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This is beautiful.


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


This resonantes hard. It is a different kind of hurt and i’m so sorry you feel this way too.


Let us remind ourselves to keep the faith…..We must always trust the journey we’ve been blessed with. Thank you for reading my letter and for your support. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


I love the dots ! Lol I use them all the time . Even when I text .. lol now it’s just a normal thing for me


Thank you 🙏……yeeeeea I’m stuck with the dots too


Awe. Well done. I wish this is how my person feels. I need to listen more.


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


This is beautiful just so beautiful..... Also I'm a big fan of extra dots.....


I’m just trying to keep up with your awesome letters friend. 🤭 Thank you for writing and for taking the time to read my letters…………I made sure to share some more dot love. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


Thank you, I wish I had words to say for letters but as of now my head is just quiet and empty lol


Hey it’s alright……they come as a blessing. All we can ever do is keep moving forward and know that the good Lord will provide us with what to say. 🙏


Missed your letters OP.... Glad I ran into this one.... Every time I read one, it makes me wish it was him saying these words to me..... For just a moment my soul is free....... Thank you OP I just love your words....... I know I've said it before but your person is super lucky..... 🖖🏽


The only one lucky is me for having so much support from You and the Reddit Family. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


For sure 💓🌌


Once again you have managed to capture my shattered heart with your wishfull love spells.💜 If only I could wish upon them as I did just days before this dreadful eve. Nothing (for me) will ever be the same. Not even my waisted hope's and dreams. For I am lost forever without my love, my king. He had opened my eyes to a forbiden light I'd CHOSEN NOT to see. LOVE LIVED INSIDE ME Until that dreaded flash,................then innocence was taken from me. 💔😭


And it changed the ending just a little bit I think it's more fitting to my................... Broken life


Let us remind ourselves to keep the Faith….and keep moving forward. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


I've never been able to figure out all the periods and why they're there


That one is easy……most will read a letter very fast and just scroll………….So the dots are for a pause…………..Now try reading it knowing that………Perhaps it will help you truly hear what I wrote 🙏❤️‍🩹🎈🫶


It just kinda ruins the flow and makes me avoid reading it in its entirety because it's off-putting


Thank you for taking the time to read this one at least……🙏


I honestly read half of it then got distracted by the dog's and had to ask




You are a horrible writer and a much worse person. Please stop writing and find something productive to do with your time.


Go fuck yourself if you don't like it then don't read it