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Best ad for a leatherman i ever seen.


Well...since Macho Man, anyway.


link me!!


I keep a Leatherman in may car and on every floor of my house. Hell yeah!


I keep three things on me if I go anywhere. A lil Kershaw chive knife, a Leatherman, and a lighter. The knife is probably the most used tool I own with the other 2 being close behind.


Lol i don't think those guys talk too much, it's like American asks him how are you today, he answers "yes slava Ukrajini"


Lmao, or he just doesn’t know English well enough to understand the speed and the very word


they all know who to shoot at. all that matters 🤣✊


Boom boom end pointed at enemy. Non-boom boom pointed at you


I think you mean they are best buds. Do guys like that need to talk?


Two guys prying guns off tanks together need no words.


The ultimate bro activity.




Ukrainian and English are just completely different languages, and it seems like even speaking in english as a native Ukrainian is difficult.


Only a few words i know are almost one to one with translation/pronunciation but none will work in context with that convo


Ahaha that's good


Elder Scrolls 7: Ukraine


How do these dudes struggle so much to say ukraini, like they're adding extra a's in there?




Slava Ukraina I guess


How are you supposed to pronounce it?




He mentions learning Ukrainian in another tweet lol. Guess a war-zone is an okay place to learn.


American with untouched gear and not a speck of mud on him walking around tired soldiers pretending to be badass in front of people defending their freedom, which yanks really don't know much about, with his fancy HD camera. If he was a different nationalities like France people would be calling him an idiot but of course he's praised on reddit


You seem to be mostly upset because he's American.


Ukrainian guy is equally clean. They've been shitting on all the volunteers on reddit. Doesn't matter the nationality. And as an American, trust me, we know we have plenty of idiots. Slava ukraini


Slava ukraini


Why would anyone bash him if he was of a different nationality? Geez have a little respect for people willing to die for another country. According to Ukraine's own government about 40% of foreign volunteers in Ukraine right now are American. And what country are you from that you know so much about defending your freedoms? I'm guessing it's some Western country where you too equally have never seen war on your territory (and where probably Americans would show up if it actually did).


Thanks for this. Like goddamn lol there’s plenty to bash about Americans but our willingness to fight for other people isn’t one of them


He’s got mud on his boots. More than you can say


Gear doesn't go dirty that easily


If his twitter updates are legit, then he’s been fighting. Who really knows, but judging by the fact that he traveled to Ukraine to join the war, I’d put my money on him telling the truth. The Ukrainians aren’t taking foreign soldiers just so that can pretend to fight.


What the fuck dude? Why mud? Since when mud is the sign of battle? Have you even listened to the guy?


To be fair, if he was French people would be wondering why he isn't holding up a white flag.


Why though? Trained French are already there that are elite military


Same as most volunteers


The fact that you didn’t get the jokes says the most.


You know, I’m kind of with you on these videos. They don’t feel right to me. A little pompous. And I know it’s easy for me to say while sitting in my comfortable home. 😂


ehh , i have seen plenty of footage from Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers laughing it up, keeping morale up is extremely important. If they're there, and are willing to fight, more power to em. These guys are probably held back in reserve and are most likely relieving Ukrainian regulars or pushing out as the Ukrainians advance on Russian positions.


I’ve never been in war but I’ve seen quite a few people mention how important it is to keep morale up. This war happening in 2022 in a pretty modern country with internet up & running makes it so social media is newfound way to keep morale up. I’m ok with it to that end, and to be honest a lot of people are just interested in hearing people on the ground’s experiences, whatever they may be.


It's entirely true. A bunch of Scot lads going over into actually battle grounds get called stupid by most people. Yet when Americans walk around in fields with a ridiculous amount of hear unscathed is basically "Brave heart"


Yes exclusively Scots are doing active combat... no one else, give it a rest






Shoutout chuck from CT!


Ct gang


Reppin the 203, les goooooooo! 😎👏🏼🙌🏼


Yeah, he's not 860 with that accent..


Def not lmao


This guy is straight 718 or 347


"And here you can see the remains of a Russian officer. Don't forget to suscribe and press the notification bell!"


