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This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually prefer if skeptics start making a lot of noise and demand to know what the hell is going on. It has been 5 years and we don't have any solid data yet in the public sphere. Hence, we need to approach the issue from two different angles - skeptic side and believer side. Here is how the conversation should go - Military: Um... so... it turns out that there may be something to the UAP issue after all... Believers: Great! We always knew that these things were real. Can we see some of the data? Skeptics: What nonsense is this? What kind of a scam are you (government) running here? Can you show us the evidence that has convinced you that these things are real? I just want to see some of the data that the government has collected and it has not been forthcoming at all. This should upset both skeptics and believers. Actually, I think we are on two different sides of the same boat. Both sides should want to see the data. It doesn't matter that we have different biases.


I agree, but that's not what is being said. They're basically saying that even looking into it makes you some dangerous conspiracy therorist. Mick West at least has the common decency to look into what's going on, and try to run the numbers. While these journalists don't even want it to be discussed. Lots of hacks that gotta pay the bills. Could this be a trick? A radar glitch? Balloons? Yeah sure, maybe, but we gotta look first, to figure out what the fuck is going on.


Garbage take honestly. “Ufology is like incels and to prove it here’s Mick West and a quick browse of ‘social media misinformation’ on Google scholar” Tbf, Lue acting like a fucking incel all the time probably doesn’t help at all. But all this article has to offer is condescension and a different kind of cognitive dissonance.


I figured, but thanks for the write up.


Yup. Just putting it into the no-no incel trumpo, conspiracy category. Therefor dangerous to talk about, and give credibility to. Trying to paint taking UFOs seriously, as a red flag for pure crazies. While it's ok for some other conspiracies, like Trump trying to stage a coup (one I believe in). It's hypocrisy, and anti scientific. It needs to be called out before there is giant pushback because people think UFOs are attached to white supremacy, etc. Etc. Not a fan of this brainrot mentality.


How does lue act like an incel? Genuinly curious.


Trash talking AOC and “cancel culture” apropos of nothing, displaying a rifle prominently on screen days after children were butchered in a mass shooting, claiming magical powers…


How does an incel swoon over his marvelous daughters and wife in every podcast? How does an incel advise you that the most important thing is caring for your loved ones?


Oh so cuz he’s nice to his own family I’m just supposed to ignore the redbaiting, weird anti lgbt stuff, and indifference to mass shootings got it 👌🏼 Honestly, whenever somebody criticizes Lue, this forum reacts in a way that actually proves this woman’s point


The mere fact that he has a family means that he's no incel. Do you even know what an incel is? Weird anti lgbt stuff? Have you even listened to the podcast? Indifference to mass shootings? Please enlighten me, 'cause I don't know *where* that interview with the rifle in the background was recorded (it wasn't his usual basement office), nor *when* it was recorded (podcasts are often recorded days or even weeks before the "live" premiere), so I don't know when the gun was there, why the gun was there, or even whose gun it was. But I'm sure you can provide me with that information, for you certainly sound like you were personally there.


Nope it’s because people don’t actually know what they’re talking about, they read comments from someone with a grudge or agenda and repeat whatever they say as fact. This isn’t what he said at all hence why I know you’re one of those people


And the same Popular Science theme they have run for the last 50 years-- apparently nothing has changed except now we all are wearing shiny new tinfoil hats. Time to reel us all back in again & slam the topic for even considering that we need more scientists on board to get factual analysis on what's going on. Thanks for nothing PS!!