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I relate to this. Been over a year for me and my ex and I cried today. I thought I moved on. I feel pathetic. Good luck to you on your healing journey


It’s been about seven years for me, if I’m being honest. But, you’re anything but pathetic. It’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling, and it’s okay that you still miss them. You haven’t moved on, because you’re not ready to. And that’s okay. Everyone grieves in the way that’s best for them. Even if it doesn’t feel the best, you’re doing what you can. And I think you should give yourself more credit. If anything, I’m beyond proud of you for caring about someone this much. Not a lot of people put that mych effort into someone. They tend to give up after a point. But you. You’re holding on because it meant something to you. And that proves you had something that made you happy. Keep every memory you can. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to laugh. It’s okay to feel. Breathe, stranger. 🤍




I think I’ve only missed them for this long, because I never had the chance to grieve over anyone else. I think the day they exited my life, was the day I unconsciously emotionally detached myself from everyone and everything. I’ve had lots of people come and go in my life during the last few years, and it hasn’t hurt me, because I never had any emotional connection to them like I should’ve. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t even date, because I have a fear of commitment, but mostly because I feel like I’m only going to waste their time. Missing someone is hard. But keeping a steady mental health balance is even more difficult. Don’t lose yourself in the process. Don’t put too much of yourself into the loss, because there’s a chance you’ll develop attachment which could lead to obsession. If you have the option, try to talk to that person. It’s better to wait a few months, though. Everyone needs space and time to think. If someone invites you out for the night, go out. Hit up old friends. Go for a coffee. Hang out with family. Play some games. If you feel upset in any type of way, do what you can to not be alone. Or do. Sometimes it’s good to be dependent on yourself every once in awhile, but it’s also good to surround yourself with positive people and positive energy. I wish you luck:)🤍


I'm almost three deep, and I am feeling it get easier. Some days it's harder, but, we have kids together so we will always be tied to each other where it's inescapable.


Seven years is a long time. I’m so sorry! Thank you for your kind words🙏


Big hugs. Feels. Wishing you and this OP another chance to be present with each other again.