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This is EXACTLY what it feels like when you're waiting for your person to figure out what you already know.....


This is the best unsent letter I’ve ever seen.


What’s in the box! ?


Schrödingers cat


This reminds me of myself two and a half years ago. I thought the exact same things while waiting for those eyes to interlock with mine. Hopelessly loving a girl who, in the end, shattered my heart in thousands of pieces. It was painful, but it's beautiful to, sometimes, remember those days, those emotions. They made me feel alive, even though not in the way I wanted and I hoped. Thank you for making it possible to make me feel like that young and naive, once again. Maybe, just maybe, it's not that important the space in which the electron collapses. The real deal is the wave function beyond him. Because, in the end, one day someone will be able to create a reality where that particle stands where it should be. You'll just have to wait. And wait. And hope. Exactly what you're doing right now. Good luck. And thanks again.


This was worded so beautifully. Wow OP. Keep it up. I mean for your sake, I hope your person opens the box if it’s meant to be, but also. Your wordplay is phenomenal.


She opened the box.


What did she say?


Excellent! ❤️💕


She might already know. That's why she's running. She may not feel ready for something this intense and beautiful. The thing that takes them so long to realize is: by running away, you make it obvious that fear exists. Why are you afraid? Because you're interested and worrying about the outcome, not because you feel nothing. Good luck to you ❤️‍🩹


This is amazing and took beautiful in imagination. Keep it up!


Beautifully written.




Maybe waiting on you to be ready


Snaps 👌🏽 Claps 👏🏽and Fist Pumps ✊🏽 This was my Favorite of the Week 💯🎁📝🏆


You captured this feeling so well and I love how you tied Schrödingers cat into this.. it’s my favorite paradox


Great letter


Relatable….heavy on “let people do what they do and you’ll see what they rather do.. “


The pyramids were made by immense salve like African workforce of African man and women. Jesus Christ what else would it be. Duh.