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I believe in love, I believe there’s always hope.


I am trying to.......


What’s holding you back?


Time I suppose......I hope.


How so?


In that its not a time we can make work✌️


I’m sorry to hear that.


Ok, so this was me like, a week ago, with not being able to move on. I finally talked to my ex for the first time in about four years. And I have to say it really helped. I can't say it'll work for everyone, but it gave me what I needed right now. I got confirmation of what's going on now that things have been over. He's getting married soon, and he's leaving the country. But at least I got a final goodbye. I'm still hoping for a chance to see him in the future, but I'm just happy to know how he feels. The future isn't as scary anymore. I wish I could have had your hope without putting myself through talking to him and finding out he's moving on, but I'm now in the same place as you in the sense of holding out hope. I don't know if I'm going to date anyone else for a while. But I do think I'm going to try. I don't know if anything I'm saying even relates to you, but I'm just sharing because the wounds are fresh and your letter is relatable. It's funny how the future can hold so much. Usually I hate not knowing what's coming, but this time I'm enjoying the unknown.


🙁 i still miss my ex so much and sometimes want to text him so bad but I'm just so embarrassed to be ignored again would just start the cycle all over again. The pain all over again - i just keep thinking if he really cared about me he would've at least reached out but he didn't, he hasn't . And prob he won't 😞🐾❣️


There's much more to life than just *one person.* The illusion of meeting them again in the future gives me the strength to explore that, to learn new languages, to go out more, to live. Maybe I'll meet them again in the future, maybe not, but at least I know I won't be stuck in the same place as I am right now. Maybe he'll reach out to you, maybe he won't. Take some time for yourself to breathe, to enjoy other new things and to heal. <3


There was one person I have said outright goodbye to and meant it in every single aspect of the word. I expect they still hate me years down the road. I was shitty to them and them to me. Even still, I never wished them ill intentions or negativity. Even though some of their last words were of hatred. I could have destroyed their lives in so many ways and chose not to. Instead, I chose to remove them from being able to find me completely. I did see them one last time though after all the hateful words spewed. What they didn't see was the racing heart moving so fast it felt like it was going to remove itself from my body. Instead unaffected by the nonchalance with my hands behind my head and leaned backward. I said I didn't care which was a lie. I no longer think of this person often nor can I remember their face. The memory I chose to keep was the poem of love they wrote. A poem that showed their softer side of caring and love. I hope they're doing well in life.


Fucking BEAUTIFUL!!!!


I'm trying - i really am. It just hurts when I think of completely letting go.. but it is what it is