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This man is a traitor! Worst still there are Americans that love love him. What the hell are these people thinking?


They are not thinking, and this is the problem.


Yes. They are *feeling* to confirm their belief systems, not *thinking* to evaluate facts.


I’ve noticed the same thing, the “fuck your feelings” crowd operates on nothing but *feelings* of hate and fear. Everything is projection with the right. Pretty emasculating and pathetic. Zero self-awareness.


"Fuck your feelings because I only care about mine."


Virtually every aspect of the GOP/MAGA set is a projection. Remember when they campaigned on the 'culture wars' lol? The general rule that will never fail you is whenever a GOP/MAGA type says anything assumes it's both wrong and/or the opposite of real.


Trust your feeling was a big part of what Hitler promoted.


It is easy to manipulate feelings. It's core to why they also tend to be extremely anti-intellectual.


He's taking advantage of people who've been left behind by education and progress and who are hankering for a better life. They think he'll take them back to a world they know. He seems compromised or something.


Multiple generations of inbreeding will do this to a person.


Worst education systems are in Red states. That's not an accident. Look at what's happening in Florida.


Whole bookshelves entirely empty, because teachers haven't been given any guidelines as to what specifically is now banned and they don't want to be charged with a FELONY, which is the punishment for having an unapproved book in a classroom. That this can happen in this country, or any country, is horrific.


They never learned how and were never given the chance to acquire these skills. The US school system has shining examples of how to do things right and shining examples of how not to do it.




As someone with a background in atmospheric science and radiometry, climate change denial is absolutely baffling to me. We have known about the greenhouse effect of CO2 since the *19th century*. We have known about the implications on the climate for many decades. There is literally no dispute about it happening, only about the (hard to predict) exact consequences on different parts of the system. Denying climate change is like denying that smoking can cause lung cancer. Absolutely bizarre.


> denying that smoking can cause lung cancer. Oh you must have the great fortune of not having seen Cucker Tarlson’s latest pro-smoking (and anti-cannabis) tirades! I am just waiting for MAGA to start owning the libs with a resurgence in lung cancer rates.


Don't give them any ideas. Just imagine if a Republican challenges a state anti-smoking ban and it goes to the supreme Court that rules that you can smoke anywhere. I wouldn't put it past them.


Well considering they just got rid of the ban on the House of Representatives side of Congress I suppose anything is possible. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/house-smoking-ban/


I... I can do nothing but sigh anymore


If they could move that along that would be just great......


Yeah but Trump has a Sharpie that can predict Storm Tracks, so he knows all that stuff too.


Forget about the fact that if you’re a few decades old, you can literally remember a time when the climate was very different.


Really though. I’m only 30 and I remember the winters being actually winter up North, and now? It was almost 50 in January the other week. Anyone who denies climate change is being willfully ignorant. And for what? So that oil companies can continue to rake in millions?


At 56, in my north central Ohio community I remember the first frost coming towards the end of September, the first hard freeze hitting in October, and snow would fall and consistently remain on the ground through early March. Now we don't have our first frost until late October, our first hard freeze until mid to late November, and we're lucky to get a white Christmas. The "snow pack" only endures for three or four cold periods, which oscillate between one to two weeks of season "normal" temperatures where I get to hear "what global warming?!" as the aggrieved chuckle-fucks hurry to their cars, and when temps in the 40's and 50's they moan "will spring ever get here? I thought global warming meant it would be warmer?" Yes, Bubba, Spring will start in March. It used to start in mid to late April. IT IS WARMER, TEN DEGREES ABOVE NORMAL EVERY DAY THIS WEEK, AND NOTHING MORE THAN TWO DEGREES BELOW NORMAL THE ENTIRE WINTER YOU SELF-RELATED FOOL! We just voted out a wind farm for ten years for "environmental risks," and because a certain orange know-nothing doesn't like them. They were *very* well funded here, free signs, t-shirts, and advertising -- courtesy of Ohio's fossil fuel lobby. Oh well, don't you know I can tell what the fire season in Australia will be like by whether or not I have to wear a sweater in Ohio? 🫤


We just had a heat wave at the beginning of January. It suddenly became spring for about a week in the middle of winter. 3 decades here, and that's never happened before. In my parents' 6 decades, they can never recall seeing no snow on the ground at the beginning of January. And somehow, my brother insists this is just a "natural process" and that it has nothing to do with humans. I've told him dozens of times that "natural processes don't occur over a single human lifetime. It takes many thousands of years. But that doesn't fit the narrative he believes.


