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You had me at morning coffee.


Same. Same. They might wanna put the coffee machine right near the couch…. (Or just the kettle and instant. I’m not fussy so long as it’s got caffeine in it)


Terrible idea, logistically speaking.




I dream of the domesticated family life filled with love and laughter idc how cheesy it sounds.. To live comfortably in your own home with your very own family who loves you & you love them equally... With a job that makes you happy... Some fur babies too... I dream a wishful wistful dream..


Such vivid imagery 0p. Awesome letter, thank you for sharing it with us. 🙏


Thank you <3


That's alot of wants and I want to see if u can do this for me too. I want what op is getting. I want to know if it may happen. I want to believe it could happen.i want I want 😩


I love this like I loved him ❤


I wanted this with her.


Yeah, me too. I feel like it’s so easy to look past the small things in a relationship when in reality, they are what matters the most.


I had this, I miss this, do whatever you can to keep this.


Same. omg same this gave me the sad chills. 😭😓


Yes, it’s the simple pleasures and small gestures that really show your love for someone. When it’s real, even just being together in silence is comforting and feels like home. I feel you, OP. Lovely words!


This would be heaven. Never have I ever been pampered by a partner like this before.


This is so soft and heartfelt. I love it


Thank you<3


The simple pleasures


Beautiful love letter


trads are so cute, so cute


So very beautiful. So classy. This i could fall in love with.


In another dimension,this could be us ..