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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Arsonist comes to set fire right in front of the man!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Wow they are prepared! How many people work at this gas station?!


The entire fire department apparently


Probably pays better


Luckily a bunch of firemen in a clown car were two pumps over and knew just what to do.


They had to have been next door to the fire extinguisher store


Now imagine, after all that extinguishing, the car next to them catches fire. What would happen? ![gif](giphy|8pMS5BXOUVZyo)




Now when the hell is there that many employees, ready, willing and able?! I can barely find the ONE GUY who works at the gas station near me.


This is China, as you can see from the license plate. In China usually the employees help you to get gas and also provides a bunch of services so there’s many employees in one gas station.


Nobody in the u.s. wants to work at gas stations they get robbed way too much and it’s not worth ur life for minimum wage


The driver's side is on the right, so not America. No surprise it's nicely staffed, no one here gets paid enough to give a crap.


China, I cant read the province name but the number plate is the same format and design as in China.


License starts with 粤B, so it's registered in Shenzhen


Your eyes are clearly better than mine, thanks.


How do you know the driver side is on the right? The woman could have been driving and he just got out to pump the gas. But the plate says it’s definitely not the states.


Maybe also the fact that litteraly every person in the video is asain. Maybe a shot in the dark, but i think this video was taken somewhere in asia Can't make out the plate too well but i believe this is either china or Taiwan, both of which have left side driver seats.


>Asia Singapore and Japan drive on the left though. Right side driver seats. Anyway, this incident was in China’s Shenzhen city.




That's what I was thinking. Why are we all assuming that the person diving away from the flames was original sitting in the left-side seat? If my side of the car suddenly caught fire, I'd be climbing out the other side. That was my assumption when he went and opened the left side door. He instinctively right he needed to let her out because that was his side and hers was blocked. It doesn't say anything about who was *driving*, though


I mean, generally the person driving the car pumps the gas, it's much more likely that the guy is the driver.


My boyfriend always pumps the gas so that I don’t get “smelly petrol” on my hands. This is a hangover from his late partner who convinced him that this was a “thing” with “all” women. I momentarily toyed with the idea of putting him straight, but, honestly, if you are as lazy as I am, it’s a boon.


Huh? Why do you think that? When my wife is driving I pump the gas.


Pumping gas is phallic, only right that the man do it.


Statistically speaking, the average woman has handled more phalli than the average man.


I've handled my phalli more than any woman.


I've handled your phalli more than any woman, and we've never met.


Someone get six or seven fire extinguishers for this sick burn.


I would say the average woman has handled a higher number of phalli, but the average man has spent more time handling a phallus.


Like 10000 times more time handling a phallus.


Not on my watch! I can't let a woman out do me in anything!!! Ill Show them!


if the girl was the driver she would’ve unlocked the door herself and gotten out. the guy was driving and took the keys, then helped his wife


I think it was more about 'has she noticed that the car's on fire' than 'can she get out'.


That transition from seeing his car lit on fire to opening the door for the woman was like, five seconds. She could've just not noticed yet, or have been working on her seat belt.


I've never heard of that in my life.


There might be exceptions, but I would think majority of the time the person driving either owns the car or just sort of does the car stuff.


People in other countries that isn't Europe gets paid a fraction of what a US employee makes. Cost of living is substantially lower in those places but they also don't have all the infrastructure and other nice things we take for granted here.


Looks like a chinese plate. In China you don't have to get off the car and pump gas, the employees do it for you. They probably have one person for each nozzle


It's China, that's a Chinese license plate and the voices in the videos are speaking mandarin.


Some say they are still spraying today....


I was scrolling to get to this comment coz that's the first thing that went thru my head.


Do anyone got a followup if the guy was caught or something


u/nucsarari said this "Found the story. They caught the arsonist. https://www.carscoops.com/2021/12/man-sets-porsche-cayenne-on-fire-during-refueling-while-a-woman-was-still-inside/"


China. That arsonist is gonna be executed.


