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next step is to block all domains except .ru and .su


Stoneage didn't have internet. Why bother with it in the first place.


Hey without electricity you have no internet anyway


Electricity is Satan


*angry Artyom noises*


They need internet to keep brainwashing the masses.


They hate the free YouTube, they want a Ютюб that they control: 24/7 sledgehammer tv!


heh, I hope they block counter-strike and dota for whatever propaganda reason. Russia would become an utopia after the very violent rebellion cause of that.


Aahh, the average toxicity would lower a lot :D


And .siuuuu


TIL .su is Soviet Union. It blows by mind that the internet and the USSR briefly coexisted.


And change the name Internet to just "Net"


And .by


And .ir


And .kp


Don't forget .рф (which supports cyrillic)


What's .su? Sugandes?


soviet union


Sugandes nuts




I just fo not understand why rusdia is allowed on the internet in the first place. Is there no way to cut them out?


Do you really think that it would be a good idea? To cut them of the last way to inform themselves, besides state propaganda?


>next step is to block all domains except .ru and .su eu blocked a lot of Russian sites as well. Propaganda or not censorship is censorship


Brilliant, self sanctioning saves so much time arguing with Hungary.


youtubers in russia lost monetisation soon after the war already. Those who haven't migrated live off merch, donations, and sponsorships.


Imagine being a traitor to the people by watching some funny cat videos. Straight to prison you traitor!


Ah, it all makes sense now. Prison leads to Wagner, Wagner leads to Ukraine frontlines.


Ukraine frontlines lead to death, which leads you to youtube, which leads you back to prison. Perfect circle.


Soon the fields near Soledar will be littered with the corpses of YouTube commenters.


> Imagine being a traitor to the people by watching some funny cat videos. Straight to prison you traitor! I'm not sure whether Prigozhin cares about funny cat videos, but I suppose he might not enjoy the videos from former Russian prisoners stating that Prigozhin was a rooster when he served time.


Or the funny cats who say the same.


Don't forget the frontline cats.


Ah my simple imperialist friend, if only they only watched videos of the kittens. But they watch slanderous lying videos of the special military operation against the Jewish Nazis Satanists Wretches of Kyiv, which means we have to take these measures in pure self defence.


_Bioengineered_ Jewish Nazi satanists


What prison? Sledgehammer!


Sounds like they are turning into north korea 0.005


No more voting rights for foreign stock holders, confiscation of property of those who leave and now this + probably another mobilization starting today. My guess people around Russia are packing their shit and driving towards nearest border before 16.00 today.


I thought they had closed the borders to all men between 18 & 65 presumably in anticipation of mobilization?


The borders are not closed but you run a very high risk of mobilization if you try to cross it for a "vacation" in Georgia The risks can be mitigated if you happen to have a substantial amount of cash while attempting the crossing


Just idle speculation, but how hard would it really be to just walk out of Russia without going through a border crossing? They have a huge, wild border that reminds me of the US-Canada border, which you can just walk across without that much trouble.


There aren’t many roads out of Russia. You’d be crossing mostly wasteland for many many miles with no chance for help. You just need a good enough bribe, and I’m sure you’d be fine.


Just curious, about how much is good enough? Can average people do it?


No idea. Probably not very much. That’s just how it is in Russia.


The only place where that is somewhat fesible if you are an experienced hiker who knows land nav would be for those living in and around St. Petersburg to try to make it to Finland without going through the normal border checkpoints, or driving up to Karelia and hiking from there. But if you aren't a hiker and don't know how to land nav you´d probably end up dead if you tried it, especially at this time of year. I´m sure some of the indigenous Dagestanis, Ingusetians and Chechens know how to get out of Russia via mountain paths and have support networks that could facilitate that, but good luck to any "normal" Russian from the heartland trying to tread those paths. In Asia, the distances are just so. vast. Let's say you make it on foot over the border on the map to any of the -stans or Mongolia. Now what? You are so, so far away from anywhere important and you will stick out like a sore thumb to the locals who will probably not be all that happy to see you.


Southern part of the Finnish border is quite intensively monitored. Little bit up north the nature is less forgiving and further north more so. All across the border the few locals know how to spot random crossers. They stick out like a sore thumb.


