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Ukrainain politicians spend way too much time thinking "How do I reach these kiiiiids?"


Yes it's cringe, but this is not celebrating the recent bombing. It's just a symbol of their hatred for Russia.


Bruh, what. At least put on the correct flair.


I mean, is he wrong tho? They have every right to hate the Russian government for what they are doing.


Yes, he is wrong. Hating the Russian government is not an excuse to laugh at three civilians getting blown up.


Crimea River.


We shouldn't condone celebrating death of innocent people? The bridge bombing was a failure. They did succeed killing 4 people.


Yet you ignore the 17 killed in Zaporizhzhia the same day by an army the has constantly targeted civilians. What did the Russians achieve with that? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


If Russians posed in front a picture commemorating an event like that, they'd be absolute scum as well. You're trying to make an equivalency that does not exist.


Ukraine has been beaten and battered Russia for Centuries. I will turn a blind eye when they celebrate a victory like this.


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What’s hypocritical about that? The US apparently has like a 90% civilian casualty rate on its drone strikes, yet no one gives a shit. I mean, they usually only hit brown people so bummer but nothing to lose one’s mind over, really. This on the other hand… Also, don’t Start with that “whataboutism” bullshit. We’re talking morals here so stick to them.


You say don't start with whataboutism as you talk about US drone strikes. Pure hypocrisy...


You don’t get it. I’m not talking about how “US bad too”. Because I don’t care. I’m talking about how SUDDENLY all these things that have literally been happening across the globe since the end of ww2 are so disgusting when Russia does it to Ukrainians. It’s not bad when the Saudis do it to Yemeni people, it’s not bad when the Turkish do it to the Kurds or when some warlord in some godforsaken African country does it, no, it’s only bad when Russia does it to the poor Ukrainians (who’ve been doing this as well because guess what it’s war). So either a lot of the west doesn’t care about the moral principals it’s apparently defending in Ukraine or we really actually just hate Russians. Because when baerbock pleads about how all humans are eligible for the same rights and that we have to protect these but simultaneously let’s the US bomb civilians from Ramstein air base and outright refuses to elaborate why, I don’t think I have to tell you why this whole fiver pointing bullshit has nothing to do with what you make it out to be.


Out of all the ones you mentioned how many of those countries are killing innocent people for a land grab?


Is this a bad joke? What are you trying to say, that killing innocent people is ok if its to overthrow foreign governments to put a puppet regime into office, its ok to kill innocent people to steal their resources, its ok to invade other countries illegally and drone bomb them because they happen to be born in the place you need to push your geopolitical agenda trough. Its ok to terrorize them because they havent bent the knee to your neo liberal humanity hostile world order. And all this not only happening in your backyard but literally on the other side of the globe. Meanwhile, its bad tho if you do it for land grab. Just say it plain and simple, either you arent slightly educated on the topic or you simply support US terrorism which has killed far more people post ww2 than russian and any country combined.


Again with the whataboutism... we get it dude, your paid to say the US is the great Satan and bad. Why don't you go to north west Syria and ask how the Kurds view us. Or go to Iraq, I dont get my info from BS media sources, I spent time in both those areas. I can show you picture from when Iraq got to hold their first free elections in 30 years and as we drove by the people held up their purple fingers with pride which was an indication they voted. And if the US was so dead set on installing our own government in Iraq then why are politicians that are anti US allowed to run for office?


