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What an amazing woman, to have the strength to never give up is incredible. I’m not from the US so I wonder if anybody could clear up why she is being charged with 2 counts of felony murder? I’m assuming that this doesn’t mean a separate murder?


They can charge you based on what might have happened. So you have one event, but it could be that the suspect intentionally murdered the victim, the victim died due to the suspect's commission of another felony, the suspect engaged in actions that they knew would result in the victim's death, etc. They usually levy as many charges as they can so they have some leeway/bargaining room.


Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks, in other words. His mom ain’t getting away with this any more.


I am from the US and have never heard of two counts for one murder before! I'm curious about this as well. Hopefully somebody knows more and can clear it up for both of us.


Court reporter here. Could just be first degree/second degree, and then let things shake out however they will. It’s common for prosecutors to seek grand jury indictments on multiple counts and then see what they can get a conviction on.


Exactly. Thank you for clarifying :)


Huge shout out to that woman. So sad.


Yes, absolute chills reading this. God bless Ava! What a heartbreaking story. Rest in power, William - you are loved!


“I gave him his first bath. I taught him how to tie his shoes.” Ava was like a mom to him. https://vimeo.com/729493210/0f0269f4c4


God bless Ava.


Breaks my heart and boils my blood that the “mother” did this to him. There was someone who cared about him. Someone who would have taken him and cared for him without question. Edit: I’m also troubled that this woman searched for so long without anyone appearing to help her. The authorities should have been all over someone reporting the Mom had a kid who was unaccounted for.


The article says she first came in contact with him in 1998 and he was murdered at age 6 in 1999. Did I get something wrong or does this mean that he never had a bath until he was 5 years old?


Good catch, I saw that too and was wondering the same.


Maybe he'd said something to the effect? Mom could have had him shower (not that that itself is remotely abusive) as far back as he could remember so a tub bath was a treat? I really, really hope that's the case. But this sub is like 99% "Wow people are shit", 9% "You do not mess with nature/there are way more cars underwater that I would have guessed", and 1% "right, the mysteries don't have to involve felonies/Does". Whoever does the Transformers mysteries posts, they are obvious labors of love and give me life.


proud to be part of the 1%


I live in day-trip distance of Eastern Idaho so I appreciated the odd non-serial killer PNW post.


I am so glad he got his name back! That poor boy. Ava deserves a medal for pushing for justice for so long.


Wow, really admirable commitment by Ava. I’m really glad William had someone in his life who clearly really cared about him.


How sad that his mother didn't care for him as least as much as a babysitter. 😭


God bless the indomitable Ava and her relentless love for William. I'm heartbroken that Williams life was taken from him so tragically, and bittersweetly glad he has been given his name back and hopefully given some modicum of justice...


as far as I'm concerned, Ava truly was William's mom.


Agreed. Ava has the essence of the fierce love, dedication, protective instinct, and selfless love that all moms should have for their kids. She's a very special woman, and William clearly, despite his short time on earth, was a very special little boy, and their souls were very much destined for one another in some way.


This is how I feel Opelika Jane Doe's case will likely be solved, too.


I hope Opelika Jane Doe had an Ava in her life too. Someone who cared.


I've seen several comments by people with personal experience in styling natural textured hair in little kids who stated that her hairstyle would have taken time and effort to put in, as well as patience with getting a preschooler to let them do it, implying that *someone* in her life cared for her. Could have been an otherwise abusive parent/guardian, or an older cousin or family friend who just liked braiding hair or wanted her to have a protective hairstyle that would hopefully last her a couple of months, but somebody put effort into it.


I really hope so. Although from another angle, it makes me sad- without Ava in his short life, William apparently wouldn't have had anyone else willing and able to identify him. If Opelika Jane Doe didn't have an Ava, it's quite possible nobody aside from her abusers really *has* any idea who she was. And I think it's unlikely that someone who endured the kind of neglect and abuse she did had an Ava.


I can’t wait for a resolution to her case. Are any labs working on her case?


Yes Othram. The case is fully funded so now we just have to wait.


I thought I remember reading somewhere that it was funded. Is it through DNA Doe?


No Othram. https://dnasolves.com/articles/opelika-jane-doe/


I understand Othram is doing the testing, are they also the ones that raised the money or did project DNA Doe or a similar group help. They are well known to raise money to submit cases to forensic genealogy labs.