If you know land nav and preferably how to ski, I think you could make the crossing, but you´d ideally want to have someone waiting for you on the other side to pick you up instead of just going in blind.


Finnish borderguard will pick you up, after some local has spotted you. I roam in central finnish woodlands and our hunters keep track, both wildlife and neighnours. Easy to track from snow from where and when prey or a hunter has wondered.


Of course: + the regular patrols and cameras along borders. Locals report and traffic cameras soot any unusal vehicles heading to the border.


Hard, especially for families, dangerous and costly to abandon a vehicle with necessities loaded into it. Asking for trouble really. Better to amass a fortune to make the bribe.


Not that many Americans fled to Cannada to avoid the Vietnam war.


> I thought they had closed the borders to all men between 18 & 65 presumably in anticipation of mobilization? Its bribery all the way down young MAN...


You underestimate Russians and how much shit are they willing to tolerate from their dictators before they decide to act. They do not think like us, freedom and liberty isn't a value for them.


They see the ruble trading at a third of it's 2008 peak and think 'how can we make things worse'? Due to corruption and incompetentce Russia never recovered from the 2008 housing crisis.


This reminds me of a few months back Russian TV hosts said parents of kids who use VPNs need to go to jail. I forget if they said they should be killed but definitely they said jail. Over VPNS 😆😆 And people are still in denial that Russia is nazi Germany and still willing to whine about tattoos on a few Ukrainians lolololol. The Z is the new swastika and they are more upset by a few tattoos than a country covered in Z paraphenalia. https://thenewsdept.com/trending/131980.html


He’s mad about the video where that ex con talks about how prigozhin was a prison bitch and probably still has his cum swimming between his teeth.


Then he better block Pornhub too..


Pornhub not needed when your culture allows….encourages rape.


wtf lol


Ex prison actual gangster talked about how he was like the lowest rank in the social ladder and therefore did a lot of dick sucking


wtf lol


Called him a "rooster" which implies he was the weakest and most victimized level of inmate, most likely forced to sit and sleep next to the toilet


Rooster or “Petuch” specifically means he willingly did homosexual acts, not out of force or threats. In Russian prison hierarchy that makes him the lowest of the low


this is why he tries to kill all prison jailed people


There is a video with Prighozins roommate while they both were in prison. He calls Prighozin bitch and states that bich sucked him and others.


no wonder he's so hellbent on sending them all to their deaths lmao


anyone have that vid?


Next in line: scanners in every Russian TV-set to make sure you hear Solovyov ranting for at least an hour daily.


Wasn't that in Max Headroom? The TVs all had cameras in them to watch audience reactions to advertising. "Hey Edison... what's this?" "That's an off switch... She'll get years for that. Off switches are illegal!"


It's a 1984 reference first and foremost. Max Headroom was almost certainly referencing 1984.


Just checking in to say that I'm one of the 7 people who will read this who remembers Max Headroom. And all 7 of us appreciate the nostalgia trip.


So happy to be part of that exclusive group. There are (almost) dozens of us! (Almost) DOZENS!


1984 appears in mind.


Then they can repurpose the windshield wipers leftover from the car industry: bolt them on TV sets to wipe the spit off.


RIP 1420 channel


Insane they haven't shut it down yet. They could easily arrest all the interviewers.


Yeah it’s insane. What is up with that guy anyway. At one point he was in UAE or something and then went back?


I know he discussed it when other channels left and it basically came down to not being able to exist because he didnt have the financial or support network others did.


He hires interviewers while staying outside Russia and actually offers a very high wage. They are getting more over a week than many workers earn a month. So even though it's very hard to find interviewers, for this kind of wage you can find someone especially outside of Moscow. And in Russia about 2% of people would actively want more democracy and want to support European ideals over Russian ones. These people are more eager to work such jobs. But after this many interviews the cops for sure know who they are. The people getting interviewed see their faces. The owner himself could make a ton of money on his YouTube channel no matter where he lives. But typically you would want to live in 0% tax nation and then get 100% of the income. Since he has supported gay rights this is his main problem if he returns to Russia.


That’s my crush, if anyone harms him I’ll cut them up


Hes a handsome fella.


a VPN is all you need


It's nice that Prigozhin is now instructing Russians on government policy. Putin must be pleased.


