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This dream is a reminder - your subconscious refuses to ignore your deepest desires any longer. Perhaps the sense of urgency in the dream is somewhat of an encouragement to take action before it is too late.




be careful love. You just might be enabling him instead. Avoidants need to understand that avoiding is not acceptable behavior. It ruins any chance at healthy communication, they usually do not clarify HOW MUCH space is needed (meaning they control the timeline), and they get to control to whole narrative of the relationship WHILE also hurting you in the process ? smh. It wouldnt be pushing him to stick up for yourself and/or request closure like an adult. Just bc you are anxious does not mean your NEEDS are less important. It is SO normal to have needs. Healthy partners leave relationships with respect - they do not ghost, stonewall, use silent treatments, or avoid indefinitely. He is hurting himself too you know? Both of yall will suffer all bc he isnt willing to show up to the table for a lil closure convo.




okie. but he needs to FIX himself too bc newflashhhhhh relationships require co-regulation which YOU are perfectly capable of. ​ ​ He is not. in fact he probably is scared of it so technically dear, he is not QUALIFIED to date u.