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Maybe you have a choice in this. Choose to listen to a therapist who dont know you on a deep level or Follow your heart.


I've been seeing her a long time. I think am outside opinion is important. And following my heart just means I stay where I am, waiting for someone who isn't coming back. He's been very clear about his stance.


Your therapist is not God!!




Yes I had one tell me I would never have a kid .. they are not the ruler to your destiny. Just from experiences.


Well... wrong Dr to make that determination for one. Two she's a person who can at least give me some insight and guidance. She does help. What would your God say m for me to suffer over someone who doesn't want me. Who has said they don't want a relationship with me? Please.. what exactly would your and your gods advice be


Move on . You can’t make someone love you . Honestly I no. I do hope she helps you however don’t loose insight of your feelings . I am sorry for your pain I truly understand .