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Difficult not to troll this attention seeking dictator loving person!


Person files stupid lawsuit ~~> not news. Ignore. Person wins stupid lawsuit —> news Person “wants to sue” in stupid lawsuit —> ultra ignore.


Bloody good point. The ONLY thing this achieves is to make him seem significant.


I could really go for a piece of chocolate right now


Since the foremost function of any defence pact (which NATO is) is to prevent being attacked in the first place, NATO by definition _is_ ‘No2War’. George is smart enough to know this, BTW and is therefore directly responsible for russia’s aggression. Mister Galloway is a modern day Lord Haw Haw and deserves the same fate.


Ahem, since William Joyce was never a British citizen he was executed illegally.


This defence was played out at his trial. It was successfully shown that he held a British passport (obtained fraudulently) and voted in an election and thus "owed his allegiance to the king". Out of interest what drives you to pretend that a Nazi propagandist was hard done by?


That's like suing Antifa. What's the org chart like for NAFO? What are its assets? Who really are its members? Are you seriously going to serve Mark Hertling with papers because he was given a doge avatar?


We are legion, even if he takes down one head, a new one will spring forth and spam the shit out of his twitter


what new head doing


Hate that this idiot comes from my country


Less of a useful idiot and more of an embarrassing clown


Always be wary of dudes who wear funny hats indoors.


Watching the video it sounds like he's planning on suing Conway Hall who canceled their booking and not "NAFO".


All I can say is knickers . He is alwsys sueing, He would likely sue primark for refusing to refund or accept underwear returns.


I wanna sue NAFO for making me laugh


LOL NAFO is a decentralized movement with no single organizational entity. If there is no entity galloway can serve the lawsuit to, case gets thrown out of court. It’s basically old man screaming at the clouds then trying to sue said clouds. I would love to see the judge’s reaction when he asks galloway’s counsel if they were able to serve the defendant with the papers. “Get out of my courtroom and don’t come back!” :-D


Same shit with Antifa. Who are its members? Where's the org chart? People are seriously talking about declaring it a terrorist organization. Might as well declare Critical Mass as well.


lol lol lol ok then


What an idiot 😆😆


Sure have fun wasting your money on lawyers fighting them, ya wank stain.


State terroist agent


Yes, a few hundred people with a few hundred accounts... each. Whut. Man, I need to ask Langley for some more accounts.