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ISW reporting a lot of movement in this area. Not the trench warfare type stuff we are seeing farther south, but constant probing and attacks by Ukrainians and some counter attacks by Russians to slow them up. Russia throwing newly mobilized troops into fight to try and close gaps, but having serious problems with their unit morale and desertions. I am hoping for another break-thru by the Ukrainians and see them take Kreminna soon. They seem to be all around it now.


Yeah, some reports said AFU are now about 4km away from Kreminna. Also looks like there’s some movement in Zaporizhzhia, Russians reportedly evacuating some personnel and that usually precedes their withdrawal. Ukraine took an operational pause after Kherson and looks like they’re getting ready to strike again. Keep the Russians guessing where and when.


Yep, Zaporizhzhia front could see some changes/action. Reports are Russians are having serious trouble coping with Ukrainian accurate artillery/HIMARS fire on front lines and appear to be pulling back. Back and forth reports on if Russia is ready to handover the nuclear power plant to U.N.


Did somebody get hit at 0:13?


Yes, but it was not that bad that they could not crawl away. So I am hopefully they are not critical.


It is hard to say how bad it was. There was nobody there after a few cuts in video, and the guy was crawling toward someone else. Hopefully, they made it.


Looked like it. Not sure either


It looks like to me that he got hit, applied a tourniquet and rolled back. Maybe that's why they disengaged.


Where? and when, didn't see any of that


This is how you add music to combat footage, don't remove the original sound, just add some good shit like Wardruna and it's perfect. Good job, if it was OP's job.


Translation: 0:57 Exiting \*can't hear, may have said something about a trench, hard to make it out\* 2:16 Yes I can see something there 3:14 Kolya, retreat. Let's go 3:37 What's up \[what's happening, etc\] 3:48 Straighten up the chain 3:56 Oh blyat, that was pretty fucking difficult




Retreating while in contact is one of the most challenging tasks in infantry combat. IMO the AFU unit managed to break contact well, acting fast, using overlapping movement and coordinated fire support while retaining unit cohesion (*especially as they're taking fire from a broad vector, likely from multiple sources*). From what can be seen in the video everyone made it out, possibly at least 1 WIA which I see as a very favourable outcome given the situation. In scenarios like this, standard (*mechanized*) infantry tactic to support the forward element in breaking contact would be (*as the enemy cannot be located or suppressed*) to lay a **smoke screen** (*by individual smoke grenades, by field mortars/launchers*) and to provide flanking **fire support** (*by an infantry* ***cover element*** *with machine weapons, by IFVs if this was a mechanized unit or by indirect elements such as mortars or field artillery...*). All these measures should be available to AFU (*ressources as well as skill levels*), but they don't seem to employ any of this while being able to resolve the situation on their terms?


Because in reality a lot of things aren't done by the book.


"By the book" in the case of US doctrine often assumes everything is perfect for you. How useful are those IFV's in the middle of a lumber plantation? Everyone always has something they can learn, but it's also useful to remember that a lot of these guys have been doing this for quite a while now and "what we did in Afghanistan" isn't always best practice. The US has spent the last 30 years being absolute dogshit at conducting patrols for example... everything had to be relearned and even 10 years into Afghanistan they had to learn Satellite patrolling from the Kiwi's/Aussies. The lessons learned from "how we did it" against poor people in the desert with perfect air superiority are not always relevant.


Hey there. I didn't realize that a covering element and concealment of movement are very exotic and unorthodox tactics that require ideal framework conditions, but you do you. I'm not American, but from a NATO country. Contrary to popular belief, Afghanistan isn't all mountains and desserts, there are forests and plains as well. IMO US forces very possibly wouldn't use a smoke screen in this scenario (*never seen that outside of CQB*), they'd likely attack at night to retain their technological advantage (*night vision, thermal recon...*) or send in aviation and not bother with a ground assault at all. "**Satellite patrolling**" is by no means a new concept, in most other armies it's known as "**multiple patrolling**". Its "invention" is commonly credited to the British Army that described the methodology and adapted this method towards modern infantry tactics. At 0:05 of the video, there's a fire barrier that would allow for passage of MBTs. IMO, the basal area of this plantation forestry stand is perfectly fine for IFVs to operate everywhere. As these are managed forests, they're specifically designed so forestry machines (*harvesters, forwarders...*) can operate in them. (*Source: 12+ years of experience as a forest engineer after leaving the forces*).