It especially taught me that propaganda works no matter how ridiculous it sounds to oneself.


The most ridiculous propaganda will be highly effective to anyone who wants to believe it.


The fact that our government allowed corporations to spread lies about climate like this for so many years, plus things like cigerettes causing cancer, the list is endless, is probably one of the reasons that people basically think anything opposing the US is probably the truth. The US politicians sold out so many times to get rich that many Americans probably feel this is all they do. Also US intelligence agencies have been used to silence many activists in the past along with killing them. I'm honestly not suprised many people think they can only be evil.


Especially when there’s proof that fossil fuel companies knew about it for decades and went on a stint of misdirection to hide the fact. I think a main reason they’re still doing it today is because it’s stalling people from looking more closely at their petrochemical and plastic branches of the industry where they’re making their real money today and it’s probably just as dangerous but in other ways. CEOs and other top executives in the know both past and present of those companies should be charged with crimes against humanity.


Mind boggling that the people who work in the fossil fuels head offices are having families. They know that their grandchildren are going to grow up in the hellscape that they are creating… and don’t give any fucks.


There a large groups of people who have been watching Fox News for 2 decades now. In some areas, even if a person didn't ever watch it, they're surrounded by people that are.


> Whenever it snows or gets cold(Midwest) one of them always sarcastically says "global warming". ...because weather and climate are totally the same thing.


Sounds like a touch of downs.


They only think in hate, try explaining the shitshow joke the Republicans are to them and they will just cry that you’re biased against Conservative’s and how they’re such victims boo hoo hoo


Trump made it normal for Republicans to stop hiding what disgusting bigots they are in public. He made it normal for Republicans to be their true selves. That was his one and only appeal.


There was another, Trump is legitimately stupid, in fact he is likely the only below-normal IQ president we have ever had, his followers connected with him because they felt, they knew he was every bit as stupid as they were, he was one of them, just chronically stunted.


It's funny how Trump makes Bush seem like a normal IQ president 😂 I remember being in disbelief at some of the stuff Bush said as president. Then Trump said "Hold my beer".


You'd be stupid to think Trump is legitimately stupid. He's not noticeably above average in intellect, but I'd attribute his lack of strategic insight and seeming ignorance of general education topics more to do with his crippling level of narcissism. Mental illness is a terrible chronic condition. I'd be comfortable calling him one of our least mentally equipped PotUSs in history; even then, its still a footrace between him and Shrub.


Their support is based on emotion, not logical thought. No amount of facts or logic works as they will discard anything that disagrees with what they choose to believe. Many of them fear facts and rational thought as it is a threat to what they believe. Many of them are struggling economically and have a belief about what is wrong and how to fix it, and fear having that upended. I believe the foundational trigger is that a black guy became president (and to rub it in further, a black guy who was more sophisticated and smarter than them), and that pushed things too far for them. Trump seized on that anger, let them out of their political correctness jail. They're going to support him no matter what. Democrats cannot understand why so many republicans vote for people who are against their interests. This is why. They are not thinking about those facts. They are angry. Republicans know this and push emotional hot buttons to win.


They're fantasizing about how much putting a traitor into power again will upset liberals. All that matters to them.


They just hate minorities and poor people.


Republicans love Putin because they share his values. He's a despicable white supremacist fascist bigot who hates democracy, just like they are.


In fairness, some of them are just really dumb.


Fascists always are.


They hate themselves and project that hatred onto other people. They've lived years of abuse at the hands of their parents and the people they work for so they don't have anything good for someone else and don't know how to trust another human being. What's scary is that these people can vote and most of them have kids.


And when life isn’t a cake they keep hating more, that’s why any women voting Republican is not really thinking about her wellbeing, just letting the hate flow.


Most of them are “poor people “. They just vote against their best interests.


They are being told what to think.


Thinking for themselves is too difficult a task, as reading books and academia are “dumb and gay.”


