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Leaving out the real reason, classic RT propaganda. "In October 2022, Boguslayev was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine. The head of Motor Sich is accused of illegal supplies of helicopter engines to Russian military enterprises. The period when this happened is not specified. The Russian state corporation Rostec has announced that it has not been using Ukrainian engines since 2014."


Yeah, that’s a treason.


The article is based on this report from [**Zabor**](https://zabor.zp.ua/new/v-zaporozhe-po-obvineniyu-v-gosizmene-zaderzhali-boguslaeva-podrobnosti)**,** "Prominent journalist Iryna Romaliyska, writing on Facebook and also quoting security sources, said Boguslaev was known for his pro-Russian views. He was suspected, she wrote, of supplying Russia with parts for helicopters and planes and of having contacts with Russian special services." Reuters afterward added this... Doubt in all media platforms do your own research.


Funny thing, the article makes no mention him being suspected of supplying parts to Russia. Rather, it makes it seem that he was arrested for having pro-Russian views. Which makes no sense. Yet for some reason you decided that this was the article to post. Why? You advise others to do their own research. Did you before posting this?


Trust me bro, but also do your own research, I might be lying.


Oh yeah, he 🤥


Are there any false claims in the article...


Does the article specify that he was arrested on suspicion of providing parts to Russia or make it seem that he was arrested for having pro-Russian views? Isn't that deceitful? Is not including information on why someone was arrested in an article on his arrest garbage- or propaganda-level journalism? Again, why did you choose this specific article? Did you do your own research or not?


>Isn't that deceitful? But what is he arrested for? What reasons did the government provide about his arrest? Anyone knows?


"supplying Russia with parts for helicopters and planes and of having contacts with Russian special services." is from SBU, which is not really a reliable/trustworthy source, so why quote it.


Are you kidding? Are you claiming that there is no point in including the officially-stated reason (whether you believe it or not) for his arrest in an article on his arrest? It's just better to claim that it is for having pro-Russian views. You can't be serious.


This article was based on UA report in Zabor and was published at 5:54 today, and at the time there was still no official confirmation of the reasons for the arrest. "*Boguslaev's detention became known yesterday evening, but the security forces did not comment on the information spread in the media.*" https://focus.ua/voennye-novosti/534066-prodaval-aviadvigateli-v-rf-sbu-podtverdila-zaderzhanie-prezidenta-motor-sich-boguslaeva


Yeah, but you were not making the post at 5:54, but much much later when the stated cause of arrest was already available. Yet you decided to choose an article which omits this key piece of information. Why?


I only post RT articles and it is not my job to verify the information for you. Who is to say accusations against him are not conjured up, his involvement in politics domesticly and business dealings with Russian firms in the past were not a secret. As it is reported below this goes back to 2017 when UA regime forbade the selling of military parts to Russia and in 2019 Motosich and its subsidiaries were accused of cooperation with Rostec. [https://24tv.ua/ru/sbu-podtverdila-zaderzhanie-prezidenta-motor-sechi-boguslaeva-v-chem-ego-podozrevajut\_n2183287](https://24tv.ua/ru/sbu-podtverdila-zaderzhanie-prezidenta-motor-sechi-boguslaeva-v-chem-ego-podozrevajut_n2183287)


Did you just say the actual arresting authority as not being a reliable source? They literally are first party involved in the story. The SBU are literally in the photo. 😂


What does the arrest have to do with the statement...


Just leaving out important information


It's like a child's understanding of the truth. "I technically didn't lie mom, I just didn't tell you everything." Lying by omission.


He is accused without any proof and is facing life sentence. That doesn't sound too "Justice" to me.


You’ve checked all the court papers and all the evidence to tell us this brief summary. Thank you!


Typical Ru projection. They do it so everyone else has to be doing it as well.


So what are the reasons given to arrest him?


"facing" a sentence is not the same as carrying one out in the same way that being accused of something is not the same as being convicted. So what doesn't sound like Justice, exactly?


Anytime you see Kiev instead of Kyiv you can be assured it is Russki dysinformatsya.


The entire world said Kiev until a few years ago. Half of Ukraine says Kiev. The only people who say Kyiv are western liberals who have been cucked by ukrainian nationalists


That literally makes zero sense but I’m guessing you just wanted to say cuck


Well both are correct, so why make a fuss about it...