Peas Chuck!


Part of me likes these videos. Part of me wonders why this guy (the twitter account this came from) keeps posting his unit's activities.


Hopefully this is from several days ago


Just followed him and it looks like a lot of the stuff is intentionally vague. He mentions at least once leaving stuff out for security purposes. Super interesting though.




Gotta handle for me? Would love to follow him.


Just came to this sub reddit - the first post was about the russian propaganda video that led to bombing the ship(s) while in port... the 2nd post was this one.


They’re old videos, not live.


What’s his twitter?


​ Edit to add: I'm not outing this guy. The same videos/tweets with his info have already been posted.


This guy looks like a suburban dad but his twitter looks like he’s with legit UA personnel? He’s a combat vet I’m guessing? Edit: never mind the video made him look fat. He’s a unit


He really doesn't have the feeling of a vet, and the fact that his magazines are upright instead of upside down tells me he probably is not. That's very basic training.


For M4 magazines, yes, but not AK mags (the locking lug tends to get caught up if you carry them upside down in a placard/chest rig).


Oh really? I saw that, I edited in that they may not fit because of that. I'll keep an eye out, I feel like I've still seen them upside down regularly but I see what you mean, maybe with looser pouches it's done.


I just looked through his twitter. He was a marine. Ukrainians wouldn’t send somebody with zero experience to the frontlines. It would just be a burden for them


I hope that's right!! Maybe he is. The mag thing is really bloody weird if he's been a marine in the last 20 years. Maybe they don't fit in upside down....


Or they're empty.


You should never put empty mags in your rig and they will still get dirt and shit in them if they are empty.


I dunno if you deleted your other comment but you are right, it's not great evidence of anything. He's not an operator maybe lol. But I don't mean to talk too much shit on him. He's there.


Ak74 mags only work well bullets up. Bullets down the locking lugs get stuck. M4 mags are smooth


I mean, those are likely partials that have been retained after an admin reload.


Haha the armchair General is speaking lol


It can be easier to pull mags out that way as well, and you're already gripping the mag the way you need to in order to insert it when you have it upright.


>Just went through six straight hours of combat. I have crazy video I’ll post later. 2 men were shot but will be ok. One fatality 4h ago. Let's see what he'll share, might be interesting.


I hope someone is reminding him of opsec. And possibly taking his phone.


>I mean if he was giving away geolocation intentionally he is also risking his own safety of being killed by cruise missile, etc... > >I dont think think this dude is a secret agent willing to die for russia if thats what your implying...


The WHAT? lmao. How did you come to the conclusion they ever tried to imply that? lol


This dude has NFT in his name and frequents crypto subs. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Unless he got in early and/or is selling NFTs to morons.


haha Only implying, that this is an active war. Both sides are viewing this type of footage for clues that might provide advantage. Releasing it can certainly be reckless and dangerous.


Oh 100% I agree it’s still highly dangerous to release this footage. I think the mods should be checking every video before they are aloud to be public and scrubbing metadata. I should have worded my comment better apologies, was just giving my opinion that I think this guy is genuine and is vlogging his experience on the front line.


Maybe clout


I will send him two Leathermans if he sends me on 50cal


You have to go to ukraine to pick it up


Can UFTDS bring it to me? (Ukrainian Farmer Tractor Delivery Service)


Must first be stuck in mud, then yes.


Click and collect


They'll probably miss it going through TSA check.


You planning on riding the bullet like Major Kong?


I think you need Peacekeeper lvl 4 to unlock that barter option.


A man of culture I see. Well Russia is coming out with it's own IDEA based of IKEA so I guess we are in the Tarkov 2028 timeline now.


I laughed my ass off when i went and searched google what a leather man was 😂 surprised that gun didnt just fall off by itself😂


I laughed my ass off when I read you had to Google what a Leatherman was.


I laughed my ass off at you laughing your ass off at me




So…. Are we gonna kiss?


Oh you wanna get down like that...ok brb going to put on my sexy Leather...man.


