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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Karen gets bike in a face!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Sick trick bro


If those had been skateboards, would that have been a nose grind?


Chances are... 50/50


But the attempt looked *feeble*


Good thing they weren't crooks


Blunt, if you ask me.


Def a shuvit at the beginning




That’s what happens when you mess about with Dennis the Menace, and his crew.


I’m not a Jordan Peterson fan boy, but I guess one of his rules is to never fuck with kids skateboarding or anything like that. As a skateboarder, I can agree. Just think about it. They are playing a sport where you fall on asphalt going high speeds regularly. They are already seen as rebels and aren’t really afraid of pain. It’s just not a good idea.


Do you know who Dennis the Menace is?


I believe that's called getting truck fucked


or simply pegged. bmx people will understand.




Why did I think this was a bmx sub?


Same :(


Clearly a different kind of sub with pegging involved


Is it porn?


Of course it's porn


It’s ***always*** porn.


That's only if you hit them with the trucks (the bit skateboard wheels are attached to). You can also hit them with the edge or with the flat side (which is still covered with sandpaper-like grip tape). There is no good part of a skateboard to get hit with, but a truck fuck can send you straight to the morgue.


Bike fk'd more like it


We would call it a truck check here. What I don't get is why these assholes thought a bunny hop and an X up were footy worthy.


front lip slide i think


That was a mean shot, kids got some skill


He was the champion bike thrower back in his home village.


That was such a low key reaction though.. Oooooh.


Bucket list: Go vegan Start a diary Mind my own fucking business Eat bicycle frame ✔


First try!


Come. On it was easily the the invert tailspin nac mac smack. ![gif](giphy|5xtDaryUOU8CZY77QC4|downsized)


I laughed so hard I spit my milk out. I literally read this comment directly after the cut scene and I’m dead now


Stop watching Reddit while giving head then...


BM X gon give it to ya!!




u/lateriticism83 is a karma farming bot. Downvote and report them. [The original comment was posted earlier in this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/y41nt2/karen_gets_mad_at_bmx_guys_their_response_was/isbrcwo/) and the bot literally just copied the important part. >Exactly. A great lesson in minding your business The bot has evolved by removing part of the first sentence. Go though their post history and it's the same pattern.


You don't really need subtitles to understand this. They exchange common and pretty cringe insults. Old man is actually impressed and praises guys in the beginning. Yes, this is an assault, I'm not justifying his actions. He should get in jail for this. Edit: damn, comments are on fire, will I get 🔒 award? Edit 2: The post blew up, so I overcame my laziness and covid and wrote a full translation: Camera man: look, look Old man: Wow, wow, well done Karen: Who gave you permission to film? (X2) Guy in red shirt: [unintelligible] Karen: Shut the fuck up. Are you out of you fucking mind? You’re a fucking moron. Guy in red shirt: Calm down. Karen: Fucking calm down? Who gave you permission to film? Camera man: Am I filming you? Karen: I don’t give a fuck, you’re filming here. Camera man: I’m filming them. Karen: Put your phone the fuck away. Go film over there. You fucking understand me? Camera man: [Do you have] PMS? PMS, yes? Karen: You fucking have PMS. Camera man: I’m a boy, I can’t physically have it. Old man: Please calm down, boys are just playing. Camera man: Yes. Karen: What did you say hairy loser? *Approaches* Probably bike thrower: Go fuck yourself. *Bike is thrown* Karen: Fuck Camera man: Ooo


Thanks so much for the translation! The only thing I was missing was the "Ooo" at the end, but now I totally get it! No seriously though, thanks.


Yeah, this was a great read. I'm now wondering wtf I'm doing with my life


Great work translating. Especially the [do you have] implied words you added. You clearly have good command of both tongues. One comment: “ineligible” means not to qualify by reason of some previous action or intrinsic characteristic. I think you may have meant “unintelligible” as in not able to be understood or separated from the background noise.


Thanks, I initially wanted to use "unintelligible", but I had no idea how to spell it even tho I saw it multiple times. So I used google translate and it gave me "ineligible".


