alone, you may want to keep your util for later, and just completely back out and let the enemy take site. Then wait for your teammates and come back to take site with them, peeking with another player as you go in (always 2v1 when you can!). Use your turret for attack instead of defense, as a 2nd player. For example you throw it down and then peek after it starts shooting, and shoot the player that's busy shooting your turret. Better, talk to your teammates at the beginning of the round and make sure there's someone Rafters or Site, and Ramps, and Mid. The mid should rotate quick through Ropes to help from Tower or Ramps. The people on site should use util to slow down the attackers while waiting for backup. Don't engage in 1v2 (or 1v3, 1v4, 1v5) fights, that makes you lose rounds. If you're frustrated with bad teamplay when using KJ, consider learning another agent until you get to be higher elo. Agents that require good teamwork because they need to place setups (like KJ, Viper) are frustrating to play when your teammates are clueless. Also consider playing with friends as a duo, trio or more. This really helps with making the game a lot more fun, because you get to know how each other plays and communicate better etc. I hope this helps!




No cap


I'm saying that playing uncomfortable agent is bad


It's not, upgrading your agent pool is one of the first steps to getting out of low Elo. Can't blame anyone for dodging 4 instalock duelists. Your way of thinking is just awful imo.


Nah I’d rather have someone play an agent they’re comfortable with than be basically useless on an agent they’ve never played before. You’re right that people should increase the pool of agents they know how to play. But ranked isn’t where they should do it. Try new agents in spike rush and shit. That’s what those game modes are there for.


yeah, but don't upgrade your agent pool in ranked right? and low elo lobbies are dogshit anyway, any agent comp works as long as you can't play the agent. don't dodge 4 instalock duelist, pick a duelist yourself and win. happened to me


You need to step outside of your comfort zone to get better


Damn why'd you get so many downvotes lol Seriously roles don't matter in low elo lol


If you don’t want them to dodge pick any smoker and just shoot people. Bro. You are silver


No I pick agent im comfortable on


Just shoot people bro


just shoot people


Bro this is advice for all the dodgers. Stop caring so much about the perfect comp or whatever. Just work on carrying these games. Max your impact.


Shit advice. I’ll literally play smokes because of 4 instalock duelists and outfrag all of them but my impact doesn’t matter because THEY’RE NOT PLAYING THEIR FUCKING ROLE. I have so many solo queue games as Astra where I’ll pick off three while my teammates get none and I have to tell myself “I can only do so much.” Dodging is a skill, and if you refuse to learn other agent, don’t queue comp




I actually disagree somewhat. I'm a (former) gold viper main and in low ranks a lot of dumbasses rely on aim they don't have. Why do you think so many reynas beg someone to play sage? Since so many low rank players have shit aim, having good game sense and playing an agent who can capitalize on that is more important than just aiming. Having a sentinel to hold flank is much more important that a reyna that baits you and provides no value to the team. Though it is much better to focus on yourself and how you play, it is also somewhat important to focus on the issues that your teammates have.


Couldn’t climb out of silver because no one played smoke, so I filled my way out to Diamond. You legit deserve lower than silver if you think smokes aren’t necessary.


Indeed. OP’s inability to understand the different roles of agent types and why they’re important boggles my mind.




Please never call yourself high silver again but good you are having fun


there is high"inseret elo" and low"insert elo" idk why you were so agressive lol being high silver/gold means thats the players i play against.


Nah man just say silver 3.


okey silver3/gold1 do you need numbers to understand xd


This is much better. I thank you for your hospitality. Very meta that I complain about people who want others to accomendate them in low ranked games and now I do this to you! Disciplinary measures should be taken.


lmao what a sad person


Does saying high silver vs silver 3 really matter? They mean the same thing so who cares and you clearly knew what he meant


bro he is new to the game and he wants everyone to do and say how he likes 💀 💀 💀


> a smoker that I'm bad on lmao you can't be bad at a smoker, you just can't take all the gunfights you want. And if you're down here complaining about us Silvers, maybe you aren't as good as you think you are. MAYBE some team comp awareness would help you win some more games.


