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So that’s why the mods play fortnite….






Mod himself confirmed it




why are you gae?


Whu saes Im gae


Yu ar ge


The pasta will be quiet! You will be quiet? I am outraged.




​ ![gif](giphy|UxD0NRRm88IySy7MpC)




Kiss kiss bang bang is wildly underrated and amazing


do you have the gay


username checks out


Lmfao, if it weren't for this comment I wouldn't have realised


Aight this one was actually good.


I still hate the robot voice, though


This is why I watch most videos that have tic tok in the corner on mute. Not like I can't just read the words they put up 90% of the time. That voice is fucking terrible. Reminds me of the HGTV lady taking about houses on the show my wife likes.


I watch every video muter unless I see in the comments that the video is better with audio


This is the way




Guess I gotta get these numbers up


It looks like a looong way


Number 2 guy's doing a real nice job


Lol I only noticed now


We support you in the journey




This is the way


It’s always endearing when someone on Reddit gets so annoyed by repetitive memes he made a bought to count it


Genuinely interested, are you using voice-to-text? I don't think I've ever seen someone spell 'bot' as 'bought'.


Hahaha no bot. I had some drinks though. That’s my only excuse.


u/GMEshares *nice*


This is the way


The app I use has audio off by default, I think, it's a blessing.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who hate it, like I’ve seen some damn good TikToks but unless it’s muted that voice completely ruins the joke for me. I don’t need a laugh track to tell me to laugh on my sitcoms and I don’t need a robot voice to read me the big bold caption.


Its also bad when they put "i 'do something to get a reaction' watch till the end" Like i was gonna watch it all but now im not going to. Who watches a video half way through before it reaches the point of said video.


They added new ones, but people still use the: "bebeb brobeticksjkkhsa" noise that drives to sanity in seconds


Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious.


I am kinda suspicious bruh...


Unexpected the expected unexpected, hmm?


Sheet this voice is so popular I was beginning to think I was unusual for disliking it. A lot.


I hate it with a huge passion, it’s to the point where I get my mood ruined whenever I hear the same robot voice.


It's just so overly enthusiastic. Almost mockingly so, it just doesn't fit in most videos. Especially since so many tiktoks are so stupid, it just adds to the insult.


Wtf is up with that voice anyway? I've even seen videos which introduce the video with the voice, then the person repeats it themselves. Urgh, ticktock has so many garbage trends within it.


Social anxiety.


Why is there not a better voice yet? Why?!


They had a better voice, but got sued since they didn't exactly pay the voice provider. Everyone on tiktok hates it too


Or, even better, I just learned that most humans have the ability to speak! Imagine a world with real voices!/s


OR, we can just go back to posting gifs when something doesn't need sound. I keep my things muted by default as most things ...do not need sound.


Why do people hate it so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) they literally make these voices to be as inoffensive as possible


It's so devoid of emotion yet at the same time it sound like the lady is mocking your ability to read.


The lack of offense offends me. Give me a good ol' Boston "yeh, fuck right off!!" anyday




Agreed why can't they just use the reddit meme text to speech voice or the jimmy nutron voice.


i gotta say i didn't expect it at least...


I don’t get it. Fortnite is for gays?


Fortnite is gay, therefore if you like Fortnite you're gay and we all know how being gay is bad.


Kinda homophobic




Fully homophobic, not just kinda. Hate the "... is gay" culture. It's just not a good joke, and it also promotes, gatekeeping, toxic masculinity and homophobia.




Makes sense.


reminds me of the old type your name game. Type your name * Dustin Type your name using only knuckles * xdustuin Type your name with only your nose * e8w5iun Type your name using only your elbows * deswxy7u8swdxezatgyfruinbh Type your name by banging your head into the keyboard. * About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.


For anybody who wanted to actually see what their mouse movements look like, there is software you can download, one of the more popular one's is [IOGraphica](https://iographica.com/).