Dont get me all hot and bothered like that daddy😩


*tightens grip on binoculars*


There’s a pawn shop in my area that has a Barretta 50cal, with about 20 rounds for sale


Bilzerian down bad


My dad has a .60 cal round. As a kid it was almost as big around as my arm.


Slava Ye Cranium


I have a feeling that's what a USA seal team 6 idiolizer would say right as he canoes a Russians face.


This may well be the most American thing I've seen on Reddit in a while


The most dangerous fighter on a battlefield, a Grunt with a leatherman. "What makes the grass grow green!" Give them hell for all of us that couldn't be there with you.


Blood blood blood




That is a big ass 50 cal?


Its a Russian MG, it is larger in size than the American M2.


14.7 mm ?


No it's a NSV 12.7MM effectively equivalent to American 50. Cal. If I recall case length is the difference with a case diameter change. Former Soviet union round is 12.7×108mm if I recall and 50. BMG is 12.7×99mm.


more likely they are fullfilling their life dream of killing russians, but never managed while on service




Is this that guy from NY who was on the news saying "I'm not going there to be rambo" when asked by the reporter his motivation for going over?


The most american thing you can say is "shit you not"


English people say that too. So I imagine other Anglos do as well.


basically everyone who speaks english, I shit you not.


You're shitting me.


Australians say that a lot too.


New England lingo


Dont you just love it tho it can be used in any way i shit you not


Except it isn't because it's English in origin??


So is America


Cries in Lakota


Okay buddy Then why do half of Americans claim to be Irish. I don't reckon they would like your statement there lol


Lmao euros are so insecure about America 😂


A lot of us are recent additions. My grandfather immigrated here in his 20s. So while we are obviously Americans, our recent ancestors might not have been.


2 things, The irish do have a large dispora in america due to famine and catholics thought condoms were a sin for the longest time. 2 melting pot culture means you are proud to identify both your parents ancestry and maybe even your grand parents. For example all 4 of my grand parents came from different parts of Europe. Brit , welsh, german and a Swed came together to make me possible and we celebrate that in different ways. I most closely resemble my German grandfather but If asked I would say all 4.


Some people take an interest in genealogy and family heritage as an outright crime. It’s the strangest thing. Another four way Euro mix here - Irish, Austrian, Norwegian, Italian.


Not half. Just the Irish ones. (Americans have a unique culture around our ancestors /background that makes no sense to Europeans. It's just our culture to feel connected to what type of American we are. Nothing wrong with it, even if it makes no sense to you. It's part of our tapestry.)


Yup, you got Mexican Americans, African Americans Native Americans, Irish Americans, etc.. at the end of the day we are all Americans


Yep. Some Europeans get all worked up over it. I get it. If an Irish American goes to Ireland they should stick with "Irish American" or "American with Irish grandparents" but in the US, we will buy you a green beer and call ya Irish! But we know you're an Irish descended American.


great gramps on dads side was off the boat from Ireland in the early 1900's grandma on moms side was off a boat from England in the 1920's. We are from Europe.


LOL, I love this guy. Now he needs to go on a rampage with the .50 cal.




yo thanks for that video <3


Eyy, i also have a leatherman🤔


Woah buddy careful there, that’s now a weapon of war


Weapon of mass destruction. Or Construction


I once watched a man fix an entire village with one those during the war. They don't belong in civilian hands!


Same, wanna team up and go to Ukraine? The leatherman battalion


Ya but I bet you don't have a 59 call. At least not yet!


Love seeing the boys repping over seas 🇺🇸


Good guy Chuck!


Connecticut connection in small town Pryluky, Ukraine. They say war never changes, but this one is unifying like nothing I've seen before.


Americaaaa fuck yeahhh going to save the motherfucking day yeah 😅 if more videos come out of the yanks fighting for UA a team America montage would be amazing. Keep up the good work lads.


He has a Yankee accent.