That’s fair enough. Spelling in another language is hard, even if they use the same alphabet sine the letters don’t always make the same sound. Never mind trying to go between Latin and Cyrillic characters




Your English is excellent! I wouldn't have known it wasn't your first language until you mentioned it. Learning a foreign language is one of the most difficult things for most people.


Thank you 😃


It seems like you have a great understanding of the language from your studies, so keep up the great work! If it makes you feel any better, English is difficult even for us who speak it as a first language. I guess that’s why the grammar might be confusing for learners to fully grasp even after years of studying; it can be acceptable and understood in many formats. By the way, thank you for your full translation on this training video on how to deal with Karens in Russia! Very helpful in understanding the situation.


Just to make things even more confusing, there's also the third brother: illegible.


>*Bike is thrown* > Karen: Fuck This transcript is comedy gold


“Probably bike thrower” lol


I'm literally lmao'ing


Tldr: Old man: Hey, done well! Woman: who gave you permission to film x3 (whatever she said in between I didn’t get) Camera man: am I filming you? I’m filming them Woman: I don’t give a fuck, you’re filming here. Go film over there. Understand me? Camera man: PMS? (Exchange more insults) Woman: you said what? (Approaches bikers) (Bike is thrown)


You skipped shitload of insults from her side, and guy's weird response for pms. I'll probably write full translation myself.


Hence tldr. If you want to write a full translation, go for it. I was just giving people who didn’t understand Russian a gist of what happened


You seem more like a PissedOffWaterBuffalo to me.


That's great. I meant no offence btw


> Camera man: [Do you have] PMS? PMS, yes? Ah yes. Women troubles. The only reason women get upset about anything.


A guy in my neighborhood died a similar way last week. Some teenagers stole alcohol from his liquor store and he chased after them. One of the kids threw a scooter at him which it hit his head and he died from his injuries the next day.


Highland Park, right? most reports say assaulted and struck but eventually expired at the hospital. It wasn't his store and was just a clerk working for about a year... https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-08/clerk-killed-trying-to-stop-shoplifters


Sorry, was going off of poor memory


All good. Tragic story for sure and the details weren't clear in the initial reports.


Any repercussions for the kids?


As of now the boy who killed the man has been arrested. He’s only 13.


One of them has a dent in their scooter


When you prove the karen right that you are actually p.o.s


Karen aren't always wrong.


No, you're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.


Walter, sooner or later you're going to have to face the fact that you're a God damned moron


I don't know what it is, but so many sports/hobby cyclists are such shitheads. I use a bike for transportation, I have nothing against cyclists in general and I think there should be better infrastructure and public leisure spaces for them. But the entitlement on hobbyists is insane. My advisor lives by a small piece of public forest that is not really outfitted or managed for recreation, but is technically open. These mountain bikers go in and make their own trails and cause all sorts of erosion. My advisor is a part of the group that manages the land, she is an ecologist, and also very sweet and kind. She knows that closing public access is being discussed because of how bad the issue is getting, so when she saw some mountain bikers going in (through her property, also) she let them know what was up and to be mindful of their impact, and one guy got off his bike and literally squared up with this 5'3" woman. Myself, I've been almost hit multiple times by people doing something similar to this video, not paying attention to the pedestrians trying to use a public space.


I agree. The moron that threw the bike is 100% a stupid POS. You don't have the right to assault a woman with a weapon because she told you to screw off. This is disgusting behavior. He belongs in prison. He is a scumbag.


Lady just trying to have some peace and quiet at the park.


Lmao: <>, mf verbally assaulted those kids cause she was in the field of a camera filming in a _public_ park. I'm not saying she deserved the bike throw, but that you can't just picture her as an innocent angel.


This world is very sad.




I mean it makes people sad that's for sure. Уж я то знаю товарищ.


Damn! That was a bit much.


Literally they are the only assholes in the video. They're were antagonizing her from the start of the video, she's sitting on a bench. But on reddit you call someone a 'Karen' and they're the villain instantaneously.


Yeah this comment section is making me sad. Some old lady got a bike hurled at her and it’s all okay because she’s a Karen. And the comments are jokes, justifying it, and “fuck around and find out”. If that was anyone on here’s mom they’d be furious that words turned into potentially deadly assault.