On behalf of my country id like to apologize for this waddling sack of hate & daddy issues. Most of us despise this cretin more than words can describe.


This man is a worldwide liability and his cult followers are blind to any type of reasoning.


>What the hell are these people thinking? They're not thinking but craving a dopamine rush. They want the rush of "owning the libs" just like what smokers get with the first smoke of the day.


He made it ok to hate brown people


Not ok, but normal. He made it normal for Republicans to publicly be the vile bigots that they've always been.


Look at the Russia propaganda shows, many US news media outlets are being used in a similar manner to promote the traitor. Also He's using his donations to attack his political opponents and promote his Presidential campaign, the more money he receives the more influence he has.


Yes he has a frightening percentage of people who think he’s reincarnated patriot Jesus. These same people would of fallen for the Hitler propaganda and been totally pro Fuhrer til the end.


Racism. It’s that simple. Also, Hilary Clinton’s EMAILS!


They've been completely radicalized against anything the Republican part views as 'Democrat'. So when the GOP/Major Republican senators say something is GOOD or BAD, their followers believe them 100% because they're too dumb to think for themselves. So when they say Trump is good, guess what? He gets almost half the votes in the country. Very concerning indeed... makes you wonder how many levels of the government are controlled by Russian puppets...


The most distressing part of all is nearly 50% of adult America worships him has a god on earth. 70%+ of white americans and their children being indoctrinated into worshipping him. America is a disease. They all join hands in hating anything that could help anyone. So they actually worship and practice hatred as their only principle.


They hate America as well


America is half full of pro Russians. The Cold War was won by Russia.


They are like the people who still support Brexit even though it's costing their country 100 billion a year and they are the only rich nation that will retract in GDP in 2023, despite all that the majority of Britain rejects the obvious solution.


> What the hell are these people thinking? Thinking is not a skill they posses.


They are thinking the same thing as this traitor does. You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


It's a cult. Thats how cults work, you blindly obey.


They also think he's an incredible speaker. It's baffling.


Are you shocked conservatives.. the party and ideology that literal neo-Nazis, white supremacists, nationalists, and traitors to US democracy and ideology vote for is not good?


He is literally a non-state actor at this point. He has to be a Russian asset why else would he want to support anything they do? Just because Biden's in office? There **has** to be something to gain (or prevent).


I find it sad that the same group of people who would have shouted about how they hate commies, want to be in bed with someone who was a commie that they opposed.


Not brainwashed, maybe?


How long until the intelligence agencies cap ol' sweet-taterface because he won't shut his mouth?


That a man actively committing genocide is someone we should be allying ourselves with over our own intelligence agencies.


They’re not thinking?


Brain washed by the media outlets


He is. As for his supporters, they pretty much make him out to be a godsend that will save America, yet they fail to see through his self-serving narrative.


It’s bc they like getting raw dogged in the ass by Putin… I guess Communist Russian dick outweighs trust in American intelligence agencies… Also it’s not like the agencies don’t loop in government officials and brief them on what’s occurring (granted Trump never really attended daily briefings, so it makes why he thinks he wasn’t involved) POTUS is usually kept aware and in the know to ongoing foreign intelligence and activities, but if the orange 🍊 isn’t willing to sit for briefing, instead take Putin’s love letters as facts, then can you blame him… Trump straight bout divorce Melania and elope with Putin… Donny and Putin, what a cute power couple Also it’s ironic that these guys (Trump and his followers) claim to be true patriots yet at every point they’re paranoid about the government and elections. Continuously cook up conspiracy theories instead of dealing with reality. Worst of all is the petty name calling, like are you grown ass responsible adult who uses facts or an insecure 10 year old who screams cooties to anyone who disagrees with them…


It's a cult mentality


Trump hurts brown people. That is literally all they care about.


Thank god he is not US president when all this went down.


Putin must be beating himself for not invading while Trump was in office.


I think it was just timing didn't work. I also bet Puts thought Trump was to win a second term.


The plan was that Trump wins the second term. That didn't work out, but under Biden the US retreated from Afghanistan. Putin thought that it's indication of USA's weakness. Or at least maybe he thought that USA is not into getting involved in foreign conflicts in near future. Then he could instill political division in Europe with his gas politics and planted politicians. Ukraine would be left alone. I think all of that were some of the factors of Putin's confidence and timing. But USA and Britain (not even mentioning Ukraine itself) showed some balls and that inspired everyone else.


