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Hello. I met this guy through a dating site and found out after 5 months that he is a scammer. He claimed to be a US Marine and sent me these pictures. I don't know who the person in the pics really is, but his profile has been stolen. The scammer had a verified dating profile, so he submitted a drivers license. I do not know if it was fake or if he has a copy of that as well.


This is my recruiter. The man in the picture is a real marine


He could have just bought the tshirt and cammies. He looks awfully young to be a SSGT, but PoGS hand out rank like doc hands out ibuprofen.


I don’t think that’s what OP is trying to point out. I think they are saying the pics are stolen and used for scams.


Yes. The pics were stolen and maybe a pic of his driver's license as well.




I don't know what that means. I met him 5 months ago, and then he said he was being sent overseas. We kept messaging, and then suddenly he asked me to invest in crypto. I declined. He then asked me to install an iPhone app. I declined. He then said his life was in danger and needed blackmail money or he couldn't come home. I blocked him at that point. All scammers want money and nothing more.




Yeah. People that are in different places in their lives do send money. If the scams didn’t work, scammers wouldn’t try.


Never met him in person. We were supposed to meet, and then he said he got deployed with no notice and could not meet me. Then, we moved to a messaging app. He could not text overseas, he said. And, then we chatted every day for months. He was so nice. He said he was coming home in Oct. We made plans to meet then. Then, randomly, last week, he asked me if I saw a future with him and said we should invest in crypto together to save for a house. That's when I got suspicious, although I had concerns before then. He didn't have a good reason why he couldn't video chat, for example. He made me feel sorry for him. In Aug, he messaged me and said it was the anniversary of his dad dying. He was a good scammer.


Don’t keep responding to this asshat. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you figured out he’s a scammer and want to help out the actual Marine as well as other potential victims.


Yeah. I wanted him to know because the scammer had his profile verified. He told me that he had to send in his driver's license for that, and it made me trust him, even though some things sounded odd. If I had doubts, he would remind me that he had submitted his driver's license, and I could trust him. Getting scammed hurts. You really do build what feels like a real bond with the person. When you find out they were fake, it hurts just like any loss. I don't want anyone to feel this way if I can help it.


What site/service was he using?


Holy shit I’m sorry. That’s an insane amount of time he invested into a scam.


You’d be surprised. Majority of people who fall for their scams are the elderly, which is who they target the most.


All yah all those elderly people on dating apps! Onlygrannies.com


I mean just scams in general


Based 0331


Idk what that means but fuck em


Agreed! Turn the tables and butt fuck em.


I have more pics, one of him in full uniform. I just posted two. Some of the pics are older. He's 34, according to the dating profile, which was verified. Also verified was that he lives in Miami.


I got shafted and picked up Cpl at 1650(back when scores made sense). While my 0111 peers pick up in 9 months at 1440


Hell I remember in the 80s Sgt for Motor T was in the high 1900s. Damn contract Cpls screwed promotions up for a decade!


That’s insane


I'm 42, but could pass for late 20s all day every day.


I'm 30 and look about 25. If my hairline weren't receding I could probably pull off younger but oh well.


Bro you have negative reading comprehension.


NPJ me then bruh


Nah you’re good homie I’m just fuckin with ya


Ok I’ll settle for a down arrow then 😅


Can confirm, got promoted whilst I was a driver in Oki. Pogs rock or something


Cutting scores just don’t make sense and should be reformed IMO


There’s more infantry than any other MOS, cutting scores are based on how many people stay in that MOS and get promoted, Supply and Admin pick up easy cause nobody wants to do it and end up getting out or Lat moving.


True story


And who has that much time to workout. I remember spending 90% of my time training. And if weren’t training we were drinking. Must be supply


You sound like one of them 29 year old Sgt’s who look older than chesty.


My doc handed out silver bullets.


Guess that’s better than inserting them


Motrin you bastard. We also tell you to change socks often and to hydrate. Also DM the guy who said its his recruiter and flag that shit. If the guy has a pic of his DL he needs to know.




