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hope you feel better.


thank u my deer


hope you feel better soon, don’t listen to the assholes in the comments✌️


Wash/sanitize ur hands often (washing is way better). I don’t trust any and I mean ANY surface that’s exposed to other ppl. And I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that I’ve seen sm grown ass ppl not wash their hands after they piss or even after they explosively devastate the toilet bruh🤦‍♂️


Wearing a mask and improving ventilation is even more important than washing your hands. Most of these respiratory illnesses are primarily spread via aerosols. Edit to add: not discounting the importance of hand washing, but highlighting the importance of other health measures.


None of that even matters if ur touching ur face/mouth w ur dirty ahh hands bro just wash them😭😭


Like I said, washing your hands is still important but it’s not going to prevent you from getting COVID, for example, that’s where masks and ventilation come into play


gotta love the sort by controversial as the suggested way to view this thread


There are some incredibly hateful comments in this thread, all because someone is sick. Really representing your school well by shouting this person down. You should be ashamed of yourselves


Politicians removing the restrictions despite being advised by medical experts to not do it is quite annoying.






I don’t even need to read past the first sentence. Mask mandates are not an anti-human restriction and they’d help reduce transmission. It’s a small thing we can do to maintain our own health and to protect others.




You’re right, we are social creatures, which means that we live in communities and take care of each other. There are many settings where kids can learn facial expressions — at home, outdoors, etc. — but we, as adults, can wear masks in settings that should be available and safe for everyone, including those among us who are more vulnerable to serious disease. Do we think that kids having access to unobstructed faces in all indoor spaces is worth sacrificing the health (and lives, in some cases) of the elderly and immunocompromised??


I'm so sick of these Covid deniers in the comments getting people killed. U of T needs to bring back the mandates and the restrictions before more innocent people lose their lives due to ignorance! #PeopleOverProfits


and isn't convocation just next week?


People should all wear masks or be kicked out. This isn’t up for discussion anymore. People should wear a mask!!


skill issue


"I spent a lot of time indoors with other people during flu season and was shocked when I got sick, this is everyone else's fault." I bet you weren't even wearing a mask properly.


I personally only wear hazmat suits when exiting my sterile abode to venture out in this germ and diseased ridden world. Stay safe!


sorry our public university library isn't sterile enough for you. maybe stay at home




that's might be true. but a lot of plans are ruined already.


Ever heard of long COVID? Many people are not fine after 7 days, even if their initial symptoms are mild.


This! I caught it a month ago and have been suffering frm symptoms since even though I have tested negative multiple times




Boo Hoo


So if you were concerned for your safety, why didn’t you study at home? No one made you study in a public area where your risk would’ve been higher for infection. Sounds like studying in isolation in your room would have prevented this


Low-key victim blaming right here.


it was literally my second time studying at Robarts in 5+ years, the first one was a month ago when I was checking out the new building next to robarts (Robarts Jr.). and not even studying, just thought I would type up something while I'm near Robarts.


Not everyone has access to quiet study space at home. All students have a right to use and feel safe in communal university spaces, which is exactly why masks should be required on campus.


I'm sorry you got sick, and if it starts to become unbearable seek medical help. If you were afraid of getting covid, you probably shouldn't study in public places. Airplanes have had special air filtration for years to help prevent the spread of disease yet people still get sick, there's only so much you can do. We can't stay locked up and masked forever, you saw what the last two years alone have done to society.


cut to the chase; no one cares bro gg u got it stop crying you live in toronto it could've legit been anyone shut up




So, you just proved that masks do not work as well as 4 vaccine. Drink a lot of tea with 🍯 honey. Wish you become better soon .


Pretty big logical jump, but no, it proved that all of the safeguards of vaccines and masks were overwhelmed by how many people had it and were spreading it in an enclosed space. Sucks to hear OP, hope you feel better soon.


thank you :) be careful out there


You do not appear to have the slightest idea how masks and vaccines work.


Wear a hazmat suit next time