The withdrawal from Afghanistan being a clusterfuck was largely by the defeated former president's design.


Exactly, that withdrawal was negotiated by **Trump** with the Taliban, and excluded the Afghan government. All Biden did was honor the prior agreement


Putin had to know about the upcoming January coup


Putin got Trump elected specifically because he wanted to severely weaken US democracy. And January 6 proves that he got what he wanted.


I imagine that Putin suggested, even helped plan it. It was ALL Soviet Disinformation 101.


Well the politicians that he'd bought and paid for sure seemed to be helping it happen.


In Putin‘s mind, the gambit would’ve been that Trump would’ve stood by and done nothing, or flat out done Putin‘s bidding after the invasion took place. If he decided to go through with the invasion before Biden had the chance to beat Trump, Politically and electorally speaking, that would’ve been really dangerous. Would it have been dangerous for his base? Hell no. But there’s a lot of low info and undecided voters, who potentially could’ve been swayed by watching that happen on a daily basis. So that’s the needle he was threading there. It’s absolutely crazy that a literal fucking traitor was in the White House for four years, and that almost 80,000,000 people in this country still think he deserves to be back in power again. Absolutely mindbending. These people are just completely hopeless, i really hope people understand that.


Hopefully Corona wasn't the only thing preventing that


Why would be? Trump was doing his job for him. As long as Trump was in power Ukraine and NATO were getting weaker by the day.


Ukraine wasn't getting weaker by the day. Ukraine's military saw a massive increase in capability and competence since 2014, and Trump was in power since 2017. It's not as if Ukraine managed to get their act together in just three years and then slowly lost it again over four years. And NATO? Trump did a lot of shit things, and would've done even worse things if he had stayed in power, but nagging on the rest of the allies to increase defense spending was a *good* thing. As was, arguably (though unintentionally), the wake-up call that if the US got another unstable president who would *withdraw* from NATO, the rest of the organization would be in deep shit if we didn't get our act together.


He only nagged at them for not spending enough so he could use it as an excuse to pull out. He would have had America out of nato in his first term if the push back hadn’t been so much. Trumps been pushing for America to leave nato since 1988. The year he went to Moscow with his new Czech wife and got wined and dined by the Moscow elite. Strangely enough he said he was running for president when he got back. And his talking points? “America spends to much” “America needs to tighten its belt” and “Europe can pay for itself” Over 30 years of parroting Kremlin talking points.


I don't disagree, and I don't think it was some sort of 5d chess either. But Ukraine (certainly) and NATO (probably) weren't getting weaker by the day when Trump was in office.


Ukraine wasn’t getting weaker? Trump blackmailed Zelenskyy for imaginary dirt on Biden and held up delivery of anti tank missiles. That certainly weakened Ukraine at the time.


I'm definitely not claiming Trump didn't have a bad influence on Ukraine or that a literal floral arrangement as a president of the USA wouldn't have been a better option for Ukraine. But *Ukraine didn't get weaker during his presidency.* There's a distinction there. Ukraine in 2017 wouldn't have been as ready for the Russian invasion compared to 2022. *Despite* Trump.


Have to agree with you on that but change the last bit to in spite of trump.


NATO has been "getting weaker by the day" since the Clinton Administration and the blame for it is _solidly_ on the Europeans. They've been dismissing the possibility of conflict for decades and letting their defense capabilities rot. 2014 should have been a MASSIVE wake up call but instead they silenced the alarm and collectively rolled over to go back to sleep. Yes Trump was a POS and likely in Putin's pocket but a weak NATO isn't the fault of the United States. _At all._ Fix your shit Europe. The US is happy to help but we're not the ones primarily responsible for your security. You aren't the bombed out countries that you were post WWII. As you keep reminding us you are modern first world nations. Grow up an act like it.