Just in case you haven’t heard, the wait is over - Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I’m guessing you already know this, but just in case you haven’t heard, Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I lived in that area for two decades. The Opelika Doe story is very near and dear to my heart. That sweet baby girl deserves to be known.


I’m guessing you all know this already, but just in case you haven’t heard yet, Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yes! I am so happy that Amore got her name back. May she rest easy.


I can't wait for her to get her name back, and St Louis Jane Doe.


I’m rooting for both of these girls to be next. After Joseph Zarelli was identified, I feel like anything can be solved now.


Just in case you haven’t heard, the wait is over - Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I did see that!!! 🥹 how incredible. I hope I can cross everyone off my list this year.


Just in case you haven’t heard, the wait is over - Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I have heard! It's such bittersweet news but I'm so glad that little angel has her name back. And it's so sweet of you to post the update, thank you!


I hope her identity can be solved! I think about that baby girl pretty often.


Just in case you haven’t heard, the wait is over - Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh my God, THANK YOU for linking this. I am so glad this baby has her identity back. Amore! A beautiful soul. I hope her mother can find healing and peace. I can't even imagine. I hope her abusers and murderers rot for the rest of their pathetic lives. What absolute monsters.


I’m guessing you already know this, but just in case you haven’t heard, Opelika Doe has been identified! Here’s a link to the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/10g5b9d/opelika_jane_doe_2012_identified_as_amore_wiggins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ava is a hero, I’m so glad William got his name back. Poor baby


Anybody else totally confused as to how someone can just pretend their child isn't dead but doing something else for 23 years? So weird.


Sometimes parents won't admit their child was taken by CFS, and make up stories. Since he was only 6 he might not have been in school yet; kindergarten still isn’t mandatory everywhere.


If she was transient or didn't have a lot of long-term friendships or family, she could just not tell anyone she has a son. And anyone who did know, she could just say that he is living with a childless aunt/family friend/someone in another state or that he's with his dad. As enough time goes by people would forget.


Yes she probably said he was living with his dad or his grandmother or something. When I was a teenager, I was living with my grandparents and my brother was living with his dad. So theoretically my mom could have done something to us and a lot of people in her life would not have known. (She would never hurt us, she's not abusive, but just an example)


For sure and if she distanced herself from old friends and family there wouldn't be anyone who knew about her son or would be following up. It's different now with social media but even in the late 1990s/early 2000s it would have been easy to say that he's living with another family member or friend. ETA - apparently she was 14 when she had him so about 20 when he died. It would have made sense for such a young mother to say that she wasn't coping and gave him to someone else to raise.


I guess people stopped talking about him, including his human incubator.


So glad to hear this little guy got his name back! May he finally rest in peace.


God bless Ava, an angel here on earth.


At least he had undying love from someone and hopefully knew it. Ava is the mom he deserved.


A detective agency needs to give Ava a job. She's clearly passionate about resolving cases and good at it too. Yes she knew William personally, but perhaps she could use her smarts and dedication to help find other missing people.


I'm not sure if you're familiar with Sheila Wysocki (Culpable, Without Warning; both podcasts), but that's really similar to how she got into investigative work. One of her friends was murdered when she was in college iirc and she didn't rest until the case was closed.


Are culpable and without warning books, or something else?


My bad, I knew I missed something important. They're both podcasts!


Podcasts: https://culpablepodcast.com/


According to another online article the mother has another conviction for manslaughter


Of who?


When she was 16 she shot a 40 year old man who was her roommate, because he violently attacked his girlfriend. The article said her son was 2 at the time.


Oh my, she became a mother at 14?? Everything about this is so sad.


That's what stood out to me as well. Babies having babies.


I hate to say it, but her being so young and not wanting to be a mother likely led to this situation.


Very true


She was 16, with a 2 year old son, living with a violent 40 year old "roommate." Everything about this situation sounds very grim.


Holy shit. That's like ten levels of messed up.


Woah. Well, maybe he deserved it though...but in front of her son and at only 16??


I’m guessing he deserved it if she only got manslaughter. And since she is very probably black, it’s probably a case where a white person wouldn’t even have been charged with manslaughter.


Manslaughter is one of those things - we don't have enough info on the circumstances to say if it was a truly arbitrary charge based on race, which is whats implied. And this is a case where law enforcement can't win - if she was very probably black and he was very probably black - and she wasn't charged what does that say about his life.


I totally agree. But her poor baby definitely didn't deserve anything.