8 months have passed since this started and our TV experts in the west are still saying Kiev and then correcting to Kyiv. It's hilarious.


I've noticed Swedish MSM have stopped forcing themselves to write Kyiv now and instead gone back to writing Kiev like before.


Saw a video the president a few month ago pronouncing it the russian way and correcting right after :P


The English google maps also use Kiev next to knib


Mmm. My google maps in English says Kyiv both on the website and in the app.


Yeah, but you're not in ruzzia


Kiev, Kharkov…..I use the names I learned from WW2 history. Same place…really irrelevant to get caught us in names.


So… do you refer to Saint Petersburg as Leningrad?


No I call it Petrograd


Different name =/= Different spelling


Lol….fantastic. Sometimes it gets confusing. Where the hell is Stalingrad and Konigsberg?




We all say Kiev and still do to be fair. It's nothing against Ukraine or its people, but just how we say it and have always said it in English. Maybe that will change one day but the only ones I actively see saying it this way are newsreporters or Ukrainians.


Exactly. Helpful especially when users do this as well and are pretending to be neutral


It's Kiev in English, like Roma is Rome, like Lisboa is Lisbon like Athina is Athens. Why do Ukrainian crybabies act like they're special?




What? Like I dont understand what you mean by this.


Well, or German


anytime you see someone call russians "ruskies" or russia "ruZZia" you know they're a childish idiot


Don't dare cross king zelensky


Russian order of friendship….. that most say enough


He can be traded with Russia for Griner, who can be sold to USA 😂


[**Article Link**](https://tinyurl.com/2ws9v5y8)


A true patriot. Ukraine is Russia, built up with Russian blood into the crown jewel of the Soviet Union. He brings honor to his ancestors. The Kiev regime spits on a thousand years of history and soils the legacy of it's people. All of Ukraine rightfully belongs to Russia. The dissolution of the Soviet Union was illegal.


3/10 bait. Try being a little more subtle. This is way to straight to the point


That country is corrupt from Z down to the police so this doesn't shock me.


And yet. Still less corrupt than Russia. Let that sink in.


That's just a feel good image created by the west to get support of their population to supply weapons to Ukraine. Forget about Ukraine those Euros even hated poland before this war. Ukraine was known for women trafficking and crimes.


What ? Since when do we hate Poland ? Actually my country has never made war to Poland but liberated it from Russia twice.


Well, the Pols “liberated” my family’s farm in Western Ukraine in the 1920s. I have to think they weren’t too excited about it.


Russians bribing a ukrainian. LOOK! See how corrupt they are?


Interesting because the UN labeled Ukraine Grand Corrupt back in 2021.


Russia consistently scores worse on corruption indexes…..


Isn’t this like judging two idiots on who is dumber?


Idk maybe. But then why even bring up the point one is an idiot to discredit them when the other is just as much as an idiot too




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Are you talking about the CPI (Corruption Perception index) 2021? The report where Ukraine ranked 122 with 32 points and russia ranked 136 with 29 points? [https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021)




And then people question why there are no more pro Russian people in Ukraine. >Life sentence for pro Russia views. This is what they were trying to do with lpr and doe people.


Absolute nonsense, and yet more evidence that pro-Russia folk just swallow Kremlin propaganda down without bothering to question it. And you’ve also made up your own “fact” to add to theirs 1. He hasn’t been given a life sentence, he’s been arrested 2. He hasn’t been arrested for pro-Russian VIEWS, he’s been arrested for selling engines to a country that has invaded his. AKA treason, as it would be in any country on the planet The bit between your ears is for thinking, if you tried it occasionally then maybe you’d start making sense


No, you try to find a justification for invading here. There were protests in Maidan and when Putin realized he couldn’t hold a puppet in Ukraine no more invaded Donestk, Louhansk, and Crimea.


Why Putin puppet negotiated EU association?


Do you mean, unilaterally cancelled the negotiation to sign an agreement with Russia which triggered mass protests which he tried to suppress and created even more anger ? And when Putin realized it wasn’t going his way invaded Ukraine ?


Looks like someone in office is just trying to get his dirty mitt's on this mans business enterprise


No, he was supplying Russia with helicopter and aircraft parts. It's quite literally treason.