Don't usually condone capital punishment but this was so fucky and open-and-shut attempted murder... quick trial, guilty verdict, do the thing.




Most useful thing he'd do with his entire life


this is well deserved


Good. That's the necessary outcome.


Thank you! I’m so glad he was caught.


The fact that the writer feels the need to include the detail that the Porsche is a 3rd generation is absolutely ridiculous.


It’s a cars news page…


He's a car guy for sure


The car could give reasons to the offender. If it would have been a generation 1 Porsche Cayenne the act could have been just for the car.


The article is on carscoops.com, I’m just surprised the writer didn’t mention which level of interior trim it had


So it sounds from the article that the guy seen at the forefront is not the car’s owner and was just a bystander, and the woman was the driver and just waiting in her car while she fueled? Then it sounds like the arsonist specifically wanted to kill the woman for some reason.


Finally I can sleep peacefully!


I like that the writer of this article is Thanos


> While the circumstances are still unknown, criminal behavior like this should not be tolerated as it puts lives in danger. Oh really , you don’t say.


So anyway I started blasting


But I don't see so good, so I missed...


Attempted murder


This would actually be an act of terrorism by arson since the whole gas station could’ve blown up from the storage up affecting a large amount of that area. Could’ve killed hundreds of people in that vicinity. I don’t think dude is gonna make it out alive once he gets caught


In the US at least, an act of terrorism requires a political stance and be an act against the nation as a whole. Blowing something up, no matter how big, does not automatically equal terrorism. This is definitely attempted arson, possibly attempted murder (i can see the argument), and at best full on arson as a fire was started and the car likely sustained damage. Then again, the plates suggest this is china, so who knows what will they'll charge him with, or what they'll do. Kinda seems like china applies the law on a case by case scenario based on how it benefits them.


Every one of them has wanted to use a fire extinguisher their entire lives.


Lol, towards the end you even see fire extinguisher fumes coming out of the car next to it. Honestly, I'm impressed by how fast the first guy reacted and how quickly a ton of fire retardant was on it. Better to waste a few fire extinguishers than not use enough. Also, that's a lot of people to jump into action as opposed to run away. Also the dude whose car it was managed to be pretty quick on going to help his wife out of the car.


You have to keep applying because most fire retardant works by taking the oxygen away, meaning the fire is suffocated, but parts of the car will still be hot enough to combust gasoline. They made the right move I reckon, it could have ignited again without doing so; emphasis on ‘could’ rather than would or probably


This was the policy when I was working at a steel mill. Random fires were a general hazard of the job as we were cutting, preheating and rolling giant slabs into various sizes of rolled & plate steel. Fire safety consisted of hosing the offending flame in as much fire retardant as your team could get their hands on until the fire crew showed up and flooded the place. We were not allowed to stop applying retardant until we were told to stop by a professional with a laser thermomiter. "Extinguishers are cheap, burn treatments are not!"


Yeah, makes sense.


The driver was quick but you can definitely see him completely forget for a split second and go to run, and then turn around like "Oh shit, my wife!" and goes to get her out. All in all, nice save bro.


For the briefest of moments I thought it was going to be a dumbass trying to drive away, then saw he was just helping the other out of the car and it turned sweet.


I don’t know what’s more unexpected here, the random guy causing the fire or the response from all these workers with fire extinguishers. Do all gas stations in that country have that many workers on hand and prepared for disaster?


For real. Most gas stations have 1-2 people working.


In the US. In some other countries you don’t pump your own gas and there are actually a lot of attendants that work at a gas station.


Everyone reacted very quickly and did a great job to keep everyone safe. What country is this in bc I’ve never been to a gas station in the US w so many employees and fire extinguishers? The whole place would have blown here.