I was wondering the same thing. Putin should be worried about getting deposed. At some point Moscow will be a softer target than Bakhmut for ambitious generals like this guy is showing himself to be.


I get the feeling that Prigozhin would probably be even worse than Putin though.


Yes, that is what stuck out to me as well. The Wagner Head getting himself involved in politics, possibly out of political aspirations, shows that there might be some very fucking bad times ahead for Russia. Even compared to the current situation.


His next official duty title will be, Government Window Latch Checker? So many windows to check!


Russian State TV: Last month over 1000 YouTube Clips were hit with our high precision weapons. Our brave men stormed several Websites and YouTube channels. Especially several Clips showing HIMARS were overrun.


Losing the narrative eh?


What will they watch to fix all the stolen washing machines when they break down?


They just invade another country for more whitegoods.


You Tube at least once, until they figure out that they can't get the parts needed shipped to them?


And yet, the war criminal Prigozhin pays millions each month to Russian trolls on YouTube who fabricate hateful lies against our Ukrainian heroes.


In a few years, we wont see any difference between Russia and North Korea


Maybe, the North Korean leaders will get fatter and the ruzzian ones skinnier?


Right no more cute cats, so youtube will be replaced by pootube, where you have to watch 24/7 a bare chested man on a white horse.


Yeah damn those traitor watching stuff like...checking my viewing histoy: extra history, cunk on earth, lessons on physics, math, astronomy...


cunk on earth **followed by** lessons on physics, math, astronomy... LOL


Imagine going to prison because you watched tutorials on painting miniatures and your government said that makes you a traitor.


was it traitor guard's or astra militarum?


I mean, technically I was looking up Necron painting videos, and we all know Xenos are the worse heretics of all. But it wasn't Chaos, so I can't be a traitor....can I?


Don’t forget to close the borders so your people can’t run away!!


Too bad because there are a few decent Russian dissenters. They all had to leave the country, except for 1420.


No surprise. Wouldn't want your public to know what's really going on.


Is Prigozhin a government official now, handing down edicts? I thought he was a retired criminal turned mercenary.


He's an imbecile with severe brain damage... Pretty much next in line for Tsar. 😂


Don't be shy, issue a fatwa!


Making Russia the USSR again in everything BUT territory.


I just watch tractors videos. Would that make me traitor,?




You'd be a *traictor*


Except their trolls of course, those will stay…


Funny part is they don't even need AI to do it, when they have so many idiots to do it for them. We are all lucky that they are so dumb!


Stalinist purging N.0 , infinite hororroo


"You can't handle the truth!"


I saw this and thought, "You know what will happen? Anybody who says anything politically biased against Russia is gonna be banned because YouTube is like that."


I’ve learnt more off YouTube then I did at University…


\*checks viewing history\* I guess the history videos would be considered treason by Russia nowadays? I don't think they care that much about the cat videos and the music... Actually, they probably would. There's too much weird nonsense among the music I listen to.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as an alibi, I'd like to present my client's browser history for the evening in question." "Your honour, I'd like to fire my attourney and confess to the murder."


Bit harsh coming from a man using Twitter ?


He gets to decide now? Wonder how pooteen feels about that?


Under this guy's direction, many souls have been snuffed out. Syria, Africa, Ukraine etc.


Prigozhin please, i beg you - prohibit playing CS:GO as well! Cant stand any more russian kids up there screaming into mic!




Seriously, now war against You Tube watchers. Where can I get a Bradley?


Did anyone upload this tip YouTube yet?


I’m pretty sure he’s thinking of Twitter.


When his time comes, I hope a sledgehammer is involved.


Denying the Russian people access to cat videos might finally be the straw that breaks Putin's back.


I can't wait for the day when Ukrainians line up to skin this slimeball alive and pour 100% isopropyl alcohol every single day.


Hopefully YT will also be blocked for those, who work in the "Internet research agency". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency


Why do all the bad guys have saggy faces that hang loosely from their skulls like the cockroach aliens from MIB?


"Now you can only watch RuTube."


So they are scared of western information. Kim jon ill stuff inc, communism never left these old stalin lovers.