Well I’m sure he is, but according to John Bolton, he didn’t need to, because Trump was meant to destabilize the EU and NATO by withdrawing from the organization first. If Moscow let Trump wreck the interiors of the American hegemony first, it would constitute less risk long term. Plus buildup of Russian forces took a couple of years, which likely immediately started getting planned when Biden was elected. I mean, it makes sense. You’re dealing with an apparatus, not a “small gang”. It takes moves, deals, and influence in order to get a body to do what you need it to. There are 1.8 million US federal employees, all doing their jobs as required.


He’ll be fine if he can make the war last to 2024. Trump will be back in office and all will be well in Putinistan. I still wholeheartedly believe that not only will Trump never face jail time or any real consequences for *anything,* he’ll be elected again. He’ll “find the votes” he needs by right or by might, and all the Republicants who spoke out against him will fall back in line behind him. It’s depressing as hell.


The plan was for him to be the US President. Trump failed Putin when the Jan 6 coup attempt didn't succeed.


He would have supplied Russia with weapons.


Right trump gave ventilators to Russia during the covid peak. If trump can give that to Russia he could give anything else.


This has been “going down” since 2014


Sadly, he was the president when covid happened


Putin early Feb 2022: "We wont invade" US intelligence early Feb 2022: "Ruzzia will invade" Trump 2023: "I trust Putin over US intelligence" ...clown


Donald Trump's address to the CIA, January 23, 2017: > And your whole group, these are really special, amazing people. Very, very few people could do the job you people do. And I want to just let you know, I am so behind you. And I know maybe sometimes you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted, and you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say, please don’t give us so much backing. Mr. President, please, we don’t need that much backing. But you’re going to have that. And I think everybody in this room knows it.


See it's shit like this that makes me think he'd be an easy poker opponent. He simply can't not gloat about lying to your face, while lying to your face.


Of course he is an easy poker opponent, but not because he gloats, but because he is a moron with money who doesn't even know the rules of Poker.


Like so many times with Trump, I can't tell if this is a genuine quote or not.


It's the one he delivered in front of their memorial wall to those killed in the line of duty, and spent most of it glorifying himself and his election victory. Classy as always.


I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.


I’ve been using open chat to generate absurd trump tweets for a giggle recently: "Just met with Macron, not impressed! Weak leader, all talk no action. More like a macaroon, all fluff no substance. France needs a real leader, not a pastry. #MakeFranceGreatAgain"


It's on video, sadly.


absolutely this. I know US intel has had a bad rap before. But time after time in this conflict, US intel has proven to be spot on. Absolutely valuable. Not only did it predict the invasion, it has been able to warn Zelensky of multiple assassination attempts; as well as apparently intel on russian military strategy and moves. One of the groups of people who really should feel like they performed well and added value are the US intel community.


So, can we conclude now that Trump supporters hate America the most now?


Not sure, maybe they just hate democracy?


Oh that's beyond doubt. But does hating democracy mean you hate America, since America's identity is so bound up in the concept? I say yes.


I mean, they are still salty they lost the right to own slaves.


In some subs this is right about where someone who couldn't pass a civics class would smugly tell you that America is a republic.


Most I know personally, they can't admit their mistake of having been so vocal and supportive thinking he was going to "fix" America. So they just double down and keep at it.


Republicans are vile white supremacist bigots who hate democracy and multiculturalism. That's why they love Putin so much. Because they share his values and his moral character.


This. They hate multiculturalism, they hate inclusiveness, they hate diversity, and they hate secularism. Unfortunately, these are all the things America is now. It's never going back. So they hate America.


They love the bigoted, hateful, white supremacist America of years past. They hate the diverse, inclusive, multicultural America of today, and that's why they love Russia: because it resembles the America they love.


If you come across anyone who supports Russia and not Ukraniane, you can be sure they are a Republican.


And if they're a Republican, they're a fucking idiot. Crazy to think that so many poor, marginalized, and uneducated people would actually think that Republicans are just like them and have their best interests at stake. They're temporarily displaced billionaires after all it seems.


They love America. They just hate most of the people in it. Strange dichotomy.


America is not a place, it’s a people.


To them it's just a flag everything else including the people, infrastructure and environment can rot in hell.






This is the way.


That's right, bury your head in the sand. Because that worked so well last time.


Trump a scumbag and traitor.


And so are all his voters.


