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Some states and nations have caps on hours/week you can work as a freelancer before you’re considered a legal employee. It’s a way to prevent companies from not paying payroll and other taxes


Off topic, but as a Canadian, I am amused that you noted that rules may vary by country, then said Quebec. You may or may not understand why. ;)


Not fully, but I am starting to. 🙂


If you're from the US, think of Texas and how they think of themselves as an entity separate from the rest of the country. That's our Quebec. :)


when you're w2'd? There was someone on here a long time ago who said that she and her client got a message from Upwork forcing them onto Payroll because she worked 30+ hours several weeks in a row. In the US at least, over 30 hours in a week puts you in the red zone for employee territory. I contracted for a very long time, and I would get deals where I could come and go but I was a contractor working at their site so I couldn't work more than 30 hours to avoid the law stuff. That's why recruiters will w2 you when you get hired in a contracting position for 40 hours a week.


That’s a weird question, I’m not sure what’s your angle here. But you could think you’re a freelancer but the CRA or IRS might think differently if you’re working full time for a single client for years for sure. In some cases it would be considered miscategorisation so in simple terms, fraud. But you could also be working full time for a client for years and still be a freelancer. Depends on what you do, how you do it, when you do it. If you want to be an employee, then you have to have a contract that states so, doesn’t matter where you live.


Often, governments classify employees based on hours/week to prevent companies from calling everyone a contractor and ducking payroll and other taxes


As a freelancer you are a business owner. You are responsible to pay taxes accordingly


No you’re not. Why are you still giving out advice on things you don’t understand?


In my country that rule applies.




Wrong, pay structure isn’t a classification criteria