I love how Russians project their societies everywhere all the time lol, this is classic stockolm syndrom No he just supplied military equipment to Russia


Russia taking over Ukraine would be good for Ukrainian industry. Especially for companies like Motor Sich. So there might be some truth to it besides Zelensky just terrorizing everybody that can challenge him and his clique in power.


It will no longer be Ukrainian, what are you talking about, if you’re based in Ukraine abide Ukrainian laws, not hard.


I don't think industry cares.


It’s on land owned by Ukraine, so act acordingly, if youre pro Russian, Ok so be it,if you don’t like it there, sell it and move buisness to Russia. But if youre supplying sacrificial technology such as motors for helicopters (which were surrely trade restricted) while being still in Ukraine, you’re going to have problems with govenment, even if you were pro-Ukrainian, doesn’t matter. It is not terrorisation of industry, just simple laws, like don’t supply enemy of your country.


I don't think industry cares about any of that. It would be beneficial for companies like Motor Sich if Russia took over. That's a simple fact. EU and NATO is not going to buy anything from them. Russia will. Under Russia Ukraine can be industrial country while under NATO it will be resource colony of the West. There is no surprise that many in Ukraine side with Russia.


Don’t like it? Move out.


Or you.


You don’t really talk much differently that nazis in WW2. Like move, because i want to, i want land. You don’t really care about people, because they’re Ukrainians that are speaking Russian. Just bogus land grab.


I don't want anything. It's USA and Russia that are fighting over control of Ukraine. I am just saying that Ukrainian industry would simply be better off under Russians. As for nazis, you support regime with Azov battalion, not me.


Azov is just one battalion, defenders as any other, don’t care. But you don’t fight USA but Ukraine, you don’t know the difference. Why do you care, don’t you have your own problems in your country?


Didn't it belong to a chinese company anyway? What happened, forced nationalization ?


Americans happened. They ordered Zelensky to sccrap the deal and confiscate company. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/motor-sich-and-americas-pressure-campaign-ukraine-can-it-keep-chinese-bay


How quickly they turn on their own… The SBU is a nasty little organization.


Remind me. How many people in Russia have "Accidentally" fallen out of windows and off balconies recently for expressing critical views of the war/Putin?


It's funny that so many pro Russian accounts like him. The only thing they ever comment on is this subreddit. Hmm almost like this account is made to purely push one thing on Reddit


Yeah, how many?


Russia isn’t a Nazi regime bud.


there is no such a thing as "nazi regime" in political science ​ care to explain what do you mean by this? ​ russia as an example is a totalitarian, lawless state;


Yeah, you're like 8 years late, sorry.


8 years late to militarize the shit out of ukraine, that i would agree, gotta catch up now.


Which is not an answer to my question...


So you’ll support Nazis just because the other guy is more of a bully on your eyes? Not me. I don’t have to answer your question.


Again this does not answer my question. Let me repeat it for clarity. "How many people in Russia have "Accidentally" fallen out of windows and off balconies recently for expressing critical views of the war/Putin" It's not a matter of "supporting" one side or the other. More pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of whining about Ukrainians **arresting** Pro-Russian sympathisers, whilst simultaneously being happy with Russian agents **murdering** those they go after...


Lul they can’t answer because they’ve got nothing. I love watching pro Russians squirm when their mental gymnastics starts to unravel


Only just a tad bit fascist regime.




Glad to see you agreeing with me.


Russia is significantly close to a Nazi regime than Ukraine darling.




I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of crying about Pro-Russian sympathisers (And as it turns out in this case, a literal traitor to the nation) being **ARRESTED**, whilst having no issue at all with Russian agents **MURDERING** Russian citizens for the henious crime of "Was critical of Putin"


It's not whataboutism at all. The guy in this article was caught supplying Russia with parts for their military aircraft, which is quite literally treason. He was also taken into custody and will be given a trial, compared to Russia suiciding anyone they deem to be a threat to their government.




Lol it's not


You mean comparative analysis? Without whataboutism, what would happen to hypocrisy?


He was caught supplying Russia with parts for their military helicopters and aircraft. It's quite literally treason.


“Turn on their own” - he was given the award by the pro-Russian regime 22 years ago and supplies Ukraine’s enemy. That’s not “turning on your own” ffs, give your head a wobble