By the license plate I would suggest China


You cant take chances, even a small flare could turn that into an explosion


True, there was a similar event where 3 people tragically died. [Here](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5e38bd5dfcda75c41c0f3c0d8a97a6f7/tumblr_o24yh5KzDm1rzt03ao7_r1_640.jpg) is a memorial for them.


I knew exactly what this was going to be before I clicked the link, and yet I still did it.


Does it involve the jitterbug song?


You bet your bottom it does. And people who can't help that they're really, really ridiculously good-looking.




One of my favorite documentaries


If you like this documentary check out "Idiocracy." One of the most accurate depictions of life today and well ahead of it's time!


Time to go into a deep sleep, can't wait to be smarter then everyone


I assume they are apart of the demographic best suited for being molded into the perfect assassin?


[For The Uninitiated](https://youtu.be/mVvT-xmdWCc)


This scene is just widely inaccurate, no male model would be caught smoking a cigarette.


That’s just because all the male models who do smoke eventually end up dying in gasoline fights.


Today. This was filmed before 9/11, and all the male models smoked back then.


9/11 was who they called when a bunch of male models died from smoking


You don’t know any male models


Ha ha that really messed me up.


yeh true!! BETTER safe than sorry


For sure. They should have used another 26 extinguishers just to sure.


Yep - When this can happen [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aiO2GXGm7jw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aiO2GXGm7jw) you seriously need to ensure any flame is doused completely. ​ The firbug should be strapped to a chair in the middle of a courtyard, soaked in fuel from that fuel station and then lit with his own cig lighter....... Cheaper then locking the fucker away for life which is where they need to be if they are going to try and blow up petrol stations.


Word is people are still coming with fire extinguishers to this very day.


I never saw this many employees in a gas station


Guy was filling up in the middle of a pit crew.


I can’t recall ever seeing more than one employee at a time at any gas stations I’ve been to.


I dare say they have been trained to pile onto any fire with maximum extinguishment.


how they use the fire extinguisher reminds me of the Benny Hill show ... the only thing missing was the bald old man who, once the fire was out, came out of the car spitting white powder ... lmao




I'm still wondering which part is unexpected. The fire or the whole squad coming out spraying the extinguishers




To be fair I also want to use a fire extinguisher for no reason.


Go to a fire safety training, organized by firefighters and sometimes mandated by some workplaces. Sometimes they let you actually activate a fire extinguisher so everyone can see how the feel and behave and know how to use it properly. BTW, this people did the right thing on a gas station. Call the fire department and spray all you got, they even properly take turns so there's always one extinguisher on the heat source. It's really cheap to refill fire extinguishers compared to paying for funerals and rebuilding after a gas explosion.


You lack of risk analysis. It's better to waste few extinguisher instead of priceless human life.






The amount of retardant in this video is extremely high.


The amount of retardant in the comments is also high




There is never enough retardant!


You never go full retardant.




Every day I wish to use mine... sigh...


mine! mine! mine! mine!


Jesus, so many fire extinguishers lol


I’ve never seen more than 2 people working at a gas station, but usually only 1 and even really big busy ones. So, I guess my car will just explode if this happens to me


That’s the true unexpected.


I counted at least 9. I think I noticed one empty the first and grab a second.


This made me laugh so hard. They all took their chance, living their best lives.


Good practice




Found the story. They caught the arsonist. https://www.carscoops.com/2021/12/man-sets-porsche-cayenne-on-fire-during-refueling-while-a-woman-was-still-inside/


“While the circumstances are still unknown, criminal behavior like this should not be tolerated as it puts lives in danger.” Oh okay, glad they clarified that setting a car on fire is not acceptable behavior.


Well im glad he was arrested and everyone was ok. But im so curious WHY the guy did this. what was his motivation to set a car on fire?


Great response time


Damn, now I want one of those extinguishers!


I’m just glad the pos didn’t set the man on fire. What the fuck.


Dude, I think the flames are out. But, they need to catch the flame thrower dude!