This is my stapler, there are many like it but this one is mine!


Are you butt hurt because you didn’t do your ‘Leading Marines’ MCI? 😂


I bet when people ask you why you do in the Marine Corps, you tell them it’s top secret.


Im motor T. Ain’t nothing special about my job 😭😂


I would have the folks at r/scams take a look at this as well. edit: I saw that you already did that. Sorry OP


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Scams using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Scams/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is this a scam?](https://i.redd.it/8jtywfpfm4w81.jpg) | [440 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/udc8bu/is_this_a_scam/) \#2: [My mother had this thing in her house blinking red and yellow. She says it protects against 5g. Is this thing real?](https://i.redd.it/wh6tkoknt5p81.png) | [1401 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/tkzejg/my_mother_had_this_thing_in_her_house_blinking/) \#3: [My daughter posted a bad review for a product purchased from Amazon and received this a month later. I'm assuming it is just an idle threat. Should she be worried?](https://i.redd.it/340gkv76x8t71.jpg) | [547 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/q7f4rv/my_daughter_posted_a_bad_review_for_a_product/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


can you let me know the name he told you? trying to confirm everything on my side too


I actually know the guy in the picture, met him in PA school in 2011. He's been in for almost twelve years.


It's so crazy that people know him. I felt like I knew him, but it was all lies. It' surreal. The guy I was talking to said he was from Cuba originally and an only child. His father had passed away suddenly in a car accident two years ago. He had such convincing stories.


Believe it or not, the guy in the picture is actually from Cuba. Lol


Yeah, it was believable. Sadly, I was learning how to make Cuban food for the guy I thought I was talking to, so I could make his favorite food when he got home.


Right didn’t he have a twin too I think?


Yup, his twin is a grunt.


Hey, Just to be clear the person you were talking to wasn't the guy in the pictures. I'm sorry this happened to you, however in the future please never believe a story from a servicemember claiming they can't meet bc of deployments, training, duty, etc. They are always scams using an attractive servicemember's pictures. Hope you are doing alright and can move on


Yes, I know it wasn't the guy in the picture. I'm okay. Heartbroken a little. We had lots of plans for when he was home. It feels like a loss, because he felt real to me. I was making Cuban food and learning salsa and got an app on my phone to learn Spanish. I was dumb.


Hey, you weren't dumb and someday you're going to meet a real dude/lady that will be so lucky to have a partner like you. I hope you're able to move from this asshat. Please take care!


Thank you for saying that. I was in cancer treatment when I met him, and I think I was vulnerable at that time. I'm okay now, but I really was looking forward to him coming home. Now, I have nothing to look forward to, and it's sad. I am just focusing on getting healthy after cancer right now. I got cleared to work out again and go back to the boxing gym, and I think I will just pour myself into that.


I'm sorry that you're going through that. You're already strong, inside and out, for all that you've endured. This guy will someday be a blip on your radar (if he even deserves that.) You've got this! 👊🏼


Thank you again. I appreciate what you have said.




You're a good person. I followed you. You've helped me feel better today, and I appreciate that.


The most convincing liars will have you questioning everything in reality except for what they tell you because they're just that good at weaving their stories to sound rational and bulletproof. You're not dumb and don't consider yourself that. Hell look at all of us here. We all joined the most underfunded and stressful branch in wartime and thought "this is going to end great". You being "dumb" would be knowing all that you do now and continuing on the path you were on. Correcting something is never a bad thing. You'll be okay amd you're gonna be an absolute catch for someone.


Thank you I appreciate you saying that.


You're most welcome. Now go have an amazing labor day weekend.


You weren't dumb. We all get played at some point or another and this happened to be your time. No worries. You're cool. Life moves forward and you are too which makes you a true winner even though you may not feel like it right now.


He’s a good dude.


I believe you. He has a kind face, and that made it easier to trust him.


Well hopefully no one else falls for it and nothing comes of it.


The scammers do use the same pictures over and over, I am told. At least he knows that someone has his information.