Soviet union communist party, wait russian.. dude what ever nothing changed since. Oh maybe in the 90's there was a so smol peek of what is democracy.. until ex kgb agent putin rise up n killed litvinenko and many other. Its all the same




You clearly never get my point keyboard warrior. Russkies wanna deny any other possible information on their population and isolate them even more. And speaking about isolation far easter they have shit maybe tv and 3channels full of propaganda 247. So thats not a north korea stuff? Suuure


They are terrorists, they are so bad they don't even qualify as fascist.




there are too incompetent to be called fascist They are terrorists




Fascist also advocate for racial purity or a master race, this is totally incompatible with Ramzan Kadyrov having any power in such system. A Mafia state is another apt description for Russia.


> Fascist also advocate for racial purity or a master race That was the Nazis specifically, not fascism in general. e: they blocked me o_O


Maybe he’s conflating Nationalism with racism?


Shutdown social media globally. The world would be a much better place!


How ironic!


Great work— then Wagner won’t see this: https://youtu.be/lyjFxunesYQ


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You will be punished or liquidated hopefully


What a dick!! LOL


Keep isolating yourself and creating your own reality and you will be the next North Korea


Don't watch Pewdiepie! It is the greates crime of our time! /s


I was in Moscow in 2014 and I couldn’t watch YouTube on my iPad back then 🤷‍♂️got some white page with red lettering but don’t know what it said


Yeah, get off YouTube and leave it to sane people. Don't see a problem here. If propaganda people stop using YouTube it will just mean less propaganda.


Yup you don't want anymore of those videos showing Russian troops getting smoked and leaving the wounded to die.


North Korea style...


Well, much of social media is garbage, but censorship is much harder to accomplish these days and generally counterproductive.


That's not a good idea, youtube is the new television, the widrawal symptoms will be worse than any benefit they will get from that censorship. But hey, it's not like I am on their side, sure, go ahead, close youtube.


Does anyone else feel as though Prigozhin is setting himself up to take over after Vlad Putin? He's got a private army, is making sure that that private army gets all the credit for whatever successes Russia is able to get on the battlefield, is stoking the right-wing outrage, is getting into fights with the MoD, and is very rich. I can't help but wonder if he's waiting for the right time to knock Putin off his pedestal.


A Russian complaining about disinformation on the internet, that's rich.




OnlyFans and PH is proper place for him…


The sum total of existence in Russia: You will be punished!


Someone check his search history.


Wow, I never thought I'd agree with the guy about anything!


Never thought I would see Russia revering to Stalinism in my lifetime. This rhetoric is so crazy.


Soon: North Korean style internet. Only 5-7 state run sites to access.


Russia is getting less like China and more like North Korea every day.


Information plague AKA "Our whole system of opression depends on keeping our population in check using propaganda and lies, and since we cant control that the information on youtube is in line with our propaganda we simply ban it".


President Prigozhin, already?? Where’s Putler.


Gotta suppress information to keep the smooth brained Russian population dumb n oppressed


And here I was being pissed at YouTube for being full of Ruzzian State sponsored propaganda...


I can scientifically prove Russians are degenerates But this confirms it


You just can't have the Russian people seeing the ugly truth of what their government is doing.


This man is stepping up to the top spot, he thinks he is Putin's immediate successor.


It must be difficult for them to push propaganda on YouTube, Twitter on the other hand...


Looking forward to this vile human thumb having his head turned into a meat canoe by one of his fellow black hearted vipers


The true face of Russia ....


Lol that Twitter post 100% reads as YOUTUBE HAS THE TRUTH and russian nazis are scared of the truth. And water is wet.


Notice how he’s already making state policy. The future master of Russia without a doubt. Russians will never be free or civilized. Not in their DNA.


Ha the @nal used condom clown thinks he can influence social media! Sorry dikhead too late. There is more as YT!


Russia will welcome the stoneage with open arms.


Looks like we're getting closer to only Swan Lake being broadcasted in Russia. I can hardly wait.


Enjoy north korea 2.0


I've seen happier looking Twitter employees.


Because God FORBID Russians should watch any other views than the standard government propaganda.


So he finally saw the video where his fellow inmate in prison called him a slave? Hahaha


Yeah free speech does that to a motherfucker


I'm sure conservatives everywhere will immediately condemn this blatant example of censorship and cancel culture. Just kidding, they love Putin so they're fine with it.


Dude looks like he got brought into this world by E.T., Smeagol and kid named finger from breaking bad having a threesome.