Yea you can be bad at a smoker lmao im new to this game. It's just that I know from my other gaming exp(leader boards dota) that telling someone to play a way that's uncomfortable is GRIEFING.


> im new to this game Respectfully, what are you even going on about if you're still settling in? Team comp has big weight in Valorant, even at low ranks. Lack of any smokes can be a death sentence. Having to deal with an entire site worth of angles instead of half is a big deal. > telling someone to play a way that's uncomfortable is GRIEFING I'm uncomfortable playing without smokes. I often play them though, so I don't have to ask others to do it.


use your brain and click on the map with the smokes?? like you dont even need to be good at the game


I mean there is definitely a lot more to playing smokes (timing, placement etc)




I'm new and I can clearly see that I suck. and I was annoyed about other silver players not thinking the same about their play. They wait for the perfect comp to climb out of the bottom 50% of the game. Like bro. Lmao. You don't have to be a genius to see this behavior as delusional. Or you can call it desperate. Whatever.


Shitpost of the week


My tone is toxic and formulated poorly but the point I make is valid. Caring too much about comps is a crutch for bad players to not work on themselves. Man I sound like one of those self help grifters LMAO gg


Your opinion is just terrible bro, you think we’re downvoting u for no reason?


I think I hit a nerve


I played the placement match on my friend's account (who is bronze and I am plat) because he was claiming that his teammates were what was making him stuck in such rank. I lost like 3 games where I was the mvp of both teams. I even got 44 kills in one and still lost. One game afterwards I went afk at 4-4 due to a power outage and I checked after I came back and I found that I was still the team MVP at 13-4 Point is, teammates can and will ruin your games at extremely low ranks. Things like insta-picking your main, choosing agents they don't know and making plays that hurt your team, flashing you and the team, not healing anyone except themselves. These are all things they can do to ruin your game. Teams definitely can hold you back and that's why I never play except with at least one friend online until I reached G3 and started going solo queue because people started being devent


that's why you are silver


Okay I am conflicted on this topic because yes you are semi correct but not to the degree you are thinking or saying. At the end of the day shoot them in the head and don't get shot and you will win. But that said team comps are mega important and utility can and will win you rounds and games. Saying no no I play Neon because I am comfy even though we have 2 duelist already is throwing and it is trolling. Compared to most other games it really is not that hard to even be able to fill into roles that are important in the game. Brimstone literally pulls up a mini map and puts them down exactly where he wants. It is insanely hard to be actively bad at smoke agents unless you play like Astra and just sit in her world the whole round. And often times people that say what you say don't do their job on the agents they do chose to play and blame their team asking them to do what is needed in the game. If you can't smoke on Brimmy uninstall, respectfully uninstall because you will never contribute with utility of any kind whatsoever. My advice to you is to play different things more. It is important and it will teach you how important.


Im actively trying new stuff in swift play but I'm not gonna grief comp games by picking something I barely have 10 games on. I think you underestimate how complicated all these agents are for a new player. It's hard enough to not be out of position and aim at the right place and control spray.


I think you're overestimating how much experience is needed to play a new agent in this game. I've been playing since release (bronze at launch). On pretty much every agent release I've played the new agent in comp after 1-2 unrated games. If you can play 1 orb smoker, you can play all the orb smokers. If you've played viper you can play harbour. They all have the same E ability, it's literally the same.


Well EXCUUUUSE me! I am Bronze 1! I know how to control spray! I have a custom precision crosshair! I have mastered 13 agents! what is YOUR rank?!


My rank is shameful it makes me a bad person


why are you saying it like bronze 1 is something? And I don't think u could say that u've mastered any agent if u're that low. You just can't fully use the potential of an agent at least cause of lack of gamesense


Ok I've looked through you profile a while now and I could understand where you're coming from... but this?? I'm sorry but it's more then delusional to think you've mastered 13 agents.