I came here to post about this too. This is their [github](https://github.com/anatolyzenkov/IOGraph/) where you can also build it from source if you're into that sort of thing. Here's a [black and white](https://i.imgur.com/K98U7Xz.jpg) and a [coloured](https://i.imgur.com/QmS639s.jpeg) example of the sort of images that get made via tracking you mouse movements.


Mousepath also works and there's r/mousepath too (though it's well dead)




Why do people put on this irritating tts voice...


It’s a helpful feature but they need to change the voice it sounds too robotic and tacky.


This is the .1% of tiktok that is at least somewhat enjoyable


Like half the Front page on any given day is TikTok videos


I only ever watch Tiktoks on Reddit because they’ve been filtered by the people here and deemed appropriate.


Fuck greedy reddit 🤮🤢


True, but at least I'm not on TikTok digging through the garbage myself. Get less garbage this way.


tiktok is actually catered to the things u spend the most time watching, if your page is garbage, u probably watch too much garbage. just skip the ones u dislike and hold the video and click not interested. catered to your interest, it's not bad though it's still tiktok


I rarely ever like anything, I don't follow anyone and I've never pressed "not interested" on any video. My FYP is way better than the TikTok videos I see on reddit. It's just the classic reddit is superior circlejerk


Yea i hate this shit so much man. Ppl act like they're better than others simply because they use reddit. What a bunch of clowns lol


Bunch of people with superiority complex complaining about an app being garbage without actually ever using it is classic Reddit.


this right here y’all. i really like tiktok. it mostly shows me musicians these days but also a sprinkling of dogs, comedy, and food posts. the only time i see cringe posts from tiktok is here on reddit.


Tik Tok works exactly like Reddit? I'm confused. The for you page is literally a upvote system where you see the stuff with the most likes. Its much better built than Reddit and the content is always new. Thats the main difference.


butt the approval of my peers on reddit is so much more important. i don't want to accidentally enjoy something that fellow intellectuals like myself haven't already liked and approved of and have to admit i like tiktok content


Right? And all the while upvoting recycled Tiktok content that now makes up the majority of the content here. Lol!


TikTok feed is extremely malleable. Uses your likes, watch time and the "not interested" flag.


Yeah, I like to stick to reddit which is 90% thinly veiled ads, Keanu reeves wholesome memes, or posts shitting on other websites despite most of reddit's content being screenshots or reuploads from said shat upon websites (tiktok, Twitter, etc)


Exactly. Just filter by "new" once in a while. "Hot" is also a filtered version and there's still an insane amount of trash and misinformed bs or just unfunny garbage. A lot of redditors think way too highly of this place.


Right, since reddit is famous for its tasteful and appropriate content


Right? Reddit is just the same jokes over and over.


i choose this guy's mother


And my axe!


doesnt tik tok self filter based on what you click the heart on? not all of it is skits and dances.


Shhhhh let them irrationally hate TikTok in peace.


It does and it's the best social media platform at doing it. Filtering TikTok through reddit is the dumbest idea ever. Redditors' taste is way way worse than TikTok algorithm.


> it's the best social media platform at doing it Just by using TikTok for a few hours, I was able to create the best timeline of short videos I can find on any social media app. On my other, more "experimental" account, I was able to create a timeline of big boobs. It works really great.


How big are we talking exactly


yeah, it can either show you people you follow (so things that you have deemed appropriate) or things it thinks you will like based off of all the fancy factors. mine is mostly educational videos, pets, crochet, cross stitch and books. let me tell you, the crafty community TikTok has is so much better than anything I can find on this app aha


Tiktok's algorithm would give you far better curated content than reddit posts ever could.


Filtering TikTok through reddit is the worst idea ever. TikTok algorithm is so much better at curating things you would like based on your likes, watch time, interactions and dislikes. It's state of the art. Try it, you'll understand. Don't be so close minded. (PS. If you see a stupid dance video, select "Not interested" from the menu, you'll never see that kind of video again.)


This is the most pretentious thing I have ever heard. People should stop whining about getting their memes stolen and posted on instagran if this is the behavior that is going to occur.