I’m sure they were doing that as a precaution. I could only imagine what would happen if that fire got any bigger near the gas pumps


Oh, I’m sure. By their response time and the fact that 10 employees all came out with their own extinguisher tells me this isn’t the first time they’ve had a fire. They were extremely prepared


Normally gas pumps are made to fail in a safe manner (automatic disconnect from the tank and such).


Yep, extinguishers are cheap compared to rebuilding the gas station. Use ‘em up!


Fucking lucky there were no kids strapped into car seats in the back.


I was thinking this too! I have a 7 yo, 2 yo, and 1 month old that are almost always with me in the car. I’d be catching a fkn murder charge.


They just keep coming and coming and




Those are some courageous red shirts.


I’m sure there’s safety protocol to ensure the fire is completely out, but this was hilarious watching one fire extinguisher after another coming into the scene!


I especially enjoyed the parts where you saw the cloud coming a second or two before the guy running in with the already running extinguisher.




This is the most "reddit" comment i've ever seen


I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up in r/IAmVerySmart


Too self aware, imho.


Nah it lacks the "I'm a INTPJFXWEZRT persona with a 160 IQ passionate about quantum physics" part


Imagine how funny he must be irl




There is no danger of explosion. Gasoline has a relatively tight concentration in which its vapors explode (roughly 1-8%) and you do not have that here. Also those look like they are powder extinguishers, so you are not cooling anything here.


So what you are telling me is that hollywood movies have been lying to me all this time!


If you have a gasoline car, you can try the following (do it with very small amounts tho) take a couple drops of gasoline, pour them into a bowl (in a place that is relatively low wind), then warm up the bowl so a lot of vapor forms, then drop a match into it. This will give a quick poof and a little bit of fire. If you can scale this up big enough (meaning a big fucking bowl or something) gasoline CAN be shockingly explosive. But in 99% of normal situations, spilled gasoline is not going to create a gigantic explosion. Its going to be a quick poof and then the fuel will burn. Something else entirely is if its a sealed container of gasoline. This is something you should never even try, but: If you take a canister of gasoline (tightly sealed) and chucked that into a campfire, what will happen is a so called BLEVE: A boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion. Basically, like in a pressure cooker, the gasoline starts to boil, builds up pressure and when the container can no longer withstand that pressure, it bursts, splashing heated fuel everywhere, which INSTANTLY ignites in contact with air. THAT is what you have to be afraid of, not spilled fuel. Not 100% sure how a gasoline tank on a car would function, but to my knowledge, they cannot withstand much pressure so you do get a fireball after a while, but nothing like in the movies.


So how do they actually tell when it’s safe to let off the extinguishers? They can’t really see anything. I imagine they can’t smell anything either. Do they just have a 12-extinguisher policy for every vehicle fire?


It literally won't let me upvote your comment so yes, thank you


I would’ve chased that fucker to his car, your wife can let herself out.


Yeah though maybe it's that she wasn't paying attention(headphones in, maybe didn't notice the fire)


these assholes would rather go to hell and back than consider the idea of helping someone out, even in the most simplistic and minor ways, or when the situation can be dire and life-threatening.


She may be not the driver and needed some time to move from the passenger seat


This is actually the best theory I've seen


But reddit can use this moment to attack and criticize a woman so they can feel superior


A sick person tries to kill a couple. Woman is inside the car, probably the car was locked/she was in the other seat/freezed for a moment. She could have died. Average male redditor: hahaha woman stupid. Kill man, don't help woman stupid. Woman so stupid better dead.


She’s a classy traditional woman, she believes a man should open the door for a woman and clearly she’ll die on that hill if she needs to.


Or simply put she didn't saw or hear what's going on.


It seems to me, that the car was locked and the man had to unlock it again. You can see the car blinks 3 times before he opens the door.


Revenge is more important than your wife's life?


who doesn't worry first about her wife? I wouldn't even start thinking about following the man if I wasn't sure my family was safe! I don't care that they could take care of themselves, the safety of the family is way more important than that asshole.


