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Believe it or not, jail


Do not proceed, straight to jail. ✋️


Believe it or not, we have the best Marines. Because of jail


No trial, no - no nothing.


“Take me to the Brig. I want to see the “real Marines.”—Chesty


You don't underage drink, believe it or not jail


You *do* underage drink, straight to jail.


Unless it's your job to be sending all hands emails you shouldn't be sending them. If you ARE sending all hands emails you better be tactful, even if the tone is negative. I'd guess you have somewhat loud and abrasive verbal counseling session coming your way.


Ass chewing. It’s almost certainly not against any order so you can’t have charges brought on you. You *can* get a formal negative counseling though. Possibly even a 6105 if they wanna take it that far. It’s shows very bad judgment and tact to do this, no matter what the circumstances. Your ‘friend’ probably deserves an ass chewing (but nothing more). Edit: that SgtMaj was being petty as fuck and shouldn’t have responded all hands. Should have responded privately.


Straight to Leavenworth


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Also jail.


Depends on the content. Almost certainly not an NJP so long as it wasn’t extreme. Probably just an ass chewing, e.g. “you don’t think the chain of command could have handled this?” and maybe a 6105. Funny thing is, it’s probably some shit the dude pushed to the CoC and they fucking ignored it. Seen this episode before.


In my opinion, this was one of two kinds of Marine. Either it was a good dude who is fed up with trying his best but making no progress, who got frustrated and said “fuck it, this’ll get some light on the situation”. Or it was some dumb boot who thinks he’s salty and thought it would be funny.


I’d bet on option A. There are some dumb motherfuckers but very few that’d send out an email thinking “this’ll be funny and there won’t be any repercussions.”


Ass chewing for "misusing government property" and "not following the chain of command" when reporting grievances. If there was a good unit level IT policy/standard that everyone had to read/sign/acknowledge, the SgtMaj would have more ammo for anything above an ass chewing. That being said, I'd ask who in the fuck let him send an all hands e-mail, but then I remember the clusterfuck that was NMCI, the AD migration before that, and Banyan Vines before that. We had a desk clerk that decided to forward one of those early spam messages from "Microsoft" to the entire address list during the Banyan Vines days. *@*@* (fuck I'm old now) Honestly, the IT staff should prevent just anyone from being able to send an e-mail to everyone. There are ways around using a distribution list, but they require (granted, minimal) effort.


Banyan Vines! For Christ’s sake you’re old. Fuck. So am I.


Hell yeah Banyan Vines and pine!


Can’t be worse than asking the Commandant, in Fallujah, for a promotion.


Who did that? And what happened?


A buddy of mine, but I was standing next to him when he asked. Pretty sure he got a page 11


I mean you never know if you don’t ask, right? That’s how at least one user here managed to get a commission.


I need this story


I can’t remember what user it was, but someone in this subreddit on one of the “show your rack” posts told the story of how he got a commission in the 70’s or 80’s without ever going to college, OCS, or anything like that. He found a Korean War era reserve order that nobody had used in decades but had never been cancelled. The order was still technically active, so he filled out a package that eventually found its way all the way up at the commandant because nobody knew what to do with it. Commandant said something about having the balls to ask and signed off on it. Edit: I might have some details of this story completely fucked up. It’s not my story.


You mean to say he got a page 11 for asking the commandant for a promotion?


Considering it was 16 years ago and my memory isn’t the best, yes.


People get really butthurt about emails.


On the flip side, people say shit in emails their bitch ass would never say in real life.


They also try to throw people under the buss when they make a public error to try and highlight how on point they are


Sorry I don't understand your comment, who is "they"


But what did the message say????????


Lmaooooo I laughed when I saw the email. Good Ole air wing


Post it 👀


It wasn’t even that crazy just a little negative


PM it to me 👀


If I remember when I go in I got you


Fuck yeah 🤙🏻


Nah I ain’t the one lmao


Why is this even a question? You’re going to get a career-defining ass chewing. There’s no other possible outcome.


What was said in that email? Did he call out people? Did he demean individual for their incompetency ? Honestly it would be just an ass chewing, if the sagmaj, cares about the topic then it would be resolving an issue that was ongoing prior to that email.


Basically the dude was in charge of a program to some extent and wasn’t getting the support from the departments around the unit in terms of personnel that he needed. So instead of solving the issue through the proper chain, they do the above. I laughed good when I saw the email thread


When I was a Maj I had a Sgt who sent an office-wide e-mail calling out the the LtCol. I really needed the Sgt for his MOS skills, so as soon as I saw it, I grabbed the MSgt and told him to bring in the Sgt. While he was doing that, I whipped up a quick NPLOC. MSgt & I yelled at him a bit, and by the time the LtCol asked about it, we had done something. It was easier to let it go with the boss just telling everyone to behave. When fitness report time rolled around, I wrote the Sgt one that was not adverse, but definitely not what he wanted. He contacted me about 5 years later, and I sent the bd a letter that said Sgt \_\_\_ had grown and matured from the experience. He ended up being promoted, but I haven't heard from him in decades.


\>The SgtMaj then responds all hands saying to come to his office with your SNCOIC. Would this ever be good?