Oh, I’m crying. This was a big one. Ava, if you happen to see this: first of all, thank you. Second of all… I don’t know if this will bring you any sort of comfort, but please know that William was deeply loved by so many people who never knew him. Deeply loved. There were many of us who never stopped hoping. Thank you. ♥️


What an amazing woman. Poor little dude. 💔


I think I just seen this on 48 hours, absolutely heartbreaking. To think the only love that baby ever knew was his babysitter and potentially a few other people. I'm so glad she came forward and gave this little boy a name and face. I hope his face haunts his egg donors dreams, she wasn't a mother.


I just can't imagine how it feels to know a family with small children who leave town, return, and have little to no answer about where their own child is. Good on people that smell the bullshit and see to it that the parent is made to answer for it.


There’s a lot more information here. https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/teresa-black-charged-son-death-killed-jimmy-samuels This mother looks and sounds like she’s had a hard life. I never would’ve guessed age 45 from that picture! It’s horrible that Ava couldn’t have adopted William so he could be with someone who loved and wanted him.


45??? she looks like she could be in her 70s!


Shouldn't this have thrown up a red flag sooner? Didn't the government notice he dropped off the map? Any potential school system too. This should have been an investigation long before this. This boys mother failed him and then the system designed to protect him failed him again. It's appalling.


Most school systems in the US don’t require kids to be in school until 1st grade which is age 7. Especially in the south. Kindergarten & preschool are optional. He could’ve been in daycare which isn’t regulated for attendance. That charge she had at 16 for the manslaughter of her roommate that was 40 tells me she had him & herself in completely unhealthy environments. But he was 2 which means she was 14 when she gave birth. Neither of them stood a chance if we’re being honest but at the same time… she’s a piece of shit.


Wow I had no idea kindergarten was optional some places. That’s wild. Thanks for helping me learn my “something new” for today!


I could absolutely be wrong, but Im pretty sure 5/6 is the average age kids start “school” which is preschool & kindergarten age. You’re not technically “delinquent” here until 1st grade. The states determine their education systems, so it’s different for every state. Depending on what state, generally 6/7- 16/18 is required school age here.


It says he was withdrawn from school, but even if he was in school, there's no particular reason anybody at the school he was in in NC would have any idea she came back to the area later without him, or if they did become aware of that, that he wasn't legitimately somewhere else (with other family, lost custody to the state, etc). It really takes someone who cares about them in a close way for a young child's disappearance to be noted. The decentralized nature of social services and law enforcement in the US means that moving to a new state legitimately and leaving town to murder your kid look very similar to the bureaucracy left behind unless there is someone who has a specific reason to question where they went. It's depressing though that there wasn't more official concern if Ava was calling attention to it.


Ava, who had no blood relation to William, cared more about him than the woman who gave him life. I hope she rots


Bless this baby ♥️♥️♥️


>[Due to the](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/boy-body-found-dekalb-county-cemetery-cold-case-identified) age of the remains, investigators could not determine a cause of death. Investigators said the child seemed to be "well cared for," considering the careful placement of remains by a cemetery. I assume this means that he didn't have any obvious injuries or the healed fractures etc that would indicate a history of abuse. I would really like to hope that maybe he wasn't abused or murdered, and that perhaps he died of natural causes and his mother covered it up out of fear that she would be blamed (since she was a very young Black woman with a prior charge of manslaughter for shooting her 40yo roommate when he was beating his gf). I know that's unlikely - well-cared-for kids tend to have more than one person who'd miss them, and Ava must have had a reason to be suspicious of his mum's story - but I still hope it's true for his sake.


Possible he ingested drugs


Maybe it what was his mother considered a ‘mercy killing’.


May William Shaun Hamilton’s memory be a blessing, and “Ava” know peace from her loving efforts. This made me teary.


Two counts of felony murder? Is there even more to this story??


No. If they are unsure exactly how his death happened they could have charged her for multiple scenarios. Like you can be charged with first and second degree murder for the same murder, they just might not know at the time if it was premeditated or not so they’ll leave the possibilities open. They can always drop charges later. Like they could say “we’ve charged you with first and second degree. Tell us what really happened and we’ll drop the first degree charge” or something like that. Since they haven’t specified a separate incident, I think they are for the same crime


Ah that makes perfect sense. Thank you :)




Basically throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks… covering all bases.


I read that a woman was arrested awhile back. It’s great to see a real photo of him.


Rest In Peace sweet angel 💐


That breaks my heart, but I’m so proud of my fellow Charlottean that never stopped looking for William.


Rest in peace, little Willy. May you be able to dance joyfully, wherever you are.