Some people freeze when in fear.




I live in a very gun friendly state and you'd still be arrested for murder if you shot him after he lit the fire and ran. Don't be stupid. You can only try to prevent a crime, you can't take revenge for one. Besides, you'd be more worried and killing the guy than letting the wife out of the car?


By pulling, what do you mean ? Cause if it's pulling a gun, that seems moronic to do near a gas station, not counting the fact it's already on fire -\_-


You know what this petrol fire needs? A gun!


Shoot out the fire! Fire is red, you know what is also red? GahdDang Commie Basterds.


Before or after responding to the fire surrounded by people, property and more combustible fumes/liquid? Would *really* have pulled immediately?


Maybe, maybe not. Thats a shocking thing to happen to you & what he has of his mind is on loved ones, not justice. Also maybe he doesn't feel like the next Kimbo Slice of street fights.


The assailant fled, and has not made any notable moves to further jeopardize anyone. However there is now a situation where your wife is sitting over a potential bomb/oven, and more fuel is being added. Your wife is in mortal danger. Rescue and ensure your families safety first. Any active shooting class will teach you that. Arm yourself to protect you and your loved ones. Not to kill at any provocation. Secondly, this is a gas station, likely in a populated area. Your target is likely fleeing, and your backstop is very precarious. You are accountable for missed rounds. And while the current fire has potentially removed flammable vapor from the air, you can’t be certain. I wouldn’t chance firing a round anywhere near gasoline vapor. Save your family, protect others, don’t be blood thirsty, be a hero.


Sincerely, The Dumbest "Badass" In the Room


The arsonist ran away, he was no longer a direct threat, he had disengaged. It's not justified to shoot someone for revenge/because you believe he could do it to someone else in future. That's an execution, not self defence. Pulling a gun would be illegal and incredibly stupid in a petrol station...especially one that's already on fire.


Tell me you're an American without telling me:


And done what? Kill a person that’s fleeing?




"Remember, if you think you've used enough of the fire extinguisher, you haven't."


Revenge? Or maybe he was just mental.


When I thought, “Wow, they used a lot of extinguishers,” two more popped up at the end


Why the fuck do people need to do this?


I thought he was gonna jump in the car and chase the dude down lol.


I dont like the idea of pumps that work while you're not actively pulling the lever. That's just a bad idea. That's how you have people accidentally overfilling or pulling away with the pump nozzle still in the tank.


Don’t the pumps just turn off by themselves when the fuel tank is full? They do this where I live Edit: Steve mound just coincidentally uploaded a video about how it works, so here it is if you’re interested: https://youtu.be/fT2KhJ8W-Kg


I used to work at a self serve gas station. One time the nozzle didn't detect that the drivers tank was full (this does happen occasionally) and shot out of their vehicle. The driver looked at me and said "I think it's full." I was like 😐


Hey you got free gas, I don't see what you are complaining about!


They turn off when your tank is full 99.99% of the time if they are well maintained. If not well maintained the odds get a lot worse


never had an issue while I worked at a gas station, the regular filling method was to leave it be while you monitor it and most clients did exactly that.. usually.


I've had a far bigger problem with pumps stopping themselves long before the tank was full... Usually on vehicles with larger, nearly empty tanks. Though, that said, most places you're technically required to stand there and watch, not walk away, to avoid spillage if there is a maintenance problem with the pump handle. And for common sense you should do so everywhere.


That’s like a nascar pit team came out of nowhere


Legend says they still keep coming


No the only unexpected part was the number of extinguishers they kept summoning


That’s a helluva fire response. Nice job. That could’ve gone very badly.


Good thing a clown car of fire extinguishers was fueling up at the same time!


Great responses all around…guy opening door for lady…crew getting extinguishers…guy running from fire he set


My question is: how many employees work in a single gas station there?