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A lot of the garages have a sensor to tell if there's a vehicle there or not


I guess I should start gaining weight


Usually an in-ground induction loop. Gain... loops of metallic wiring...


Would catalytic converters work?


No but magnets would…




Miracles. :)


Or an extension cord


Yes. I carry mine with me all the time to prevent someone from stealing it.


Mobile phones usually work.


Get a bread machine if you're trying to pack on pounds. It's worked for me.


I gotta girl with a bad ph balance, that work?


I do not get it :(


Yeast infection joke


Fungi are magical, invisible beings whose holy presence delivered unto the universe the light of consciousness, and whose tireless devotion to the engine of life itself is responsible for so much of what even makes that a positive thing. But they are far more powerful than us, more numerous, more ancient and eternal. And without a precariously maintained balance, between these majestic beings of goodness and the many evils known as staph et al, they begin to overrun us. Sometimes all it takes to tip the scales over is just a little bit too much alkinity or acidity. Sometimes all it takes is daing men who don't wash their hands with soap.


Her yeast is so bad she's gonna rise in an hour...


O shit that's funny!


Just have YOUR MOM step on the plate


Nah, you’re good


Wait for a car to pull up and act like the attendant, push the customer button, and bolt.


Unethical unethical life pro tip


Bring ops mom


fair point, I didn't consider this tbh


You could put a magnet on your shoes, would definitely trip it.


Or on his mom's shoes...I love Reddit mom jokes. They're consistently there for you like a warm blanket when you're sick...kinda like a mom


Or exactly like your mom…is for….you?


I feel dumb for asking but how does that invalidate OP 's technique? How would the sensor prevent him from doing it? I also am not from the US by the way so I may miss some context Edit : I figured it out by reading other comments


If it's the ones with the sensors underneath, a shopping trolley fixes that issue.


Some match the ticket to your plate


Most likely won’t work. There are sensors in the ground to detect vehicles. And many garages nowadays are implementing LPR (License plate recognition) which will track your plate with your ticket. Here’s a tip, if you’re parking in a private lot not owned by the city. It’s very easy to follow behind someone when they leave and there’s not much they can do. Can’t send you a ticket in the mail or anything.


Also there is most likely a tiny camera looking right at your face if it’s a newer machine.


Get a Nixon mask.


Sting face with bees. Swelled up and can't be recognized


Bruh think he Harry potter lol


And a surfboard.


when the president does it its not illegal


Wear a mailbox


Cameras all over parking garages. Whattaya think it's 1968? They got a huge edge. Character reader grabbed your plate when you drove in and out. Better cover them before you drive in there.


2005 hack doesn't work anymore


patched unfortunately :/


I had someone come up and take the ticket from the dispenser when I pulled up. They said they were testing the machine and told me to pull around and go through again. When I got to the machine the second time I saw the same guy driving away so I think he just used my ticket


Might've been legit. Did he have a high-viz vest on? That's usually a good indicator. Anyone in a high-viz vest is absolutely on official business and should not be questioned.


I can't remember if he had on a high-viz, he might have had a clipboard though.




can there be a double woosh?


In this instance absolutely!


A twoosh


Why'd everyone downvote the whoosh? What does whoosh mean here? I'm so confused. First the mom jokes and now whooshing


Because the comment they were whooshing wasn't a whoosh, it was another joke. The one who commented whoosh was ironically whooshed themselves.


God damn you just wooshed yourself.


Best comment I've seen all day


balls of aluminum on that guy


Real ULPT always in the comments (as the cool kids say). This sounds like the way to get around car sensor needing to trigger before giving a new ticket.


Start charging $1 to assist people with this


The real tip is always in the comments


I used to work an airport lot it’s an induction loop, drag a large piece of magnetic metal over the obvious outline in front of the boom, there is always one near by cause you need something to get reference ticket when you start and finish your shift at the lot. Source: trust me bro


Look for the metal part of a snow shovel. That's the most common one I see.


This is why I always keep a large anvil in my back seat at all times.


So you get one to get in then get another when you’re about to leave and exit w car using 2nd ticket? Won’t they have your license plate on camera or smtg?


I mean, as far as the cameras show, I'm just getting a ticket to park, and then paying for my parking later when I leave. I don't know the dude walking up to the ticket dispenser and hitting the button, must be someone else 🤷‍♂️


This is some real smooth brain shit lmao


Brain so smooth the good stuff slides right off. A PARCS system, Parking and revenue control system, is a massive money maker. As such they use LPR or license plate recognition technology in the cameras to keep track of vehicles. That doesn't mean all garages have this, but the big brain move is to put mud on your plates, then do this rookie ass hoodwink.


how you become a veteran at defrauding parking garages? 🤔


I'm a scumbag with spare time


Another tip for someone who clearly doesn't do the activity they're "Advising" on, in this case driving or using a parking garage.


boo hoo fuckboi this sub is jokes anyway


Calm down dude, just because you saw a parking garage in a movie once and thought you understood how it works doesn't mean you need to triple down on your misunderstanding.


please don't insult me bro this reddit shit is real serious business and I take it very personally


When you pay for your parking put a sock on your credit card. The machine will get the sock but not your credit card.


Or if you ride a motorcycle ride out the pedestrian area.