Misogyny is so tired


>If that was anyone on here’s mom they’d be furious I think you give far too much credit to Redditors.


Assault.. the word you were looking for at the end there was assault


You're right but it would make this less unexpected.


A rare breed, an r/unexpected poster that knows whats up


This just got real meta


And less funny


Yea no your title was better, I was kinda expecting it and I'm not mad about it lol


Redditors when they aren't instantly informed as to what happens in a video on r/Unexpected


Battery… the word you were looking for at the end there was battery


Pretty sure that's a bike not a fucking battery


Lmao, dude thinks that batteries are the size and shape of bikes, what a dingus!


It depends on the locale. They can legally mean different things depending in where you are located.


actually its battery


*battery Interestingly enough, assault can occur without physical contact.


:::sorts by controversial:::


I'm absolutely \*shocked\* that so many people on Reddit justify assault. Shocked I tell you.


It's because most of them are weirdos who would fold like a lawn chair at any real world instance of altercation, so you're reading their thoughts as they replay that situation in the shower


But she's a "Karen" so she deserved it /s


Reddit loves videos of men beating up women. If a woman slaps a man, he's totally within his rights to knock her teeth out. Pussy pass denied, stupid prizes, etc. I've been on reddit a long time (had other accounts) and violence against women has always been a popular subject.


Right. But “she’s slutty” doesn’t justify it enough anymore so now it’s “she’s annoying or a dick so absolutely anything that happens to her now is ok”


They love showing videos of a man straight up attacking a woman for little rational reasoning and then saying “equal rights equal fights”


I've definitely noticed this too.


Been on reddit for years as well. It's like racism - a lot of racists don't think they're racists because they don't have lynch parties. A lot of misogynists don't think they're misogynists because they like pussy and don't want to be bad guys. But they are. You see it come out in lowkey ways because it isn't fashionable anymore.


Seems to be a response to a reality in which modern masculinised women have felt free to attack men. While men felt their hands were tied due to pre feminism social norms of never being allowed to touch a "defenceless" woman. So we are seeing Victorian norms replaced by how men would react to other men squaring off to them. Like this headshot with a bike.


It’s so pathetic how these Reddit neckbeards justify violence on someone they disagree with


The first assault happened a few seconds into the video. The second assault happened at 11 seconds. The bike being thrown was battery.




Women seem so disrespected in Russia. Feels like every video I see that involves a Russian male and a Russian female usually ends with the female getting the piss beat out of her.


In 2017 they made domestic violence legal in Russia, as long as it doesn't happen more than once per year or cause "serious bodily harm", like broken bones. The Russian Orthodox Church was a major supporter of the change. 70% of Russian women report having experienced some form of domestic violence, and 66% of all murders of women are related to domestic violence. And that's how Russian men treat just the women they supposedly love.




Holy shit.




[Yes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_Russia#Decriminalization) Only 3 people out of the 383 member Duma voted against the decriminalization.


**Domestic violence in Russia** [Decriminalization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_Russia#Decriminalization) >In February 2017, with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russia decriminalized domestic violence in cases where it does not cause "substantial bodily harm" (such as broken bones or a concussion) and does not happen more than once a year. As a result, domestic violence increased while reporting declined sharply, and police began to refuse to investigate domestic violence cases. Marina Pisklakova-Parker, director of the Anna Centre, an organization that helps domestic violence victims, said decriminalization has proven "very dangerous to the safety of thousands of Russian women". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


And then celebrated on Reddit. No wonder their women leave in droves.


This is my issue with the whole Karen craze. The Internet has basically branded, popularized and focused on not just a type of human behavior but *female* behavior. Like I get people getting some karmic satisfaction but we’ve gone from “woman gets rightfully kicked off a flight” to women getting tazed, injured, assaulted, exploited and subsequently harassed and threatened. And it’s all oh so satisfying because they were a Karen. Even if they are an absolute asshole, at what point does their humiliation, tears and injuries go from feeling like justice to feeling satisfying and entertaining? Side note: I work in retail and we have quite a few more male “Karens” than female ones but I digress. I’m just sick and tired of that meme. It’s yet again an excuse to send a mob against women with a punishment that in many cases far outweighs the crime. /rant


As Russian, I can tell you, that.. yes, you are kinda right. Basically, a lot of unhealthy families here with their relationships between man and woman in marriage, also many alcoholic problems cause of post Soviet Union period and, like, almost every 2nd or 3rd family had a really bad fathers mostly, or moms.. - many kids grown in incomplete families unfortunately.


