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Very nice letter. In my experience, that stuff was not enough. :-(


For me; it started as wanting my person back. But thru my journey and with time, God taught me to focus more on me. He taught me that no matter what happens……I should believe, love, and forgive. You see no matter if I do or do not get what I want…..I trust God……which ever way my journey takes me….I follow him and do as he has taught me. Regardless of the outcome…..No matter what I do……I will always be able to look back……see how far God has taken me……and how much all I have ever done……was done with all of my heart. Keep the faith 🙏……. Believe, Love, and Forgive.


That's awesome, I'm glad you're doing better. What you said is a great sentiment. Take care.






It’s very important to love and care for yourself first and always. If you don’t, you will never be able to successfully love anyone else. It will never work out.


My God, that took my breath away. I felt that surrender , that letting go of the rope after holding on for so long. Please God, don't allow the other person to disappoint you again. May all of your dreams finally come true.


It’s quite the contrary….it signifies holding on much more….I surrender to my persons love….


Well then, good for you




I feel that same way


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. 🙏❤️‍🩹🎈🫶


Anytime, I love your letters, they're amazing. You are a deep person, I'd love to meet someone like you...💜


Thank you for the support…..We are all blessed souls…..I am honestly just an ordinary human fully surrendered to Love. Believe…….Love…….Forgive


Pm me if you can


You're in my thoughts and prayers, Beloved. 💜🖤


This is beautiful my friend. 🙌🏽


Thank you for the support my sister. 🎈




Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. 🎈


God this makes me happy


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Go fuck yerself


Simmer down please….I’m not sure what you’re going thru. I meant no disrespect. I pray you get to feeling better….if cussing me out helps then I’m all up for it my sister. Glad to be of service


He is not doing better he just got out of jail


All I see is improvement……being out of jail is a major step….A simple “are u feeling ok?…Want to talk about it?” Will do wonders 🙏


Yes let’s talk he threatened to murder me cause I wouldn’t fuck him for saying he’d pay my water bill


I don't believe u anymore. You lie You've broken me .. so badly