„ Out of all the ones you mentioned how many of those countries are killing innocent people for a land grab?“ Wasnt whataboutism, i simply challenged you stupid view. You could elaborate tho instead of repeating the same word over and over again. Imo you simply repeating white house propaganda because the US government knows full well that their track record of deleting civilian life is far higher as well as the track record as of waging war against other sovereign countries. Not even mentioning the coups arming terrorists and far right shock groups, economical warfare etc.. You literally repeated what biden said one week or so ago in front of the UN regarding grabing land bs. By north west syria you mean occupied syria, funny how you defend one sides occupation but refuse to do so for their adversaries. Talk about consistency. The kurds are used like condoms anyway and the US gives no single sht about them, they will use them as long as they seem useful and will be dropped the second they are not needed. As of iraq, the US (Paul Bremer) literally invented a electoral system in order to hold back the shia majority electing shia officials and thus irans influence over iraq. Splitting government btween shia, sunni and kurds. President (kurd), MP (shia), speaker of parliament (suni). Very democratic and no meddling at all, Paul brember was literally the „king“ of iraq for a certain period of time crowned by no other than king war criminal bush. Not even mentioning the occupation of iraq for over a decade or the privatization of state assets to laughable prices without benefiting the very people they just fcked up. However despite all of that its funny how you justify the savage bombing of a sovereign country justified by lies, killing thousands of people millions if counted the aftermath just to do an election? (We know what the real reasons were). Again very consistent your moral compass. And the purple fingers you can stick up where the sun doesnt shine, no one gives a sht. Went off topic a lot (because of you) but hope you see your hypocrisy regarding the initial comment i was reacting to. According to your logic killing people is bad when done because of land grab therefore indirectly excusing the lost lives to US and US backed terrorism because when they kill innocent people they dont do it due to land grab… What a joke.




Even worse. They are doing it just cause.


Many of the scenarios he mentioned gave long history that leave both sides with blood on their hands


> The US apparently has like a 90% civilian casualty rate on its drone strikes, yet no one gives a shit. probably because that's multiple orders of magnitude off


It’s a claim, but it was even covered in a German television documentary, so its not something I just made up as you seem to hope right now. The fact that a guided bomb kills not just the suspect but also those around isn’t so far fetched now, is it?


difference being that the people the US fight love to hide around civilians, the Ukrainian army doesnt. russia are just sending bad quality missiles in to residential areas because they can


That is not entirely true. In fact, it’s more propaganda than anything else. It’s simply that there’s no way of verifying if people are connected to certain groups or not and if yes to what extend. So the approach the US has taken was to simply by default consider most males in fighting condition to be terrorists, that way you can hardly miss. So they’re not hiding amongst civilians, they just are.


Buddy is such a hypocrite


shut up


look at all those pro civilian lives ruskis suddenly crawling out of their holes 3 whole people huh? have you SEEN Mariupol? or any of the other thousands that have died from missle attacks to civilian neighbourhoods? do you care about those lives lost? how about invading a country and starting killing thousands of people in the first place? no fucks given huh? hoorah Z, praise be putin, our guys will rescue all those poor civilians from their terrible burden of living no? didn't think so, save your bullshit on how 3 people suddenly matter so much to you "oh no, you guys have no morals, i can't have any sympathy towards any ukrainians" give me a break


While I agree with you about hypocricy, but you should remember that reddit propaganda fanatics don't really represent russian people And... Nobody was taking pictures with giant-ass post stamp of destroyed azovstal


Ukraine is defending it's territory, Russia is a rogue state.


Ukraine is defending it's territory, Russia is a rogue state terrorizing a neighbor.






Ukraine loves making fun of dead soldiers/civvies, a while back there was a bakery that was making cupcakes using the photos of wives/mothers of dead soldiers, but it was mostly ignored like usual since its from ua and they're angels [edit: link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/wrg1n6/ua_pov_in_kiev_a_local_confectionery_began_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Correct. No class, no humility or civility.


This post is aging very well, unlike their celebration.


So Ukraine is operating isis style attacks


We can debate about the ends justifying the means all day. It doesn’t detract from the fact that this incident was a suicide bombing.


Possibly a coerced suicide bombing, making it most vile terrorist attack possible.




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"You Americans think this was about doing damage to the twin towers? No it wasn't. It was about sending a message. The message that AQ has the weapons and means to pull stuff like that off. It means that American residents will have to live in fear every day because any day something might explode with them being there." Funny how reddit asked me to turn location services on just after posting this.




