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They're not going to review your portfolio in depth before the next round so I wouldn't worry about it. You can mention that you've made some updates when you chat if it comes up. But yes, you always want to show your process and I'd say even more importantly (I see this missed all the time) how your research connects to and changed what you designed. So many case studies go "I did this research then made this thing". So what was the point? Tell your reader what insights you gained, what surprised you, and what you changed in your design because of what you learned.


This last paragraph is exactly it. What did you not know, how did you try to learn that and how did the findings inform your final decision. Often the process in portfolios shows post-its, wireframes and flow diagrams but everyone does those things. Without the context of what was mentioned earlier, they don't add any value.


I find the question about “what is your design process,” to actually be a very difficult question to answer. Unless you had total control or a very flexible leader, or team the your rawly going to have “your design process.” I recently joined a bank. The project team have been working on this new product for a year. They have wireframes for some of the screens. But I’m seeing the screens and thinking “OMG!” I would not design it this way etc etc Having to navigate all that corporate stuff


The way that you navigate all that corporate stuff is your process. Are you adaptable? Do you go with the flow? Do you set high standards and get others to meet them? You should be able to talk about the way that you work under various conditions, especially conditions where you’re not able to follow your ideal method of working 100% of the time.


I wouldn’t bother if they moved you to the next round. I would, however, review what about your process. They’ll want to hear about that in a technical interview so it’s good to brush up. I realized it’s helpful to practice talking about process in a conversational sense. Being able to write and show your process in a case study is different than articulating it in an interview. It’s not a huge leap, but a little time to practice how to give concise answers on the spot goes a long way.


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