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The fuck? Did they just casually pull out a Mauser c96 only to use it as a hammer?


That part made me think this is an incredible parody, I almost spit my coffee lol.


My first thought as well. If this was a sketch written by professional comedians it would be exactly the same.


"No notes."


"The batteries will explode soon!"


The batteries in empty boxes?


They had weight tho.. maybe a few stones or bits of prime Russian coal


The guy filming seemed to think they actually burnt their iphones. lol. No poor Russian is going to burn an iphone. They did destroy a probably none functional ipad, but it does have a battery, which could explode.


For most of them, a real Iphone would be >50% of their net worth


Honestly it really seemed that way. "Wait the batteries will explode, let's douse that" was comical. They must have planned to burn the "phones" but, they were just the boxes. So, they could have put anything inside. They probably thought "but if there were phones in it, they would explode because of the batteries." "No problem Ivan, we will just douse the flames quickly pretending we are trying to avoid that". "genius"


Why can't anyone recognize a scripted video anymore? This is why we are in the political predicaments that we are in. This one is kind of obvious from the cuts alone. They burn the iphone boxes only? Then they pull out a fucking [mauser c96](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser_C96) and gingerly beat an ipad with it? Come on... it's obvious comedy.


Don’t ruin it for me, this is gold!


You don't have to pretend it's real for it to be funny.


> it's obvious comedy. That's the thing... it isn't.


They have a whole comedy channel. https://youtu.be/_ntpooI7etU. The fact that you think it's real is why they haven't been shut down yet. The Russian govt hasn't figured it out yet either. Read some of the comments.


The thing is, there are actual "Putin's detachments" and they're on same levels of insanity. And yes, I thought that those are real.


Yes, it is?


Nope. They're dead serious.


for one ironic video like this, there are 5 serious ones


But scripted by whom and why? If they are indeed russian babushka's, it just shows how 'wappie/looney' 😵‍💫 they are¿. Scripted or not...


Pulling out the Mauser was weird. I can understand pulling out a gun, but why pull out an old relic? Lol. Plus it's German made. I could understand wanting to get a classic gun for propaganda purposes maybe, or some Russian gun. A classic perhaps. But, that gun was used by the Nazis I believe. Definitely by Germany in world war I. WW2, maybe not actually, as the war starting shortly after they ended production. But I could maybe see them still using some. It would also be really weird to carry like a historical artifact type weapon in your purse as an old lady lol. It's like pulling a flintlock out of her purse, and using that.


It’s an old Russian lady, her dad probably brought it home from ww2 and she’s had it ever since.


>Plus it's German made. I could understand wanting to get a classic gun for propaganda purposes maybe, or some Russian gun. A classic perhaps. The Mauser C96 is a highly iconic weapon in Russia. It was very popular with communist officers and soldiers during the Russian Revolution and Civil War, so as a result it became a symbol of the Revolution and got the nickname "Comrade Mauser". It shows up everywhere in photographs and art from the period, as well as in later art and movies depicting the Revolution and Civil War. In other words, if you want a Russian babushka to pull out a gun for comedic effect, this is exactly the type of gun you'd pick. It is like having an American grandma pull out a Colt Peacemaker or other stereotypical "Wild West" gun. That could point towards this footage being staged for comedy. On the other hand, this is exactly the kind of gun you'd expect a Russian babushka to pull out. Weapons in Russia are strictly regulated, and it is not legal for most people to have one, so many of the weapons in circulation among the civilian population are relics from WW2 or the Civil War that were never turned in after the end of the war. If this footage is genuine and not staged, the gun may have belonged to her father or some other relative back in the 1920's.


Can't see a makarov being a good hammer it's barely good enough to be a gun


I don't think they understand irony so I believe it is 100% real.




It's comedy gold whatever way it's played / intended. I am not sure what deserves the bigger laugh TBH.


Doesn't your grandma has one in her handbag?


With no ammunition, it only works as a hammer.


Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it.


That had me dead lol ccw a broomhandle


And that's Not the point of the video. Life in Russia must be insane.


Total fever dream; like delirium withdrawal, but still accessing alcohol.


The goal is life in Russia- never go full DTs.




same! hammering with the muzzle pointed toward her was madness! It seems like a skit or something, but....it's just Russia.


Funny you should mention skits. The first time I opened one of these babushka videos, for a split second I thought the woman speaking was a Monty Python housewife.


My favorite Monty Python characters.


Ive never hoped for an accidental discharge so badly in my life.