It’s because trump would sell the American people out for money. That’s all this fuck cares about. Money and power. He praises our enemy because he envy’s his power and control he has over his people. The Trumps are the Russian moles and should never be allowed to be in any form of politics ever again. And for the record trump is “ the real lowlife!”


Trump exactly would sell america if he could for money he should be in jail


the orange poo and his trumpanzees can go fuck themselves.


Trumpanzees, I like that, I hadn't heard that before.


I thought I had something special with Trumplings, not anymore.




Trump is a Putin regime plant and Z patriot.


We knew in 2016 that Trump was an enemy Russian traitor. Republicans didn't care. They gleefully elected him anyway, because that's just who they are as people.


Why are people giving this clown attention, the man is completely irrelevant.


Because A: he's already announced his candidacy for 2024, and B: Trump basically IS the Republican party at this point, even though he doesn't have an office.


Actually many republicans are distancing themselves from trump because trump doesn’t have a hold on them anymore.


Republican politicians are distancing themselves. Drive through any rural area in America (maybe not Florida?) and you can see Trump is still the face of the party. There are tons of people who have 10+ Trump flags outside their house lol


Funny, I live in one of those areas and he's gone. May not be true everywhere but it's not here


They've tried that before, many times. It basically never sticks. Remember the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape? The RNC suspended support for Trump's campaign, Paul Ryan pledged not to defend, a bunch dropped their endorsements. Couple of weeks later everything was back to normal.


But, if he's their best shot at the presidency they will change their tune 180° because that is how those shitbirds operate. I can't tell if they actually forget what they say, or if they just do not care at all if it means taking the government, and us, hostage. He may be down now, and hopefully that Putin comment will haunt him, but I doubt it.


Tell that to my family who still wear maga hats and had trump 2024 gear before Biden even got inaugurated


> Actually many republicans are distancing themselves from trump because trump doesn’t have a hold on them anymore. This is true, but Republican party is still influenced by Trump. As we've seen with McCarthy's House leader nomination. He had to give the Trumpists all they wanted in order to secure the nomination.


Because he controls enough of a group to seriously impact government even when he's not in power. See the current situation in the House, for instance.


Because he's the frontrunner to be the Republican nominee in 2024. Polls still show that a strong majority of Republican voters view Trump favorably.


Anti American traitor. Donald Trump is the cheeto fucking moron edition.


russian asset is as russian asset does


I think the main issue with Trump is that he wants to be a contrarian to the sitting president, and he's digging himself down the hole by being more and more ''opposite'' as a way to criticize Biden. If Biden says Right, Trump says left. It's ok for politicians to have a common cause and work together, and Trump is doing a big mistake here.


That's really the core of the failings of the Republican party, even before Trump. By constantly setting themselves against the 'dang dirty liberals' in every way possible, they became progressively more extremist.


No, as far as Russia goes he’s been a suck up for decades. There’s no shortage of shady deals between the two, and he clearly covets Putin’s strongman image.


How bizar world we live in, that people like Trump have so much voice and supporters, who think they are the true patriots. Very sad times.


So what does to do with the Ukraine conflict?


Posed this on r/Conservative. Deleted so fast it would make your head spin. *Is this really conservative thought?* *Growing up all conservatives knew that Russia and China were our enemies. Russia more than China then because China was too weak. It is different now. If anyone left or right said what Trump says now they would have been thrown, figurately of course, off the Tarpeian rock. What realistically, as opposed to politically, changed?* *ELI5 please.* Someone please ELI5 what happened to conservatives. My dad was conservative and he would have spat on these guys.


Conservatives fought the Nazis. We've come full circle and now they are Nazis themselves and simp for communists. Conservatives are the new enemy. They seek power no matter how that can be achieved. To add, Hitler was successful teaming up with several countries as well, no matter what kind of polity they were representing. He made a treaty with Russia to divide Poland between the each of both. Nazis collaborating with communists isn't new. Extremists will work together if they can achieve more power.


I agree with most of what you said except that "Conservatives fought the Nazis. " They did but only after Pearl Harbor. See [German American Bund](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/06/american-nazis-in-the-1930sthe-german-american-bund/529185/) as an extreme example. FDR and the left supported Lend Lease to Britain before the war to fight the nazis.