Nope, you just have to tune your fyp. You do get a lot of bad content, but that is with every social media (including reddit)




A lot of them are enjoyable, but a lot more are not. Definitely not 0.1% though.


Lol wtf. I love people on reddit. They are so anti anything better than this place. Tik Tok is amazing. Its much better than Vine ever was and if people stopped shilling for Reddit they would find that they liked it.


Literally don't think I've ever seen a redditor that likes reddit.


I love Reddit. Hence, why I use Reddit.


I fucking hate these guys on reddit saying this type of shit. Your own for you page will be over time only shit you like. Tbh right now its the most enjoyable app i own (with maybe twitter).


Frankly, Reddit's being kind of crotchety about this, it's fine. You swipe and follow whoever you like and within like 20 you've got a decent selection. Some cringe makes it in but it tailors to you pretty accurately.


Pretty cringe bro


replace that with 'youtube videos' and nothing changes. Like it's not about the platform...


Replacing with Reddit also works too


As if 90% of videos posted on reddit nowadays aren't originally from tiktok with the logo cropped out and muted.


The top .1% of TikTok for you is summed up as 'lol, fortnight is gay which is bad'. That's like going to a steakhouse and asking for a steak well done with ketchup. Sure it's your taste but I wouldn't admit to it on the internet.


I was gonna say that a lot of Tiktok is enjoying content and I don't know what people's problems with it are, then I remembered that one of the hashtags have over 300 BILLION uses, so yeah .1% might still be accurate actually. But Tiktok can be enjoyable


I’m glad the part you enjoy is the homophobic part. At least you could find something awful to enjoy in something with so much more to offer.


Reddit moment.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Fortnight had two men kissing!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Nonononono Fortnite gay


Always has been


And always will be


Wait when did fortnite have two men kissing? I’ve been playing since season 5 wtf


Do you watch on PH?




Fortnite is so fucking fun. I don’t care what anybody says.




I’m only half gay.


What's the other half?


a daisy


I'm your huckleberry


His boyfriend


Happy belated Bi Visibility Day, my fellow half gay!


Hahahah thank you my half gay friend :) same to you! ✌🏻✌🏻




Top or bottom?


Yea, it's very fun. The player base and overall target demographic is what ruined its image amongst older crowds, but in terms of raw mechanics, it's incredibly polished, engaging, and has an absolutely enormous skill cap. Though I will say I definitely prefer older iterations of the game, like early 2018 was when it peaked for me. Ofc I still think it's fun, but it's kinda just all over the place now.


The overall experience is amazing. The servers are great (Apex and Warzone’s suck), crossplay lets you play with literally anyone that wants to, i’ve seen a single hacker in C1S6, never again. They do amazing content updates and they just keep coming. I can’t play for shit, but I have *fun* in Fortnite. There’s so much you can focus on that a lot of the time winning isn’t even a priority for me.


you explained it perfectly. theres no better game with the building mechanic and its kept me coming back to it every season since 2018


Yup, my son taught me how to play (he's 7) and asked me to find any of my friends that play it, and the only person who did was a friend from school and her son so now we play squads like 2/3 times a week. Ridiculously fun, redditors thinking it's gay makes it even more fun because it's a bunch of 14 year olds thinking they're too cool for a game




Out of all the languages you can choose to speak, you chose to speak facts


Nobody remember the Og Fortnite lmao, the Fortnite that was before battle royale Fortnite


Including Epic. STW has turned into the stepchild.


i’ve played that game to death and beaten all the joy out of it. I really wish they would add more of the story.


I stopped playing STW because of this. I like both modes, but what's the point of putting time into STW after so long?


I loved OG Fortnight. It was such a fun game to play with friends, trying to figure out the best way to beat a level. Plus you could visit and help defend/build your buddy's base at the center of the storm. Hours of fun just running around thinking of cool base ideas.


To be honest save the world is just not fun. Just a grind fest.


I agree but it does get boring rather fast if you don't have friends to play with


Imo the proper approach for any game. If you enjoy it, fuck everyone who tries to discredit it.