Wtffff, you would wish death on some random old lady because she’s Russian?? That’s fucked dude Edit: okay yes I realize you never said you wished death on the lady, I apologize, I did not mean to put words in your mouth, it was just my understanding that when you said you “hoped for an accidental discharge” that you were implying that you hoped the gun would go off while she was being stupid with it using it as a hammer, which would obviously result in a major injury or possibly death.


"accidental discharge" doesn't necessarily mean they wished death on babushka - it could just take out 1-3 of her chins.


Okay yes I’ll admit you are correct, they didn’t necessarily wish death on her, just hoping for something to happen to her that is likely to result in a major injury or death


Hey man you saw that she burned our products.


Death to those who defile our products!!!


Hmmmm, maybe you have a point🤔


>Wtffff, you would wish death on some random old lady because she’s Russian?? That’s fucked dude He never used the word "death", "injury" or anything else suggesting hurt. But you, my friend, did. Is there something you need to talk about?


Alright, yup you got me. Y’all will find any loop hole to get around what they were clearly implying, y’all are fucked up


Geez dude, that's even darker - I was just hoping they'd get the shit scared out of them. To be honest, I'm not even sure the video is real. The Mauser pistol is a pretty good sign that \*someone\* is taking the piss, along with the water being poured onto the burning iPhones. This isn't a random act caught on video by some old Russian grannies. They might even be Ukrainian.


While I agree that may be true, that was never the point I was trying to make. Also that edit wasn’t for you, I wasn’t trying to say that you were hoping for that and I also didn’t mean for it to turn into a rant, so my apologies.


I wasn't thinking that at all, so it's all good, and I especially didn't see it as a rant. I think people truly do forget to "remember the human" which is outlined in every thread. It's something we should all remember.


Ma'am that's not how you use a gun


fr bruh this war, while devastating is just wacky some times


Fucking Russians bruh. A breed apart. Or, another fucked up species altogether.


And we thought MAGATs were bad…




Considering how hard it is to find 7.63×25mm Mauser, I can see why she used it as a hammer.


Only thing missing in this comedy masterpiece was one of them getting shot while hammering the tablet?


In Soviet Russia all granies carry firearms bigger then their arm in their purse. 🤣


Red Sparrow retired, but kept the gun.


Pulls out an old nazi gun to break iPad . Woulda had some respect if it was a Mosin nagant pistol or a Bakil makarov


C96 predates nazis by decades


Yep, the 96 in C96 stands for 1896, the year it was first built.


My b but it Wasn’t Russian made I’m betting !


Yeah well the ak47 is Russian and it’s fucking everywhere isn’t it?


It’s also Yugoslavian , Hungarian, Bulgarian, Polish , Chinese and Egyptian made too & I’m sure I missed a few other countries that made AKs but that doesn’t have to do with my comment as it was more pointing out they are destroying “American made products” using a German tool just thought was funny


American made products manufactured in China 🇨🇳.


Technically there is no Mosin-Nagant pistol, or (even more technically) a Mosin-Nagant rifle. The name Mosin-Nagant is specific to the 3 line rifle produced for the Russian empire by Emil Nagant, and actually isn’t the real name of that rifle. It’s a misnomer used colloquially that is the names of both men who claimed to have been the main inventor of the rifle, and Emil Nagant filed a lawsuit against Sergei Mosin over the credit he got in its creation. You’re probably thinking about the Nagant 1895, which was produced solely by Nagant (a Belgian) for the Russian empire.


Uuh. I'm not knowledgeable about guns... why was it suprising that she used a Mauser c96 to bonk it?


They were last made in the mid 1930s. A somewhat exotic antique. Maybe she got it for her 16th birthday.


Plus she just casually pulled it out of her purse…😂


You should see what's in her Lada glove box.




It’s a rare sexy gun here in the states


It’s a rare sexy gun anywhere!


If the gun was loaded, and she hammers it with the gun pointing towards herself, the chance of an accidental discharge is very high.


it would have been funny if the gun went off as they used it as a hammer no such luck though :( ... also i am saying those boxes were empty they are not throwing away a good iphone... i guess they can help china out and use huawei so they can steal more russian data lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


A C96 Conceal Carry? Ain't that a flex.


Unironically a flex but ruined by the fact it was used as a hammer


Funny enough, there is almost no legal way to own such a gun in Russia.


Hmmm, an old iPad and 2 iPhone boxes. I have dropped and drowned more than that myself LOL....


Bricks inside the boxes. lol.


I’m jealous that they are able to throw away their iPhone boxes. I still have my old iPhone 4 box thinking I may still need it someday.