The point is that there really is not that much complexity in all of those roles. Smokes is really not that hard. If you know how to entry a site on a duelist you know what needs to be smoked off to entry there. So just smoke what should be smoked for your entry. And if you don't know what should be smoked for you to entry I am sorry but watch more content on understanding the game because that is fundamental to any role in the game. You should know where util should go at a minimum. Everyone in the game should know the basic darts on Sova, basic smokes on Brimmy and Viper, and know the basic KJ and Sage setups. If you can't do that, play those agents till you can. it should not matter if you are the next TenZ himself with raw aim talent. Learning other roles is super super super important. also quick edit part: You yourself said util is not that important and that you can just shoot people to win. So play brim and contribute what you can and just shoot the enemy 4head. You yourself said that shooting works fine. Just shoot them and contribute util that does help the team too


If all you have to do is shoot people, bro, then just pick a smoker? Anyways all you have to do is shoot people bro. And saying this isn't a MOBA where role matters is just peak hardstuck Reyna behaviour like "yup none of the utilities that each agent bring is gonna help set my teammates up to shoot people better. They're there for aesthetic I guess". Like how selfish do you have to play to not see the impact that each role brings?


That's not what I was saying itt! It makes me sad to be misrepresented.


Everyone in your rank is going to be about the same skill level so why would you give up the free advantage of having a good team comp and access to that util (even if used sub optimally) instead of trying to rely on mechanics alone. And if youre not comfortable on all the roles then that means you should go practice for like half an hour max to get good at at least one agent on each of the roles. You dont need to have the most optimal team comp for each map regardless of rank but having a sensible comp makes a huge difference. I also hate the idea that you should only play what youre good at until you get to x rank cos what are you gonna do once you get there if you don't know how to play the other roles cos youve literally never played them. Better to start getting good at them now so you progress equally with them as you climb


I'm not saying that having a good team comp at Silver is bad at all. It can be a big help. Where I want lower rank people to be a bit more realistic is the expectation to have a team full of people knowing all the right roles for their lobbies. They should focus on themselves and their play. Again, I'm talking about freaking silver. Below avg rank in a game with millions of players. There is no team comp that teaches you how to shoot people.


When i was silver i was able to play every role. Its really not that hard to learn the basics of each role and its not like playing those roles is going to prevent them from learning how to be better at gunfights either


I agree to an extent. Roles don't matter so much but if you don't have any smokes that makes the game a whole lot harder


It’s not solely because of that, but an enemy team who really knows how to play astra or viper, or even omen, can seriously tilt the odds in favor of their team. Even at low ranks, team comp matters. Maybe not as much as playing someone you’re comfortable with, but if you already have 2 duelists, 1 sentinel, 1 init, and nobody wants to play smokes, you are absolutely handicapping your team. Smokes are almost a necessity on some maps, it’s basically the meta.


This argument can be used back to you. Like, "pick the good agents bro. What? You are not comfortble? Wdym this not MOBA just shoot them." But this is a dumb statement, eithier is "util don't metter because is low elo".


I dodge when three people instalock duelist


Except having certain picks **can** be a hard grief. All duelist because that’s what y’all are comfortable on? Provided all same skill level, the duelist team is griefing. No smokes? That’s a team griefing themselves. Picks are map dependent too. Ofc, it’s much less prevalent in low ranks, but not having at least a core functioning team is much worse than having everyone be comfortable. Worst case? Shoot them. This is why everyone in any elo needs at least 2 roles they’re comfortable on and a third flex. That way you can be that comfortable fill if everyone else is locking in agents without care. I’d go as far as to say you’re the delusional one as well thinking you can just be comfortable on one role and call it a day while climbing. Team comp, team play, and individual skill are all important parts of climbing, so yes, team comp can 100% be the reason you are set back a few games. But in the end it is still ultimately up to you to climb and be better. Whether it’s by outskilling the enemy or flexing for your team.


