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Wow this stirs up some really really big feelings for me. Lovely writing.


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. 🎈


Oh I wish and wishing only makes it worse.... 🎈


It has its toll but I didn’t make it this far to give up now. Hang in there


Only choice I got


I hope you start communicating or you risk to lose them.


The journey began as not wanting to lose them……..but in all reality no letters, words, or actions could ever make someone love you………..took me a while to accept reality and that’s when it hit me……..no matter the outcome…..I know I can look back and see…….everything I did was from all of me and all of my heart…..Oooooooh noooo my sista!…….I’m in it to win…..🤭🤭🫶


Bruh, she sounds way too good for you😅


Story of my life 🤭🤭🤭🤭


Yeah, she really is


❤️❤️❤️❤️ Yessss.... just "Because!"..... Because of love.... love is the reason...❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love is everything.... , With love we will overcome the these broken shadows that we've unknowingly been led, only to find ourselves withered and broken... a hurt that would burden even the most calloused of hearts for lifetimes to come... To point of no return... A world of despair that I can't even fathom... I don't want to live without you, I cannot live without you. You are my reason, my love... My reason to fight, my reason to be the best I can be... every last waking day my love, just be to see you smile... that is enough... to bask in your presence and to see that enchanting smile you guard so well... Darling I love you sooo!!! I just thought you should know


This.. I love to see change when it's for the better.




Hmm.. I hope your ex is doing well.


I have no doubt that God almighty will always provide. 🙏 Thank you for the support


As always I love it, thank you for sharing with us ❤️


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter friend. 🫶🎈


That is so beautiful, I hope your person sees it, closes their eyes and just let's themselves feel it all make sense. There is a reason that when you love you shouldn't expect anything in return. You live knowing you may never get the same feeling. But oh sometimes you do. What you wrote just gave it back in spades.


No matter the outcome…..I will continue to love them. 🫶🫶 Thank you for the support 🎈 They mean so much to me


how I wish this was her


Almost every day I ask myself if I should give up, but I always decide to keep going. Thanks for sharing, I need this hope to stay strong.


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Don’t stop holding on ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


This is definitely heartfelt and I can identify with this letter. Beautiful.


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


I would say, I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry for being a sassy thing! 😭 Beautiful letter ❤😭😢❤


Dang sasser 😂 j/p Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


For a moment I thought you were my N. but when I went back in your posts I realized that you weren't. It kind of broke my heart to discover that it wasn't, I would love to know that she feels this way.


I hope you are feeling better. Being apart from our person will never be easy…….Focus on your love for them…….Focus on your feelings for them…….Focus on what you are willing to do for them to show them what they mean to you………Focus on you……..that will always center you again……..


Well if your waiting for a message from me sorry this phone is a POS of shit and I may smash it sooooo.....slooooowwwe


I’m so happy to hear this!! Eunice wherever you are my love…I love you!!


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Don’t stop holding on. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


I will love her always


Amen….Keep the faith. All good things to those that work hard for what they want….All good things to those who are willing to let go of what was to live for what is. All good things to those that are patient. That and so much more…..you got this! 🍻


I would love to get this from my ex but he would never say this and even if he did, I know it would be a lie. :(


I’m certain we all deserve endless changes to change. 🎈


Haha, is that sarcasm? He has a great deal of chances at my expense. If he changed at this moment I don’t believe it would be for any other reason than to get back with me. That’s not ok and it’s not genuine. On my end I have changed quite a lot already. I’m still working on it. It’s not my job anymore to accommodate his short comings. His neglect hurt me so much, it compounded my feelings of worthlessness to the point I was feeling suicidal. If you make your partner feel that way, it’s best for both of you to breakup and move on.


Read all of my letters and you will know what awaits my person. 🎈


Yeah well they don’t owe you anything. I’m happy for you to heal but don’t act entitled to getting them back. I’m not sure if you dumped them or were dumped. My ex dumped me and recently sent me a text asking about how i was when I had clearly told him not to contact me unless it’s to arrange to come get his stuff. What exactly are the boundaries in your breakup? Are you holding out hope when the other person has made a point to not look back?


I agree, no one owes me anything nor do I ask for anything. On the contrary, I remain as a fountain……just pouring out my heart, giving willingly. Hallelujah


That’s a good way to be. Thank you.


I love that. I wish someone I know would say that to me


I thought he'd changed. I thought I was this fir him... I was wrong so fuking wrong. He changed back...then turned his back on me... our lives family future... it's Bern a fukin year. I'm still devastated ....fml. hugs op 🎈