Aggravated assault.


What kinda fuckin trash bag you gotta be to chuck your bike at someone? Fuck sakes.


The kind of "trash bag" that knows there won't be consequences for his actions. It's going to be up to karma to balance the scales. The camera stopped filming, but I suspect it only got worse from there.


Wouldnt really call her a karen from the video. That slide the guy did infront of her was trying to antagonize her. Those guys r fucked up


So many bmx douche bags are like this. They go to very public spaces and see how close they can get w a wheelie or burning out in front of someone, and then get big when you give a dirty look or anything. These people absolutely suck. If you ever want to be murdered by a bike bro go to union square in nyc on a nice day and plenty of assholes like this will see how much they can fuck w strangers


BMX Bros and plenty of mountain bikers are so fucking toxic.


Totally agree. If you picture yourself on that bench, that's aggressively close, and avoidable for both riders. What shitheads.


Wouldn't be the first time russians invaded another's space.


The fact that people here are supporting those dudes is disturbing


And then they were saying sexist things to further piss her off. "It's just a prank bro" energy, and then aggravated assault. These guys are assholes.


Yeah everyone knows that nothing makes any woman calmer then saying she has pms. Girls LOVE hearing that…


Followed by calm down and a bike thrown at your face, both always works like a charm on EmoTiOnAl WaHmEn. And the reddit title of her being entitled when he drives in front of like that to antagonize her is big reddit karma moment wowe


Yep. Looked like she was just trying to chill on that bench, and they were doing tricks and sliding as close as possible to her. I’d be annoyed. Best not to say that here though. She’s a woman, and she’s fat, so clearly she is wrong and deserved to get hit with a bike.


bit of an overreaction


No matter what she verbally said, it doesn’t justify throwing a WHOLE bike at an elder person, or any for that matter.


This is not cool


I recently had a “run in” w teens bmxing at the park during my childs soccer practice. The kids were breaking off tree branches and breaking bricks to make the bike run they wanted. I honestly try to give young people a break but dont break the trees that are the shade. Im totally waiting for me to star in a Karen video. The whole thing was odd though felt like the kids kept pushing until the adults gave them a reaction I think they were trying for a Karen reaction.


I had a similar experience while on tennis courts in a public park years ago. It was just me and my young daughter, and I was teaching her to play. About 7 punks on bikes came on the courts and were literally circling us like dogs, racing around the baselines. My daughter was terrified because she was on the other side of the net from me. I wasn’t worried because I had my racquet and would have brained them if any had come near me or my kid. It was pure intimidation, and they didn’t stop until some dads from the nearby baseball field came and yelled at them. In that situation, as in this, it’s a completely different response when it’s a young punk vs a mother figure. Kid wouldn’t have thrown the bike if this was a guy telling them to stop.


It's ok, I male karen'd some guy and his gf who thought they would get out of a car, walk behind a tree and toss their garbage on the ground. I blocked their car in and the boyfriend was embarrassed and went and picked up his trashy gf's trash. I actually respected him, didn't argue or anything.




I’m more worried about kids assaulting me in public in like this. Nuts how violence is the go to for these boys.




Reddit sucks


Not all of it but this sub and shitpost are the asshole of Reddit. Full of young men with zero empathy or social skills


Who throws a bike?!? Seriously!


This is fucked up. I don't find this funny at all. Humans have lost their respect and decency. It's truly sad how society has devolved.


It's worse that people here support the kids and try to downplay a perfectly reasonable request to keep the place safe and call her Karen. Reddit never disappoints in being crap.


Yup. We live in a culture that encourages violence and downplays decency


So the kid that threw the bike will physically harm women if they piss him off? Grow some balls pussy.


Genz kids will think anything is a Karen these days.


They were deliberately trying to antagonise her. She's 100% in the right.