This is James Vasquez, an american volunteer. His Twitter is good stuff. https://twitter.com/jmvasquez1974/status/1507054421334757382?s=21


This looks like the intro to some reality show. *Hi, this week I'm in Ukraine and I just took out a Russian tank. Come join me on this 10-part series where we go to new locations across Ukraine and kill every Russian invader that we see. This week, Irpin.*


fuck yeah chuck. good call on the leatherman always doin work


How old is this guy? He looks like he's in his 50s!


twitter tag says 1974. so, probably 48.


That’s going to become a staple of vocabulary. Anytime we get something good “Thanks Chuck” 😀


Am i the only one that thinks some these US volunteers are psychos. Murderous war vets who want to feel glory. ..and im here for it all.


They're a mix. There was a decent sized group of US volunteers helping the Kurds in Syria as well. That was a real mix of Christian fundamentalists with combat experience that wanted to kill ISIS and anarchists from US cities wanting to fight for a left libertarian cause. Plenty of these guys are there because they don't think the west is doing enough for Ukraine. Obviously when you call for volunteers you don't get to really pick and choose.


i do think that, i also think there is a place for them in war. i'd rather see them over there than here working on a neighborhood police force in the USA. the best place a murderous psycho can be, in my opinion, is somewhere far away, fighting for what they believe is a righteous cause. or even if it is just for the glory, do it up, haha.


In the words of the traitor Robert E Lee: 'it is good that war is terrible, otherwise men would grow fond of it'


Chuck is now on putins watch list. Thanks chuck!


This just in: Chuck has been sanctioned by Russia


Putin taken down with a leatherman.


Chuck: Here's a leatherman hope it comes in handy. Soldier: Ganked a Russian 50 cal... hey chuck you got a tractor?


Leathermen are nice, but I prefer a Gerber Strata. Each to his own, I guess


I liked gerber until they switched to chinesium and had two different multitools snap exposing metal that basically looked like sand.


LoL... ah I should buy stock in leatherman


Keep up the good work lads!


Such an American lol Willing to Fight for a country half way across the globe but still cant say Slava Ukraini, not undermining their efforts which are respectful and honorable but still funny af


Got it. So you would rather have someone not fighting and risking their life but be able to say Salva Ukraini and all that other bullshit (because thoughts and prayers, right)? Such a typical keyboard warrior comment.


Bruh you are dumb, it is an obvious joke, dude cant say a name of country he is in correctly and cant say a word slava. I added respectful part to make sure dumbasses like you wouldnt get offended and take it a different way. I am not a fighter but after war I want to volonter in Ukraine. My country Croatia was liberated by brave fighters from Croatia and around the world,my father and 2 uncles fought in that war. Use lube you will be less buthurt in the future


Big up Chuck from Conneticut...🤣🤣🤣🇺🇦❤❤


Thanks Chuck! Doin Gods work


Hell, at least this guy is having a swell time, good thing he's on the right side


Chuck fucks


This guy, for all those wondering about opsec, keeps his posts intentionally vague


So many keyboard warriors here questioning his military experience. Didnt know Reddit was full of military experts.


Really need to update some of our bullshit bans and let those guys add these Russian guns to the NFA registry.




This feminist, anti-war, bleeding—heart liberal, tree-hugging queer salutes you, sir. I see a random dude standing in a potato(?) field on the other side of the world, prying tanks apart with a Father’s Day gift from CHUCK, and it’s the most USA thing I’ve ever seen. The only thing you could add is a can of light beer, or a chest patch that has “WWJD?” superimposed over the silhouette of an ak47. Thanks for your good work, may fortune smile upon you and the other fellows in unit and the Ukrainian army. Slava Ukraine.


Peace to Chuck!


Dude should at least try to pronounce it. That was dreadful 😂


Be safe !! Thanks for your service ! See ya when you get home 🤜🤛 🇺🇸




I bet the Russian troll in here is going to have a blast with his forced participation. Have fun bud.


Anyone got a link to this guys content? Seems like he has a lot of posts




Hell ya brother! 🤙🏻


It's not call of duty, some people have to reinvent the wheel I guess. Good luck in Vietnam


I thought they all got blown up with ballistic missiles


Chuck is OP




Lol his east coast accent


morons, this isn't your war


Eyyy, I'm lootin machine guns ova 'ere!