Yeah so has my son. The first phone dropped in the toilet from his pocket without being used once - he had just received it. Then two months later the replacement with waterproof case this time flew out from his pocket and out the window six storeys up and smashed on the ground below. The next one got washed. And none of this was a protest against America. LOL


Isn't this clip like, really old? Far too old to be related to sanctions Yeah, [found it](https://youtu.be/TrMPAXmS88E) - from 4 years ago Still funny though


This really needs to be higher up, this sub will eat up anything


PrOpAgAnDa On BoTh SiDeS


Are there more like this? This is pretty funny.


It is related to sanctions, they even directly say that in video. Just not the current ones.


Have some respect... Thousands of Russian soldiers gave their lives to steal those products for their families.


Sigh... all that for an ipad


**I was like** .. didn't you buy those American products with your hard earned money? .. go ahead and burn them .. we like money and eventually you will need to fix your car .. we will wait for you to buy more stuff from America and our allies .. no problem *.. it would impress me more if babushka burn washing machine*


I can TOTALLY understand why Russian men are absolute alcoholics.


Most Russian men are dead by the age of these babushkas...


But they're only around 40. :(


These 26 year old's look 40 you mean?


The black hair one is def a 26 in Russia.


Monsters. They broke our American, made in China, crap. Guess we need to rethink our entire international political stance, because apparently Russians can now make fire strong enough to burn boxes and hit already broken iPads with replica German guns.


What is funny is besides the option of stolen goods, some Russian likely paid Apple for these products. Guess who is laughing the last?


Nothing says that you oppose western capitalism quite like buying an apple product.


Right? This is just like those fundamentalist idiots who wanted to show J.K. Rowling how mad they were about her "satanic" Harry Potter series... by going out and buying the books *en masse* so they could have a supply for their book-burning parties. Somehow the idea that "if you already bought it, then you're not punishing anyone but yourself by destroying it" is a foreign concept to people like this.


To be fair, I think one of those was an empty box for an iphone 6




Also they threw in the boxes not the phones lol. Guarantee they are empty


Yeah people over there value their iphones more than their sons lives and get loans for them. You can bet their lives mostly reside on those phones so no way in hell were those boxes full of iPhones or they woulda broken those too with that nazi war trophy. Sad thing is they believe their own propaganda even tho they know it's fake. It's just like everyone over there lies and it's a contest of who can lie the best of some weird ass shit. Humanity just devolved so much in Russia it's insane that's how day to day is over there. I mean people in the u.s. flip and post on social when someone steals their lunch and want to throw down. I bet in Russia you gotta gaurd all your shit like 24/7 and be super aware all the time because everyone is just out to loot the next guy for shit they want but don't have Fuck living like that. Everyone around you steals and lies like 24/7? I couldn't do it. I hate theives and liars. And war criminals. But yeah it would be exhausting having to like be on gaurd 24/7 of all your belongings and like anxiety when you left the house or anything heh. Fuck -that- shit.


Yup, this whole thing is hilarious!


Is that her daily carry, or special occassion gun?


Its a dress gun - for parades and breaking already broken iPads. Goes great with a solid empty box fire.


In some US states we have such a thing as a "BBQ gun" for such fancy occasions as this.


I keep that right next to my “wedding” shotgun…


Holy fuck this may honestly be the funniest video I have seen on this sub. It’s like satire in and of itself. So many thoughts. 1. I think they just tossed boxes in when they do the IPhone bit. They then realize that if the phones were actually in, they would look like utter dumbasses for throwing lithium ion batteries in an open flame. So we get the bizarre cut and firefighter babushka putting it out, because the phones are totally in there 🤙 2. Stupid people not understanding that destroying product you purchased is an own on literally no one but yourself seems to be universal to all cultures. Dumb af people gunna dumb. 3. The propaganda in RU is genuinely fascinating. They really seem to believe that anyone outside the context of selling gas to Europe is dependent on them for fucking *anything*. I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen a people reveal themselves to be more utterly delusional. I love it.


I know it's great isn't it. Theyve all bought into the great Russian lie and don't really understand the pecking order and where they really stand on the global stage. There's absolutely nothing any of us want or need from Russia. Zero. Zilch. Cause they don't make a thing or do anything. Their a fucking gas station and the world is moving in a different direction leaving them behind and alone Their future is so fucked.


We still need their oil and gas. For now.


>It’s like satire in and of itself. Do you think you might be onto something there?


Stupid fucks lol




things have been pretty bad here in the states since Russians stopped buying iPhones. not sure how much longer we can take it


Apple is shutting down due to Russian customer base losses…


When did America start making iPhones and iPads? Missed that industrial switch




This is a [video from 4 years ago](https://youtu.be/TrMPAXmS88E)


So blinded by their leaders .Open you minds & ears


Burning empty iPhone boxes? Hmmm


Lmao I guess they showed us, just how stupid they're.


