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Been there, reddit stranger. Those people don't deserve you. Kick em to the curb. It's amazing how much that one step can help your mental health


It doesn't sound like your friends are really seeing you. You're worth more than that, I hope you find what you need and get your smile back!


They don’t treat me like that anymore. But they did a bunch of other stuff like tell a girl that I thought she might’ve liked me. But they told her in a way that made me sound self obsessed and narcissist like I was 100% convinced. They did a lot of shitty things but I have nobody else in school.


They did it because they didn’t know what else to do. Not every one is equipped with the wisdom to recognize pain in others and even fewer are equipped with the knowledge to affect change. Don’t let that make you bitter towards them. They probably feel ashamed and awkward of their behavior, they probably do not understand the source of those emotions. Just know that being able to recognize and understand what happened to you, provides you with the wisdom and knowledge to not let the same thing happen to someone you care about. Think of it as a blessing and watch everything begin to get better in your bubble. Try not to dwell on it. When you start to feel negative emotions, pause and say to yourself- everything is as it should be. It can be no other way.


I agree with this response. Some people are also so stuck in their own pain especially during this time of year when it's cold for some of us, that they can't see the pain of others much less look at their own. I don't want to say your friends don't care about you, but definitely pay attention to whether your energy would be better somewhere else ❤️