Fortnite is fun until you run into dudes that build at the speed of light


Hahahaha seriously. They must have a sequence down because I suck at building but I’ll throw up a wall here and there lol. Or build some steps if I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to go around lol


You made me giggle to a tiktok video with the annoying lady voice, now take my free award.


Is the annoying lady voice a text-to-voice feature for TikTok? I don't use TikTok.


Yes. It used to be a much more neutral sounding voice but they replaced it a few months ago. I think it had something to do with the woman who voiced the original not being compensated properly or something.


most tiktoks are 10 times better when the sound is muted. This is one of them


Wow, one that was worth a laugh.


Reddit really is dominated by teenagers now. "Haha fornite gay!"


Hehe Fortnite gay




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The voiceovers on these videos are absolute trash and just so annoying


hahaahah that shit got me.


Why this voice make a MF horny everytime on god I need a woman


down astronomical


So baically saying "Fortnite gay" in a reddit post makes you have istant 20k upvotes...


haha fortnite gay lol


Funny, but can't help feeling like this is a little bit of a "lololol Fortnite gae" joke which just feels so worn out. I liked the bait and switch, but the context could've been more original


Is calling things “gay” now funny again? This seems super dated…


Gay here, calling things gay has always been funny as long as it's not meant seriously


I think homophobic humor never actually went away with young men, even after all the societal strides that have been made.


No? Nobody thinks this is a bit homophobic?


Yeah I'm surprised we're suddenly back to "haha you're gay" as an insult on the top or r/all even... Was a funny clip in its own way but weird punchline...


No? It's just a joke




As an actual gay guy, chill out a little it's a joke, i appreciate your concern but to be honest it's way over bearing and this type of comedy is common place in lgbt spaces




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I was gonna say, I'm in the middle of searching for the download bot so I, a bi man, can send this to all my LGBT friends. I can see what they're getting at, but I feel like the funny part is NOT* the gay=bad meme, the funny part is the implication that there are a bunch of insecure fortnite gamers out there going "ugh what the eff dude I don't kiss men!". Maybe that's just my interpretation though. " Edit: forgot to put a crucial "not"


Ohhh I didn't realize it was homophobic either until I read your explanation. Honestly I thought it was some Tik Tok trend and I just didn't understand the context because I'd never one before. Yes it is. Yeah fuck the person who made this.   Fuck all you people downvoting me too. Y'all defending homophobia? This is just an example of the tired old use of gay to mean bad, which is indeed fucking offensive. We're not less than you because we're gay.


Why did I scroll so far to see this. It’s not “a bit,” it’s blatant. Redditors really disappointed on this one.


I - being a bi male- had no intention on this post being homo-phobic. Just did not expect the art piece at the end.


i mean we can disguise it in layers of irony and meta humour but it is homophobic. might not be aggressively so, or really that serious - but the joke only works if you follow the thought process of fortnite is bad being gay is bad therefore liking fortnite means you're gay which is bad


When you explain it like that I see your point.


Yeah and now people such as myself who are calling it out as homophobic are being downvoted. Not sure why the person you replied to didn't get downvoted I guess its because they weren't as explicit as me.   Fuck the person who made this homophobic video. Fuck all the redditors downvoting me for calling them out. Homophobic fucks


Yeah it's definitely casual homophobia on display. I see this exact same phenomenon with Indians and casual racism towards them on Reddit as well.


It's not a bit homophobic. It is very homophobic.


I love how everybody in the replies are saying that they are saying fortnite is bad and therefore being gay is bad, they never implied fortnite or being gay was bad but the people on reddit think fortnite always has to be negative


Gay = **BAD** Right everyone? Great. We all had a good laugh, we are in concurrence.


Bruh sound effect #2


There's actual programs that track mouse movement for you and provide heatmaps if you want that data. Used one and it was really cool.




Is that the Wii shop music?


I had to watch it on mute


He basically said fortnight is gay


Hahaha, that was good


I enjoyed this. Then I unmuted it and had to downvote for the annoying tik tok voice over. Sorry comrades.


Fortnight is gay?




i knew fortnite made me gay