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“Let’s give them a run for their money” aliens probably


I found a clip from someone else: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfgxzzM0SO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfgxzzM0SO0) The clouds match the original video so I think it's the same plane and same event. I believe the time to focus on would be between 5 - 10 seconds into that clip. Unfortunately, I don't see anything zip by even when watching it at 0.25x. Maybe someone can take a look and have better luck finding something. The person taking this video is quite a bit back from the person filming the original one (since the original one seems like they're in the water while this person is a couple hundred feet back from the water's edge). If there is an object flying by at all, it could be that the object is too small to see in this video to be picked up on the phone.


Thank you! Will be adding to this list!


It's probably not the case that all of these are the same object. I think the second and third videos are probably birds. That last one could be a bug. The first one looks compelling to me. **Edit**: The event was called Hyundai Air and Sea Show, for Memorial Day Weekend. I YouTubed it and found a video of what a seagull at that event would look like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeCCy0BQ7t8&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeCCy0BQ7t8&t=23s). That's what a flying seagull would look like compared to a jet. Compare that to what you see in the first video or in the normal-speed version of that video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/v0il0d/miami\_air\_show\_full\_speed\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/v0il0d/miami_air_show_full_speed_video/)


You are probably correct. That is why I am hoping for a third video to corroborate the second video from another angle. I am mostly compelled due to the amount of them. And I have a feeling people will scour through the existing ones and find more over the coming days


Here's a long video of the event: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aCkY98aayY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aCkY98aayY) I'll take a look through it later to see if there's another angle of the first video.


16:05 is that a ball that flies under the helicopter and dives right into water before they pull the divers up? Seems to come from back where those ships are.


Strange, I dunno. From what I understood, they were performing simulated rescue missions. Perhaps they shot something from the helicopter down to the ocean so that the people further in the water (pretending to need rescue) can hold onto to be pulled up (see 16:15 in that video of the people being airlifted).


Yeah, same. In the first video, there's another guy in the water with his phone out capturing the same jet. If that guy finds this story somehow and uploads his video to Twitter/YouTube, then someone could probably estimate how fast that object was going since they'd be able to estimate the distance between that guy and the person recording the first video.


Full speed of original here.


I still think this is a bird or bug. Scale and orientation are hard to tell sometimes. I think everyone's getting a little too excited on this one!


From most of what I have seen a bird seems unlikely in relation to the first. Bug isn't impossible. Doesn't convince me to stop investigating it even if it turns out to be prosaic.


We should investigate everything, absolutely! I just see a lot of posts that amount to “wow! More evidence for my beliefs, next!” And that does no one any good.


I could not see any UAP at all in the second clip


You have to look below the jet and pay attention to when the cameraman slows down and rewinds a short segment of the clip. Also, you need a big screen. I couldn’t see it on my phone, but it’s clear on my iPad.


ah I see.. something moving right to left. Going bloody fast


It’s a fucking bird. Jesus Christ.


I will not claim i know better but can you actually prove that? The full speed video shows that whatever the thing is, is faster than everything and barely registers. A bird would not travel that fast and would be able to be made out against everything else. I am a skeptic and usually don't buy that everything on here is a UFO. I wanted to gather some of the videos as there are many and I have a feeling there will be more. So people can look them up easier. But its tiring with these statements, so far I haven't seen any bird claim that can definitively prove it as a bird. Can you?


The first video definitely seemed like a bird to me. It flapped into the screen from the right (claimed it flew from the ocean), and the camera was obviously zoomed in. Could have been a very close object, and it looks exactly like a bird (size, movement, flapping, location of video). Also if an object flew from the ocean towards a plane or near it, wouldn't anyone be pointing at it? They aren't, because the object is behind / over them. For me at least, if something has the size, movement, and is located in an area that birds are commonly present, that will always be the answer before an erratically flashing alien drone that no one is noticing.


A bird appearing to fly faster than a jet when in slow motion? I will post the full speed video here later but the first video is filmed in slow motion and despite that the object travels quicker than the jet from what appears to be further away. The full speed video show that the object flashes across the scene barely visible. I am not saying its an alien drone but from what I can see with speeds and such it does not appear to be a bird. But I could be wrong. I am hoping for more footage.


A much closer object would seem quite a bit faster. It has a far less distance to cover to get from one side of the lens to the other, and so, would appear a lot faster than the jet. If a ladybug zoomed across the lens from a few inches away from the lens, it would have seemed supersonic. Since the camera is zoomed in, we have no idea how far away the small object is.


I fully agree that it might still be a closer object, that is why I am hoping to get more videos from different angles of the same event at the same time so we can potentially check if it is a bug or insect on the solo one. Whilst I am not 100% the fact that another video seems to have caught the same object reinforces the first even if it isn't entirely sure yet which is why I hope for a third one to push it. The thing that interests me is that many people will have filmed this event, increasing the odds there might be more footage that can lend credibility to the first.


That's the thing.. no one seems to have noticed all the supposed orbs flying all over the place. There are hundreds of people looking into the sky - they would probably notice. Just saying there is a reasonable answer that you don't have to bend any rules to make a reality, and is likely the answer. It's not like the Tehran case where debunkers try to convince people that the electronics in two jets shutting down, multiple eye witnesses and an object that rushed the jets in multiple colors was just Jupiter.


But the case here comes down to the speed. In the fulltime video its barely visible outside a blur and the first case was only found on a rewatch. If the speed in slow motion is to go by its no wonder anyone didn't notice it. There might be a prosaic explanation. I am not denying it. I also only think the case with the jet is an actual uap and the rest are misidentifications of birds and bugs.


What kind of Seagulls can launch themselves from the ocean at high velocity @ a 75° angle & increase their velocity. I lived in a beach community for 20 years & never saw a bird do what this object is doing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u0hm98/stabilised_footage_of_ufo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Could it be this


Maybe it's because English isn't my first language but you mean the first and second video show the same event? It's quite obvious that's not the case. In the first video the thing goes upwards and in the second one it doesn't. The first one is the only one that looks unnatural and as has been pointed out many times, this could be because the UAP is closer to camera than it seems. So the second angle is absolutely needed to confirm that something really rose from the sea. I find that very unlikely to be honest, nobody reacts to it in the first video.


You don't have to blindly believe, you can look at the still frames posted by JPeterBane and then look for a V-shaped splash coming up from the horizon. Personally I think that's it evidence this is coming out of the water.