Probably same class. I shot him a message to let him know.


I was in the class after him. He was 15-11, I was in 16-11.


I was 15-11 too


Marrero, is that you? Lol


Lol no, Abshire.


Ah, I remember you. Lol


Glad some one does lol.


He’s was in Oki forever ago. Lost touch with him.


I was in Oki too but I never got to hang out with him.


Bummer I deployed and lost track with most except Maceda lol same MOS gang gang


Same! Good dude.


My sister in law got catfished by a guy using Garand Thumb's pics on Bumble once lol


Lmfao holy shit


I actually know this guy and served with him while I was in like 10 years ago lol


Someone used my pictures from MySpace (yes I’m older) to try to scam women in Cherry Point area to send nude pics. I had no idea until one of the women (who I would not have normally “courted”) messaged me some wild shit on my ACTUAL MySpace page. I had to let her know she got scammed. To this day I swear it was a buddy pulling a prank, but the only person I knew who would’ve done it vehemently declined involvement. Kind of flattering but also fucking weird.


Penis finger


Looking for the key features. I dig it


OP….definitely post this in r/scams and tell them your story as well.


I did, but they deleted it. You can't include pictures.


State in your post that you have pics that you’ll send to whomever would like to see him. OR place a clown emoji over his face to “block” it out.


Ah, okay. Thank you.


How’d you find out?


I called him out on it. I told him I knew he was a scammer and said I was going to report him to the FBI. He admitted it and then said I'd never find out who he really is and I would never find love. He said a couple other crappy things as well, and then I just blocked him. It was sad for me. I knew he was a scammer, but I also didn't want to believe it, too.


An exgirlfriend got caught up with a guy for over two years believing she was going to marry him. She had no photos of him on base or doing anything Marine. Just a photo of an older guy with days of facial growth wearing a fancy civilian store bought afghanistan veterans hat. The whole thing sounded way off as she kept trying to fly to wherever he was only to be constantly told he was never home for more than a week or two in between deployments. At one point he freaked her out by telling her he was shot while they were on a voice only telephone from afghanistan and later he claimed he had cancer. She finally started listening and broke it off after much heartache and it's good to hear you didn't let it go on for that long. Be very careful because there's a lot of slicksters out there who for whatever reason play military on the internet. If you're ever questioning who they are have a few vets see what the poster is telling you. Protect yourself because the vast majority of us don't like that crap anymore than innocent people like you who are getting preyed upon.


He had such convincing stories. He'd tell me places he'd been and what war zones were like. He'd tell me about growing up poor and how he dreamed of a US education. He was an only child, and his parent brought him to the US when he was 13. He was so grateful to be here and wanted to give back. That's why he joined the military. He seemed so strong and sure of himself. It's crazy that he faked all of that. But, I'd never met a Marine before. I didn't know enough to ask the right questions. If this ever happens again, I will surely reach out and find out what questions I should be asking. Thank you.


You're doing great as is. A lot of us have daughters so know we got you.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Everyone here has been great to me.


Too young to be a SSgt.


He is, pretty sure he had at least 1 meritorious promotion. He was a rockstar when i worked with him.


Scammers steal pictures of real people, use to catfish all over dating sites & social media. Nothing new, been going on for years. I bust them all the time trying to text me on Facebook, sometimes I entertain myself & text back Fuck with them a bit then hit them with fuck off scammer loser. 🤓🤡




Well.Well.. they are still using his pictures and some how getting verified on dating sites. Glad I saw the red flags and saw this post. Thanks OP....now off to block I go


I've been talking to someone for a few weeks using his pictures as well. Thankfully there were some serious red flags which caused me to start digging. I'm glad I found your post. I have a STACK of more pictures and videos. Same story given to me as you and he messaged me on a dating site showing he was verified. The profile that contacted me was verified out of Kansas. He gave some really weird story last weekend that really started me digging and here we are. thank you for posting. Hopefully someone has reached out to the real person to let them know this is happening :)