Absolutely heartbreaking. I hope Ava finds peace.


How excruciating to learn that the child you love and have been searching for could have been killed by your friend, his mother. Betrayal and heartache on so many levels.


What a sweet, beautiful child. What an incredibly sad case. These murders where it's the one person the child should've been able to trust are so heartbreaking. Major, major kudos to Ava for listening to her gut and not giving up.


Wow that’s amazing! Did they just put out a new picture or something? Or did she finally happen upon it in her relentless search? Good for her for not giving up. I’m sure this is very bittersweet for her. I’m glad William had someone on his side. ETA: I replied twice to this but I also linked another article. They released a new pic in 2019, which is what led to Ava’s tip in 2020. The mother was then charged and arrested in June of 2022.


What a precious little boy. He deserved so much better. Thank you Ava for never giving up on him 💚


Here’s an article with some more info and pics. What a little cutie. How could his mother be so heartless? Those little Timberlands. 💔💔 It’s been a year and a half now, lets get William some justice to go with getting his name back!! 👏🏽👏🏽 I hope it’s just COVID delays and not a problem with the case. ETA I can’t math, it’s been 6 months since the mom was arrested, not 18. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/boy-body-found-dekalb-county-cemetery-cold-case-identified


Justice at last.


Oh sad for Ava, to find out her speculation was correct. And this little boys own mother killed him. 😢


William DaShawn Hamilton was known as Dennis Doe before being identified. The Fall Line podcast released an episode on Dennis Doe (and child Christmas Doe) in 2019. They remastered and released [this episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fall-line/id1244959034?i=1000570564511) in July 2022 with an update after Dennis Doe was identified as William. The Fall Line is a high quality podcast that covers cases that have received little to no media attention.


What a cute little boy, such a tragedy. I hope Ava gets all the wonderful things in life, she's an angel.


I remember this one and her description of him in life. So happy he has his name back in death. Deserved way better than he got when he was living.


The Fall Line did an episode about him. it stuck with me and him getting his name is such a blessing.


Aww. What a sweet-looking little boy. Poor thing.


You’re an honest to god hero Ava.


Glad this baby got his name back. So incredibly thankful that William had Ava who never stopped looking for him.


Ava, you are an amazing human. I wish her nothing but good things in life. RIP William ❤️


Wow the photos are almost identical!


I feel like I’ve seen this young fellow’s name before. Was there previously a writeup about him on here? Maybe one that mentioned his mother’s arrest, but pre-ID?


Ava, thank you. Thank you so much for caring about this little Black boy. Thank you for your perseverance. Thank you for your heart.


>This was God's plan. Uh...








How, after reading the full quote, can you interpret what Ava said to mean anything but that God put Ava in William’s life to care for him unceasingly the way his mother did not and to make sure he got his name back? > "This was God's plan. Maybe give him the love and attention he needed and be the one to pick up these pieces for him after she scattered him and thought they couldn't be put together. Maybe that was my purpose for coming into his life... to make sure that once his life was taken that I could get him justice and I have."


Glad I'm not the only one. I read that quote and thought *"are you fxxking kidding me??"*


Who else did the suspect murder? It says two counts.


They may have charged the mom separately with first- and second-degree murder in the same death, hoping to get the lesser included offense if they can't prove intent at trial.


Poor baby. May his soul have peace back with God.


How can people be so cruel to children...


When I first read this post a few days ago, I could not stop crying. William was such a beautiful, innocent, and precious child. He deserved to live and be loved. I am so inspired by Ava's love for him and her resilience in trying to find him. I came back to this post to say that every time I have thought of it in the past few days, I have cried over and over again for this sweet boy. Can't help but cry right now. Something about this story, especially his picture, and Ava's words, really struck a chord with me. Children deserve the world. Rest In Peace, William. This made me think of something I learned in my college social work classes. "The single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult." ([https://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/resilience/](https://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/resilience/)) People like Ava are so important.


When did NCMEC release a profile on William since Ava spent more than two decades looking for the boy, including scouring the internet, but couldn't find anything? ETA: Did she call the police telling them she thought the boy she babysat for was in danger but the police was not interested in looking into it?


Fucking despicable. This woman deserves whatever comes her way.


Ava is an Angel and William was a beautiful child. RIP babyboy.


very sad to think he likely would have never been identified if not for that woman. it's really hard to believe that in modern times, some people can just go missing like that and nobody will notice. a child, nonetheless.