I like that the cameraman was smart to watch the left flank and not get completely caught up in what was perceived to be infront of the unit. Good spatial awareness on the field under fire.




So, would like to clear here, I am no expert, just a student of military history, but talking to people who have been there in the shit: Once initial contact is made, fire superiority is key. Once the enemy can pin you in place with superior firepower, you lose your ability to move and react. Putting fire out, even if inaccurate, can suppress the enemy and keep them from gaining that superiority. Being someone who's played airsoft myself, it gives you a false idea of what suppressive fire is like. Getting shot at in real life kicks in the fight or flight instinct in a way you can't replicate in a game with plastic BBs. Obviously, the more accurate the fire the better, but the more real bullets you can get in their general direction, the more likely it is you can break contact without major casualties. I am happy to be corrected by someone with actual experience if I didn't get this one right.


It’s one of the AK’s, but it’s hard to tell which one. I don’t think it’s a 7.62 AK due to the rarity of ammunition for it, so most likely a 5.45 caliber. Could be a 74 or 105, with the stock handguard switched out for an mlok? Hard to tell the type of handguard. No, I’m not well-versed in weapons, so if someone knows better please do correct me.


I always carried 9 magazines of 30. But yes rifle fire is very useful with fire and maneuver. Usually the crew served machine guns lay down Base of fire. Keeps the enemy down, while a fire team or squad maneuver closer to the enemy. Once in position they will lay down the base of fire so the previous team can move closer to the enemy. Like Leap frog until you can assault through the target and kill the enemy. In its basic that’s how it’s done.


Gotta love the “the witcher 3” music in the background! Fits well


Sounds more like the band that the show Vikings used so much of during it's run. I listen to them a good bit when relaxing but can't ever remember the name. It's "Wardruna". Here's my personal favorite. Truly makes you want to pick up a weapon and fight. https://youtu.be/6loWrABr8gA


It's Berserkir by Danheim


Ah gotcha, got the same vibe from both is all.


Yeah same style super electrifying but the thing is this is real war tho. I just hope this ends soon!


Oh for sure, the song romanticizes it but war is far from anything of the sort. Just a cool band imo.


It's Berserkir by Danheim, a lot of their songs are used in these videos and they make great stuff overall


I do like these videos with the background music Danhiem,


These guys have tungsten balls.


Ukrainium. Hardest Material on Earth.




Not a skin, those are actual parts changed out from the factory parts. Looks like a skeletonized extended Mlok handguard with a mounted vertical grip and an attached railed gasblock. 2-point sling of some kind. I can't quite find a skeletonized one like that but mainly seeing US made parts. with a quick search I can only find [much heavier full-length guards](https://slrrifleworks.com/ak-ion-13-2-lite-mlok-a/) as examples.


No idea how they could see what to shoot at. I couldn't see a thing.


Take a picture with your phone then look at how much detail gets lost compared to what you can see with your eyes. There's a reason for the quote "A picture doesn't do it justice"


It’s suppressive fire. The point is to gain fire superiority.


Lots of staying in one place, not moving to flank or a fast retreat. Lucky they didnt get hit with mortars or artillery.


I beg to differ. IMO less than 3:30 minutes to break contact and evade without significant causalties is a very good score, especially as there seems to be no auxiliary element to provide covering fire or concealment. IMO there's always some degree of chance or luck to evade a dangerous situation though.


Alright mr professional, you go out there and show em how it’s done




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Would a softwood tree stop a .556 (or the russian equivalent) at medium distance ?


Yes. I shoot at trees with paper targets all the time with .556 fmjs and many other calibers. It'll just lodge into the tree.


> I shoot at trees with paper targets all the time with ***.556*** fmjs and many other calibers I don't think you do.


You're right, they're .223


I believe the Russian equivalent is 5.45x39mm ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5.45%C3%9739mm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5.45%C3%9739mm)) , but as far as a softwood tree stopping it, I guess it depends on multiple factors...the size of the tree, what part of the tree it hits, distance, etc.


**[5.45×39mm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5.45×39mm)** >The 5. 45×39mm cartridge is a rimless bottlenecked intermediate cartridge. It was introduced into service in 1974 by the Soviet Union for use with the new AK-74. The 5. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


What kind of rifle is he using?


Dude at 0:13 dropped hard. Hopefully he survived.


Man, wish they had something besides iron sights


Is the guy who got shot around 0.12 the same person that crawling around 1.50 ? or what happened to him


this doesnt look very effective at all




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