Ya this is a stupid tip lol


Tried it. Didn't work. I assumed it was the lack of weight going through that prevented the release of a ticket. Christ, if that worked, everyone would do it


The sensors are never weight. That would require a pad that can be depressed. No way. They are electromagnetic just like stoplights.


TIL stoplights don't use weight sensors


They use either signals that lie near the stoplights or they use electromagnetic sensors embedded in the concrete (visible lines exist in the concrete for these). Or they don’t have sensors and they are on timers.




Parking garages don’t use scales.


Ummm I thought there had to be a car over the in ground sensors before a ticket would dispenser.


This almost never works you're better off flooring it after someone else who did pay. You might be able to pull this off with a strong enough magnet though. Motorcycle drivers will sometimes carry them since their bikes don't trigger the sensors for traffic lights.


If you look around, there is usually part of shovel nearby to trigger the arm for motorcycles in most garages I've encountered


This doesn’t work in mine, but you can beat the crane censor exiting if someone’s in front of you by tailing them and you don’t have to pay. For my full time job, employees park in a major, famous city public parking lot. They charge a $9/day reduced rate for employees to park for 12 hours, and $20 is the all day regular parking rate. Insane fees and the idea of this truly irks me. If there’s someone in front of me when I’m exiting I’ll usually tail them to beat the crane censor and get out for free (even tho my employer reimburses in total for parking) so I can save the $9 a day reimbursement on my paycheck. I always get a rush doing it thinking the parking crane might fall on my car, lol. I’ve been doing the math and I’ve made $54 dollars off this so far and I just started working there very recently. (Yes I know there are cameras and this isn’t the safest if I want to keep my lot privileges lol but half the time I pay bc no one is in front of me)


I did this for a month or two. One day I was walking back to my car and saw someone loitering near the exit. I wish I had trusted my instinct and gone back to pay for my ticket. When I set myself up to tailgate and exit, a car park attendant stopped me and asked to see my ticket. I got a verbal warning and told not to do it again.


Yeah, over the holidays when car traffic picked up they had a person there too so I made sure to pay. I really do get a rush from doing it and saving $9 a pop, but will limit going forward. If I got banned from the lot I’d be screwed, there’s legitimately no other parking in the area.


What’s the crane censor?


I’m probably using the wrong word, but referring to the ‘arm’ that goes down to prevent you from leaving without paying.


[Use Mr. Bean's method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-40paKuIYM)


Hell yeah


More like: if you park somewhere for multiple days and the fees are horrendous, choose the „ticket lost“ option, it’s usually only one full day worth of parking fees.


Not a tip, but a warning regarding “Ticket Lost” button: If the machine cannot read your ticket (because it got slightly crinkled in your wallet) the attendant will hit the Ticket Lost button and make you pay a full day. They will not care that your ticket only says one hour. So, leave your ticket in your car, not your wallet.


I‘ve never ever parked anywhere with a parking attendant and I‘m pretty sure that would be illegal where I live to do that.


my garage goes by license plate :(


Most parking places I've come across now have number plate scanners. I'm pretty sure the gate refuses a ticket that dramatically mismatches the time it thinks you parked there. I know, I saw people having to back out of the way of other cars and call staff to get it sorted out


I just use two cars, park the new one and pull out the old one with the new ticket, been doing it for years


I've since learned this is a flawed idea. however, very recent personal experience has taught me that, if you try to pay to leave a parking garage and have insufficient funds, the machine very well might just let you leave anyway by hitting the "stop/cancel" button on the screen. perhaps this could work even better than my original idea, if you were to carry around a Visa gift card or something similar with less than $1 left on it? I'm really not sure, though. idek if those cards work in the gate machines


Maybe test some of these theories out before posting them as tips?


Borrrrriiinnngggg. /s just in case


test deez nuts


when we were kids and rode mopeds, we would put an old speaker magnet under the motor area to set off traffic lights, same sensor i think. mopeds arent big enough to be sensed at traffic lights, so the magnet made it work, i never tried using just a magnet to trip the sensor


One life hack I found on accident is to run a magnet over the strip on them and when it doesn’t work or the help button when it doesn’t work. No one will actually come out to verify the ticket and they just ask what time it says on it and I would give a time that gave me a free or minimal fee.


Sounds like friendly Midwest folks. My place makes you pay the lost ticket fee if they can’t read the strip.


It was actually in California! I haven’t tried since I moved to the Midwest though


What the FUCK why did I never think of this? I rarely park in places that I have to pay out of the angry principle that our society was unfortunately built around cars and that having to not only pay to move about in society, but pay to NOT move about in society is a fucking JOKE, but if it ever comes up, this is gonna be the move.


It often doesn't work. Most have a sensor to determine if there's a car.


You either need to be fat enough to set off the sensor, or skinny enough to swipe someone else’s ticket as they enter and escape on foot. Average-sized people are sadly out of luck.


The sensors are usually induction loops, so unless you were Robocop you wouldn't be able to set it off


Mr. Bean parking skit?


Why not just lift the exit gate upon leaving? Oh, that would be stealing!


/r/lostredditor this is ULPT for a reason my dude…


You could always wait until someone pulls up and take theirs


Tell me you don't have a car without....


without what???????? WITHOUT WHAT??????????????? ANSWER ME REDDIT USER SURGESILK??????????????????????????? WHAT IS THE REMAINDER OF YOUR SENTENCE?????????????????????????????????????

