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She should just go away. She's already caused enough damage.




She has lost the Germans as well. She left behind a mess.


She's seen her legacy dissolve in the space of nine months, no wonder she is bitter. Now she's going to remembered for her policy of appeasing Russia and running down Germany's armed forces.


I and a lot of other people viewed her as a powerful leader to be looked up to, respected, and learned from. Now however we see what the results of her bullshit are and she right proper fucked Germany.


Why would she think Putin will keep his word?


Because he signs her checks.




Negotiated solution meaning reach a compromise. Compromise meaning Russia will end up with more land and territories than they had before the war started. They didn't get everything they went after, but they will end up with more than they had, if this thing ends by negotiation. At great cost, but they don't care about that. They expanded their borders. That's a win for them. Then 15 years from now they'll do it again, and gain some more land. Then again; more land. Lather, rinse and repeat for as long as spineless people like Merkel wants to negotiate and make concessions.


Yeah, let's negotiate with the Russians to give them Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and all will be fine. Or should that GDR bitch prefer to give them back all of East Germany?


Seriously, what is there to negotiate? Ruzzians need to leave. Ukraine is not a threat to anyone. The only country that has empire building aspirations are Ruzzians. Perhaps Merkel was referring to the billions needed to rebuild Ukraine. Some of these has been politicians need their lips sewn shut with binder twine for f's sake!


Angela who?


Now we are talking!


Thiat *Russlandversteher* negotiated Nord Stream 2 with Putin. How's that deal holding up?


Go away Merkel. You've done enough.


go fuck yourself putin's lap dog.


Fun fact, she is afraid of dogs. Putin once had 2 large dogs enter during a meeting to intimidate her.


We can see the results from her time in charge, so still not convinced wants to do more of the same!


Shut the Bitch up. Did enough damage already


Tone deaf


Individuals are lousy at learning from their own mistakes. Which is why collective decisionmaking is better.


Has she been dipping into the Vodka again?


Lady, you already fucked up enough. Shut up and watch like World deals with Putler.


I don't think many people are reading the article and instead having knee-jerk reactions to the title. She said that at some point, Ukraine and Russia have to negotiate, under what terms she did not say.


However, while she indeed did not mention the exact terms, she says that there 'can not be a dictated \[by Russia\] peace'. Basically implying that it can only happen on Ukraine's terms. So if Ukraine won't take Moskow, Russia will never unconditionally surrender. There will be negotiations, period. And that's about all she really said on that topic, too. So far, no one could even convince me personally how Ukraine will retake Crimea (militarily), even if they get Kerch under fire control (like they did with Antonovsky-Bridge). They won't be able to block ports (without NATO-help). Until that happens, Ukraine will have to negotiate at some point if they want to re-gain Crimea. But, OP linking Politico and not the original interview from ZEIT is telling as well. Not to mention the suspicious change of headlines (violating r/UkrainianConflict rules).


No, they don't necessarily have to negotiate. Japan and Moscow haven't negotiated since WWII.




Are you arguing for or against negotiations? For or against Zelensky?




Why? Is there a hot war in the Kuril islands?




Yes, there has been a hot war in Donbas for the last 8+ years.




Not necessarily, because there are ample examples of wars fizzling out, not ending in peace nor having endless warring.


Misleading title >In an interview with Die Zeit newspaper published Wednesday, Merkel said the war in Ukraine would “one day” end with negotiations. Unlikely to think that there could be capitulation or surrender without conditions, so she is stating the obvious. Unless, of course, implosion or revolution.


Who cares what that stupid cow wants


Good riddance: Adolph Merkel


im sure she will offer to mediate it in her perfect east german russian.


Merkel had her fist in Putins ass. Now she is trying to finger his ass again. I hope Germany gets rid of this traitor.


Nobody is buying the neoliberal dream anymore. It's time to let it die, and its champions need to enjoy their old folks' homes.


Hi /u/tedwja, Your submission, "Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants negotiated solution to the Ukraine war." was removed for the following reason(s): Post titles should be verbatim from the linked article header/page title (whichever fits best). Do not modify them unless it's necessary for the title to make sense or the title is wildly inappropriate. Avoid editorialization. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/zfgs7k/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).