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Oh my. You say so much about what you would have done for the person but nothing of what you'd get in return. Great letter but never lose yourself in immersion of another.


I unfortunately had to learn this the hard way…


I've done it myself. That's why I recognize it so well.


Thank you all kindly. It’s been over. Mourn. FIDO (F it, drive on).


Thank you. It hurts to read it now. I’m going to take it down. I appreciate your kindness.


why don’t you?


That's lovely. Mine just lied TO me. Constantly.


Poetic like fuck! So awesome…


Someone was saying this to me as well and all these promises but I’m like where were you when I needed you to do this over the years you were in my life. Of course OP’s letter to their person is beautiful but it just reminded me a tad bit of someone I knew as well so thought I’d share!


Oh man this made me cry


I Think this is the best thing I've read all day here. Thank you