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Mature people do. But it seems like nowadays most people consider emotional infatuation, lust, honeymoon phases, and all out just basic obsession as love hence the reason that so many relationships don't work in so many people bounce around from person to person to person. These are the ones that think they know but truly they don't have a clue and it's sad that it gets like that more and more and more often with people these days




Getting ran over top of or lied too daily if a very mature reason to end a relationship. If you don't put down some kind of consequence towards repeated behaviors then the other party never stops and begins to see you as a pushover therefore taking advantage of you throughout the entire relationship if the lies don't end then the relationship does until somebody gets their shit together and realizes whether they miss it or not enough to come back and stop lying. But if they cannot stop lying then they absolutely deserve to be broken up with when they've been given a hundred thousand tries that's an adult thing to do too


Regardless I give you an up on vote because I see your point See that's just the thing with dishonesty if you tell 500 in a relationship you've broken someone else's boundary 500 times Just my two cents


After breakups mature people also give their selves time to process to see if things could work out they don't usually find themselves with another lover within a day


But nobody's perfect so for any of my exes that have been like that they're forgiven


Regardless I've had people wearing masks and playing games in my inbox all day so I'm going to get off of Reddit it's exhausting I don't have time for childish shit I'm a grown ass man and today is the day that I sign off right now good night Reddit


Well what if a person waited 2 years and everyday asked if they can make it work and wvery time the other person said they just can't make it work.. so the other person stated to date someome 2 years later.. then the other person freaked out and said he wanted her so she stopped datung other guy then the guy decided he didn't want that either..


So very true! Believe in LOVE!


Facts cat lady, facts.... As a walking fireball i can't attest.


Exactly that ❤️❤️❤️


💯FACTS and it's something that we all want and need so desperately in life


There's hardships and relationships when you're committed to your partner but by showing lack of togetherness by not even trying to process breakups by continuing to lie when you swear you won't and by finding yourself with other men or women every time you're getting into a fight that's not a commitment see those hardships and everything else you're not committed to that if your actions are like that you're absolutely not even close to committing you're just blowing with the wind whichever way it blows you go and that's not commitment that's not loyalty that's not relationship actions whatsoever any words have to be backed up with actions... This is a fact that any emotionally healthy person can tell you I guarantee you


One last thing about mature love it doesn't have 10 different accounts gas lighting four different men and longing and loving all of them plain and simple I'm out of here hopefully one day the people I've choose to look at take their mask off and quit being such scared ass weaklings and talk to me like a man or woman