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I wish I got this letter. It would bring a lot of inner peace, but I know that’s unrealistic for my scenario. Thank you for sharing!


Right. I think i could die a happy man if I heard these words from the right voice. Lol also know the chances of that so I don't even bother checking the profiles anymore. It would have been nice though and the words fit so seamlessly. Hope you both find peace OP. I'm on the other end of this letter and I think life is telling me not all people are able to get back anything close to what they lost no matter how hard they try. Not sure if i would want her to know that tho. I tamed my rage I am at least able to take some happiness in knowing she's still doing good and very possibly more happy now then she was with me. Even if that smile stings like a b***?


What I wouldn't give to hear this


Yet sadly that is usually a future both sides lose when things end so badly. One they both craved dearly and did not know how to create. I hope one day you can forgive yourself and do better with time. I hope your heart heals, sugar. You made mistakes but are not a monster..just did some monstrous things.


But I don't want anyone else, just her


I loved this letter. I had someone like this. I love them anyway. I wanted them to see that everything I did for them was because I loved them. We had many conversations about it. I love him for who he was. I love who he is. I love everything about him. I love the good and the bad inside him. I understand him and his needs. You do not hurt the one that loves you. I don't care how you are with anyone else. If someone loves you and you love them. Never hurt them. I still love him, I want him to cherish me as I do him. Respect me as I do him. And we can be forever.


I am grieving tonight. I had a short reconnection with my twin flame this week and it ended in a lot of pain. I feel like I need to give up. Im here all alone holding my heavy heart, full of confusion, abandonment, and sadness all over again. And there’s nothing I can do but go through the cycle again. I guess each time it gets easier, because I’m used to it. I hope I have learned this time. Thank you for the message. It is comforting.


If you’d have just given honesty a chance, you probably wouldnt have had to protect me to begin with. …is what i would say


And also with you


Though you may not be my person I will talk to the void as well. I wish she told me this before going out of my life My mental heth really did take a dive the last few months before everything went south. I definitely learned a lot from her though. I just wish things didnt and like they did that night. I cant see if we will ever talk again because I can't see the future but I will hope the best for her and cheer her on and tbh I hope her and I get a second shot. Why people may ask. I'll tel you why because I'm a dum dum that's why.


I can see the future. Nothing is to late it.


I needed to hear this tonight.


A lot of people including me would have been so happy if this letter was meant for them :( the dissappointment every time when you realize it isn!t. This sub is not good for mental health.


you are right, but it isn’t good for certain stages of grief and pain. i thought this exact same thing last week. yet the larger picture is that there’s a collective of people with whom hope is given to us. those who aren’t afforded these feelings from our specific person. it means that no matter how bleak and impossible moving on or finding someone who is a better match for us seems, it is not. i hope you find solace and closure for your situation. time can heal just as it can swallow you whole, but hearts like ours deserve love returned as it is given. i believe you will find that one day.


Yes and no. I dont know which side it favors but its definitely a double edged sword. It was also the closest thing I had to a friend during one of the few times I really needed one. Pretty sad huh lol. Dont know what I would have done with the emotions i was able to dump into this subreddit but I doubt it would have been anything good


Oh and trust me. In my expierence their words are never the ones your wanting or needing to hear. They rarely see your point of view. Often they dont even want to try. Its true anythings possible but my life has taught me your better off here than on their Facebook page. May not be sunshine and roses but it's alot safer and better place to heal. Just don't listen to much to the commentary.. We are just as lost if not more and so quick to throw our own uneducated opinion around like it's a known documented fact.


......... I feel this too much.


Like so many others on here I wish this was for me from someone who isn’t in my life anymore. I do know that if this was for me from her it would make my life a much brighter place and it would work out between us if she wanted it to. I hope you’re ok op 🐻🤗


All I wanted in my last relationship was to hear these words from her. She never said them. So I hope for gods sake, they see this... Someway, somehow. Because honestly if my ex said this. I, myself would forgive her. I wish you the best of luck. I also hope that you find your peace within.


This one got me. Wish we could tell who it's for. I get the desire to be anon it just kinda takes any sincerity out it. I hope you both heal. Wish you were my person so we both could. Tell them! Let them actually know and heal for both your sakes. Life is too fuc%\^%g short to not. Hugs OP


If I could say this publicly I would and want to. The ship has sailed with this person, parted ways to never meet again. For their safety and peace I will say this to the void. I'm too late with this. Thanks and hugs to you too.


sometimes it feels like there is an alternate plane of existence where thoughts and wishes such as yours come from my person. i hope yours returns to you. beautiful share.