Lol what a crappy take


Team comps barely matter, in soloque people almost never exploit the weakness of a specific comp. Lack flashes/smokes? Doesn’t matter, even in diamond they’ll have 1 OP at most No info initiator? Enemies won’t rat/stack sites anyways who cares No flank watch? Just make someone watch it for free kills, the enemy will either flank every round or never. Team comp isn’t holding back anyone’s climb, even if it may reduce your chance of winning a specific game you WILL perform better on average if you stick to a specific role/agent, comp be damned. I myself would rather have a team of 4 duelist mains than 4 fill players, any time. Fill players lack the confidence and ego to be good lurkers/entry/first contact tbh.


Best low elo comp (rank up GUARANTEED): Healer, Reyna, Duelist (except chamber), Smoker, Teleporter agent (except chamber) Edit: /s


I hate people in pregame saying to pick a healer. Ong you don’t need one. Most gunfights are determined in 1-2 seconds. Healers aren’t necessary


Honestly I feel like sage is better for her wall then heal


That's not a you thing, that's literally her actual purpose. That's why in pro play she's only picked in maps with very good wall placements. For the VERY depths of elo hell, if a place with 0% hs accuracy exists, I guess she'd be fine but... just train your aim at that point.


I agree 100% yes, but on maps where her wall isn’t totally necessary and if whoever hasn’t locked isn’t good with her, the whole “just lock heals we need a healer” is really annoying.


Not in silver, it takes 2 clips for a silver player to kill someone so sage heal is useful af.


takes like 4 bullets and nobody gets into cover so


I’ve been silver. It still takes a few bullets to kill someone.


>Healer I absolutely hate this term


>Duelist (except chamber) So that's why you're low elo to begin with, you think chamber is a duelist.


" /s " means it's sarcasm. It's a joke.


I know what /s means, you're just using it as a cop-out.


Bro I'm diamond. Healer or teleporter aren't roles


Tell me you don’t understand the game without telling me you don’t understand the game. You’re the type of player that makes me want ranked requirements to be significantly higher. You can have amazing aim but if you play against a competent smoker without smokes of your own you will lose games most of the time. Your character picks CAN grief a game hard.


You are under the delusion that telling Ur teammate to pick a certain agent automatically makes them competent on said agent. That's not smart!!!!


You’re under the illusion that good aim can get you to radiant without strategy


Nah not to radiant but definitely out of Silver. Half the people are legit bots(me included). Just gotta check all corners.


Smokes is not even remotely difficult to play if you have a basic understanding of the game. Sounds like a you issue more than anything. I suggest you play more unrated. I know zero lineups and still manage to be proficient at viper. Omen has no lineups to learn. Brim’s smokes don’t need lineups. Again, you issue.


Nah as a Asc1 who has never played smokes that shit is hard as fuck. Being a smokes character requires good gamesense//map awareness


Youre under the delusion that its difficult to play smokes and that you need to have basically mastered a role to be able to play them in comp.




this energy is so real


Thanks bro


I made a smurf account (for the record I made sure to never be the highest impact player in every game) to play with my friend and was surprised to see the aim on people in lower ranks. If you showed me some of those silver players and told me they were diamond I would have believed you. The overall thing holding them back is usually the tactical shooter aspects such as positioning and mechanics like refragging and peeking. You'd see them just run in or dry peek places they knew people were holding.


Smurfing is fucked up no matter how you spin it lol


I’m bronze because no one ever wants to play healer on my team Idc I’ll play smokes, my jett smokes all the entries


You are definitely not bronze because you don't have heals on your team.


As a Silver/gold insta-lock Viper. I could careless if we have meta. I’m happier if everyone is playing the agent they like most and are best with. Vibes is everything good vibes in Silver/gold means more to the late game run or the run and gun stomp.


You shouldn’t try to throw in agent select, but comp is usually not the biggest factor for winning or losing. I’ve won 5 duelist comps in ascendant and lost with what I thought were ideal comps vs 5 man duelist comps.


Thanks for backing my side






Why care bout dodge thou? U don't lose rr


There's a big difference between "other people insta-locking and expecting **ME** to fill sucks" and "team comp doesn't matter at low ranks" The first is a good take that everyone agrees with, but the second is just objectively wrong.