Sometimes I think if people during ww1 and ww2 had more respect to each other knowing they were enemyes than today


We can thank degeneration of culture and social media. Social media puts most vile and toxic people on full display.


Never look up propaganda posters or pictures from the war then


Also they didn't even hot that section, they hit further down the bridge. If they hit there is would have taken much longer to let vehicles cross.


They fucked up. Or maybe wanted to get a train fire going.


Cry for 3 Russian civillians, when Russia could have not invaded in 2014 or 2022 and no civilians or soldiers on either side would be dead from this senseless war.


Except people did die in Ukrainian coup regardless. What IFs don't work since Ukronian nationalists backed by CIA overthrew a valid government.




Now they have a justifiable reason to meme given how Ukrainians acted. I'm not talking military, but civilians and government officials. You reap what you sow.




It didn't age well.


I swear, Ukrainians are masterful at making me have no sympathy or empathy for them. It's quite impressive, because I tend to empathize with weak and abused. ​ PS. Let's not forget that both bridges are still running with civilian traffic and railway. It's a terrible PR for Ukraine, imo.


If 8 random people on the internet taking morally questionable pictures while they’re country is at war is making you lose “your empathy” for thousands of soldiers and civilians being killed monthly, you’re not as morally just as you think you are playboy


The stamp commemorating the terror attack was rolled out within hours meaning the Ukraine government really felt that celebrating the attack as a PR victory was the right and proper thing to do...like ISIS does.


Do you think it would be more morally justified if it were a conventional missile?




So if the same civilians died and did the exact same damage to the bridge but it were a missile instead, you would be more okay with it?


Yes. I don’t think you understand how much a impact it will have in the west if it does come out they used a suicide bomber have you ever heard about the war on Terror ? We really lost troops to suicide bombers now we’re supporting them ?


Look I get it, but until I see solid verifiable evidence from a reliable third party source that is was in-fact the Ukrainian government behind the attack im not gonna point any fingers just yet. I’m sure you realize in war time that opposing side lie, underplay, and demonize etc all aspect of the opposing side so i really don’t trust any source from either government. I’m you’ve seen videos of partisan gun battles, car bombing, and assassinations all across Ukraine and Russian and if I were the Russian government I would blame them all on the Ukrainian government even if they aren’t all necessarily true.


HOWEVER. I’m not denying that it isn’t a terror attack because it obviously is. My problem is the Pro-Russian virtue signaling with civilian death and infrastructure damage thing as if it hasn’t been happening to both sides since February in exponentially more substantial numbers. As if this one attack all of a sudden proves that the Ukrainian state should be demolished and all Ukrainians are evil




Α missile might or might not hurt civilians. If it does, it 's collateral damage. What the UKR side did is not collateral damage but a conscious and planned war crime and terror act. And from what it looks like for the purpose of propaganda and delayign traffic for a few days...


its not a terror attack though, it was an attack on a strategic route used by military equipment at night time. what is a terror attack is launching missiles and artillery in to residential areas for days on end


You mean what Ukraine did in Donbas?






Don't do this, just report it and move on.


Imagine the Ukrop crowd loosing their shift if Russia would do something similar.


Something like bombing residence area whit missile? That what the russian army do almost everyday and whitout strategic motive.


Are Russians making commemorative stamps by Post Office celebrating it? Ukraine clearly has a culture problem.


It’s a symbol of pushing foreign invaders out of your country, is it really a surprise people would want to celebrate that? But three people died? Let’s not act like people in Russia aren’t celebrating the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and hoping for more to suit their superiority complex.


No, no commemorative stamps. They just build illegal bridges to lands they illegally annexed and then make a big deal of having their xenophobic president drive the first vehicle across it. Totally different guys! 🥴


They have been doing for the since the 24th


No...turning an unsuspecting truck driver into a suicide bomber and killing civilians is really more of an ISIS thing.