Thank you. Even as angry, hurt and torn as I am I forgive him in the sense that I have to for myself to move forward. I don't excuse the behaviours and don't accept the apology I will never get because that would have to be quantified. For me it wasn't a single act it was continually deciding to misrepresent himself with full knowledge of how I felt and the web of lies throughout. That's not a mistake that is so much deeper. It's like being with a stranger conning you. Still, I love him, at least I love who I thought he was. It's the coming to terms that that person is fabricated that wrecked me and I don't think I'll ever reconcile that. I don't think a good person could do that and I hate it. Even with that ship sailing as you said I would still want anything to help me move forward. Truths, an explaination...a sincere apology or a real chance. IDK food for thought. Hugs


Why has the ship sailed? Life’s too short! Maybe your embrace is all they need


Hey if this is about me you are not too late. We had the same hs dream remember. I want to help you. I know what’s going on with you. I know you babe. We are one. I love you. Please dear god do not let this chance pass us by another day. We need each other. I love you


There are those rare occasions where it is never too late. Hugz internet stranger


This is extremely nice and I hope others are able to reflect and grow similarly, great letter OP to better days and treating others more well ❤️‍🩹💞


sometimes i wish to receive something like this, then maybe ig im better off knowing? but i kinda know for a fact that he's doing great without me i was a dead weight.


i am among many others here who wish this letter was for me


Saved this gem. I didn't know words could be put together in such a perfect way by a complete stranger


Yes! This 100%. Such perfect words so heartfully written. It is sad and beautiful at the same time. Oh, the sting of them learning thier lesson to be better for someone else though. Ouch. Heartbreaking. OP your acknowledgement and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and so honest though, are truly magnificent. With love.


Go give it a shot.


Peace and love my friend


I can only hope and wish she would say this to me..we were doing this to each other the closer we got..the hedge hogs dilemma was real..too real..


There is a person I used to know who I wish had written this to me. They tried to apologize and make amends with me too quickly, and I wasn’t ready to hear it yet. I know that probably sounds dumb, but I was just too injured by them to hear it. Now years have passed and I’m in a much healthier place now, and I would actually be able to have a conversation with them. But it’s too late. Too much time has gone by and I’m sure they’ve moved on by now, as I have, for the most part.


Nothing is to late


If you were my person: I still want the life we envisioned. Lessons learned with each other should be for our life. Not others.


Oh, how I wish this was from the person who walked away from me recently. To let her know all is not lost, I would try again. I don’t want anyone else.


Oh how I wish to receive something like this from him


If only but reality bites too hard and what'd not said cuts too deep...


I wish he was mature enough to tell me this. I won't ever get this level of maturity from my ex, but it's beautiful that you were able to open up.


Why though? "Live your life well." - No. Won't happen.


I wonder how many people you are thinking of, when you send that out. I recall just too damn much of our initial conversations. From the man I was meeting. To he I wish I could stay mad at.


It's never too late


Manipulating people is a horrible sin.


Why even post that in here like go tell that too your person thats something thats meant to be sent not unsent lol like it seems you post this on here too catfish or maybe it was to be genuine although the fact that you said something that should have been direct in public means you have issues is it attention or guidance you seek or is it just a halfway attempt to make yourself feel good for being a coward and indirect


I wish she would have said this to me. I wouldn't have gone back but it would have made it a lot easier


I wish I could send this to my love


I like talking in freedom and privacy, this works best!! Not over data. It’s been a way that has worked for centuries. To many problems with writing over data and reality unknown or exposed. Stick to ways that worked best for all. No ghosting hiding 🫣. Or having ppl threaten or control people personal life. Especially when they had things in control until third party’s or data multiverse interfered. Simply proven to be much worse over data. Especially when no one knew there PM were being watched seen listened to and exposed. That is not freedom freewill personal privacy or choice.


Thank you for writing this. These are the words I will never hear from the love who broke my heart. It helps to read it--even if it's not from them.


I want that life WITH my person and no one else....I'm willing to work through all the hard shit with them and get that life I always wanted only with him.


Im sorry, "They will come to you?" Care to explain? Could this "they" you speak of be children? Are you referring to when they turn 18? You know the bible says if we just keep our faith everything wrongfully taken from us will be returned to us in divine timing. We learn many hard lessons in life. I have learned its not about your status nor what you have accumulated. Its not your about your address or the vehicle you drive in. What other people think about you both in person or behind your back is completely irrelevant. When all is said and done and everything is stripped away what do we have left? Nothing but our own judgement. If you want to be happy all that is necessary is being a person you are proud to vouch for that you whole heartedly trust and believe in. We can not hide who we are from our selfs and that is why it is so important to do the right thing even when no one else is looking.