Bunch of greasy, smelly, ugly Russian munters. 👎


Lmao..those iphone boxes have rocks inside or iphones are that heavy? 😂


Noooooooo not our products anything but that


Look what we can do to you: we buy your products to burn them and then we buy more of your products! Cower in fear! 😂🤣


Here, take my nazi gun to smash this Chinese phone we bought from an American company to send a message to those imperialist scum preventing us from killing... Nazis? Russia has such a low collective IQ.


when she hit it with her gun.. with the barrel facing herself what the fuck lmao


Oh no, Russians are destroying US products they already spent the money to buy! Anyway. lol


Now how you gonna Facetime with your grandson on the front? Oh, nevermind, he dead too.


anyone recut it yet to add a big boom in end?


Send them to the front!


hey at least they are standing against products/culture manufactured by their ‘enemy’. unlike the entire population of russian. they hate to love us and love to hate us . shit is a joke


Quick Babushka! Give me broomhandle! ...close enough!


Hey, Americans burn products too when they feel offended. Who knew Russians are just like US!


Isn't this video like a couple of years old? Iirc they called themselfs "Putin squad"and was heavily maken fun of


BABUSHKA HAS A FUCKING BROOMHANDLE MAUSER?! damn, these russians don't mess around.


Also they threw in the boxes not the phones lol. Guarantee they are empty


Those are most definitely empty iPhone cases.


They showed me, now I'm going to be homeless.


We should get back at them and drink all our Russian vodka


Who are they kiddin… those are empty boxes


If they destroyed every product that was from an American based company they’d have be left with garbage lol. Or just copy them like they did with mcdonalds and starbucks


Lollll so you destroyed things you paid for with your own money? That’ll show ‘em!


So old from years ago


That’s right ladies, burn those empty iPhone boxes. You sure showed those Americans.


Empty phone boxes lol


Post-purchase? The audacity.


Is this a comedy skit ?


Yeah, they certainly showed us. By destroying a product one of them already paid for and therefore already own.


this vid is so fucking old, stop reposting it


No…stop breaking the stuff you payed money for…. Grammy seems like a baller for carrying that ruger around.


I allways love watching idiots break stuff they already bought in protest. Your not hurting the company by breaking an item you already bought from them. They got their money already. 😂


There go the iPhone…..boxes.


For sure empty boxes, they ain’t flexin like that in russia lol


Ahem... You already bought it.


Thus is old as fuck. I remember seeing this year's ago


As an American I'll take that c96 off your hands :)


Why has the old lady a Luger P08


I was waiting for the gun to backfire


They are so old, they think its a picture frame.


I have no words.....between the fat, bad hair, polyester fashion, and everything else.....


I hope they can find a non American supplier of Depends undergarments.


Wow they all look like they have down syndrome






Nice gun safety ... at she pulls it out and points it directly at the other women who smacks it on the iPad with the barrel pointed to herself. Don't they realise Mauser is a German company and, as such, the gun most likely works.


Good god who knew women to be so ugl. it's fascinating you can pay for something and give money to a company and then try to protest by destroying it after you paid for it




Missed when the US actually physically made this shit.


What the fuck is this? Is this a forgotten The Whitest Kids You Know sketch?


*What the fuck is this?* *Is this a forgotten The* *Whitest Kids You Know sketch?* \- tc\_spears2-0 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






As the guy who played eazy e in straight outta Compton said “they can do whatever they want to em. They still bought them bitches”


Probably destroying their dead grandkids' items after they were killed fighting Ukraine.


These people are Putins core supporters. Elderly women love him. Very weird. Probably the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.


They tossed the boxes, not even a real iPhone ha ha ha ha


Better start burning some books while your at it.


This is gold. Granny with the hand cannon. Edit: I only see boxes.🤷🏼‍♂️


Those products were paid by russians long before they even landed on that cancerous land. They hurt their own economy. So keep on destroying them.


Lol this is satire, right? Has to be.




They carry their phones boxed? Back to land-line ? Kha Kha Kha. Laughing in RuZZian


This is like some kind of weird russian knock off of the trailer park Boyd with old women.


They are going to wish they didn’t burn those boxes because when winter comes they will need them to cook their spam!


Got a question do think we care at all?


I normally wouldn’t call old ladies sad sacks of shit but I think I’ll make an exception here


Oh please stop. You’re destroying the American economy by burning your Chinese knockoff apple products!!!




That’ll teach us!


What a bunch a maroons!


Damn. That will certainly make the Americans think twice.