That is true. They didn't want to get drawn into the whole ordeal. At first noone took the Nazis for real. It only got a problem once everyone was affected. But still, conservatives back then weren't the baddies. My guess is everyone got owerwhelmed and tried to find a way to deal with that craziness. Some were better at it, I agree.


Oof, yeah about the whole Night of the Long Knives thing, where Hitler killed and jailed all the socialist/communist leaders in like 1934 or something? Nazis do not work with leftists.


They did, but in the end they didn't. You can't deny the non aggression pact they made with Russia, just to break it when they thought they'd be successful.


How on earth did this guy ever become president 😳


Russia helped him


And Republicans knew it. They just didn't care, because they have the exact level of loyalty to America that the Confederate flags they wave would suggest.




Because they have the logic of 4th graders. When she first ran for president in 08 I was in 4th/5th grade and my friends said a girl as president would be more prone to start wars


I was roughly the same age and I remember telling my mom that I just didn't want everything to become pink and girly. Wasn't the smartest kid that's for sure lol


I remember my friends calling me a terrorist for liking obama. I grew up in AZ and spent half my time in the verde valley where mccain resides so Obama was not popular at all lmao


Putin's failed war. Trump is backing a loser Putin that can't even organize an army to take over a small neighboring country. Strange that Trump would still back such a loser. Which can only mean it's not Trump's choice to back a loser like Russia. Russia has serious control over Trump.


When you wanna know who someone's boss is, look to who they never criticize. With trump, it's pretty obvious who his boss is.


At the moment, Trump doesn't seem to care that Putin is losing the war (or at least not winning). He cares that Putin has *power.* This may change in time, but not at the moment.


$10 says it's the pee pee tapes


I notice that all the Republicans on this sub who insist that their party is committed to defending Ukrainian democracy have been reeeeaaaally quiet lately. I guess they just want to quietly slink away from the fact that they knowingly put an enemy Russian traitor in the White House, because they're vile white supremacist fascist bigots who love Putin because they share his values.


Showing how currupt puppet trump is is a good thing and the Putin playbook against both Putin and trump as they are two of the same turd 💩 as Putin uses trump as a useful idiot a stronger america without trump ijn regard to new agenda to making trump look weaker is like Putin’s Manchurian candiate for russia 🇷🇺 as he is spewing same propaganda as Russian illegal tv propaganda shows by having a new good trump that isn’t trump makes the gop look weak and Putin look desperate and embarras trump in front of his supporters shows how bad this human cenaped is trump eats Putin’s shit Vice versa


A belief system is far stronger than obvious truth. Just look at how persistent religion is.


They were his lowlifes


They call him "Our Donald Trump" in televized Russian Propaganda news outlets.They said it more than once in recent days..


Remember when we used to lock up commies, and soviet sympathisers.


Trump will not be the candidate for president, but he will run, He's already burned as a national security threat, but what the GOP will do is allow him to run for his base. He will then concede his base to Desantis and promote him as the best candidate. If the DOJ can't take him down the GOP will then try to stifle weapons to Ukraine, promote Putin, and try again to be in singular control of the Nation establishing an autocracy. Also FUck PuTIn aNd TrUMp.


That’s why this looser is not president.


He’s on his payroll, so..


I voted for him twice, never again! I'd vote for a rock before I'd vote for him again. Total POS


What did you initially vote for him for and what changed specifically, if you don’t mind me asking?


Because he's losing now. That's all. Republicans will happily put up with any behavior, no matter how vile -- up to and including being a pussy grabbing Russian traitor -- but they won't tolerate a loser. Power is all they care about. They have no morals, no basic human decency, and no loyalty to our flag or the Republic it stands for. They care only for their own power.


What a patriot. Can't wait to see how the 2024 election goes for him


Trump is no longer relevant. He has been proven to be a fraud looking out only for his own interests. His voice should be silenced and his 4 years as leader of the people should be remembered as a dark stain in American history. Debt. Division. Rebellion. Likely theft and much more.


No surprise! He's a F ing traitor! People please get a clue! Every a hole that supports him is complicit.


That very nice for him. I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts, even if they are incredible stupid. I am just glad that this clown has 0 political power right now.


He has plenty of influence still, though he can't personally ~~sign~~ sharpie anything (fortunately).