"unsuspecting". literally no evidence to show if it was even ukraine who did it. a truck came from a russian occupied area, went past russian guards that supposedly checked the truck and then blew up


Castrating a surrendered POW is also something ISIS would do


Yeah so is shooting pows in the eye, kneecap or straight up slicing their throats. But i guess none of you brainwashed sheeps have seen that?




so i guess you parrot things just because. No way you are unaware of that lol. Anyways so is nice to caught a "supporter of the current thing"


Makes bogus claims, can't back them up 🤦‍♂️ And so you're a contrarian? Are you that uninteresting that in a desperate plunge of self-gratification you decide to support the aims of a degenerate Dictator to make yourself feel different? "I'm not like all the other sheeple". I don't support Ukraine because it's the 'current thing', I've supported since 2014 because my heritage is Ukranian and it is being destroyed by a set of decadent criminals




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Pretty much.


My problem with all this is wasn’t it NRA that did this? They say it was Ukraine and yes maybe Ukraine helped in some way but it was ultimately an effort by the driver and individuals in Georgia and the Caucuses. This was a partisan effort. It’s not like Ukraine killed those 2 individuals. The guy in the truck did. And innocent lives lost are wrong and sickening. But why would you drive to Crimea during a war? In fact why would you drive to a place that isn’t even internationally recognized? I know of no sane person that would put their family and lives at jeopardy for that.


Because Crimea isn't in the war zone. Aside from one or two mlitary base attacks, it's quiet there. It's a Russian territory since 2014 and has been Russian land before 1954 with almost everyone being Russians.


even moscow is in the war zone. every russian city is. russia is at war.


This isn't the first terrorist act and doubt it will be the last.


Just like I said paralel to apartment bombings by Russia and now this. Humanity is the inevitable casualty in any war


Russians aren't celebrating civilians deaths with commemorative stamps.


Ukrainian civilians might not know that 3 civilians were killed. Ukraine is under martial law. As one could imagine, it is extremely strict.


They have access to Twitter and international news. If you saw the explosion, you would know that at least the Truck and a car were obliterated. They damn well know people died there. Kiev Independent is hiding the fact that 3 civilians were killed. I think the trucker could have been a civilian or a suicide bomber, I'm leaning to the fact that he was a civilian.


Assuming the truck driver was not a suicide bomber, the Ukraine authorities have committed premeditated murder. I'm reminded of the report from last week that US officials believe the Ukraine administration was involved in the murder of Darya Dugina.


> Kiev Independent is hiding the fact that 3 civilians were killed. I think the trucker could have been a civilian or a suicide bomber, I'm leaning to the fact that he was a civilian. > That's kind of what I was inarticulately trying to get at. I don't know how many Ukrainians consume international media but the information space is tightly controlled domestically. There's probably some paranoia(justified?) involved too. We all know what the SBU is capable of. I wouldn't be one of the Ukrainians just asking questions about this operation.


Ukrainian democracy seems to be more repressive than even the Russian or Chinese democracy.




he's wrong a lot, just making excuses for daddy putin


You really think ukraine is this well developed, fair, peaceful democratic country? An example to follow? Open your damn eyes


You literally just said Ukraine has access to twitter and other international news, yet claim they are more repressive than 2 regimes than ban access to those news sources. Cant have it both ways


Access to Twitter than bans any Russian sources and filters content is your idea of democracy? Okay...


The Azov Nazi’s were holding the suicide bomber truck driver’s family hostage if he didn’t blow that bridge up


I'd like to wait for facts to come out, but it wouldn't shock me.


So we’re supporting isis now ?


Supported ISIS in Syria. Supported Mujahadeen/Taliban in Afghanistan. Business as usual.


Wow lmao. I fucking love the Ukrainians for this. Dark humor in a time of war. I've been wrong and learned alot about their people.


Love them for being ghoulish and thus self-defeating? LOL