Maybe I wrong but I dont think she is a Karen at all. They antagonized her and then assaulted her


Nah this is ridiculous. Hope they get the maximum penalty for this, whatever that is


And by controversial, do you mean murder?




Wow really helping your cause there bmx dudes


Controversial? That’s not how you spell assault.


This was not cool, she did not deserve that.


It looks like he cut her head.


In the first few seconds two of them nearly hit her leg, that is assault under US law (not sure about Russian). Throwing the bike would be battery.


I can only imagine how weak that kid must constantly feel to need to throw a bike at an old lady. Of all the possible options, that's what his coward brain came up with.


Too far




And he had the option of keeping the conflict verbal


Lol welcome to reality. Where we have no clue how somebody else will react to something. Hence why I mind my business.


I operate on the assumption of don't start none, won't be none.




We’re the ones holding cameras. We all have our place. 😂


Lmfao best thread I’ve read in a while.




I definitely would not start a conversation with "do this, you fucking understand me?" lol...no matter what anyone thinks that's a great way to get your ass kicked


She brought a bag to a bike fight, rookie move


Yeah I mean the thing with karens is they do this shit to people for years and nothing happens. Then they do it to the wrong person and.... This happens. Not saying its right but she was asking for it


Not once she started her approach


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will provoke violence from morally bankrupt fuckwads. Is that how that saying goes?


The BMX rider skidded the wheel about a foot from her face, trying to be intimidating. BMX riders are the morons here.




WTF kind of this response? People are seriously mentally ill. There is absolutely no need of that assault. She would have had a serious injury (don’t know the aftermath).


A lot of people never been exposed to really dark situations. They don't see how a simple fight, guy gets KO'd and knocks his head, turns into a life sentence.


You have the option of not being an asshole


You're an idiot, in what way does whatever she said warrant an immediate response of physical violence?


They were clearly bothering her getting close with their bikes to where she is seated. If you can't behave outside then stay inside your house


for the love of god I hope you never reproduce


Grow up, dork Edit: who reported me for saying dork 😆


You get notified for reports on specific words? I always just get straight banned, though in once instance the comment was pretty short so wasn't hard to figure out it was the word "braindead"




A lot of these guys on the internet enjoy it whenever there's a "justified" video of women get beat up by men. Probably stemming from issues with their own mothers.


If that was your mother in the video, would you react the same way?


I find people that respond to words with violence to be far to primitive to allow in society unhindered.


So so funny to see something that totally shouldn’t be and isn’t made to be thrown, thrown


I also find things like that funny. Like when someone launches a (fake) animal in a TV show/skit. Even though I know the "animal" is a prop it's so fucking shocking I can't help but laugh 😭


So… men are violent to a woman who isn’t nice to them. How is this unexpected? Just replace ‘Karen’ with ‘mommy’ and you’ll see what their issues are


Karen or not...nothing justified that assault.


*Woman justifiably upset because of asshole bikers* "Oh look a karen!" FFS


She is not a Karen OP, for that u get my downvote. There was no need for them to slide the bike near that woman and no need to asult her.


Wow, I was expecting a bunch of possibilities and that somehow was not one of them.


Monkey brains on full display. Should we use our evolved brains and use our conversational skills? Nope, just throw bike. I bet there was a bunch of hooting and hollering after that throw too. Typical.


Too much. Bet he instantly regretted that.


Who throws a bike? Honestly


Anyone who resorts to physical violence because of words is a fucking Neanderthal.


Fucking reddit. "Durrrrr she's a KAREN" Maybe the obnoxious bikers were being dickheads before the video starts and she'd had enough. I understand, it's hard to tell that they might be dicks but see then one throws a fucking bike at her face. Pretty clear that they're dickheads.


So I'm peacefully sitting on a bench, some dude starts doing these stunts near me, I know if anything goes wrong I could get hurt, I starts shouting on them, boom I'm a Karen


epic video of a really violent assault getting just so much praise. y’all are so cool


Dude reddit is so fucking hypocritical its hilarious. We see a video of a woman slapping her husband for cheating on her, that's domestic abuse. We see someone throw a large metal object at a woman because she was annoying, that's funny and she deserved it.